Support for hierarchical designs in smt2 back-end

This commit is contained in:
Clifford Wolf 2016-07-10 18:11:25 +02:00
parent b5a9fba0db
commit 771c5fe000
2 changed files with 144 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ struct Smt2Worker
bool bvmode, memmode, regsmode, wiresmode, verbose;
int idcounter;
std::vector<std::string> decls, trans;
std::vector<std::string> decls, trans, hier;
std::map<RTLIL::SigBit, RTLIL::Cell*> bit_driver;
std::set<RTLIL::Cell*> exported_cells;
std::set<RTLIL::Cell*> exported_cells, hiercells;
pool<Cell*> recursive_cells, registers;
std::map<RTLIL::SigBit, std::pair<int, int>> fcache;
@ -465,6 +465,63 @@ struct Smt2Worker
Module *m = module->design->module(cell->type);
if (m != nullptr)
decls.push_back(stringf("; yosys-smt2-cell %s %s\n", log_id(cell->type), log_id(cell->name)));
string cell_state = stringf("(|%s_h %s| state)", log_id(module), log_id(cell->name));
for (auto &conn : cell->connections())
Wire *w = m->wire(conn.first);
SigSpec sig = sigmap(conn.second);
if (w->port_output && !w->port_input) {
if (GetSize(w) > 1) {
if (bvmode) {
decls.push_back(stringf("(declare-fun |%s#%d| (|%s_s|) (_ BitVec %d)) ; %s\n",
log_id(module), idcounter, log_id(module), GetSize(w), log_signal(sig)));
register_bv(sig, idcounter++);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(w); i++) {
decls.push_back(stringf("(declare-fun |%s#%d| (|%s_s|) Bool) ; %s\n",
log_id(module), idcounter, log_id(module), log_signal(sig[i])));
register_bool(sig[i], idcounter++);
} else {
decls.push_back(stringf("(declare-fun |%s#%d| (|%s_s|) Bool) ; %s\n",
log_id(module), idcounter, log_id(module), log_signal(sig)));
register_bool(sig, idcounter++);
decls.push_back(stringf("(declare-fun |%s_h %s| (|%s_s|) |%s_s|)\n",
log_id(module), log_id(cell->name), log_id(module), log_id(cell->type)));
for (auto &conn : cell->connections())
Wire *w = m->wire(conn.first);
SigSpec sig = sigmap(conn.second);
if (bvmode || GetSize(w) == 1) {
hier.push_back(stringf(" (= %s (|%s_n %s| %s)) ; %s.%s\n", (GetSize(w) > 1 ? get_bv(sig) : get_bool(sig)).c_str(),
log_id(cell->type), log_id(w), cell_state.c_str(), log_id(cell->type), log_id(w)));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(w); i++)
hier.push_back(stringf(" (= %s (|%s_n %s %d| %s)) ; %s.%s[%d]\n", get_bool(sig[i]).c_str(),
log_id(cell->type), log_id(w), i, cell_state.c_str(), log_id(cell->type), log_id(w), i));
log_error("Unsupported cell type %s for cell %s.%s. (Maybe this cell type would be supported in -bv or -mem mode?)\n",
log_id(cell->type), log_id(module), log_id(cell));
@ -532,7 +589,7 @@ struct Smt2Worker
if (verbose) log("=> export logic driving asserts\n");
vector<int> assert_list, assume_list;
vector<string> assert_list, assume_list;
for (auto cell : module->cells())
if (cell->"$assert", "$assume")) {
string name_a = get_bool(cell->getPort("\\A"));
@ -540,9 +597,9 @@ struct Smt2Worker
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s#%d| ((state |%s_s|)) Bool (or %s (not %s))) ; %s\n",
log_id(module), idcounter, log_id(module), name_a.c_str(), name_en.c_str(), log_id(cell)));
if (cell->type == "$assert")
assert_list.push_back(stringf("(|%s#%d| state)", log_id(module), idcounter++));
assume_list.push_back(stringf("(|%s#%d| state)", log_id(module), idcounter++));
for (int iter = 1; !registers.empty(); iter++)
@ -598,20 +655,29 @@ struct Smt2Worker
for (auto c : hiercells)
assert_list.push_back(stringf("(|%s_a| (|%s_h %s| state))", log_id(c->type), log_id(module), log_id(c->name)));
for (auto c : hiercells)
assume_list.push_back(stringf("(|%s_u| (|%s_h %s| state))", log_id(c->type), log_id(module), log_id(c->name)));
for (auto c : hiercells)
init_list.push_back(stringf("(|%s_i| (|%s_h %s| state))", log_id(c->type), log_id(module), log_id(c->name)));
string assert_expr = assert_list.empty() ? "true" : "(and";
if (!assert_list.empty()) {
for (int i : assert_list)
assert_expr += stringf(" (|%s#%d| state)", log_id(module), i);
assert_expr += ")";
for (auto &str : assert_list)
assert_expr += stringf("\n %s", str.c_str());
assert_expr += "\n)";
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s_a| ((state |%s_s|)) Bool %s)\n",
log_id(module), log_id(module), assert_expr.c_str()));
string assume_expr = assume_list.empty() ? "true" : "(and";
if (!assume_list.empty()) {
for (int i : assume_list)
assume_expr += stringf(" (|%s#%d| state)", log_id(module), i);
assume_expr += ")";
for (auto &str : assume_list)
assume_expr += stringf("\n %s", str.c_str());
assume_expr += "\n)";
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s_u| ((state |%s_s|)) Bool %s)\n",
log_id(module), log_id(module), assume_expr.c_str()));
@ -619,7 +685,7 @@ struct Smt2Worker
string init_expr = init_list.empty() ? "true" : "(and";
if (!init_list.empty()) {
for (auto &str : init_list)
init_expr += stringf("\n\t%s", str.c_str());
init_expr += stringf("\n %s", str.c_str());
init_expr += "\n)";
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s_i| ((state |%s_s|)) Bool %s)\n",
@ -628,10 +694,23 @@ struct Smt2Worker
void write(std::ostream &f)
f << stringf("; yosys-smt2-module %s\n", log_id(module));
for (auto it : decls)
f << it;
f << stringf("; yosys-smt2-module %s\n", log_id(module));
f << stringf("(define-fun |%s_h| ((state |%s_s|)) Bool ", log_id(module), log_id(module));
if (GetSize(hier) > 1) {
f << "(and\n";
for (auto it : hier)
f << it;
f << "))\n";
} else
if (GetSize(hier) == 1)
f << "\n" + hier.front() + ")\n";
f << "true)\n";
f << stringf("(define-fun |%s_t| ((state |%s_s|) (next_state |%s_s|)) Bool ", log_id(module), log_id(module), log_id(module));
if (GetSize(trans) > 1) {
f << "(and\n";
@ -661,10 +740,10 @@ struct Smt2Backend : public Backend {
log("The '<mod>_s' sort represents a module state. Additional '<mod>_n' functions\n");
log("are provided that can be used to access the values of the signals in the module.\n");
log("Only ports, and signals with the 'keep' attribute set are made available via\n");
log("such functions. Without the -bv option, multi-bit wires are exported as\n");
log("separate functions of type Bool for the individual bits. With the -bv option\n");
log("multi-bit wires are exported as single functions of type BitVec.\n");
log("By default only ports, and signals with the 'keep' attribute set are made\n");
log("available via such functions. Without the -bv option, multi-bit wires are\n");
log("exported as separate functions of type Bool for the individual bits. With the\n");
log("-bv option multi-bit wires are exported as single functions of type BitVec.\n");
log("The '<mod>_t' function evaluates to 'true' when the given pair of states\n");
log("describes a valid state transition.\n");
@ -678,6 +757,10 @@ struct Smt2Backend : public Backend {
log("The '<mod>_i' function evaluates to 'true' when the given state conforms\n");
log("to the initial state.\n");
log("For hierarchical designs, the '<mod>_h' function must be asserted for each\n");
log("state to establish the design hierarchy. The '<mod>_h <cellname>' function\n");
log("evaluates to the state corresponding to the given cell within <mod>.\n");
log(" -verbose\n");
log(" this will print the recursive walk used to export the modules.\n");
@ -808,7 +891,36 @@ struct Smt2Backend : public Backend {
*f << stringf("; SMT-LIBv2 description generated by %s\n", yosys_version_str);
for (auto module : design->modules())
std::vector<RTLIL::Module*> sorted_modules;
// extract module dependencies
std::map<RTLIL::Module*, std::set<RTLIL::Module*>> module_deps;
for (auto &mod_it : design->modules_) {
module_deps[mod_it.second] = std::set<RTLIL::Module*>();
for (auto &cell_it : mod_it.second->cells_)
if (design->modules_.count(cell_it.second->type) > 0)
// simple good-enough topological sort
// (O(n*m) on n elements and depth m)
while (module_deps.size() > 0) {
size_t sorted_modules_idx = sorted_modules.size();
for (auto &it : module_deps) {
for (auto &dep : it.second)
if (module_deps.count(dep) > 0)
goto not_ready_yet;
// log("Next in topological sort: %s\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(it.first->name));
if (sorted_modules_idx == sorted_modules.size())
log_error("Cyclic dependency between modules found! Cycle includes module %s.\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(module_deps.begin()->first->name));
while (sorted_modules_idx < sorted_modules.size())
for (auto module : sorted_modules)
if (module->get_bool_attribute("\\blackbox") || module->has_memories_warn() || module->has_processes_warn())

View file

@ -95,32 +95,37 @@ smt = smtio(opts=so)
print("%s Solver: %s" % (smt.timestamp(), so.solver))
debug_nets = set()
debug_nets = dict()
debug_nets_re = re.compile(r"^; yosys-smt2-(input|output|register|wire) (\S+) (\d+)")
current_module = None
with open(args[0], "r") as f:
for line in f:
match = debug_nets_re.match(line)
if match:
if line.startswith("; yosys-smt2-module") and topmod is None:
topmod = line.split()[2]
if line.startswith("; yosys-smt2-module"):
current_module = line.split()[2]
debug_nets[current_module] = set()
if topmod is None:
topmod = current_module
assert topmod is not None
assert topmod in debug_nets
def write_vcd_model(steps):
print("%s Writing model to VCD file." % smt.timestamp())
vcd = mkvcd(open(vcdfile, "w"))
for netname in sorted(debug_nets):
for netname in sorted(debug_nets[topmod]):
width = len(smt.get_net_bin(topmod, netname, "s0"))
vcd.add_net(netname, width)
for i in range(steps):
for netname in debug_nets:
for netname in debug_nets[topmod]:
vcd.set_net(netname, smt.get_net_bin(topmod, netname, "s%d" % i))
@ -132,6 +137,7 @@ if tempind:
for step in range(num_steps, -1, -1):
smt.write("(declare-fun s%d () %s_s)" % (step, topmod))
smt.write("(assert (%s_u s%d))" % (topmod, step))
smt.write("(assert (%s_h s%d))" % (topmod, step))
if step == num_steps:
smt.write("(assert (not (%s_a s%d)))" % (topmod, step))
@ -170,6 +176,7 @@ else: # not tempind
while step < num_steps:
smt.write("(declare-fun s%d () %s_s)" % (step, topmod))
smt.write("(assert (%s_u s%d))" % (topmod, step))
smt.write("(assert (%s_h s%d))" % (topmod, step))
if step == 0:
smt.write("(assert (%s_i s0))" % (topmod))
@ -191,6 +198,7 @@ else: # not tempind
if step+i < num_steps:
smt.write("(declare-fun s%d () %s_s)" % (step+i, topmod))
smt.write("(assert (%s_u s%d))" % (topmod, step+i))
smt.write("(assert (%s_h s%d))" % (topmod, step+i))
smt.write("(assert (%s_t s%d s%d))" % (topmod, step+i-1, step+i))
last_check_step = step+i