- libs/minisat/System.cc: fix definition/declaration mismatch for Minisat::memUsedPeak() and mark unused parameters as unused to fix compiler error+warning. (minisat bug tracker issues #1, #9, #10.)

This commit is contained in:
Siesh1oo 2014-03-12 14:12:52 +01:00
parent e308091529
commit 948d04c06c

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@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ double Minisat::memUsed() {
struct rusage ru;
getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru);
return (double)ru.ru_maxrss / 1024; }
double Minisat::memUsedPeak() { return memUsed(); }
double Minisat::memUsedPeak(bool strictlyPeak) { (void) strictlyPeak; return memUsed(); }
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
@ -89,11 +89,11 @@ double Minisat::memUsed() {
malloc_statistics_t t;
malloc_zone_statistics(NULL, &t);
return (double)t.max_size_in_use / (1024*1024); }
double Minisat::memUsedPeak() { return memUsed(); }
double Minisat::memUsedPeak(bool strictlyPeak) { (void) strictlyPeak; return memUsed(); }
double Minisat::memUsed() { return 0; }
double Minisat::memUsedPeak() { return 0; }
double Minisat::memUsedPeak(bool strictlyPeak) { (void) strictlyPeak; return 0; }