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This commit is contained in:
Clifford Wolf 2014-01-28 20:28:22 +01:00
parent 2cb47355d4
commit 961b791272
2 changed files with 237 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -29,10 +29,24 @@
\only<2>{Physical Layout}%
\only<4>{Hardware Description Languages (HDLs)}}
Graphical representation of the circtuit topology. Circuit elements
are represented by symbols and electrical connections by lines. The gometric
layout is for readability only.
The actual physical geometry of the device (PCB or ASIC manufracturing masks).
This is the final product of the design process.
A list of circuit elements and a list of connections. This is the raw circuit
Computer languages (like programming languages) that can be used to describe
circuits. HDLs are much more powerful in describing huge circuits than
schematic diagrams.
@ -93,5 +107,214 @@
\subsection{Digital Circuit Synthesis}
Synthesis Tools (such as Yosys) can transform HDL code to circuits:
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.8, every node/.style={transform shape}]
\tikzstyle{lvl} = [draw, fill=MyBlue, rectangle, minimum height=2em, minimum width=15em]
\node[lvl] (sys) {System Level};
\node[lvl] (hl) [below of=sys] {High Level};
\node[lvl] (beh) [below of=hl] {Behavioral Level};
\node[lvl] (rtl) [below of=beh] {Register-Transfer Level (RTL)};
\node[lvl] (lg) [below of=rtl] {Logical Gate Level};
\node[lvl] (pg) [below of=lg] {Physical Gate Level};
\node[lvl] (sw) [below of=pg] {Switch Level};
\draw[dotted] (sys.east) -- ++(1,0) coordinate (sysx);
\draw[dotted] (hl.east) -- ++(1,0) coordinate (hlx);
\draw[dotted] (beh.east) -- ++(1,0) coordinate (behx);
\draw[dotted] (rtl.east) -- ++(1,0) coordinate (rtlx);
\draw[dotted] (lg.east) -- ++(1,0) coordinate (lgx);
\draw[dotted] (pg.east) -- ++(1,0) coordinate (pgx);
\draw[dotted] (sw.east) -- ++(1,0) coordinate (swx);
\draw[gray,|->] (sysx) -- node[right] {System Design} (hlx);
\draw[|->|] (hlx) -- node[right] {High Level Synthesis (HLS)} (behx);
\draw[->|] (behx) -- node[right] {Behavioral Synthesis} (rtlx);
\draw[->|] (rtlx) -- node[right] {RTL Synthesis} (lgx);
\draw[->|] (lgx) -- node[right] {Logic Synthesis} (pgx);
\draw[gray,->|] (pgx) -- node[right] {Cell Library} (swx);
\draw[dotted] (behx) -- ++(4,0) coordinate (a);
\draw[dotted] (pgx) -- ++(4,0) coordinate (b);
\draw[|->|] (a) -- node[right] {Yosys} (b);
\subsection{What Yosys can and can't do}
Things Yosys can do:
\item Read and process (most of) modern Verilog-2005 code.
\item Perform all kinds of operations on netlist (RTL, Logic, Gate).
\item Perform logic optimiziations and gate mapping with ABC\footnote{\url{}}.
Things Yosys can't do:
\item Process high-level languages such as C/C++/SystemC.
\item Create physical layouts (place\&route).
A typical flow combines Yosys with with a low-level implementation tool, such
as Qflow\footnote{\url{}} for ASIC designs.
\subsection{Yosys Data- and Control-Flow}
A (usually short) synthesis script controlls Yosys.
This scripts contain three types of commands:
\item {\bf Frontends}, that read input files (usually Verilog).
\item {\bf Passes}, that perform transformation on the design in memory.
\item {\bf Backends}, that write the design in memory to a file (various formats are available, e.g. Verilog, BLIF, EDIF, SPICE, BTOR, etc.).
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.6, every node/.style={transform shape}]
\path (-1.5,3) coordinate (cursor);
\draw[-latex] ($ (cursor) + (0,-1.5) $) -- ++(1,0);
\draw[fill=orange!10] ($ (cursor) + (1,-3) $) rectangle node[rotate=90] {Frontend} ++(1,3) coordinate (cursor);
\draw[-latex] ($ (cursor) + (0,-1.5) $) -- ++(1,0);
\draw[fill=green!10] ($ (cursor) + (1,-3) $) rectangle node[rotate=90] {Pass} ++(1,3) coordinate (cursor);
\draw[-latex] ($ (cursor) + (0,-1.5) $) -- ++(1,0);
\draw[fill=green!10] ($ (cursor) + (1,-3) $) rectangle node[rotate=90] {Pass} ++(1,3) coordinate (cursor);
\draw[-latex] ($ (cursor) + (0,-1.5) $) -- ++(1,0);
\draw[fill=green!10] ($ (cursor) + (1,-3) $) rectangle node[rotate=90] {Pass} ++(1,3) coordinate (cursor);
\draw[-latex] ($ (cursor) + (0,-1.5) $) -- ++(1,0);
\draw[fill=orange!10] ($ (cursor) + (1,-3) $) rectangle node[rotate=90] {Backend} ++(1,3) coordinate (cursor);
\draw[-latex] ($ (cursor) + (0,-1.5) $) -- ++(1,0);
\path (-3,-0.5) coordinate (cursor);
\draw (cursor) -- node[below] {HDL} ++(3,0) coordinate (cursor);
\draw[|-|] (cursor) -- node[below] {Internal Format (RTLIL)} ++(8,0) coordinate (cursor);
\draw (cursor) -- node[below] {Netlist} ++(3,0);
\path (-3,3.5) coordinate (cursor);
\draw[-] (cursor) -- node[above] {High-Level} ++(3,0) coordinate (cursor);
\draw[-] (cursor) -- ++(8,0) coordinate (cursor);
\draw[->] (cursor) -- node[above] {Low-Level} ++(3,0);
\subsection{Example Synthesis Script}
\setbeamercolor{alerted text}{fg=white,bg=red}
\# read design\\
\boxalert<1>{read\_verilog mydesign.v}\\
\boxalert<2>{hierarchy -check -top mytop}
\# the high-level stuff\\
\boxalert<3>{proc}; \boxalert<4>{opt}; \boxalert<5>{memory}; \boxalert<6>{opt}; \boxalert<7>{fsm}; \boxalert<8>{opt}
\# mapping to internal cell library\\
\boxalert<9>{techmap}; \boxalert<10>{opt}
\it continued\dots
\# mapping flip-flops to mycells.lib\\
\boxalert<11>{dfflibmap -liberty mycells.lib}
\# mapping logic to mycells.lib\\
\boxalert<12>{abc -liberty mycells.lib}
\# cleanup\\
\# write synthesized design\\
\boxalert<14>{write\_verilog synth.v}
\begin{block}{Command: \tt
\only<1>{read\_verilog mydesign.v}%
\only<2>{hierarchy -check -top mytop}%
\only<11>{dfflibmap -liberty mycells.lib}%
\only<12>{abc -liberty mycells.lib}%
\only<14>{write\_verilog synth.v}}

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@ -50,6 +50,14 @@
{\usebeamertemplate{alerted text begin}\usebeamercolor[fg]{alerted text}\usebeamerfont{alerted text}\setlength{\fboxsep}{1pt}\colorbox{bg}}
{\usebeamertemplate{alerted text end}}{\color{.}}{}}{\end{altenv}}
\title{Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite}
\author{Clifford Wolf}
@ -59,6 +67,8 @@