Replaced std::unordered_map as implementation for Yosys::dict

This commit is contained in:
Clifford Wolf 2014-12-26 21:35:22 +01:00
parent e52d1f9b9a
commit 9e6fb0b02c
12 changed files with 318 additions and 103 deletions

View file

@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_sigspec(std::ostream &f, const RTLIL::SigSpec &sig, boo
dump_sigchunk(f, sig.as_chunk(), autoint);
} else {
f << stringf("{ ");
for (auto it = sig.chunks().rbegin(); it != sig.chunks().rend(); it++) {
for (auto it = sig.chunks().rbegin(); it != sig.chunks().rend(); ++it) {
dump_sigchunk(f, *it, false);
f << stringf(" ");
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_wire(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::
std::map<RTLIL::IdString, RTLIL::Const, RTLIL::sort_by_id_str> sorted_attributes(wire->attributes.begin(), wire->attributes.end());
for (auto it = sorted_attributes.begin(); it != sorted_attributes.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = sorted_attributes.begin(); it != sorted_attributes.end(); ++it) {
f << stringf("%s" "attribute %s ", indent.c_str(), it->first.c_str());
dump_const(f, it->second);
f << stringf("\n");
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_memory(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL
std::map<RTLIL::IdString, RTLIL::Const, RTLIL::sort_by_id_str> sorted_attributes(memory->attributes.begin(), memory->attributes.end());
for (auto it = sorted_attributes.begin(); it != sorted_attributes.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = sorted_attributes.begin(); it != sorted_attributes.end(); ++it) {
f << stringf("%s" "attribute %s ", indent.c_str(), it->first.c_str());
dump_const(f, it->second);
f << stringf("\n");
@ -159,18 +159,18 @@ void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_cell(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::
std::map<RTLIL::IdString, RTLIL::Const, RTLIL::sort_by_id_str> sorted_parameters(cell->parameters.begin(), cell->parameters.end());
std::map<RTLIL::IdString, RTLIL::SigSpec, RTLIL::sort_by_id_str> sorted_connections(cell->connections().begin(), cell->connections().end());
for (auto it = sorted_attributes.begin(); it != sorted_attributes.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = sorted_attributes.begin(); it != sorted_attributes.end(); ++it) {
f << stringf("%s" "attribute %s ", indent.c_str(), it->first.c_str());
dump_const(f, it->second);
f << stringf("\n");
f << stringf("%s" "cell %s %s\n", indent.c_str(), cell->type.c_str(), cell->name.c_str());
for (auto it = sorted_parameters.begin(); it != sorted_parameters.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = sorted_parameters.begin(); it != sorted_parameters.end(); ++it) {
f << stringf("%s parameter%s %s ", indent.c_str(), (it->second.flags & RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_SIGNED) != 0 ? " signed" : "", it->first.c_str());
dump_const(f, it->second);
f << stringf("\n");
for (auto it = sorted_connections.begin(); it != sorted_connections.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = sorted_connections.begin(); it != sorted_connections.end(); ++it) {
f << stringf("%s connect %s ", indent.c_str(), it->first.c_str());
dump_sigspec(f, it->second);
f << stringf("\n");
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_cell(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::
void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_proc_case_body(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::CaseRule *cs)
for (auto it = cs->actions.begin(); it != cs->actions.end(); it++)
for (auto it = cs->actions.begin(); it != cs->actions.end(); ++it)
f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
dump_sigspec(f, it->first);
@ -189,13 +189,13 @@ void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_proc_case_body(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, con
f << stringf("\n");
for (auto it = cs->switches.begin(); it != cs->switches.end(); it++)
for (auto it = cs->switches.begin(); it != cs->switches.end(); ++it)
dump_proc_switch(f, indent, *it);
void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_proc_switch(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::SwitchRule *sw)
for (auto it = sw->attributes.begin(); it != sw->attributes.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = sw->attributes.begin(); it != sw->attributes.end(); ++it) {
f << stringf("%s" "attribute %s ", indent.c_str(), it->first.c_str());
dump_const(f, it->second);
f << stringf("\n");
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_proc_switch(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const
dump_sigspec(f, sw->signal);
f << stringf("\n");
for (auto it = sw->cases.begin(); it != sw->cases.end(); it++)
for (auto it = sw->cases.begin(); it != sw->cases.end(); ++it)
f << stringf("%s case ", indent.c_str());
for (size_t i = 0; i < (*it)->compare.size(); i++) {
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_proc_sync(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RT
case RTLIL::STi: f << stringf("init\n"); break;
for (auto it = sy->actions.begin(); it != sy->actions.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = sy->actions.begin(); it != sy->actions.end(); ++it) {
f << stringf("%s update ", indent.c_str());
dump_sigspec(f, it->first);
f << stringf(" ");
@ -248,14 +248,14 @@ void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_proc_sync(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RT
void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_proc(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Process *proc)
for (auto it = proc->attributes.begin(); it != proc->attributes.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = proc->attributes.begin(); it != proc->attributes.end(); ++it) {
f << stringf("%s" "attribute %s ", indent.c_str(), it->first.c_str());
dump_const(f, it->second);
f << stringf("\n");
f << stringf("%s" "process %s\n", indent.c_str(), proc->name.c_str());
dump_proc_case_body(f, indent + " ", &proc->root_case);
for (auto it = proc->syncs.begin(); it != proc->syncs.end(); it++)
for (auto it = proc->syncs.begin(); it != proc->syncs.end(); ++it)
dump_proc_sync(f, indent + " ", *it);
f << stringf("%s" "end\n", indent.c_str());
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_module(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Modu
if (print_header)
for (auto it = module->attributes.begin(); it != module->attributes.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = module->attributes.begin(); it != module->attributes.end(); ++it) {
f << stringf("%s" "attribute %s ", indent.c_str(), it->first.c_str());
dump_const(f, it->second);
f << stringf("\n");
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_module(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Modu
bool first_conn_line = true;
for (auto it = module->connections().begin(); it != module->connections().end(); it++) {
for (auto it = module->connections().begin(); it != module->connections().end(); ++it) {
bool show_conn = !only_selected;
if (only_selected) {
RTLIL::SigSpec sigs = it->first;
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_design(std::ostream &f, RTLIL::Design *design, bool onl
if (!flag_m) {
int count_selected_mods = 0;
for (auto it = design->modules_.begin(); it != design->modules_.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = design->modules_.begin(); it != design->modules_.end(); ++it) {
if (design->selected_whole_module(it->first))
flag_m = true;
if (design->selected(it->second))
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_design(std::ostream &f, RTLIL::Design *design, bool onl
f << stringf("autoidx %d\n", autoidx);
for (auto it = design->modules_.begin(); it != design->modules_.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = design->modules_.begin(); it != design->modules_.end(); ++it) {
if (!only_selected || design->selected(it->second)) {
if (only_selected)
f << stringf("\n");

View file

@ -74,22 +74,22 @@ void reset_auto_counter(RTLIL::Module *module)
reset_auto_counter_id(module->name, false);
for (auto it = module->wires_.begin(); it != module->wires_.end(); it++)
for (auto it = module->wires_.begin(); it != module->wires_.end(); ++it)
reset_auto_counter_id(it->second->name, true);
for (auto it = module->cells_.begin(); it != module->cells_.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = module->cells_.begin(); it != module->cells_.end(); ++it) {
reset_auto_counter_id(it->second->name, true);
reset_auto_counter_id(it->second->type, false);
for (auto it = module->processes.begin(); it != module->processes.end(); it++)
for (auto it = module->processes.begin(); it != module->processes.end(); ++it)
reset_auto_counter_id(it->second->name, false);
auto_name_digits = 1;
for (size_t i = 10; i < auto_name_offset + auto_name_map.size(); i = i*10)
for (auto it = auto_name_map.begin(); it != auto_name_map.end(); it++)
for (auto it = auto_name_map.begin(); it != auto_name_map.end(); ++it)
log(" renaming `%s' to `_%0*d_'.\n", it->first.c_str(), auto_name_digits, auto_name_offset + it->second);
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ void dump_sigspec(std::ostream &f, const RTLIL::SigSpec &sig)
dump_sigchunk(f, sig.as_chunk());
} else {
f << stringf("{ ");
for (auto it = sig.chunks().rbegin(); it != sig.chunks().rend(); it++) {
for (auto it = sig.chunks().rbegin(); it != sig.chunks().rend(); ++it) {
if (it != sig.chunks().rbegin())
f << stringf(", ");
dump_sigchunk(f, *it, true);
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ void dump_attributes(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, dict<RTLIL::IdString,
if (noattr)
for (auto it = attributes.begin(); it != attributes.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = attributes.begin(); it != attributes.end(); ++it) {
f << stringf("%s" "%s %s", indent.c_str(), attr2comment ? "/*" : "(*", id(it->first).c_str());
f << stringf(" = ");
dump_const(f, it->second);
@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ void dump_cell(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Cell *cell)
if (cell->parameters.size() > 0) {
f << stringf(" #(");
for (auto it = cell->parameters.begin(); it != cell->parameters.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = cell->parameters.begin(); it != cell->parameters.end(); ++it) {
if (it != cell->parameters.begin())
f << stringf(",");
f << stringf("\n%s .%s(", indent.c_str(), id(it->first).c_str());
@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ void dump_cell(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Cell *cell)
for (int i = 1; true; i++) {
char str[16];
snprintf(str, 16, "$%d", i);
for (auto it = cell->connections().begin(); it != cell->connections().end(); it++) {
for (auto it = cell->connections().begin(); it != cell->connections().end(); ++it) {
if (it->first != str)
if (!first_arg)
@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ void dump_cell(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Cell *cell)
for (auto it = cell->connections().begin(); it != cell->connections().end(); it++) {
for (auto it = cell->connections().begin(); it != cell->connections().end(); ++it) {
if (numbered_ports.count(it->first))
if (!first_arg)
@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ void dump_case_body(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::CaseRule *cs, bo
if (!omit_trailing_begin && number_of_stmts >= 2)
f << stringf("%s" "begin\n", indent.c_str());
for (auto it = cs->actions.begin(); it != cs->actions.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = cs->actions.begin(); it != cs->actions.end(); ++it) {
if (it->first.size() == 0)
f << stringf("%s ", indent.c_str());
@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ void dump_case_body(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::CaseRule *cs, bo
f << stringf(";\n");
for (auto it = cs->switches.begin(); it != cs->switches.end(); it++)
for (auto it = cs->switches.begin(); it != cs->switches.end(); ++it)
dump_proc_switch(f, indent + " ", *it);
if (!omit_trailing_begin && number_of_stmts == 0)
@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ void dump_proc_switch(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::SwitchRule *sw
if (sw->signal.size() == 0) {
f << stringf("%s" "begin\n", indent.c_str());
for (auto it = sw->cases.begin(); it != sw->cases.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = sw->cases.begin(); it != sw->cases.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it)->compare.size() == 0)
dump_case_body(f, indent + " ", *it);
@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ void dump_proc_switch(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::SwitchRule *sw
dump_sigspec(f, sw->signal);
f << stringf(")\n");
for (auto it = sw->cases.begin(); it != sw->cases.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = sw->cases.begin(); it != sw->cases.end(); ++it) {
f << stringf("%s ", indent.c_str());
if ((*it)->compare.size() == 0)
f << stringf("default");
@ -868,11 +868,11 @@ void dump_proc_switch(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::SwitchRule *sw
void case_body_find_regs(RTLIL::CaseRule *cs)
for (auto it = cs->switches.begin(); it != cs->switches.end(); it++)
for (auto it = cs->switches.begin(); it != cs->switches.end(); ++it)
for (auto it2 = (*it)->cases.begin(); it2 != (*it)->cases.end(); it2++)
for (auto it = cs->actions.begin(); it != cs->actions.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = cs->actions.begin(); it != cs->actions.end(); ++it) {
for (auto &c : it->first.chunks())
if (c.wire != NULL)
@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ void dump_process(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Process *proc, boo
if (find_regs) {
for (auto it = proc->syncs.begin(); it != proc->syncs.end(); it++)
for (auto it = proc->syncs.begin(); it != proc->syncs.end(); ++it)
for (auto it2 = (*it)->actions.begin(); it2 != (*it)->actions.end(); it2++) {
for (auto &c : it2->first.chunks())
if (c.wire != NULL)
@ -937,7 +937,7 @@ void dump_process(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Process *proc, boo
for (auto it = sync->actions.begin(); it != sync->actions.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = sync->actions.begin(); it != sync->actions.end(); ++it) {
if (it->first.size() == 0)
f << stringf("%s ", indent.c_str());
@ -958,7 +958,7 @@ void dump_module(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Module *module)
active_module = module;
f << stringf("\n");
for (auto it = module->processes.begin(); it != module->processes.end(); it++)
for (auto it = module->processes.begin(); it != module->processes.end(); ++it)
dump_process(f, indent + " ", it->second, true);
if (!noexpr)
@ -996,7 +996,7 @@ void dump_module(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Module *module)
bool keep_running = true;
for (int port_id = 1; keep_running; port_id++) {
keep_running = false;
for (auto it = module->wires_.begin(); it != module->wires_.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = module->wires_.begin(); it != module->wires_.end(); ++it) {
RTLIL::Wire *wire = it->second;
if (wire->port_id == port_id) {
if (port_id != 1)
@ -1009,19 +1009,19 @@ void dump_module(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Module *module)
f << stringf(");\n");
for (auto it = module->wires_.begin(); it != module->wires_.end(); it++)
for (auto it = module->wires_.begin(); it != module->wires_.end(); ++it)
dump_wire(f, indent + " ", it->second);
for (auto it = module->memories.begin(); it != module->memories.end(); it++)
for (auto it = module->memories.begin(); it != module->memories.end(); ++it)
dump_memory(f, indent + " ", it->second);
for (auto it = module->cells_.begin(); it != module->cells_.end(); it++)
for (auto it = module->cells_.begin(); it != module->cells_.end(); ++it)
dump_cell(f, indent + " ", it->second);
for (auto it = module->processes.begin(); it != module->processes.end(); it++)
for (auto it = module->processes.begin(); it != module->processes.end(); ++it)
dump_process(f, indent + " ", it->second);
for (auto it = module->connections().begin(); it != module->connections().end(); it++)
for (auto it = module->connections().begin(); it != module->connections().end(); ++it)
dump_conn(f, indent + " ", it->first, it->second);
f << stringf("%s" "endmodule\n", indent.c_str());
@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@ struct VerilogBackend : public Backend {
extra_args(f, filename, args, argidx);
*f << stringf("/* Generated by %s */\n", yosys_version_str);
for (auto it = design->modules_.begin(); it != design->modules_.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = design->modules_.begin(); it != design->modules_.end(); ++it) {
if (it->second->get_bool_attribute("\\blackbox") != blackboxes)
if (selected && !design->selected_whole_module(it->first)) {

View file

@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
int get_cell_cost(RTLIL::Cell *cell, dict<RTLIL::Module*, int> *mod_cost_cache = nullptr);
int get_cell_cost(RTLIL::Cell *cell, dict<RTLIL::IdString, int> *mod_cost_cache = nullptr);
int get_cell_cost(RTLIL::IdString type, const dict<RTLIL::IdString, RTLIL::Const> &parameters = dict<RTLIL::IdString, RTLIL::Const>(),
RTLIL::Design *design = nullptr, dict<RTLIL::Module*, int> *mod_cost_cache = nullptr)
RTLIL::Design *design = nullptr, dict<RTLIL::IdString, int> *mod_cost_cache = nullptr)
static dict<RTLIL::IdString, int> gate_cost = {
{ "$_BUF_", 1 },
@ -55,18 +55,18 @@ int get_cell_cost(RTLIL::IdString type, const dict<RTLIL::IdString, RTLIL::Const
if (mod->attributes.count("\\cost"))
return mod->"\\cost").as_int();
dict<RTLIL::Module*, int> local_mod_cost_cache;
dict<RTLIL::IdString, int> local_mod_cost_cache;
if (mod_cost_cache == nullptr)
mod_cost_cache = &local_mod_cost_cache;
if (mod_cost_cache->count(mod))
return mod_cost_cache->at(mod);
if (mod_cost_cache->count(mod->name))
return mod_cost_cache->at(mod->name);
int module_cost = 1;
for (auto c : mod->cells())
module_cost += get_cell_cost(c, mod_cost_cache);
(*mod_cost_cache)[mod] = module_cost;
(*mod_cost_cache)[mod->name] = module_cost;
return module_cost;
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ int get_cell_cost(RTLIL::IdString type, const dict<RTLIL::IdString, RTLIL::Const
return 1;
int get_cell_cost(RTLIL::Cell *cell, dict<RTLIL::Module*, int> *mod_cost_cache)
int get_cell_cost(RTLIL::Cell *cell, dict<RTLIL::IdString, int> *mod_cost_cache)
return get_cell_cost(cell->type, cell->parameters, cell->module->design, mod_cost_cache);

View file

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
@ -27,28 +28,28 @@ inline unsigned int mkhash(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) {
template<typename T> struct hash_ops {
bool cmp(const T &a, const T &b) {
bool cmp(const T &a, const T &b) const {
return a == b;
unsigned int hash(const T &a) {
unsigned int hash(const T &a) const {
return a.hash();
template<> struct hash_ops<int> {
bool cmp(int a, int b) {
bool cmp(int a, int b) const {
return a == b;
unsigned int hash(int a) {
unsigned int hash(int a) const {
return a;
template<> struct hash_ops<std::string> {
bool cmp(const std::string &a, const std::string &b) {
bool cmp(const std::string &a, const std::string &b) const {
return a == b;
unsigned int hash(const std::string &a) {
unsigned int hash(const std::string &a) const {
unsigned int v = 0;
for (auto c : a)
v = mkhash(v, c);
@ -56,14 +57,25 @@ template<> struct hash_ops<std::string> {
struct hash_ptr_ops {
bool cmp(const void *a, const void *b) const {
return a == b;
unsigned int hash(const void *a) const {
return (unsigned long)a;
template<typename K, typename T, typename OPS = hash_ops<K>>
class new_dict
class dict
struct entry_t
int link;
std::pair<K, T> udata;
entry_t() : link(-1) { }
entry_t(const std::pair<K, T> &udata) : link(1), udata(udata) { }
bool is_free() const { return link < 0; }
int get_next() const { return (link > 0 ? link : -link) - 2; }
@ -79,17 +91,61 @@ class new_dict
void init()
free_list = -1;
counter = 0;
void init_from(const dict<K, T, OPS> &other)
counter = other.size();
int new_size = grow_size(counter);
for (auto &it : other)
int mkhash(const K &key)
size_t grow_size(size_t old_size)
return ops.hash(key) % int(hashtable.size());
if (old_size < 53) return 53;
if (old_size < 113) return 113;
if (old_size < 251) return 251;
if (old_size < 503) return 503;
if (old_size < 1130) return 1130;
if (old_size < 2510) return 2510;
if (old_size < 5030) return 5030;
if (old_size < 11300) return 11300;
if (old_size < 25100) return 25100;
if (old_size < 50300) return 50300;
if (old_size < 113000) return 113000;
if (old_size < 251000) return 251000;
if (old_size < 503000) return 503000;
if (old_size < 1130000) return 1130000;
if (old_size < 2510000) return 2510000;
if (old_size < 5030000) return 5030000;
if (old_size < 11300000) return 11300000;
if (old_size < 25100000) return 25100000;
if (old_size < 50300000) return 50300000;
if (old_size < 113000000) return 113000000;
if (old_size < 251000000) return 251000000;
if (old_size < 503000000) return 503000000;
if (old_size < 1130000000) return 1130000000;
throw std::length_error("maximum size for dict reached");
int mkhash(const K &key) const
unsigned int hash = 0;
if (!hashtable.empty())
hash = ops.hash(key) % (unsigned int)(hashtable.size());
return hash;
void rehash()
free_list = -1;
@ -112,7 +168,7 @@ public:
void do_erase(const K &key, int hash)
int last_index = -1;
int index = hashtable[hash];
int index = hashtable.empty() ? -1 : hashtable[hash];
while (1) {
if (index < 0)
@ -124,7 +180,8 @@ public:
entries[index].udata = std::pair<K, T>();
free_list = index;
if (--counter == 0)
last_index = index;
@ -132,9 +189,9 @@ public:
int lookup_index(const K &key, int hash)
int lookup_index(const K &key, int hash) const
int index = hashtable[hash];
int index = hashtable.empty() ? -1 : hashtable[hash];
while (1) {
if (index < 0)
return -1;
@ -149,7 +206,7 @@ public:
if (free_list < 0)
int i = entries.size();
entries[i].udata = value;
@ -169,24 +226,74 @@ public:
class iterator
new_dict<K, T, OPS> *ptr;
dict<K, T, OPS> *ptr;
int index;
iterator(new_dict<K, T, OPS> *ptr, int index) : ptr(ptr), index(index) { }
iterator() { }
iterator(dict<K, T, OPS> *ptr, int index) : ptr(ptr), index(index) { }
iterator operator++() { do index++; while (index != int(ptr->entries.size()) && ptr->entries[index].is_free()); return *this; }
iterator operator--() { do index--; while (index != 0 && ptr->entries[index].is_free()); return *this; }
bool operator==(const iterator &other) const { return index == other.index; }
bool operator!=(const iterator &other) const { return index != other.index; }
std::pair<K, T> &operator*() { return ptr->entries[index].udata; }
std::pair<K, T> *operator->() { return &ptr->entries[index].udata; }
const std::pair<K, T> &operator*() const { return ptr->entries[index].udata; }
const std::pair<K, T> *operator->() const { return &ptr->entries[index].udata; }
class const_iterator
const dict<K, T, OPS> *ptr;
int index;
const_iterator() { }
const_iterator(const dict<K, T, OPS> *ptr, int index) : ptr(ptr), index(index) { }
const_iterator operator++() { do index++; while (index != int(ptr->entries.size()) && ptr->entries[index].is_free()); return *this; }
const_iterator operator--() { do index--; while (index != 0 && ptr->entries[index].is_free()); return *this; }
bool operator==(const const_iterator &other) const { return index == other.index; }
bool operator!=(const const_iterator &other) const { return index != other.index; }
const std::pair<K, T> &operator*() const { return ptr->entries[index].udata; }
const std::pair<K, T> *operator->() const { return &ptr->entries[index].udata; }
dict(const dict<K, T, OPS> &other)
dict(dict<K, T, OPS> &&other)
free_list = -1;
counter = 0;
dict<K, T, OPS> &operator=(const dict<K, T, OPS> &other) {
return *this;
dict<K, T, OPS> &operator=(dict<K, T, OPS> &&other) {
return *this;
dict(const std::initializer_list<std::pair<K, T>> &list)
for (auto &it : list)
template<class InputIterator>
new_dict(InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
dict(InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
insert(first, last);
@ -215,13 +322,55 @@ public:
do_erase(key, hash);
int count(const K &key)
void erase(const iterator it)
int hash = mkhash(it->first);
do_erase(it->first, hash);
int count(const K &key) const
int hash = mkhash(key);
int i = lookup_index(key, hash);
return i < 0 ? 0 : 1;
iterator find(const K &key)
int hash = mkhash(key);
int i = lookup_index(key, hash);
if (i < 0)
return end();
return iterator(this, i);
const_iterator find(const K &key) const
int hash = mkhash(key);
int i = lookup_index(key, hash);
if (i < 0)
return end();
return const_iterator(this, i);
T& at(const K &key)
int hash = mkhash(key);
int i = lookup_index(key, hash);
if (i < 0)
throw std::out_of_range("dict::at()");
return entries[i].udata.second;
const T& at(const K &key) const
int hash = mkhash(key);
int i = lookup_index(key, hash);
if (i < 0)
throw std::out_of_range("dict::at()");
return entries[i].udata.second;
T& operator[](const K &key)
int hash = mkhash(key);
@ -231,8 +380,47 @@ public:
return entries[i].udata.second;
void swap(dict<K, T, OPS> &other)
std::swap(free_list, other.free_list);
std::swap(counter, other.counter);
bool operator==(const dict<K, T, OPS> &other) const {
if (counter != other.counter)
return false;
if (counter == 0)
return true;
if (entries.size() < other.entries.size())
for (auto &it : *this) {
auto oit = other.find(it.first);
if (oit == other.end() || oit->second != it.second)
return false;
for (auto &oit : other) {
auto it = find(oit.first);
if (it == end() || it->second != oit.second)
return false;
return true;
bool operator!=(const dict<K, T, OPS> &other) const {
return !(*this == other);
size_t size() const { return counter; }
bool empty() const { return counter == 0; }
void clear() { hashtable.clear(); entries.clear(); init(); }
iterator begin() { int index = 0; while (index != int(entries.size()) && entries[index].is_free()) index++; return iterator(this, index); }
iterator end() { return iterator(this, entries.size()); }
const_iterator begin() const { int index = 0; while (index != int(entries.size()) && entries[index].is_free()) index++; return const_iterator(this, index); }
const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(this, entries.size()); }

View file

@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ void log_cell(RTLIL::Cell *cell, std::string indent)
// ---------------------------------------------------
new_dict<std::string, std::pair<std::string, int>> extra_coverage_data;
dict<std::string, std::pair<std::string, int>> extra_coverage_data;
void cover_extra(std::string parent, std::string id, bool increment) {
if (extra_coverage_data.count(id) == 0) {
@ -314,9 +314,9 @@ void cover_extra(std::string parent, std::string id, bool increment) {
new_dict<std::string, std::pair<std::string, int>> get_coverage_data()
dict<std::string, std::pair<std::string, int>> get_coverage_data()
new_dict<std::string, std::pair<std::string, int>> coverage_data;
dict<std::string, std::pair<std::string, int>> coverage_data;
for (auto &it : pass_register) {
std::string key = stringf("passes.%s", it.first.c_str());

View file

@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ struct CoverData {
extern "C" struct CoverData __start_yosys_cover_list[];
extern "C" struct CoverData __stop_yosys_cover_list[];
extern new_dict<std::string, std::pair<std::string, int>> extra_coverage_data;
extern dict<std::string, std::pair<std::string, int>> extra_coverage_data;
void cover_extra(std::string parent, std::string id, bool increment = true);
new_dict<std::string, std::pair<std::string, int>> get_coverage_data();
dict<std::string, std::pair<std::string, int>> get_coverage_data();
#define cover_list(_id, ...) do { cover(_id); \
std::string r = cover_list_worker(_id, __VA_ARGS__); \

View file

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ YOSYS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN
RTLIL::IdString::destruct_guard_t RTLIL::IdString::destruct_guard;
std::vector<int> RTLIL::IdString::global_refcount_storage_;
std::vector<char*> RTLIL::IdString::global_id_storage_;
dict<char*, int, RTLIL::IdString::char_ptr_hash, RTLIL::IdString::char_ptr_eq> RTLIL::IdString::global_id_index_;
dict<char*, int, RTLIL::IdString::char_ptr_ops> RTLIL::IdString::global_id_index_;
std::vector<int> RTLIL::IdString::global_free_idx_list_;
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ RTLIL::Design::Design()
for (auto it = modules_.begin(); it != modules_.end(); it++)
for (auto it = modules_.begin(); it != modules_.end(); ++it)
delete it->second;
@ -454,13 +454,13 @@ RTLIL::Module::Module()
for (auto it = wires_.begin(); it != wires_.end(); it++)
for (auto it = wires_.begin(); it != wires_.end(); ++it)
delete it->second;
for (auto it = memories.begin(); it != memories.end(); it++)
for (auto it = memories.begin(); it != memories.end(); ++it)
delete it->second;
for (auto it = cells_.begin(); it != cells_.end(); it++)
for (auto it = cells_.begin(); it != cells_.end(); ++it)
delete it->second;
for (auto it = processes.begin(); it != processes.end(); it++)
for (auto it = processes.begin(); it != processes.end(); ++it)
delete it->second;
@ -2258,7 +2258,7 @@ void RTLIL::SigSpec::unpack() const
#define DJB2(_hash, _value) (_hash) = (((_hash) << 5) + (_hash)) + (_value)
void RTLIL::SigSpec::hash() const
void RTLIL::SigSpec::updhash() const
RTLIL::SigSpec *that = (RTLIL::SigSpec*)this;
@ -2721,8 +2721,8 @@ bool RTLIL::SigSpec::operator <(const RTLIL::SigSpec &other) const
if (chunks_.size() != other.chunks_.size())
return chunks_.size() < other.chunks_.size();
if (hash_ != other.hash_)
return hash_ < other.hash_;
@ -2753,8 +2753,8 @@ bool RTLIL::SigSpec::operator ==(const RTLIL::SigSpec &other) const
if (chunks_.size() != chunks_.size())
return false;
if (hash_ != other.hash_)
return false;

View file

@ -124,6 +124,21 @@ namespace RTLIL
struct char_ptr_ops {
bool cmp(const char *a, const char *b) const {
for (int i = 0; a[i] || b[i]; i++)
if (a[i] != b[i])
return false;
return true;
unsigned int hash(const char *a) const {
size_t hash = 5381;
while (*a)
hash = mkhash(hash, *(a++));
return hash;
static struct destruct_guard_t {
bool ok; // POD, will be initialized to zero
destruct_guard_t() { ok = true; }
@ -132,7 +147,7 @@ namespace RTLIL
static std::vector<int> global_refcount_storage_;
static std::vector<char*> global_id_storage_;
static dict<char*, int, char_ptr_hash, char_ptr_eq> global_id_index_;
static dict<char*, int, char_ptr_ops> global_id_index_;
static std::vector<int> global_free_idx_list_;
static inline int get_reference(int idx)
@ -263,6 +278,10 @@ namespace RTLIL
*this = IdString();
unsigned int hash() const {
return index_;
// The following is a helper key_compare class. Instead of for example nodict<Cell*>
// use nodict<Cell*, IdString::compare_ptr_by_name<Cell>> if the order of cells in the
// set has an influence on the algorithm.
@ -538,6 +557,7 @@ struct RTLIL::SigBit
bool operator <(const RTLIL::SigBit &other) const;
bool operator ==(const RTLIL::SigBit &other) const;
bool operator !=(const RTLIL::SigBit &other) const;
unsigned int hash() const;
struct RTLIL::SigSpecIterator : public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, RTLIL::SigSpec>
@ -572,7 +592,7 @@ private:
void pack() const;
void unpack() const;
void hash() const;
void updhash() const;
inline bool packed() const {
return bits_.empty();
@ -710,6 +730,8 @@ public:
operator std::vector<RTLIL::SigChunk>() const { return chunks(); }
operator std::vector<RTLIL::SigBit>() const { return bits(); }
unsigned int hash() const { if (!hash_) updhash(); return hash_; };
#ifndef NDEBUG
void check() const;
@ -1213,6 +1235,12 @@ inline bool RTLIL::SigBit::operator!=(const RTLIL::SigBit &other) const {
return (wire != other.wire) || (wire ? (offset != other.offset) : (data !=;
inline unsigned int RTLIL::SigBit::hash() const {
if (wire)
return wire->name.hash() * 33 + offset;
return data;
inline RTLIL::SigBit &RTLIL::SigSpecIterator::operator*() const {
return (*sig_p)[index];

View file

@ -124,7 +124,6 @@
#define dict std::unordered_map
#define nodict std::unordered_set
#include "kernel/hashmap.h"
using std::vector;

View file

@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ void replace_const_cells(RTLIL::Design *design, RTLIL::Module *module, bool cons
dict<RTLIL::SigSpec, RTLIL::SigSpec> invert_map;
TopoSort<RTLIL::Cell*, RTLIL::IdString::compare_ptr_by_name<RTLIL::Cell>> cells;
dict<RTLIL::Cell*, std::set<RTLIL::SigBit>> cell_to_inbit;
dict<RTLIL::Cell*, std::set<RTLIL::SigBit>, hash_ptr_ops> cell_to_inbit;
dict<RTLIL::SigBit, std::set<RTLIL::Cell*>> outbit_to_cell;
for (auto cell : module->cells())

View file

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ struct OptShareWorker
CellTypes ct;
int total_count;
dict<const RTLIL::Cell*, std::string> cell_hash_cache;
dict<const RTLIL::Cell*, std::string, hash_ptr_ops> cell_hash_cache;

View file

@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ static void autotest(std::ostream &f, RTLIL::Design *design, int num_iter)
f << stringf("end\n");
f << stringf("endtask\n\n");
for (auto it = design->modules_.begin(); it != design->modules_.end(); it++)
for (auto it = design->modules_.begin(); it != design->modules_.end(); ++it)
std::map<std::string, int> signal_in;
std::map<std::string, std::string> signal_const;
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ static void autotest(std::ostream &f, RTLIL::Design *design, int num_iter)
int count_ports = 0;
log("Generating test bench for module `%s'.\n", it->first.c_str());
for (auto it2 = mod->wires_.begin(); it2 != mod->wires_.end(); it2++) {
for (auto it2 = mod->wires_.begin(); it2 != mod->wires_.end(); ++it2) {
RTLIL::Wire *wire = it2->second;
if (wire->port_output) {
@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ static void autotest(std::ostream &f, RTLIL::Design *design, int num_iter)
} else if (wire->port_input) {
bool is_clksignal = wire->get_bool_attribute("\\gentb_clock");
for (auto it3 = mod->processes.begin(); it3 != mod->processes.end(); it3++)
for (auto it4 = it3->second->syncs.begin(); it4 != it3->second->syncs.end(); it4++) {
for (auto it3 = mod->processes.begin(); it3 != mod->processes.end(); ++it3)
for (auto it4 = it3->second->syncs.begin(); it4 != it3->second->syncs.end(); ++it4) {
if ((*it4)->type == RTLIL::ST0 || (*it4)->type == RTLIL::ST1)
RTLIL::SigSpec &signal = (*it4)->signal;
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ static void autotest(std::ostream &f, RTLIL::Design *design, int num_iter)
f << stringf("%s %s(\n", id(mod->name.str()).c_str(), idy("uut", mod->name.str()).c_str());
for (auto it2 = mod->wires_.begin(); it2 != mod->wires_.end(); it2++) {
for (auto it2 = mod->wires_.begin(); it2 != mod->wires_.end(); ++it2) {
RTLIL::Wire *wire = it2->second;
if (wire->port_output || wire->port_input)
f << stringf("\t.%s(%s)%s\n", id(wire->name.str()).c_str(),
@ -146,23 +146,23 @@ static void autotest(std::ostream &f, RTLIL::Design *design, int num_iter)
f << stringf("task %s;\n", idy(mod->name.str(), "reset").c_str());
f << stringf("begin\n");
int delay_counter = 0;
for (auto it = signal_in.begin(); it != signal_in.end(); it++)
for (auto it = signal_in.begin(); it != signal_in.end(); ++it)
f << stringf("\t%s <= #%d 0;\n", it->first.c_str(), ++delay_counter*2);
for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); it++)
for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); ++it)
f << stringf("\t%s <= #%d 0;\n", it->first.c_str(), ++delay_counter*2);
for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); ++it) {
f << stringf("\t#100; %s <= 1;\n", it->first.c_str());
f << stringf("\t#100; %s <= 0;\n", it->first.c_str());
delay_counter = 0;
for (auto it = signal_in.begin(); it != signal_in.end(); it++)
for (auto it = signal_in.begin(); it != signal_in.end(); ++it)
f << stringf("\t%s <= #%d ~0;\n", it->first.c_str(), ++delay_counter*2);
for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); ++it) {
f << stringf("\t#100; %s <= 1;\n", it->first.c_str());
f << stringf("\t#100; %s <= 0;\n", it->first.c_str());
delay_counter = 0;
for (auto it = signal_in.begin(); it != signal_in.end(); it++) {
for (auto it = signal_in.begin(); it != signal_in.end(); ++it) {
if (signal_const.count(it->first) == 0)
f << stringf("\t%s <= #%d 'b%s;\n", it->first.c_str(), ++delay_counter*2, signal_const[it->first].c_str());
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ static void autotest(std::ostream &f, RTLIL::Design *design, int num_iter)
f << stringf("initial begin\n");
f << stringf("\t// $dumpfile(\"testbench.vcd\");\n");
f << stringf("\t// $dumpvars(0, testbench);\n");
for (auto it = design->modules_.begin(); it != design->modules_.end(); it++)
for (auto it = design->modules_.begin(); it != design->modules_.end(); ++it)
if (!it->second->get_bool_attribute("\\gentb_skip"))
f << stringf("\t%s;\n", idy(it->first.str(), "test").c_str());
f << stringf("\t$finish;\n");