Improvements in test_cell

This commit is contained in:
Clifford Wolf 2014-07-30 15:59:38 +02:00
parent 6c05badc43
commit ceecf5b153

View file

@ -18,9 +18,8 @@
#include "kernel/register.h"
#include "kernel/rtlil.h"
#include "kernel/log.h"
#include "kernel/yosys.h"
#include <algorithm>
static uint32_t xorshift32(uint32_t limit) {
static uint32_t x = 123456789;
@ -84,21 +83,52 @@ struct TestCellPass : public Pass {
// |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|
log(" test_cell {cell-type}\n");
log(" test_cell [options] {cell-types}\n");
log("Tests the internal implementation of the given cell type (for example '$mux')\n");
log("by comparing SAT solver, EVAL and TECHMAP implementations of the cell type..\n");
log("by comparing SAT solver, EVAL and TECHMAP implementations of the cell types..\n");
log("Run with '-all' instead of a cell type to run the test on all supported\n");
log("Run with 'all' instead of a cell type to run the test on all supported\n");
log("cell types.\n");
log(" -n {integer}\n");
log(" create this number of cell instances and test them (default = 100).\n");
log(" -f {ilang_file}\n");
log(" don't generate circuits. instead load the specified ilang file.\n");
log(" -map {filename}\n");
log(" pass this option to techmap.\n");
virtual void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *current_design)
virtual void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design*)
if (SIZE(args) != 2)
log_cmd_error("Expecting exactly one argument.\n");
int num_iter = 100;
std::string techmap_cmd = "techmap";
std::string ilang_file;
int argidx;
for (argidx = 1; argidx < SIZE(args); argidx++)
if (args[argidx] == "-n" && argidx+1 < SIZE(args)) {
num_iter = atoi(args[++argidx].c_str());
if (args[argidx] == "-map" && argidx+1 < SIZE(args)) {
techmap_cmd += " -map " + args[++argidx];
if (args[argidx] == "-f" && argidx+1 < SIZE(args)) {
ilang_file = args[++argidx];
num_iter = 1;
std::map<std::string, std::string> cell_types;
std::vector<std::string> selected_cell_types;
cell_types["$not"] = "ASY";
cell_types["$pos"] = "ASY";
cell_types["$bu0"] = "ASY";
@ -119,8 +149,8 @@ struct TestCellPass : public Pass {
cell_types["$shr"] = "ABshY";
cell_types["$sshl"] = "ABshY";
cell_types["$sshr"] = "ABshY";
// cell_types["$shift"] = "ABshY"; <-- FIXME
// cell_types["$shiftx"] = "ABshY";
cell_types["$shift"] = "ABshY";
cell_types["$shiftx"] = "ABshY";
cell_types["$lt"] = "ABSY";
cell_types["$le"] = "ABSY";
@ -150,35 +180,59 @@ struct TestCellPass : public Pass {
// cell_types["$lut"] = "A";
// cell_types["$assert"] = "A";
if (args[1] == "-all") {
for (auto &it : cell_types)
Pass::call(current_design, "test_cell " + it.first);
if (cell_types.count(args[1]) == 0) {
std::string cell_type_list;
int charcount = 100;
for (auto &it : cell_types) {
if (charcount > 60) {
cell_type_list += "\n" + it.first;
charcount = 0;
} else
cell_type_list += " " + it.first;
charcount += SIZE(it.first);
log_cmd_error("This cell type is currently not supported. Try one of these:%s\n", cell_type_list.c_str());
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
for (; argidx < SIZE(args); argidx++)
RTLIL::Design *design = new RTLIL::Design;
create_gold_module(design, args[1],[1]));
Pass::call(design, "copy gold gate; techmap gate; opt gate; dump gold");
Pass::call(design, "miter -equiv -flatten -ignore_gold_x gold gate miter");
Pass::call(design, "sat -verify -enable_undef -prove trigger 0 miter");
delete design;
if (args[argidx].rfind("-", 0) == 0)
log_cmd_error("Unexpected option: %s\n", args[argidx].c_str());
if (args[argidx] == "all") {
for (auto &it : cell_types)
if (std::count(selected_cell_types.begin(), selected_cell_types.end(), it.first) == 0)
if (cell_types.count(args[argidx]) == 0) {
std::string cell_type_list;
int charcount = 100;
for (auto &it : cell_types) {
if (charcount > 60) {
cell_type_list += "\n" + it.first;
charcount = 0;
} else
cell_type_list += " " + it.first;
charcount += SIZE(it.first);
log_cmd_error("The cell type `%s' is currently not supported. Try one of these:%s\n",
args[argidx].c_str(), cell_type_list.c_str());
if (std::count(selected_cell_types.begin(), selected_cell_types.end(), args[argidx]) == 0)
if (!ilang_file.empty()) {
if (!selected_cell_types.empty())
log_cmd_error("Do not specify any cell types when using -f.\n");
if (selected_cell_types.empty())
log_cmd_error("No cell type to test specified.\n");
for (auto cell_type : selected_cell_types)
for (int i = 0; i < num_iter; i++)
RTLIL::Design *design = new RTLIL::Design;
if (cell_type == "ilang")
Frontend::frontend_call(design, NULL, std::string(), "ilang " + ilang_file);
create_gold_module(design, cell_type,;
Pass::call(design, stringf("copy gold gate; %s gate; opt gate", techmap_cmd.c_str()));
Pass::call(design, "miter -equiv -flatten -make_outputs -ignore_gold_x gold gate miter; dump gold");
Pass::call(design, "sat -verify -enable_undef -prove trigger 0 -show-inputs -show-outputs miter");
delete design;
} TestCellPass;