Progress on AppNote 011
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 190 additions and 11 deletions
@ -135,6 +135,8 @@ a temporary file and launches {\tt yosys-svgviewer} to display the diagram.
Subsequent calls to {\tt show} re-use the {\tt yosys-svgviewer} instance
(if still running).
\subsection{A simple circuit}
Fig.~\ref{example_src} shows a simple synthesis script and Verilog file that
demonstrates the usage of {\tt show} in a simple setting. Note that {\tt show}
is called with the {\tt -pause} option, that halts execution of the Yosys
@ -197,8 +199,6 @@ not only has removed the artifacts left behind by {\tt proc}, but also determine
correctly that it can remove the first {\tt \$mux} cell without changing the behavior
of the circuit.
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth,trim=0 2cm 0 0]{APPNOTE_011_Design_Investigation/splice.pdf}
\caption{Output of {\tt yosys -p 'proc; opt; show' splice.v}}
@ -230,7 +230,9 @@ circuit is a half-adder built from simple CMOS gates.)}
As has been indicated in this example, Yosys is can manage signal vectors (aka.
\subsection{Break-out boxes for signal vectors}
As has been indicated by the last example, Yosys is can manage signal vectors (aka.
multi-bit wires or buses) as native objects. This provides great advantages
when analyzing circuits that operate on wide integers. But it also introduces
some additional complexity when the individual bits of of a signal vector need
@ -252,7 +254,7 @@ like a technicality, until one wants to debug a problem related to the way
Yosys internally represents signal vectors, for example when writing custom
Yosys commands.
\subsection{Gate level netlists}
Finally Fig.~\ref{splitnets_libfile} shows two common pitfalls when working
with designs mapped to a cell library. The top figure has two problems: First
@ -273,15 +275,183 @@ in all subsequent calls to the {\tt show} command.
In addition to that the 2nd diagram was generated after {\tt splitnet -ports}
was run on the design. This command splits all signal vectors into individual
signals, which is often desirable when looking at gate-level circuits. The
signal bits, which is often desirable when looking at gate-level circuits. The
{\tt -ports} option is required to also split module ports. Per default the
command only operates on interior signals.
\subsection{Miscellaneous notes}
Per default the {\tt show} command outputs a temporary SVG file and launches
{\tt yosys-svgviewer} to display it. The options {\tt -format}, {\tt -viewer}
and {\tt -prefix} can be used to change format, viewer and filename prefix.
Note that the {\tt pdf} and {\tt ps} format are the only formats that support
plotting multiple modules in one run.
In {\tt yosys-svgviewer} the left mouse button is per default bound to move the
diagram (and the mouse wheel can be used for zooming in and out). However, in
some cases one wants to copy text from the diagram. In this cases the
View->Interactive checkbox must be activated. This switch the rendering back-end
to one that supports interaction with the SVG file, such as selecting text.
In densely connected circuits it is sometimes hard to keep track of the
individual signal wires. For this cases it can be useful to call {\tt show}
with the {\tt -colors <integer>} argument, which randomly assigns colors to the
nets. The integer (> 0) is used as seed value for the random number
generation. Sometimes it is necessary it try some values to find an assignment
of colors that works.
The command {\tt help show} prints a complete listing of all options supported
by the {\tt show} command.
\section{Navigating the design}
\FIXME{} --- cd and ls, dump, multi-page diagrams, select, cones and boolean operations
Plotting circuit diagrams for entire modules in the design brings us only so
far. For complex modules the generated circuit diagrams are just stupidly big
and are no help at all. In such cases one first has to select the relevant
portions of the circuit.
In addition to {\it what\/} to display one only needs to carefully decide
{\it when\/} to display it, with respect to the synthesis flow. In general
it is a good idea to troubleshoot a circuit in the earliest state where
a problem can be reproduces. So if for example internal state before calling
the {\tt techmap} command already fails to verify, it is better to troubleshoot
the coarse-grain version of the circuit before {\tt techmap} than the gate-level
circuit after {\tt techmap}.
Note: It is generally recommended to verify the internal state of a design by
writing it to a Verilog file using {\tt write\_verilog -noexpr} and using the
simulation models from {\tt simlib.v} and {\tt simcells.v} from the Yosys data
directory (see {\tt yosys-config -{}-datdir}).
\subsection{Interactive Navigation}
yosys> ls
1 modules:
yosys> cd example
yosys [example]> ls
7 wires:
3 cells:
\caption{Demonstration of {\tt ls} and {\tt cd} using {\tt example.v} from Fig.~\ref{example_src}}
attribute \src "example.v:5"
cell $add $add$example.v:5$2
parameter \A_SIGNED 0
parameter \A_WIDTH 1
parameter \B_SIGNED 0
parameter \B_WIDTH 1
parameter \Y_WIDTH 2
connect \A \a
connect \B \b
connect \Y $add$example.v:5$2_Y
\caption{Output of {\tt dump \$2} using the design from Fig.~\ref{example_src} and Fig.~\ref{example_out}}
Once the right state within the synthesis flow for debugging the circuit has
been identified, it is recommended to simply add the {\tt shell} command
to the matching place in the synthesis script. This command will stop the
synthesis at the specified moment and go to shell mode, where the user can
interactively enter commands.
For most cases, the shell will start with the whole design selected (i.e. when
the synthesis script does not already narrow the selection). The command {\tt
ls} can now be used to create a list of all modules. The command {\tt cd} can
be used to switch to one of the modules (type {\tt cd ..} to switch back). Now
the {\tt ls} command lists the objects within that module. Fig.~\ref{lscd}
demonstrates this using the design from Fig.~\ref{example_src}.
There is a thing to note in Fig.~\ref{lscd}: We can see that the cell names
from Fig.~\ref{example_out} are just abbreviations of the actual cell names,
namely the part after the last dollar-sign. Most auto-generated names (the ones
starting with a dollar sign) are rather long and contains some additional
information on the origin of the named object. But in most cases those names
can simply be abbreviated using the last part.
Usually all interactive work is done with one module selected using the {\tt cd}
command. But it is also possible to work from the design-context ({\tt cd ..}). In
this case all object names must be prefixed with {\tt <module\_name>/}. For
example {\tt a*/b*} would refer to all objects whose names start with {\tt b} from
all modules whose names start with {\tt a}.
The {\tt dump} command can be used to print all information about an object.
For example {\tt dump \$2} will print Fig.~\ref{dump2}. This can for example
be useful to determine the names of nets connected to cells, as the net-names
are usually suppressed in the circuit diagram if they are auto-generated.
For the remainder of this document we will assume that the commands are run from
module-context and not design-context.
\subsection{Working with selections}
\caption{Output of {\tt show} after {\tt select \$2} or {\tt select t:\$add}
(see also Fig.~\ref{example_out})}
When a module is selected using {\tt cd} command, all commands (with a few
exceptions, such as the {\tt read\_*} and {\tt write\_*} commands) operate
only on the selected module. So this can also be useful for synthesis scripts
where different synthesis strategies should be applied to different modules
in the design.
But for most interactive work we want to further narrow the set of selected
objects. This can be done using the {\tt select} command.
For example, if the command {\tt select \$2} is executed, a subsequent {\tt show}
command will yield the diagram shown in Fig.~\ref{seladd}. Note that the nets are
now displayed in ellipses. This indicates that they are not selected, but only
shown because the diagram contains a cell that is connected to the net. This
of course makes no difference for the circuit that is shown, but it can be a useful
information when manipulating selections.
Objects can not only be selected by their name but also by other properties.
For example {\tt select t:\$add} will select all cells of type {\tt \$add}. In
this case this is also yields the diagram shown in Fig.~\ref{seladd}.
The output of {\tt help select} contains a complete syntax reference for
matching different properties.
\subsection{Selecting logic cones}
\subsection{Boolean operations on selections}
\subsection{Storing and recalling selections}
\section{Advanced investigation techniques}
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module example(input clk, a, b, c, output reg [1:0] y);
always @(posedge clk)
if (c)
y <= c ? a + b : 2'd0;
module example(input clk, a, b, c,
output reg [1:0] y);
always @(posedge clk)
if (c)
y <= c ? a + b : 2'd0;
@ -4,3 +4,8 @@ proc
show -format dot -prefix example_01
show -format dot -prefix example_02
cd example
select t:$add
show -format dot -prefix example_03
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ sed -i '/^label=/ d;' example_*.dot cmos_*.dot
dot -Tpdf -o example_00.pdf
dot -Tpdf -o example_01.pdf
dot -Tpdf -o example_02.pdf
dot -Tpdf -o example_03.pdf
dot -Tpdf -o splice.pdf
dot -Tpdf -o cmos_00.pdf
dot -Tpdf -o cmos_01.pdf
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ input [1:0] a, b, c, d, e, f;
output [1:0] x = {a[0], a[1]};
output [11:0] y;
assign {y[11:4], y[1:0], y[3:2]} = {a, b, -{c, d}, ~{e, f}};
assign {y[11:4], y[1:0], y[3:2]} =
{a, b, -{c, d}, ~{e, f}};
Add table
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