Added "equiv_simple -undef"

This commit is contained in:
Clifford Wolf 2015-01-31 13:06:41 +01:00
parent f80f5b721d
commit e9cfc4a453
2 changed files with 61 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -103,6 +103,20 @@ struct SatGen
return importSigSpecWorker(bit, pf, false, false).front();
int importDefSigBit(RTLIL::SigBit bit, int timestep = -1)
log_assert(timestep != 0);
std::string pf = prefix + (timestep == -1 ? "" : stringf("@%d:", timestep));
return importSigSpecWorker(bit, pf, false, true).front();
int importUndefSigBit(RTLIL::SigBit bit, int timestep = -1)
log_assert(timestep != 0);
std::string pf = "undef:" + prefix + (timestep == -1 ? "" : stringf("@%d:", timestep));
return importSigSpecWorker(bit, pf, true, false).front();
bool importedSigBit(RTLIL::SigBit bit, int timestep = -1)
log_assert(timestep != 0);

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@ -36,21 +36,22 @@ struct EquivSimpleWorker
int max_seq;
bool verbose;
EquivSimpleWorker(Cell *equiv_cell, SigMap &sigmap, dict<SigBit, Cell*> &bit2driver, int max_seq, bool verbose) :
EquivSimpleWorker(Cell *equiv_cell, SigMap &sigmap, dict<SigBit, Cell*> &bit2driver, int max_seq, bool verbose, bool model_undef) :
module(equiv_cell->module), equiv_cell(equiv_cell), sigmap(sigmap),
bit2driver(bit2driver), satgen(&ez, &sigmap), max_seq(max_seq), verbose(verbose)
satgen.model_undef = model_undef;
void find_input_cone(pool<SigBit> &next_seed, pool<Cell*> &cells_cone, pool<SigBit> &bits_cone, const pool<Cell*> &cells_stop, const pool<SigBit> &bits_stop, Cell *cell)
bool find_input_cone(pool<SigBit> &next_seed, pool<Cell*> &cells_cone, pool<SigBit> &bits_cone, const pool<Cell*> &cells_stop, const pool<SigBit> &bits_stop, pool<SigBit> *input_bits, Cell *cell)
if (cells_cone.count(cell))
return false;
if (cells_stop.count(cell))
return true;
for (auto &conn : cell->connections())
if (yosys_celltypes.cell_input(cell->type, conn.first))
@ -59,24 +60,28 @@ struct EquivSimpleWorker
if (!"\\CLK", "\\C"))
} else
find_input_cone(next_seed, cells_cone, bits_cone, cells_stop, bits_stop, bit);
find_input_cone(next_seed, cells_cone, bits_cone, cells_stop, bits_stop, input_bits, bit);
return false;
void find_input_cone(pool<SigBit> &next_seed, pool<Cell*> &cells_cone, pool<SigBit> &bits_cone, const pool<Cell*> &cells_stop, const pool<SigBit> &bits_stop, SigBit bit)
void find_input_cone(pool<SigBit> &next_seed, pool<Cell*> &cells_cone, pool<SigBit> &bits_cone, const pool<Cell*> &cells_stop, const pool<SigBit> &bits_stop, pool<SigBit> *input_bits, SigBit bit)
if (bits_cone.count(bit))
if (bits_stop.count(bit))
if (bits_stop.count(bit)) {
if (input_bits != nullptr) input_bits->insert(bit);
if (!bit2driver.count(bit))
find_input_cone(next_seed, cells_cone, bits_cone, cells_stop, bits_stop,;
if (find_input_cone(next_seed, cells_cone, bits_cone, cells_stop, bits_stop, input_bits,
if (input_bits != nullptr) input_bits->insert(bit);
bool run()
@ -84,9 +89,21 @@ struct EquivSimpleWorker
SigBit bit_a = sigmap(equiv_cell->getPort("\\A")).to_single_sigbit();
SigBit bit_b = sigmap(equiv_cell->getPort("\\B")).to_single_sigbit();
int ez_a = satgen.importSigBit(bit_a, max_seq+1);
int ez_b = satgen.importSigBit(bit_b, max_seq+1);
ez.assume(ez.XOR(ez_a, ez_b));
if (satgen.model_undef)
int ez_a = satgen.importSigBit(bit_a, max_seq+1);
int ez_b = satgen.importDefSigBit(bit_b, max_seq+1);
int ez_undef_a = satgen.importUndefSigBit(bit_a, max_seq+1);
ez.assume(ez.XOR(ez_a, ez_b));
int ez_a = satgen.importSigBit(bit_a, max_seq+1);
int ez_b = satgen.importSigBit(bit_b, max_seq+1);
ez.assume(ez.XOR(ez_a, ez_b));
pool<SigBit> seed_a = { bit_a };
pool<SigBit> seed_b = { bit_b };
@ -110,22 +127,23 @@ struct EquivSimpleWorker
pool<SigBit> next_seed_a, next_seed_b;
for (auto bit_a : seed_a)
find_input_cone(next_seed_a, full_cells_cone_a, full_bits_cone_a, no_stop_cells, no_stop_bits, bit_a);
find_input_cone(next_seed_a, full_cells_cone_a, full_bits_cone_a, no_stop_cells, no_stop_bits, nullptr, bit_a);
for (auto bit_b : seed_b)
find_input_cone(next_seed_b, full_cells_cone_b, full_bits_cone_b, no_stop_cells, no_stop_bits, bit_b);
find_input_cone(next_seed_b, full_cells_cone_b, full_bits_cone_b, no_stop_cells, no_stop_bits, nullptr, bit_b);
pool<Cell*> short_cells_cone_a, short_cells_cone_b;
pool<SigBit> short_bits_cone_a, short_bits_cone_b;
pool<SigBit> input_bits;
for (auto bit_a : seed_a)
find_input_cone(next_seed_a, short_cells_cone_a, short_bits_cone_a, full_cells_cone_b, full_bits_cone_b, bit_a);
find_input_cone(next_seed_a, short_cells_cone_a, short_bits_cone_a, full_cells_cone_b, full_bits_cone_b, &input_bits, bit_a);
for (auto bit_b : seed_b)
find_input_cone(next_seed_b, short_cells_cone_b, short_bits_cone_b, full_cells_cone_a, full_bits_cone_a, bit_b);
find_input_cone(next_seed_b, short_cells_cone_b, short_bits_cone_b, full_cells_cone_a, full_bits_cone_a, &input_bits, bit_b);
pool<Cell*> problem_cells;
@ -141,6 +159,11 @@ struct EquivSimpleWorker
if (!satgen.importCell(cell, step+1))
log_cmd_error("No SAT model available for cell %s (%s).\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type));
if (satgen.model_undef) {
for (auto bit : input_bits)
ez.assume(ez.NOT(satgen.importUndefSigBit(bit, step+1)));
if (verbose)
log(" Problem size at t=%d: %d literals, %d clauses\n", step, ez.numCnfVariables(), ez.numCnfClauses());
@ -209,13 +232,16 @@ struct EquivSimplePass : public Pass {
log(" -v\n");
log(" verbose output\n");
log(" -undef\n");
log(" enable modelling of undef states\n");
log(" -seq <N>\n");
log(" the max. number of time steps to be considered (default = 1)\n");
virtual void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, Design *design)
bool verbose = false;
bool verbose = false, model_undef = false;
int success_counter = 0;
int max_seq = 1;
@ -227,6 +253,10 @@ struct EquivSimplePass : public Pass {
verbose = true;
if (args[argidx] == "-undef") {
model_undef = true;
if (args[argidx] == "-seq" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
max_seq = atoi(args[++argidx].c_str());
@ -266,7 +296,7 @@ struct EquivSimplePass : public Pass {
std::sort(unproven_equiv_cells.begin(), unproven_equiv_cells.end());
for (auto it : unproven_equiv_cells) {
EquivSimpleWorker worker(it.second, sigmap, bit2driver, max_seq, verbose);
EquivSimpleWorker worker(it.second, sigmap, bit2driver, max_seq, verbose, model_undef);
if (