added first draft of real math testcase generator

This commit is contained in:
Clifford Wolf 2014-06-14 19:24:01 +02:00
parent 1a487303a0
commit ebe2d73330

View file

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import random
from contextlib import contextmanager
def redirect_stdout(new_target):
old_target, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, new_target
yield new_target
sys.stdout = old_target
def random_expression(depth = 3, maxparam = 0):
def recursion():
return random_expression(depth = depth-1, maxparam = maxparam)
if depth == 0:
if maxparam != 0 and random.randint(0, 1) != 0:
return 'p%02d' % random.randint(0, maxparam-1)
return random.choice([ '%e', '%f', '%g' ]) % random.uniform(-2, +2)
if random.randint(0, 4) == 0:
return recursion() + random.choice([ ' < ', ' <= ', ' == ', ' != ', ' >= ', ' > ' ]) + recursion() + ' ? ' + recursion() + ' : ' + recursion()
op_prefix = [ '+(', '-(' ]
op_infix = [ ' + ', ' - ', ' * ', ' / ' ]
op_func1 = [ '$ln', '$log10', '$exp', '$sqrt', '$floor', '$ceil', '$sin', '$cos', '$tan', '$asin', '$acos', '$atan', '$sinh', '$cosh', '$tanh', '$asinh', '$acosh', '$atanh' ]
op_func2 = [ '$pow', '$atan2', '$hypot' ]
op = random.choice(op_prefix + op_infix + op_func1 + op_func2)
if op in op_prefix:
return op + recursion() + ')'
if op in op_infix:
return '(' + recursion() + op + recursion() + ')'
if op in op_func1:
return op + '(' + recursion() + ')'
if op in op_func2:
return op + '(' + recursion() + ', ' + recursion() + ')'
for i in range(3):
with file('uut_%05d.v' % i, 'w') as f, redirect_stdout(f):
print('module uut_%05d(output [63:0] %s);\n' % (i, ', '.join(['y%02d' % i for i in range(100)])))
for i in range(30):
print('localparam p%02d = %s;' % (i, random_expression()))
for i in range(30, 60):
print('localparam p%02d = %s;' % (i, random_expression(maxparam = 30)))
for i in range(100):
print('assign y%02d = %s;' % (i, random_expression(maxparam = 60)))