Added "yosys-smtbmc --dump-vlogtb"
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 108 additions and 9 deletions
@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ yosys-smtbmc [options] <yosys_smt2_output>
write trace to this VCD file
(hint: use 'write_smt2 -wires' for maximum
coverage of signals in generated VCD file)
--dump-vlogtb <verilog_filename>
write trace as Verilog test bench
""" + so.helpmsg())
@ -83,6 +86,8 @@ for o, a in opts:
step_size = int(a)
elif o == "--dump-vcd":
vcdfile = a
elif o == "--dump-vlogtb":
vlogtbfile = a
elif o == "-i":
tempind = True
elif o == "-g":
@ -116,16 +121,22 @@ assert topmod in smt.modinfo
def write_vcd_trace(steps):
print("%s Writing model to VCD file." % smt.timestamp())
print("%s Writing trace to VCD file." % smt.timestamp())
vcd = mkvcd(open(vcdfile, "w"))
path_list = list()
for netpath in sorted(smt.hiernets(topmod)):
vcd.add_net([topmod] + netpath, smt.net_width(topmod, netpath))
hidden_net = False
for n in netpath:
if n.startswith("$"):
hidden_net = True
if not hidden_net:
vcd.add_net([topmod] + netpath, smt.net_width(topmod, netpath))
for i in range(steps):
path_list = sorted(smt.hiernets(topmod))
value_list = smt.get_net_bin_list(topmod, path_list, "s%d" % i)
for path, value in zip(path_list, value_list):
vcd.set_net([topmod] + path, value)
@ -133,6 +144,97 @@ def write_vcd_trace(steps):
def write_vlogtb_trace(steps):
print("%s Writing trace to Verilog testbench." % smt.timestamp())
with open(vlogtbfile, "w") as f:
print("module testbench;", file=f)
print(" reg [4095:0] vcdfile;", file=f)
print(" reg clock = 0, genclock = 1;", file=f)
primary_inputs = list()
clock_inputs = set()
for name in smt.modinfo[topmod].inputs:
if name in ["clk", "clock", "CLK", "CLOCK"]:
width = smt.modinfo[topmod].wsize[name]
primary_inputs.append((name, width))
for name, width in primary_inputs:
if name in clock_inputs:
print(" wire [%d:0] PI_%s = clock;" % (width-1, name), file=f)
print(" reg [%d:0] PI_%s;" % (width-1, name), file=f)
print(" %s UUT (" % topmod, file=f)
for i in range(len(primary_inputs)):
name, width = primary_inputs[i]
last_pi = i+1 == len(primary_inputs)
print(" .%s(PI_%s)%s" % (name, name, "" if last_pi else ","), file=f)
print(" );", file=f)
print(" initial begin", file=f)
print(" if ($value$plusargs(\"vcd=%s\", vcdfile)) begin", file=f)
print(" $dumpfile(vcdfile);", file=f)
print(" $dumpvars(0, testbench);", file=f)
print(" end", file=f)
print(" while (genclock) begin", file=f)
print(" #5; clock = 0;", file=f)
print(" #5; clock = 1;", file=f)
print(" end", file=f)
print(" end", file=f)
print(" initial begin", file=f)
regs = sorted(smt.hiernets(topmod, regs_only=True))
regvals = smt.get_net_bin_list(topmod, regs, "s0")
print(" #1;", file=f);
for reg, val in zip(regs, regvals):
hidden_net = False
for n in reg:
if n.startswith("$"):
hidden_net = True
print(" %sUUT.%s = %d'b%s;" % ("// " if hidden_net else "", ".".join(reg), len(val), val), file=f)
mems = sorted(smt.hiermems(topmod))
for mempath in mems:
mem, abits, width = smt.mem_expr(topmod, "s0", mempath)
expr_list = list()
for i in range(2**abits):
expr_list.append("(select %s #b%s)" % (mem, format(i, "0%db" % abits)))
for i, val in enumerate(smt.get_list(expr_list)):
val = smt.bv2bin(val)
print(" UUT.%s[%d] = %d'b%s;" % (".".join(mempath), i, len(val), val), file=f)
for i in range(steps):
pi_names = [[name] for name, _ in primary_inputs if name not in clock_inputs]
pi_values = smt.get_net_bin_list(topmod, pi_names, "s%d" % i)
print(" #1;", file=f);
print(" // state %d" % i, file=f);
if i > 0:
print(" @(posedge clock);", file=f);
for name, val in zip(pi_names, pi_values):
print(" PI_%s <= %d'b%s;" % (".".join(name), len(val), val), file=f)
print(" genclock = 0;", file=f);
print(" end", file=f)
print("endmodule", file=f)
def write_trace(steps):
if vcdfile is not None:
if vlogtbfile is not None:
def print_failed_asserts(mod, state, path):
assert mod in smt.modinfo
@ -179,8 +281,7 @@ if tempind:
if step == 0:
print("%s Temporal induction failed!" % smt.timestamp())
print_failed_asserts(topmod, "s%d" % step, topmod)
if vcdfile is not None:
print("%s Temporal induction successful." % smt.timestamp())
@ -206,8 +307,7 @@ elif gentrace:
print("%s Creating trace of length %d.." % (smt.timestamp(), num_steps))
if smt.check_sat() == "sat":
if vcdfile is not None:
print("%s Creating trace failed!" % smt.timestamp())
@ -259,8 +359,7 @@ else: # not tempind, not gentrace
if smt.check_sat() == "sat":
print("%s BMC failed!" % smt.timestamp())
print_failed_asserts(topmod, "s%d" % step, topmod)
if vcdfile is not None:
retstatus = False
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