/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ // [[CITE]] Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm // Tarjan, R. E. (1972), "Depth-first search and linear graph algorithms", SIAM Journal on Computing 1 (2): 146–160, doi:10.1137/0201010 // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarjan's_strongly_connected_components_algorithm #include "kernel/register.h" #include "kernel/celltypes.h" #include "kernel/sigtools.h" #include "kernel/log.h" #include #include #include struct SccWorker { RTLIL::Design *design; RTLIL::Module *module; SigMap sigmap; CellTypes ct; std::set workQueue; std::map> cellToNextCell; std::map cellToPrevSig, cellToNextSig; std::map> cellLabels; std::map cellDepth; std::set cellsOnStack; std::vector cellStack; int labelCounter; std::map cell2scc; std::vector> sccList; void run(RTLIL::Cell *cell, int depth, int maxDepth) { assert(workQueue.count(cell) > 0); workQueue.erase(cell); cellLabels[cell] = std::pair(labelCounter, labelCounter); labelCounter++; cellsOnStack.insert(cell); cellStack.push_back(cell); if (maxDepth >= 0) cellDepth[cell] = depth; for (auto nextCell : cellToNextCell[cell]) if (cellLabels.count(nextCell) == 0) { run(nextCell, depth+1, maxDepth); cellLabels[cell].second = std::min(cellLabels[cell].second, cellLabels[nextCell].second); } else if (cellsOnStack.count(nextCell) > 0 && (maxDepth < 0 || cellDepth[nextCell] + maxDepth > depth)) { cellLabels[cell].second = std::min(cellLabels[cell].second, cellLabels[nextCell].second); } if (cellLabels[cell].first == cellLabels[cell].second) { if (cellStack.back() == cell) { cellStack.pop_back(); cellsOnStack.erase(cell); } else { log("Found an SCC:"); std::set scc; while (cellsOnStack.count(cell) > 0) { RTLIL::Cell *c = cellStack.back(); cellStack.pop_back(); cellsOnStack.erase(c); log(" %s", RTLIL::id2cstr(c->name)); cell2scc[c] = sccList.size(); scc.insert(c); } sccList.push_back(scc); log("\n"); } } } SccWorker(RTLIL::Design *design, RTLIL::Module *module, bool allCellTypes, int maxDepth) : design(design), module(module), sigmap(module) { if (module->processes.size() > 0) { log("Skipping module %s as it contains processes (run 'proc' pass first).\n", module->name.c_str()); return; } if (allCellTypes) { ct.setup(design); } else { ct.setup_internals(); ct.setup_stdcells(); } SigPool selectedSignals; SigSet sigToNextCells; for (auto &it : module->wires) if (design->selected(module, it.second)) selectedSignals.add(sigmap(RTLIL::SigSpec(it.second))); for (auto &it : module->cells) { RTLIL::Cell *cell = it.second; if (!design->selected(module, cell)) continue; if (!allCellTypes && !ct.cell_known(cell->type)) continue; workQueue.insert(cell); RTLIL::SigSpec inputSignals, outputSignals; for (auto &conn : cell->connections) { bool isInput = true, isOutput = true; if (ct.cell_known(cell->type)) { isInput = ct.cell_input(cell->type, conn.first); isOutput = ct.cell_output(cell->type, conn.first); } RTLIL::SigSpec sig = selectedSignals.extract(sigmap(conn.second)); sig.sort_and_unify(); if (isInput) inputSignals.append(sig); if (isOutput) outputSignals.append(sig); } inputSignals.sort_and_unify(); outputSignals.sort_and_unify(); cellToPrevSig[cell] = inputSignals; cellToNextSig[cell] = outputSignals; sigToNextCells.insert(inputSignals, cell); } for (auto cell : workQueue) cellToNextCell[cell] = sigToNextCells.find(cellToNextSig[cell]); labelCounter = 0; cellLabels.clear(); while (workQueue.size() > 0) { RTLIL::Cell *cell = *workQueue.begin(); assert(cellStack.size() == 0); cellDepth.clear(); run(cell, 0, maxDepth); } log("Found %d SCCs in module %s.\n", int(sccList.size()), RTLIL::id2cstr(module->name)); } void select(RTLIL::Selection &sel) { for (int i = 0; i < int(sccList.size()); i++) { std::set &cells = sccList[i]; RTLIL::SigSpec prevsig, nextsig, sig; for (auto cell : cells) { sel.selected_members[module->name].insert(cell->name); prevsig.append(cellToPrevSig[cell]); nextsig.append(cellToNextSig[cell]); } prevsig.sort_and_unify(); nextsig.sort_and_unify(); sig = prevsig.extract(nextsig); for (auto &chunk : sig.chunks) if (chunk.wire != NULL) sel.selected_members[module->name].insert(chunk.wire->name); } } }; struct SccPass : public Pass { SccPass() : Pass("scc", "detect strongly connected components (logic loops)") { } virtual void help() { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" scc [options] [selection]\n"); log("\n"); log("This command identifies strongly connected components (aka logic loops) in the\n"); log("design.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -max_depth \n"); log(" limit to loops not longer than the specified number of cells. This can\n"); log(" e.g. be usefull in identifying local loops in a module that turns out\n"); log(" to be one gigantic SCC.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -all_cell_types\n"); log(" Usually this command only considers internal non-memory cells. With\n"); log(" this option set, all cells are considered. For unkown cells all ports\n"); log(" are assumed to be bidirectional 'inout' ports.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -set_attr \n"); log(" -set_cell_attr \n"); log(" -set_wire_attr \n"); log(" set the specified attribute on all cells and/or wires that are part of\n"); log(" a logic loop. the special token {} in the value is replaced with a\n"); log(" unique identifier for the logic loop.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -select\n"); log(" replace the current selection with a selection of all cells and wires\n"); log(" that are part of a found logic loop\n"); log("\n"); } virtual void execute(std::vector args, RTLIL::Design *design) { std::map setCellAttr, setWireAttr; bool allCellTypes = false; bool selectMode = false; int maxDepth = -1; log_header("Executing SCC pass (detecting logic loops).\n"); size_t argidx; for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) { if (args[argidx] == "-max_depth" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { maxDepth = atoi(args[++argidx].c_str()); continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-all_cell_types") { allCellTypes = true; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-set_attr" && argidx+2 < args.size()) { setCellAttr[args[argidx+1]] = args[argidx+2]; setWireAttr[args[argidx+1]] = args[argidx+2]; argidx += 2; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-set_cell_attr" && argidx+2 < args.size()) { setCellAttr[args[argidx+1]] = args[argidx+2]; argidx += 2; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-set_wire_attr" && argidx+2 < args.size()) { setWireAttr[args[argidx+1]] = args[argidx+2]; argidx += 2; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-select") { selectMode = true; continue; } break; } int origSelectPos = design->selection_stack.size() - 1; extra_args(args, argidx, design); if (setCellAttr.size() > 0 || setWireAttr.size() > 0) log_cmd_error("The -set*_attr options are not implemented at the moment!\n"); RTLIL::Selection newSelection(false); for (auto &mod_it : design->modules) if (design->selected(mod_it.second)) { SccWorker worker(design, mod_it.second, allCellTypes, maxDepth); if (selectMode) worker.select(newSelection); } if (selectMode) { assert(origSelectPos >= 0); design->selection_stack[origSelectPos] = newSelection; design->selection_stack[origSelectPos].optimize(design); } } } SccPass;