/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * --- * * The Verilog frontend. * * This frontend is using the AST frontend library (see frontends/ast/). * Thus this frontend does not generate RTLIL code directly but creates an * AST directly from the Verilog parse tree and then passes this AST to * the AST frontend library. * */ #include "verilog_frontend.h" #include "kernel/register.h" #include "kernel/log.h" #include "libs/sha1/sha1.h" #include <sstream> #include <stdarg.h> #include <assert.h> using namespace VERILOG_FRONTEND; // use the Verilog bison/flex parser to generate an AST and use AST::process() to convert it to RTLIL struct VerilogFrontend : public Frontend { VerilogFrontend() : Frontend("verilog", "read modules from verilog file") { } virtual void help() { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" read_verilog [filename]\n"); log("\n"); log("Load modules from a verilog file to the current design. A large subset of\n"); log("Verilog-2005 is supported.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -dump_ast1\n"); log(" dump abstract syntax tree (before simplification)\n"); log("\n"); log(" -dump_ast2\n"); log(" dump abstract syntax tree (after simplification)\n"); log("\n"); log(" -dump_vlog\n"); log(" dump ast as verilog code (after simplification)\n"); log("\n"); log(" -yydebug\n"); log(" enable parser debug output\n"); log("\n"); log(" -nolatches\n"); log(" usually latches are synthesized into logic loops\n"); log(" this option prohibits this and sets the output to 'x'\n"); log(" in what would be the latches hold condition\n"); log("\n"); log(" this behavior can also be achieved by setting the\n"); log(" 'nolatches' attribute on the respective module or\n"); log(" always block.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -nomem2reg\n"); log(" under certain conditions memories are converted to registers\n"); log(" early during simplification to ensure correct handling of\n"); log(" complex corner cases. this option disables this behavior.\n"); log("\n"); log(" this can also be achieved by setting the 'nomem2reg'\n"); log(" attribute on the respective module or register.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -mem2reg\n"); log(" always convert memories to registers. this can also be\n"); log(" achieved by setting the 'mem2reg' attribute on the respective\n"); log(" module or register.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -ppdump\n"); log(" dump verilog code after pre-processor\n"); log("\n"); log(" -nopp\n"); log(" do not run the pre-processor\n"); log("\n"); log(" -lib\n"); log(" only create empty blackbox modules\n"); log("\n"); log(" -noopt\n"); log(" don't perform basic optimizations (such as const folding) in the\n"); log(" high-level front-end.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -Dname[=definition]\n"); log(" define the preprocessor symbol 'name' and set its optional value\n"); log(" 'definition'\n"); log("\n"); log(" -Idir\n"); log(" add 'dir' to the directories which are used when searching include\n"); log(" files\n"); log("\n"); } virtual void execute(FILE *&f, std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design) { bool flag_dump_ast1 = false; bool flag_dump_ast2 = false; bool flag_dump_vlog = false; bool flag_nolatches = false; bool flag_nomem2reg = false; bool flag_mem2reg = false; bool flag_ppdump = false; bool flag_nopp = false; bool flag_lib = false; bool flag_noopt = false; std::map<std::string, std::string> defines_map; std::list<std::string> include_dirs; frontend_verilog_yydebug = false; log_header("Executing Verilog-2005 frontend.\n"); size_t argidx; for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) { std::string arg = args[argidx]; if (arg == "-dump_ast1") { flag_dump_ast1 = true; continue; } if (arg == "-dump_ast2") { flag_dump_ast2 = true; continue; } if (arg == "-dump_vlog") { flag_dump_vlog = true; continue; } if (arg == "-yydebug") { frontend_verilog_yydebug = true; continue; } if (arg == "-nolatches") { flag_nolatches = true; continue; } if (arg == "-nomem2reg") { flag_nomem2reg = true; continue; } if (arg == "-mem2reg") { flag_mem2reg = true; continue; } if (arg == "-ppdump") { flag_ppdump = true; continue; } if (arg == "-nopp") { flag_nopp = true; continue; } if (arg == "-lib") { flag_lib = true; continue; } if (arg == "-noopt") { flag_noopt = true; continue; } if (arg.compare(0,2,"-D") == 0) { size_t equal = arg.find('=',2); // returns string::npos it not found std::string name = arg.substr(2,equal-2); std::string value; if (equal != std::string::npos) { value = arg.substr(equal+1,std::string::npos); } defines_map[name] = value; continue; } if (arg.compare(0,2,"-I") == 0) { include_dirs.push_back(arg.substr(2,std::string::npos)); continue; } break; } extra_args(f, filename, args, argidx); log("Parsing Verilog input from `%s' to AST representation.\n", filename.c_str()); AST::current_filename = filename; AST::set_line_num = &frontend_verilog_yyset_lineno; AST::get_line_num = &frontend_verilog_yyget_lineno; current_ast = new AST::AstNode(AST::AST_DESIGN); FILE *fp = f; std::string code_after_preproc; if (!flag_nopp) { code_after_preproc = frontend_verilog_preproc(f, filename, defines_map, include_dirs); if (flag_ppdump) log("-- Verilog code after preprocessor --\n%s-- END OF DUMP --\n", code_after_preproc.c_str()); fp = fmemopen((void*)code_after_preproc.c_str(), code_after_preproc.size(), "r"); } frontend_verilog_yyset_lineno(1); frontend_verilog_yyrestart(fp); frontend_verilog_yyparse(); frontend_verilog_yylex_destroy(); AST::process(design, current_ast, flag_dump_ast1, flag_dump_ast2, flag_dump_vlog, flag_nolatches, flag_nomem2reg, flag_mem2reg, flag_lib, flag_noopt); if (!flag_nopp) fclose(fp); delete current_ast; current_ast = NULL; log("Successfully finished Verilog frontend.\n"); } } VerilogFrontend; // the yyerror function used by bison to report parser errors void frontend_verilog_yyerror(char const *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char buffer[1024]; char *p = buffer; p += snprintf(p, buffer + sizeof(buffer) - p, "Parser error in line %s:%d: ", AST::current_filename.c_str(), frontend_verilog_yyget_lineno()); va_start(ap, fmt); p += vsnprintf(p, buffer + sizeof(buffer) - p, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); p += snprintf(p, buffer + sizeof(buffer) - p, "\n"); log_error("%s", buffer); exit(1); }