/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #ifndef CELLTYPES_H #define CELLTYPES_H #include #include #include #include #include struct CellTypes { std::set cell_types; std::vector designs; CellTypes() { } CellTypes(const RTLIL::Design *design) { setup(design); } void setup(const RTLIL::Design *design = NULL) { if (design) setup_design(design); setup_internals(); setup_internals_mem(); setup_stdcells(); setup_stdcells_mem(); } void setup_design(const RTLIL::Design *design) { designs.push_back(design); } void setup_internals() { cell_types.insert("$not"); cell_types.insert("$pos"); cell_types.insert("$neg"); cell_types.insert("$and"); cell_types.insert("$or"); cell_types.insert("$xor"); cell_types.insert("$xnor"); cell_types.insert("$reduce_and"); cell_types.insert("$reduce_or"); cell_types.insert("$reduce_xor"); cell_types.insert("$reduce_xnor"); cell_types.insert("$reduce_bool"); cell_types.insert("$shl"); cell_types.insert("$shr"); cell_types.insert("$sshl"); cell_types.insert("$sshr"); cell_types.insert("$lt"); cell_types.insert("$le"); cell_types.insert("$eq"); cell_types.insert("$ne"); cell_types.insert("$ge"); cell_types.insert("$gt"); cell_types.insert("$add"); cell_types.insert("$sub"); cell_types.insert("$mul"); cell_types.insert("$div"); cell_types.insert("$mod"); cell_types.insert("$pow"); cell_types.insert("$logic_not"); cell_types.insert("$logic_and"); cell_types.insert("$logic_or"); cell_types.insert("$mux"); cell_types.insert("$pmux"); cell_types.insert("$safe_pmux"); cell_types.insert("$lut"); } void setup_internals_mem() { cell_types.insert("$sr"); cell_types.insert("$dff"); cell_types.insert("$dffsr"); cell_types.insert("$adff"); cell_types.insert("$dlatch"); cell_types.insert("$memrd"); cell_types.insert("$memwr"); cell_types.insert("$mem"); cell_types.insert("$fsm"); } void setup_stdcells() { cell_types.insert("$_INV_"); cell_types.insert("$_AND_"); cell_types.insert("$_OR_"); cell_types.insert("$_XOR_"); cell_types.insert("$_MUX_"); } void setup_stdcells_mem() { cell_types.insert("$_DFF_N_"); cell_types.insert("$_DFF_P_"); cell_types.insert("$_DFF_NN0_"); cell_types.insert("$_DFF_NN1_"); cell_types.insert("$_DFF_NP0_"); cell_types.insert("$_DFF_NP1_"); cell_types.insert("$_DFF_PN0_"); cell_types.insert("$_DFF_PN1_"); cell_types.insert("$_DFF_PP0_"); cell_types.insert("$_DFF_PP1_"); } void clear() { cell_types.clear(); designs.clear(); } bool cell_known(std::string type) { if (cell_types.count(type) > 0) return true; for (auto design : designs) if (design->modules.count(type) > 0) return true; return false; } bool cell_output(std::string type, std::string port) { if (cell_types.count(type) == 0) { for (auto design : designs) if (design->modules.count(type) > 0) { if (design->modules.at(type)->wires.count(port)) return design->modules.at(type)->wires.at(port)->port_output; return false; } return false; } if (port == "\\Y" || port == "\\Q" || port == "\\RD_DATA") return true; if (type == "$memrd" && port == "\\DATA") return true; if (type == "$fsm" && port == "\\CTRL_OUT") return true; if (type == "$lut" && port == "\\O") return true; return false; } bool cell_input(std::string type, std::string port) { if (cell_types.count(type) == 0) { for (auto design : designs) if (design->modules.count(type) > 0) { if (design->modules.at(type)->wires.count(port)) return design->modules.at(type)->wires.at(port)->port_input; return false; } return false; } if (cell_types.count(type) > 0) return !cell_output(type, port); return false; } static RTLIL::Const eval(std::string type, const RTLIL::Const &arg1, const RTLIL::Const &arg2, bool signed1, bool signed2, int result_len) { if (type == "$sshr" && !signed1) type = "$shr"; if (type == "$sshl" && !signed1) type = "$shl"; if (type != "$sshr" && type != "$sshl" && type != "$shr" && type != "$shl" && type != "$pos" && type != "$neg" && type != "$not") { if (!signed1 || !signed2) signed1 = false, signed2 = false; } #define HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(_t) if (type == "$" #_t) return const_ ## _t(arg1, arg2, signed1, signed2, result_len); HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(not) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(and) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(or) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(xor) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(xnor) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(reduce_and) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(reduce_or) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(reduce_xor) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(reduce_xnor) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(reduce_bool) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(logic_not) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(logic_and) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(logic_or) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(shl) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(shr) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(sshl) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(sshr) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(lt) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(le) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(eq) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(ne) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(ge) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(gt) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(add) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(sub) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(mul) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(div) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(mod) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(pow) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(pos) HANDLE_CELL_TYPE(neg) #undef HANDLE_CELL_TYPE if (type == "$_INV_") return const_not(arg1, arg2, false, false, 1); if (type == "$_AND_") return const_and(arg1, arg2, false, false, 1); if (type == "$_OR_") return const_or(arg1, arg2, false, false, 1); if (type == "$_XOR_") return const_xor(arg1, arg2, false, false, 1); log_abort(); } static RTLIL::Const eval(RTLIL::Cell *cell, const RTLIL::Const &arg1, const RTLIL::Const &arg2) { bool signed_a = cell->parameters.count("\\A_SIGNED") > 0 && cell->parameters["\\A_SIGNED"].as_bool(); bool signed_b = cell->parameters.count("\\B_SIGNED") > 0 && cell->parameters["\\B_SIGNED"].as_bool(); int result_len = cell->parameters.count("\\Y_WIDTH") > 0 ? cell->parameters["\\Y_WIDTH"].as_int() : -1; return eval(cell->type, arg1, arg2, signed_a, signed_b, result_len); } static RTLIL::Const eval(RTLIL::Cell *cell, const RTLIL::Const &arg1, const RTLIL::Const &arg2, const RTLIL::Const &sel) { if (cell->type == "$mux" || cell->type == "$pmux" || cell->type == "$safe_pmux" || cell->type == "$_MUX_") { RTLIL::Const ret = arg1; for (size_t i = 0; i < sel.bits.size(); i++) if (sel.bits[i] == RTLIL::State::S1) { std::vector bits(arg2.bits.begin() + i*arg1.bits.size(), arg2.bits.begin() + (i+1)*arg1.bits.size()); ret = RTLIL::Const(bits); } return ret; } assert(sel.bits.size() == 0); bool signed_a = cell->parameters.count("\\A_SIGNED") > 0 && cell->parameters["\\A_SIGNED"].as_bool(); bool signed_b = cell->parameters.count("\\B_SIGNED") > 0 && cell->parameters["\\B_SIGNED"].as_bool(); int result_len = cell->parameters.count("\\Y_WIDTH") > 0 ? cell->parameters["\\Y_WIDTH"].as_int() : -1; return eval(cell->type, arg1, arg2, signed_a, signed_b, result_len); } }; #endif