/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/register.h" #include "kernel/sigtools.h" #include "kernel/log.h" #include "kernel/celltypes.h" #include #include #include USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_BEGIN using RTLIL::id2cstr; struct OptMuxtreeWorker { RTLIL::Design *design; RTLIL::Module *module; SigMap assign_map; int removed_count; struct bitinfo_t { int num; SigBit bit; bool seen_non_mux; vector mux_users; vector mux_drivers; }; dict bit2num; vector bit2info; struct portinfo_t { int ctrl_sig; vector input_sigs; vector input_muxes; bool const_activated; bool const_deactivated; bool enabled; }; struct muxinfo_t { RTLIL::Cell *cell; vector ports; }; vector mux2info; vector root_muxes; OptMuxtreeWorker(RTLIL::Design *design, RTLIL::Module *module) : design(design), module(module), assign_map(module), removed_count(0) { log("Running muxtree optimizier on module %s..\n", module->name.c_str()); log(" Creating internal representation of mux trees.\n"); // Populate bit2info[]: // .seen_non_mux // .mux_users // .mux_drivers // Populate mux2info[].ports[]: // .ctrl_sig // .input_sigs // .const_activated // .const_deactivated for (auto cell : module->cells()) { if (cell->type == "$mux" || cell->type == "$pmux") { RTLIL::SigSpec sig_a = cell->getPort("\\A"); RTLIL::SigSpec sig_b = cell->getPort("\\B"); RTLIL::SigSpec sig_s = cell->getPort("\\S"); RTLIL::SigSpec sig_y = cell->getPort("\\Y"); muxinfo_t muxinfo; muxinfo.cell = cell; for (int i = 0; i < sig_s.size(); i++) { RTLIL::SigSpec sig = sig_b.extract(i*sig_a.size(), sig_a.size()); RTLIL::SigSpec ctrl_sig = assign_map(sig_s.extract(i, 1)); portinfo_t portinfo; portinfo.ctrl_sig = sig2bits(ctrl_sig, false).front(); for (int idx : sig2bits(sig)) { add_to_list(bit2info[idx].mux_users, mux2info.size()); add_to_list(portinfo.input_sigs, idx); } portinfo.const_activated = ctrl_sig.is_fully_const() && ctrl_sig.as_bool(); portinfo.const_deactivated = ctrl_sig.is_fully_const() && !ctrl_sig.as_bool(); portinfo.enabled = false; muxinfo.ports.push_back(portinfo); } portinfo_t portinfo; for (int idx : sig2bits(sig_a)) { add_to_list(bit2info[idx].mux_users, mux2info.size()); add_to_list(portinfo.input_sigs, idx); } portinfo.ctrl_sig = -1; portinfo.const_activated = false; portinfo.const_deactivated = false; portinfo.enabled = false; muxinfo.ports.push_back(portinfo); for (int idx : sig2bits(sig_y)) add_to_list(bit2info[idx].mux_drivers, mux2info.size()); for (int idx : sig2bits(sig_s)) bit2info[idx].seen_non_mux = true; mux2info.push_back(muxinfo); } else { for (auto &it : cell->connections()) { for (int idx : sig2bits(it.second)) bit2info[idx].seen_non_mux = true; } } } for (auto wire : module->wires()) { if (wire->port_output) for (int idx : sig2bits(RTLIL::SigSpec(wire))) bit2info[idx].seen_non_mux = true; } if (mux2info.size() == 0) { log(" No muxes found in this module.\n"); return; } // Populate mux2info[].ports[]: // .input_muxes for (size_t i = 0; i < bit2info.size(); i++) for (int j : bit2info[i].mux_users) for (auto &p : mux2info[j].ports) { if (is_in_list(p.input_sigs, i)) for (int k : bit2info[i].mux_drivers) add_to_list(p.input_muxes, k); } log(" Evaluating internal representation of mux trees.\n"); dict> mux_to_users; root_muxes.resize(mux2info.size()); for (auto &bi : bit2info) { for (int i : bi.mux_drivers) for (int j : bi.mux_users) mux_to_users[i].insert(j); if (!bi.seen_non_mux) continue; for (int mux_idx : bi.mux_drivers) root_muxes.at(mux_idx) = true; } for (auto &it : mux_to_users) if (GetSize(it.second) > 1) root_muxes.at(it.first) = true; for (int mux_idx = 0; mux_idx < GetSize(root_muxes); mux_idx++) if (root_muxes.at(mux_idx)) { log(" Root of a mux tree: %s\n", log_id(mux2info[mux_idx].cell)); eval_root_mux(mux_idx); } log(" Analyzing evaluation results.\n"); for (auto &mi : mux2info) { vector live_ports; for (int port_idx = 0; port_idx < GetSize(mi.ports); port_idx++) { portinfo_t &pi = mi.ports[port_idx]; if (pi.enabled) { live_ports.push_back(port_idx); } else { log(" dead port %d/%d on %s %s.\n", port_idx+1, GetSize(mi.ports), mi.cell->type.c_str(), mi.cell->name.c_str()); removed_count++; } } if (live_ports.size() == mi.ports.size()) continue; if (live_ports.size() == 0) { module->remove(mi.cell); continue; } RTLIL::SigSpec sig_a = mi.cell->getPort("\\A"); RTLIL::SigSpec sig_b = mi.cell->getPort("\\B"); RTLIL::SigSpec sig_s = mi.cell->getPort("\\S"); RTLIL::SigSpec sig_y = mi.cell->getPort("\\Y"); RTLIL::SigSpec sig_ports = sig_b; sig_ports.append(sig_a); if (live_ports.size() == 1) { RTLIL::SigSpec sig_in = sig_ports.extract(live_ports[0]*sig_a.size(), sig_a.size()); module->connect(RTLIL::SigSig(sig_y, sig_in)); module->remove(mi.cell); } else { RTLIL::SigSpec new_sig_a, new_sig_b, new_sig_s; for (size_t i = 0; i < live_ports.size(); i++) { RTLIL::SigSpec sig_in = sig_ports.extract(live_ports[i]*sig_a.size(), sig_a.size()); if (i == live_ports.size()-1) { new_sig_a = sig_in; } else { new_sig_b.append(sig_in); new_sig_s.append(sig_s.extract(live_ports[i], 1)); } } mi.cell->setPort("\\A", new_sig_a); mi.cell->setPort("\\B", new_sig_b); mi.cell->setPort("\\S", new_sig_s); if (new_sig_s.size() == 1) { mi.cell->type = "$mux"; mi.cell->parameters.erase("\\S_WIDTH"); } else { mi.cell->parameters["\\S_WIDTH"] = RTLIL::Const(new_sig_s.size()); } } } } bool is_in_list(const vector &list, int value) { for (int v : list) if (v == value) return true; return false; } void add_to_list(vector &list, int value) { if (!is_in_list(list, value)) list.push_back(value); } vector sig2bits(RTLIL::SigSpec sig, bool skip_non_wires = true) { vector results; assign_map.apply(sig); for (auto &bit : sig) if (bit.wire != NULL) { if (bit2num.count(bit) == 0) { bitinfo_t info; info.num = bit2info.size(); info.bit = bit; info.seen_non_mux = false; bit2info.push_back(info); bit2num[info.bit] = info.num; } results.push_back(bit2num[bit]); } else if (!skip_non_wires) results.push_back(-1); return results; } struct knowledge_t { // database of known inactive signals // the payload is a reference counter used to manage the // list. when it is non-zero the signal in known to be inactive vector known_inactive; // database of known active signals vector known_active; // this is just used to keep track of visited muxes in order to prohibit // endless recursion in mux loops vector visited_muxes; }; void eval_mux_port(knowledge_t &knowledge, int mux_idx, int port_idx) { muxinfo_t &muxinfo = mux2info[mux_idx]; if (muxinfo.ports[port_idx].const_deactivated) return; muxinfo.ports[port_idx].enabled = true; for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(muxinfo.ports); i++) { if (i == port_idx) continue; if (muxinfo.ports[i].ctrl_sig >= 0) knowledge.known_inactive.at(muxinfo.ports[i].ctrl_sig)++; } if (port_idx < int(muxinfo.ports.size())-1 && !muxinfo.ports[port_idx].const_activated) knowledge.known_active.at(muxinfo.ports[port_idx].ctrl_sig)++; vector parent_muxes; for (int m : muxinfo.ports[port_idx].input_muxes) { if (knowledge.visited_muxes[m]) continue; knowledge.visited_muxes[m] = true; parent_muxes.push_back(m); } for (int m : parent_muxes) if (!root_muxes.at(m)) eval_mux(knowledge, m); for (int m : parent_muxes) knowledge.visited_muxes[m] = false; if (port_idx < int(muxinfo.ports.size())-1 && !muxinfo.ports[port_idx].const_activated) knowledge.known_active.at(muxinfo.ports[port_idx].ctrl_sig)--; for (size_t i = 0; i < muxinfo.ports.size(); i++) { if (int(i) == port_idx) continue; if (muxinfo.ports[i].ctrl_sig >= 0) knowledge.known_inactive.at(muxinfo.ports[i].ctrl_sig)--; } } void replace_known(knowledge_t &knowledge, muxinfo_t &muxinfo, IdString portname) { SigSpec sig = muxinfo.cell->getPort(portname); bool did_something = false; vector bits = sig2bits(sig, false); for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(bits); i++) { if (bits[i] < 0) continue; if (knowledge.known_inactive.at(bits[i])) { sig[i] = State::S0; did_something = true; } else if (knowledge.known_active.at(bits[i])) { sig[i] = State::S1; did_something = true; } } if (did_something) { log(" Replacing known input bits on port %s of cell %s: %s -> %s\n", log_id(portname), log_id(muxinfo.cell), log_signal(muxinfo.cell->getPort(portname)), log_signal(sig)); muxinfo.cell->setPort(portname, sig); } } void eval_mux(knowledge_t &knowledge, int mux_idx) { muxinfo_t &muxinfo = mux2info[mux_idx]; // set input ports to constants if we find known active or inactive signals replace_known(knowledge, muxinfo, "\\A"); replace_known(knowledge, muxinfo, "\\B"); // if there is a constant activated port we just use it for (size_t port_idx = 0; port_idx < muxinfo.ports.size()-1; port_idx++) { portinfo_t &portinfo = muxinfo.ports[port_idx]; if (portinfo.const_activated) { eval_mux_port(knowledge, mux_idx, port_idx); return; } } // compare ports with known_active signals. if we find a match, only this // port can be active. do not include the last port (its the default port // that has no control signals). for (size_t port_idx = 0; port_idx < muxinfo.ports.size()-1; port_idx++) { portinfo_t &portinfo = muxinfo.ports[port_idx]; if (knowledge.known_active.at(portinfo.ctrl_sig)) { eval_mux_port(knowledge, mux_idx, port_idx); return; } } // compare ports with known_inactive and known_active signals. If the control // signal of the port is known_inactive or if the control signals of all other // ports are known_active this port can't be activated. this loop includes the // default port but no known_inactive match is performed on the default port. for (size_t port_idx = 0; port_idx < muxinfo.ports.size(); port_idx++) { portinfo_t &portinfo = muxinfo.ports[port_idx]; if (port_idx < muxinfo.ports.size()-1) { bool found_non_known_inactive = false; if (knowledge.known_inactive.at(portinfo.ctrl_sig) == 0) found_non_known_inactive = true; if (!found_non_known_inactive) continue; } bool port_active = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < muxinfo.ports.size()-1; i++) { if (i == port_idx) continue; if (knowledge.known_active.at(muxinfo.ports[i].ctrl_sig)) port_active = false; } if (port_active) eval_mux_port(knowledge, mux_idx, port_idx); } } void eval_root_mux(int mux_idx) { knowledge_t knowledge; knowledge.known_inactive.resize(bit2info.size()); knowledge.known_active.resize(bit2info.size()); knowledge.visited_muxes.resize(mux2info.size()); knowledge.visited_muxes[mux_idx] = true; eval_mux(knowledge, mux_idx); } }; struct OptMuxtreePass : public Pass { OptMuxtreePass() : Pass("opt_muxtree", "eliminate dead trees in multiplexer trees") { } virtual void help() { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" opt_muxtree [selection]\n"); log("\n"); log("This pass analyzes the control signals for the multiplexer trees in the design\n"); log("and identifies inputs that can never be active. It then removes this dead\n"); log("branches from the multiplexer trees.\n"); log("\n"); log("This pass only operates on completely selected modules without processes.\n"); log("\n"); } virtual void execute(vector args, RTLIL::Design *design) { log_header("Executing OPT_MUXTREE pass (detect dead branches in mux trees).\n"); extra_args(args, 1, design); int total_count = 0; for (auto mod : design->modules()) { if (!design->selected_whole_module(mod)) { if (design->selected(mod)) log("Skipping module %s as it is only partially selected.\n", log_id(mod)); continue; } if (mod->processes.size() > 0) { log("Skipping module %s as it contains processes.\n", log_id(mod)); } else { OptMuxtreeWorker worker(design, mod); total_count += worker.removed_count; } } if (total_count) design->scratchpad_set_bool("opt.did_something", true); log("Removed %d multiplexer ports.\n", total_count); } } OptMuxtreePass; PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_END