/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * --- * * The Verilog frontend. * * This frontend is using the AST frontend library (see frontends/ast/). * Thus this frontend does not generate RTLIL code directly but creates an * AST directly from the Verilog parse tree and then passes this AST to * the AST frontend library. * * --- * * This file contains an ad-hoc parser for Verilog constants. The Verilog * lexer does only recognize a constant but does not actually split it to its * components. I.e. it just passes the Verilog code for the constant to the * bison parser. The parser then uses the function const2ast() from this file * to create an AST node for the constant. * */ #include "verilog_frontend.h" #include "kernel/log.h" #include <string.h> #include <math.h> YOSYS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN using namespace AST; // divide an arbitrary length decimal number by two and return the rest static int my_decimal_div_by_two(std::vector<uint8_t> &digits) { int carry = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < digits.size(); i++) { log_assert(digits[i] < 10); digits[i] += carry * 10; carry = digits[i] % 2; digits[i] /= 2; } while (!digits.empty() && !digits.front()) digits.erase(digits.begin()); return carry; } // find the number of significant bits in a binary number (not including the sign bit) static int my_ilog2(int x) { int ret = 0; while (x != 0 && x != -1) { x = x >> 1; ret++; } return ret; } // parse a binary, decimal, hexadecimal or octal number with support for special bits ('x', 'z' and '?') static void my_strtobin(std::vector<RTLIL::State> &data, const char *str, int len_in_bits, int base, char case_type) { // all digits in string (MSB at index 0) std::vector<uint8_t> digits; while (*str) { if ('0' <= *str && *str <= '9') digits.push_back(*str - '0'); else if ('a' <= *str && *str <= 'f') digits.push_back(10 + *str - 'a'); else if ('A' <= *str && *str <= 'F') digits.push_back(10 + *str - 'A'); else if (*str == 'x' || *str == 'X') digits.push_back(0xf0); else if (*str == 'z' || *str == 'Z') digits.push_back(0xf1); else if (*str == '?') digits.push_back(0xf2); str++; } if (base == 10) { data.clear(); if (len_in_bits < 0) { while (!digits.empty()) data.push_back(my_decimal_div_by_two(digits) ? RTLIL::S1 : RTLIL::S0); while (data.size() < 32) data.push_back(RTLIL::S0); } else { for (int i = 0; i < len_in_bits; i++) data.push_back(my_decimal_div_by_two(digits) ? RTLIL::S1 : RTLIL::S0); } return; } int bits_per_digit = my_ilog2(base-1); if (len_in_bits < 0) len_in_bits = std::max<int>(digits.size() * bits_per_digit, 32); data.clear(); data.resize(len_in_bits); for (int i = 0; i < len_in_bits; i++) { int bitmask = 1 << (i % bits_per_digit); int digitidx = digits.size() - (i / bits_per_digit) - 1; if (digitidx < 0) { if (i > 0 && (data[i-1] == RTLIL::Sz || data[i-1] == RTLIL::Sx || data[i-1] == RTLIL::Sa)) data[i] = data[i-1]; else data[i] = RTLIL::S0; } else if (digits[digitidx] == 0xf0) data[i] = case_type == 'x' ? RTLIL::Sa : RTLIL::Sx; else if (digits[digitidx] == 0xf1) data[i] = case_type == 'x' || case_type == 'z' ? RTLIL::Sa : RTLIL::Sz; else if (digits[digitidx] == 0xf2) data[i] = RTLIL::Sa; else data[i] = (digits[digitidx] & bitmask) ? RTLIL::S1 : RTLIL::S0; } } // convert the verilog code for a constant to an AST node AstNode *VERILOG_FRONTEND::const2ast(std::string code, char case_type, bool warn_z) { if (warn_z) { AstNode *ret = const2ast(code, case_type); if (std::find(ret->bits.begin(), ret->bits.end(), RTLIL::State::Sz) != ret->bits.end()) log_warning("Yosys does not support tri-state logic at the moment. (%s:%d)\n", current_filename.c_str(), frontend_verilog_yyget_lineno()); return ret; } const char *str = code.c_str(); // Strings if (*str == '"') { int len = strlen(str) - 2; std::vector<RTLIL::State> data; data.reserve(len * 8); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { unsigned char ch = str[len - i]; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { data.push_back((ch & 1) ? RTLIL::S1 : RTLIL::S0); ch = ch >> 1; } } AstNode *ast = AstNode::mkconst_bits(data, false); ast->str = code; return ast; } for (size_t i = 0; i < code.size(); i++) if (code[i] == '_' || code[i] == ' ' || code[i] == '\t' || code[i] == '\r' || code[i] == '\n') code.erase(code.begin()+(i--)); str = code.c_str(); char *endptr; long len_in_bits = strtol(str, &endptr, 10); // Simple base-10 integer if (*endptr == 0) { std::vector<RTLIL::State> data; my_strtobin(data, str, -1, 10, case_type); if (data.back() == RTLIL::S1) data.push_back(RTLIL::S0); return AstNode::mkconst_bits(data, true); } // unsized constant if (str == endptr) len_in_bits = -1; // The "<bits>'s?[bodh]<digits>" syntax if (*endptr == '\'') { std::vector<RTLIL::State> data; bool is_signed = false; if (*(endptr+1) == 's') { is_signed = true; endptr++; } switch (*(endptr+1)) { case 'b': my_strtobin(data, endptr+2, len_in_bits, 2, case_type); break; case 'o': my_strtobin(data, endptr+2, len_in_bits, 8, case_type); break; case 'd': my_strtobin(data, endptr+2, len_in_bits, 10, case_type); break; case 'h': my_strtobin(data, endptr+2, len_in_bits, 16, case_type); break; default: return NULL; } if (len_in_bits < 0) { if (is_signed && data.back() == RTLIL::S1) data.push_back(RTLIL::S0); while (data.size() < 32) data.push_back(RTLIL::S0); } return AstNode::mkconst_bits(data, is_signed); } return NULL; } YOSYS_NAMESPACE_END