/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * --- * * The Verilog frontend. * * This frontend is using the AST frontend library (see frontends/ast/). * Thus this frontend does not generate RTLIL code directly but creates an * AST directly from the Verilog parse tree and then passes this AST to * the AST frontend library. * * --- * * Ad-hoc implementation of a Verilog preprocessor. The directives `define, * `include, `ifdef, `ifndef, `else and `endif are handled here. All other * directives are handled by the lexer (see lexer.l). * */ #include "verilog_frontend.h" #include "kernel/log.h" #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <list> static std::list<std::string> output_code; static std::list<std::string> input_buffer; static size_t input_buffer_charp; static void return_char(char ch) { if (input_buffer_charp == 0) input_buffer.push_front(std::string() + ch); else input_buffer.front()[--input_buffer_charp] = ch; } static void insert_input(std::string str) { if (input_buffer_charp != 0) { input_buffer.front() = input_buffer.front().substr(input_buffer_charp); input_buffer_charp = 0; } input_buffer.push_front(str); } static char next_char() { if (input_buffer.size() == 0) return 0; assert(input_buffer_charp <= input_buffer.front().size()); if (input_buffer_charp == input_buffer.front().size()) { input_buffer_charp = 0; input_buffer.pop_front(); return next_char(); } char ch = input_buffer.front()[input_buffer_charp++]; return ch == '\r' ? next_char() : ch; } static void skip_spaces() { while (1) { char ch = next_char(); if (ch == 0) break; if (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t') { return_char(ch); break; } } } static std::string next_token(bool pass_newline = false) { std::string token; char ch = next_char(); if (ch == 0) return token; token += ch; if (ch == '\n') { if (pass_newline) { output_code.push_back(token); return ""; } return token; } if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') { while ((ch = next_char()) != 0) { if (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t') { return_char(ch); break; } token += ch; } } else if (ch == '"') { while ((ch = next_char()) != 0) { token += ch; if (ch == '"') break; if (ch == '\\') { if ((ch = next_char()) != 0) token += ch; } } } else if (ch == '/') { if ((ch = next_char()) != 0) { if (ch == '/') { token += '*'; char last_ch = 0; while ((ch = next_char()) != 0) { if (ch == '\n') { return_char(ch); break; } if (last_ch != '*' || ch != '/') { token += ch; last_ch = ch; } } token += " */"; } else if (ch == '*') { token += '*'; int newline_count = 0; char last_ch = 0; while ((ch = next_char()) != 0) { if (ch == '\n') { newline_count++; token += ' '; } else token += ch; if (last_ch == '*' && ch == '/') break; last_ch = ch; } while (newline_count-- > 0) return_char('\n'); } else return_char(ch); } } else { const char *ok = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$0123456789"; while ((ch = next_char()) != 0) { if (strchr(ok, ch) == NULL) { return_char(ch); break; } token += ch; } } return token; } static void input_file(FILE *f, std::string filename) { char buffer[513]; int rc; insert_input(""); auto it = input_buffer.begin(); input_buffer.insert(it, "`file_push " + filename + "\n"); while ((rc = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer)-1, f)) > 0) { buffer[rc] = 0; input_buffer.insert(it, buffer); } input_buffer.insert(it, "`file_pop\n"); } static std::string define_to_feature(std::string defname) { if (defname == "__YOSYS_ENABLE_DEFATTR__") return "defattr"; return std::string(); } std::string frontend_verilog_preproc(FILE *f, std::string filename, const std::map<std::string, std::string> pre_defines_map) { std::map<std::string, std::string> defines_map(pre_defines_map); int ifdef_fail_level = 0; output_code.clear(); input_buffer.clear(); input_buffer_charp = 0; input_file(f, filename); defines_map["__YOSYS__"] = "1"; while (!input_buffer.empty()) { std::string tok = next_token(); // printf("token: >>%s<<\n", tok != "\n" ? tok.c_str() : "NEWLINE"); if (tok == "`endif") { if (ifdef_fail_level > 0) ifdef_fail_level--; continue; } if (tok == "`else") { if (ifdef_fail_level == 0) ifdef_fail_level = 1; else if (ifdef_fail_level == 1) ifdef_fail_level = 0; continue; } if (tok == "`ifdef") { skip_spaces(); std::string name = next_token(true); if (ifdef_fail_level > 0 || defines_map.count(name) == 0) ifdef_fail_level++; continue; } if (tok == "`ifndef") { skip_spaces(); std::string name = next_token(true); if (ifdef_fail_level > 0 || defines_map.count(name) != 0) ifdef_fail_level++; continue; } if (ifdef_fail_level > 0) { if (tok == "\n") output_code.push_back(tok); continue; } if (tok == "`include") { skip_spaces(); std::string fn = next_token(true); while (1) { size_t pos = fn.find('"'); if (pos == std::string::npos) break; if (pos == 0) fn = fn.substr(1); else fn = fn.substr(0, pos) + fn.substr(pos+1); } FILE *fp = fopen(fn.c_str(), "r"); if (fp == NULL && fn.size() > 0 && fn[0] != '/' && filename.find('/') != std::string::npos) { std::string fn2 = filename.substr(0, filename.rfind('/')+1) + fn; fp = fopen(fn2.c_str(), "r"); } if (fp != NULL) { input_file(fp, fn); fclose(fp); } else output_code.push_back("`file_notfound " + fn + "\n"); continue; } if (tok == "`define") { std::string name, value; skip_spaces(); name = next_token(true); if (!define_to_feature(name).empty()) output_code.push_back("`yosys_enable_" + define_to_feature(name)); skip_spaces(); int newline_count = 0; while (!tok.empty()) { tok = next_token(); if (tok == "\n") { return_char('\n'); break; } if (tok == "\\") { char ch = next_char(); if (ch == '\n') { value += " "; newline_count++; } else { value += std::string("\\"); return_char(ch); } } else value += tok; } while (newline_count-- > 0) return_char('\n'); // printf("define: >>%s<< -> >>%s<<\n", name.c_str(), value.c_str()); defines_map[name] = value; continue; } if (tok == "`undef") { std::string name; skip_spaces(); name = next_token(true); if (!define_to_feature(name).empty()) output_code.push_back("`yosys_disable_" + define_to_feature(name)); // printf("undef: >>%s<<\n", name.c_str()); defines_map.erase(name); continue; } if (tok == "`timescale") { std::string name; skip_spaces(); while (!tok.empty() && tok != "\n") tok = next_token(true); if (tok == "\n") return_char('\n'); continue; } if (tok.size() > 1 && tok[0] == '`' && defines_map.count(tok.substr(1)) > 0) { // printf("expand: >>%s<< -> >>%s<<\n", tok.c_str(), defines_map[tok.substr(1)].c_str()); insert_input(defines_map[tok.substr(1)]); continue; } output_code.push_back(tok); } std::string output; for (auto &str : output_code) output += str; output_code.clear(); input_buffer.clear(); input_buffer_charp = 0; return output; }