/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/register.h" #include "kernel/celltypes.h" #include "kernel/consteval.h" #include "kernel/sigtools.h" #include "kernel/log.h" #include "kernel/satgen.h" #include #include #include #include namespace { bool inv_mode; int verbose_level; typedef std::map>> drivers_t; struct equiv_bit_t { int depth; bool inverted; RTLIL::Cell *drv; RTLIL::SigBit bit; bool operator<(const equiv_bit_t &other) const { if (depth != other.depth) return depth < other.depth; if (inverted != other.inverted) return inverted < other.inverted; if (drv != other.drv) return drv < other.drv; return bit < other.bit; } }; struct FindReducedInputs { SigMap &sigmap; drivers_t &drivers; ezDefaultSAT ez; std::set ez_cells; SatGen satgen; FindReducedInputs(SigMap &sigmap, drivers_t &drivers) : sigmap(sigmap), drivers(drivers), satgen(&ez, &sigmap) { satgen.model_undef = true; } void register_cone_worker(std::set &pi, std::set &sigdone, RTLIL::SigBit out) { if (out.wire == NULL) return; if (sigdone.count(out) != 0) return; sigdone.insert(out); if (drivers.count(out) != 0) { std::pair> &drv = drivers.at(out); if (ez_cells.count(drv.first) == 0) { satgen.setContext(&sigmap, "A"); if (!satgen.importCell(drv.first)) log_error("Can't create SAT model for cell %s (%s)!\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(drv.first->name), RTLIL::id2cstr(drv.first->type)); satgen.setContext(&sigmap, "B"); if (!satgen.importCell(drv.first)) log_abort(); ez_cells.insert(drv.first); } for (auto &bit : drv.second) register_cone_worker(pi, sigdone, bit); } else pi.insert(out); } void register_cone(std::vector &pi, RTLIL::SigBit out) { std::set pi_set, sigdone; register_cone_worker(pi_set, sigdone, out); pi.clear(); pi.insert(pi.end(), pi_set.begin(), pi_set.end()); } void analyze(std::vector &reduced_inputs, RTLIL::SigBit output) { if (verbose_level >= 1) log(" Analyzing input cone for signal %s:\n", log_signal(output)); std::vector pi; register_cone(pi, output); if (verbose_level >= 1) log(" Found %d input signals and %d cells.\n", int(pi.size()), int(ez_cells.size())); satgen.setContext(&sigmap, "A"); int output_a = satgen.importSigSpec(output).front(); int output_undef_a = satgen.importUndefSigSpec(output).front(); ez.assume(ez.NOT(ez.expression(ezSAT::OpOr, satgen.importUndefSigSpec(pi)))); satgen.setContext(&sigmap, "B"); int output_b = satgen.importSigSpec(output).front(); int output_undef_b = satgen.importUndefSigSpec(output).front(); ez.assume(ez.NOT(ez.expression(ezSAT::OpOr, satgen.importUndefSigSpec(pi)))); for (size_t i = 0; i < pi.size(); i++) { RTLIL::SigSpec test_sig(pi[i]); RTLIL::SigSpec rest_sig(pi); rest_sig.remove(i, 1); int test_sig_a, test_sig_b; std::vector rest_sig_a, rest_sig_b; satgen.setContext(&sigmap, "A"); test_sig_a = satgen.importSigSpec(test_sig).front(); rest_sig_a = satgen.importSigSpec(rest_sig); satgen.setContext(&sigmap, "B"); test_sig_b = satgen.importSigSpec(test_sig).front(); rest_sig_b = satgen.importSigSpec(rest_sig); if (ez.solve(ez.vec_eq(rest_sig_a, rest_sig_b), ez.XOR(output_a, output_b), ez.XOR(test_sig_a, test_sig_b), ez.NOT(output_undef_a), ez.NOT(output_undef_b))) { if (verbose_level >= 2) log(" Result for input %s: pass\n", log_signal(test_sig)); reduced_inputs.push_back(pi[i]); } else { if (verbose_level >= 2) log(" Result for input %s: strip\n", log_signal(test_sig)); } } if (verbose_level >= 1) log(" Reduced input cone contains %d inputs.\n", int(reduced_inputs.size())); } }; struct PerformReduction { SigMap &sigmap; drivers_t &drivers; std::set> &inv_pairs; ezDefaultSAT ez; SatGen satgen; std::vector sat_pi, sat_out, sat_def; std::vector out_bits, pi_bits; std::vector out_inverted; std::vector out_depth; int register_cone_worker(std::set &celldone, std::map &sigdepth, RTLIL::SigBit out) { if (out.wire == NULL) return 0; if (sigdepth.count(out) != 0) return sigdepth.at(out); sigdepth[out] = 0; if (drivers.count(out) != 0) { std::pair> &drv = drivers.at(out); if (celldone.count(drv.first) == 0) { if (!satgen.importCell(drv.first)) log_error("Can't create SAT model for cell %s (%s)!\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(drv.first->name), RTLIL::id2cstr(drv.first->type)); celldone.insert(drv.first); } int max_child_dept = 0; for (auto &bit : drv.second) max_child_dept = std::max(register_cone_worker(celldone, sigdepth, bit), max_child_dept); sigdepth[out] = max_child_dept + 1; } else { pi_bits.push_back(out); sat_pi.push_back(satgen.importSigSpec(out).front()); ez.assume(ez.NOT(satgen.importUndefSigSpec(out).front())); } return sigdepth[out]; } PerformReduction(SigMap &sigmap, drivers_t &drivers, std::set> &inv_pairs, std::vector &bits) : sigmap(sigmap), drivers(drivers), inv_pairs(inv_pairs), satgen(&ez, &sigmap), out_bits(bits) { satgen.model_undef = true; std::set celldone; std::map sigdepth; for (auto &bit : bits) { out_depth.push_back(register_cone_worker(celldone, sigdepth, bit)); sat_out.push_back(satgen.importSigSpec(bit).front()); sat_def.push_back(ez.NOT(satgen.importUndefSigSpec(bit).front())); } if (inv_mode) { if (!ez.solve(sat_out, out_inverted, ez.expression(ezSAT::OpAnd, sat_def))) log_error("Solving for initial model failed!\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < sat_out.size(); i++) if (out_inverted.at(i)) sat_out[i] = ez.NOT(sat_out[i]); } else out_inverted = std::vector(sat_out.size(), false); } void analyze(std::vector> &results, std::map &results_map, std::vector &bucket, int level) { if (bucket.size() <= 1) return; if (verbose_level == 1) log("%*s Trying to shatter bucket with %d signals.\n", 2*level, "", int(bucket.size())); if (verbose_level > 1) { std::vector bucket_sigbits; for (int idx : bucket) bucket_sigbits.push_back(out_bits[idx]); log("%*s Trying to shatter bucket with %d signals: %s\n", 2*level, "", int(bucket.size()), log_signal(RTLIL::SigSpec(bucket_sigbits).optimized())); } std::vector sat_list, sat_inv_list; for (int idx : bucket) { sat_list.push_back(ez.AND(sat_out[idx], sat_def[idx])); sat_inv_list.push_back(ez.AND(ez.NOT(sat_out[idx]), sat_def[idx])); } std::vector modelVars = sat_out; std::vector model; modelVars.insert(modelVars.end(), sat_def.begin(), sat_def.end()); if (verbose_level >= 2) modelVars.insert(modelVars.end(), sat_pi.begin(), sat_pi.end()); if (ez.solve(modelVars, model, ez.expression(ezSAT::OpOr, sat_list), ez.expression(ezSAT::OpOr, sat_inv_list))) { if (verbose_level >= 2) { for (size_t i = 0; i < pi_bits.size(); i++) log("%*s -> PI %c == %s\n", 2*level, "", model[2*sat_out.size() + i] ? '1' : '0', log_signal(pi_bits[i])); for (int idx : bucket) log("%*s -> OUT %c == %s%s\n", 2*level, "", model[sat_out.size() + idx] ? model[idx] ? '1' : '0' : 'x', out_inverted.at(idx) ? "~" : "", log_signal(out_bits[idx])); } std::vector buckets_a; std::vector buckets_b; for (int idx : bucket) { if (!model[sat_out.size() + idx] || model[idx]) buckets_a.push_back(idx); if (!model[sat_out.size() + idx] || !model[idx]) buckets_b.push_back(idx); } analyze(results, results_map, buckets_a, level+1); analyze(results, results_map, buckets_b, level+1); } else { std::vector undef_slaves; for (int idx : bucket) { std::vector sat_def_list; for (int idx2 : bucket) if (idx != idx2) sat_def_list.push_back(sat_def[idx2]); if (ez.solve(ez.NOT(sat_def[idx]), ez.expression(ezSAT::OpOr, sat_def_list))) undef_slaves.push_back(idx); } if (undef_slaves.size() == bucket.size()) { if (verbose_level >= 1) log("%*s Complex undef overlap. None of the signals covers the others.\n", 2*level, ""); // FIXME: We could try to further shatter a group with complex undef overlaps return; } for (int idx : undef_slaves) out_depth[idx] = std::numeric_limits::max(); if (verbose_level >= 1) { log("%*s Found %d equivialent signals:", 2*level, "", int(bucket.size())); for (int idx : bucket) log("%s%s%s", idx == bucket.front() ? " " : ", ", out_inverted[idx] ? "~" : "", log_signal(out_bits[idx])); log("\n"); } int result_idx = -1; for (int idx : bucket) { if (results_map.count(idx) == 0) continue; if (result_idx == -1) { result_idx = results_map.at(idx); continue; } int result_idx2 = results_map.at(idx); results[result_idx].insert(results[result_idx2].begin(), results[result_idx2].end()); for (int idx2 : results[result_idx2]) results_map[idx2] = result_idx; results[result_idx2].clear(); } if (result_idx == -1) { result_idx = results.size(); results.push_back(std::set()); } results[result_idx].insert(bucket.begin(), bucket.end()); } } void analyze(std::vector> &results) { std::vector bucket; for (size_t i = 0; i < sat_out.size(); i++) bucket.push_back(i); std::vector> results_buf; std::map results_map; analyze(results_buf, results_map, bucket, 1); for (auto &r : results_buf) { if (r.size() <= 1) continue; if (verbose_level >= 1) { std::vector r_sigbits; for (int idx : r) r_sigbits.push_back(out_bits[idx]); log(" Found group of %d equivialent signals: %s\n", int(r.size()), log_signal(RTLIL::SigSpec(r_sigbits).optimized())); } std::vector undef_slaves; for (int idx : r) { std::vector sat_def_list; for (int idx2 : r) if (idx != idx2) sat_def_list.push_back(sat_def[idx2]); if (ez.solve(ez.NOT(sat_def[idx]), ez.expression(ezSAT::OpOr, sat_def_list))) undef_slaves.push_back(idx); } if (undef_slaves.size() == bucket.size()) { if (verbose_level >= 1) log(" Complex undef overlap. None of the signals covers the others.\n"); // FIXME: We could try to further shatter a group with complex undef overlaps return; } for (int idx : undef_slaves) out_depth[idx] = std::numeric_limits::max(); std::vector result; for (int idx : r) { equiv_bit_t bit; bit.depth = out_depth[idx]; bit.inverted = out_inverted[idx]; bit.drv = drivers.count(out_bits[idx]) ? drivers.at(out_bits[idx]).first : NULL; bit.bit = out_bits[idx]; result.push_back(bit); } std::sort(result.begin(), result.end()); if (result.front().inverted) for (auto &bit : result) bit.inverted = !bit.inverted; for (size_t i = 1; i < result.size(); i++) { std::pair p(result[0].bit, result[i].bit); if (inv_pairs.count(p) != 0) result.erase(result.begin() + i); } if (result.size() > 1) results.push_back(result); } } }; struct FreduceWorker { RTLIL::Module *module; SigMap sigmap; drivers_t drivers; std::set> inv_pairs; FreduceWorker(RTLIL::Module *module) : module(module), sigmap(module) { } int run() { log("Running functional reduction on module %s:\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(module->name)); CellTypes ct; ct.setup_internals(); ct.setup_stdcells(); std::vector> batches; for (auto &it : module->wires) if (it.second->port_input) batches.push_back(sigmap(it.second).to_sigbit_set()); for (auto &it : module->cells) { if (ct.cell_known(it.second->type)) { std::set inputs, outputs; for (auto &port : it.second->connections) { std::vector bits = sigmap(port.second).to_sigbit_vector(); if (ct.cell_output(it.second->type, port.first)) outputs.insert(bits.begin(), bits.end()); else inputs.insert(bits.begin(), bits.end()); } std::pair> drv(it.second, inputs); for (auto &bit : outputs) drivers[bit] = drv; batches.push_back(outputs); } if (inv_mode && it.second->type == "$_INV_") inv_pairs.insert(std::pair(sigmap(it.second->connections.at("\\A")), sigmap(it.second->connections.at("\\Y")))); } int bits_count = 0; std::map, std::vector> buckets; buckets[std::vector()].push_back(RTLIL::SigBit(RTLIL::State::S0)); buckets[std::vector()].push_back(RTLIL::SigBit(RTLIL::State::S1)); for (auto &batch : batches) { log(" Finding reduced input cone for signal batch %s%c\n", log_signal(RTLIL::SigSpec(std::vector(batch.begin(), batch.end())).optimized()), verbose_level ? ':' : '.'); FindReducedInputs infinder(sigmap, drivers); for (auto &bit : batch) { std::vector inputs; infinder.analyze(inputs, bit); buckets[inputs].push_back(bit); bits_count++; } } log(" Sorted %d signal bits into %d buckets.\n", bits_count, int(buckets.size())); std::vector> equiv; for (auto &bucket : buckets) { if (bucket.second.size() == 1) continue; log(" Trying to shatter bucket %s%c\n", log_signal(RTLIL::SigSpec(bucket.second).optimized()), verbose_level ? ':' : '.'); PerformReduction worker(sigmap, drivers, inv_pairs, bucket.second); worker.analyze(equiv); } log(" Rewiring %d equivialent groups:\n", int(equiv.size())); int rewired_sigbits = 0; for (auto &grp : equiv) { log(" Using as master for group: %s\n", log_signal(grp.front().bit)); RTLIL::SigSpec inv_sig; for (size_t i = 1; i < grp.size(); i++) { log(" Connect slave%s: %s\n", grp[i].inverted ? " using inverter" : "", log_signal(grp[i].bit)); RTLIL::Cell *drv = drivers.at(grp[i].bit).first; RTLIL::Wire *dummy_wire = module->new_wire(1, NEW_ID); for (auto &port : drv->connections) if (ct.cell_output(drv->type, port.first)) sigmap(port.second).replace(grp[i].bit, dummy_wire, &port.second); if (grp[i].inverted) { if (inv_sig.width == 0) { inv_sig = module->new_wire(1, NEW_ID); RTLIL::Cell *inv_cell = new RTLIL::Cell; inv_cell->name = NEW_ID; inv_cell->type = "$_INV_"; inv_cell->connections["\\A"] = grp[0].bit; inv_cell->connections["\\Y"] = inv_sig; module->add(inv_cell); } module->connections.push_back(RTLIL::SigSig(grp[i].bit, inv_sig)); } else module->connections.push_back(RTLIL::SigSig(grp[i].bit, grp[0].bit)); rewired_sigbits++; } } log(" Rewired a total of %d signal bits in module %s.\n", rewired_sigbits, RTLIL::id2cstr(module->name)); return rewired_sigbits; } }; } /* namespace */ struct FreducePass : public Pass { FreducePass() : Pass("freduce", "perform functional reduction") { } virtual void help() { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" freduce [options] [selection]\n"); log("\n"); log("This pass performs functional reduction in the circuit. I.e. if two nodes are\n"); log("equivialent, they are merged to one node and one of the redundant drivers is\n"); log("unconnected. A subsequent call to 'clean' will remove the redundant drivers.\n"); log("\n"); log("This pass is undef-aware, i.e. it considers don't-care values for detecting\n"); log("equivialent nodes.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -v, -vv\n"); log(" enable verbose or very verbose output\n"); log("\n"); log(" -inv\n"); log(" enable explicit handling of inverted signals\n"); log("\n"); } virtual void execute(std::vector args, RTLIL::Design *design) { verbose_level = 0; inv_mode = false; log_header("Executing FREDUCE pass (perform functional reduction).\n"); size_t argidx; for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) { if (args[argidx] == "-v") { verbose_level = 1; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-vv") { verbose_level = 2; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-inv") { inv_mode = true; continue; } break; } extra_args(args, argidx, design); int bitcount = 0; for (auto &mod_it : design->modules) { RTLIL::Module *module = mod_it.second; if (design->selected(module)) bitcount += FreduceWorker(module).run(); } log("Rewired a total of %d signal bits.\n", bitcount); } } FreducePass;