/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/register.h" #include "kernel/sigtools.h" #include "kernel/log.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef VERIFIC_DIR #include "veri_file.h" #include "vhdl_file.h" #include "VeriWrite.h" #include "DataBase.h" #include "Message.h" #ifdef VERIFIC_NAMESPACE using namespace Verific ; #endif static void msg_func(msg_type_t msg_type, const char *message_id, linefile_type linefile, const char *msg, va_list args) { log("VERIFIC-%s [%s] ", msg_type == VERIFIC_NONE ? "NONE" : msg_type == VERIFIC_ERROR ? "ERROR" : msg_type == VERIFIC_WARNING ? "WARNING" : msg_type == VERIFIC_IGNORE ? "IGNORE" : msg_type == VERIFIC_INFO ? "INFO" : msg_type == VERIFIC_COMMENT ? "COMMENT" : msg_type == VERIFIC_PROGRAM_ERROR ? "PROGRAM_ERROR" : "UNKNOWN", message_id); if (linefile) log("%s:%d: ", LineFile::GetFileName(linefile), LineFile::GetLineNo(linefile)); logv(msg, args); log("\n"); } void import_attributes(std::map &attributes, DesignObj *obj) { MapIter mi; Att *attr; if (obj->Linefile()) attributes["\\src"] = stringf("%s:%d", LineFile::GetFileName(obj->Linefile()), LineFile::GetLineNo(obj->Linefile())); // FIXME: Parse numeric attributes FOREACH_ATTRIBUTE(obj, mi, attr) attributes[RTLIL::escape_id(attr->Key())] = RTLIL::Const(std::string(attr->Value())); } static void import_netlist(RTLIL::Design *design, Netlist *nl, std::set &nl_todo) { if (design->modules.count(RTLIL::escape_id(nl->Owner()->Name()))) log_cmd_error("Re-definition of module `%s'.\n", nl->Owner()->Name()); RTLIL::Module *module = new RTLIL::Module; module->name = RTLIL::escape_id(nl->Owner()->Name()); design->modules[module->name] = module; log("Importing module %s.\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(module->name)); std::map net_map; MapIter mi, mi2; Port *port; PortBus *portbus; Net *net; NetBus *netbus; Instance *inst; FOREACH_PORT_OF_NETLIST(nl, mi, port) { if (port->Bus()) continue; // log(" importing port %s.\n", port->Name()); RTLIL::Wire *wire = new RTLIL::Wire; wire->name = RTLIL::escape_id(port->Name()); import_attributes(wire->attributes, port); module->add(wire); if (port->GetDir() == DIR_INOUT || port->GetDir() == DIR_IN) wire->port_input = true; if (port->GetDir() == DIR_INOUT || port->GetDir() == DIR_OUT) wire->port_output = true; if (port->GetNet()) { net = port->GetNet(); if (net_map.count(net) == 0) net_map[net] = wire; else if (wire->port_input) module->connections.push_back(RTLIL::SigSig(net_map.at(net), wire)); else module->connections.push_back(RTLIL::SigSig(wire, net_map.at(net))); } } FOREACH_PORTBUS_OF_NETLIST(nl, mi, portbus) { // log(" importing portbus %s.\n", portbus->Name()); RTLIL::Wire *wire = new RTLIL::Wire; wire->name = RTLIL::escape_id(portbus->Name()); wire->width = portbus->Size(); wire->start_offset = std::min(portbus->LeftIndex(), portbus->RightIndex()); import_attributes(wire->attributes, port); module->add(wire); if (portbus->GetDir() == DIR_INOUT || portbus->GetDir() == DIR_IN) wire->port_input = true; if (portbus->GetDir() == DIR_INOUT || portbus->GetDir() == DIR_OUT) wire->port_output = true; for (int i = portbus->LeftIndex();; i += portbus->IsUp() ? +1 : -1) { if (portbus->ElementAtIndex(i) && portbus->ElementAtIndex(i)->GetNet()) { net = portbus->ElementAtIndex(i)->GetNet(); RTLIL::SigBit bit(wire, i - wire->start_offset); if (net_map.count(net) == 0) net_map[net] = bit; else if (wire->port_input) module->connections.push_back(RTLIL::SigSig(net_map.at(net), bit)); else module->connections.push_back(RTLIL::SigSig(bit, net_map.at(net))); } if (i == portbus->RightIndex()) break; } } module->fixup_ports(); FOREACH_NET_OF_NETLIST(nl, mi, net) { if (net_map.count(net)) { // log(" skipping net %s.\n", net->Name()); continue; } if (net->Bus()) continue; // log(" importing net %s.\n", net->Name()); RTLIL::Wire *wire = new RTLIL::Wire; wire->name = RTLIL::escape_id(net->Name()); while (module->count_id(wire->name)) wire->name += "_"; import_attributes(wire->attributes, port); module->add(wire); if (net_map.count(net) == 0) net_map[net] = wire; else module->connections.push_back(RTLIL::SigSig(wire, net_map.at(net))); } FOREACH_NETBUS_OF_NETLIST(nl, mi, netbus) { bool found_new_net = false; for (int i = netbus->LeftIndex();; i += netbus->IsUp() ? +1 : -1) { net = netbus->ElementAtIndex(i); if (net_map.count(net) == 0) found_new_net = true; if (i == netbus->RightIndex()) break; } if (found_new_net) { // log(" importing netbus %s.\n", netbus->Name()); RTLIL::Wire *wire = new RTLIL::Wire; wire->name = RTLIL::escape_id(netbus->Name()); wire->width = netbus->Size(); wire->start_offset = std::min(netbus->LeftIndex(), netbus->RightIndex()); while (module->count_id(wire->name)) wire->name += "_"; import_attributes(wire->attributes, port); module->add(wire); for (int i = netbus->LeftIndex();; i += netbus->IsUp() ? +1 : -1) { if (netbus->ElementAtIndex(i)) { net = netbus->ElementAtIndex(i); RTLIL::SigBit bit(wire, i - wire->start_offset); if (net_map.count(net) == 0) net_map[net] = bit; else module->connections.push_back(RTLIL::SigSig(bit, net_map.at(net))); } if (i == netbus->RightIndex()) break; } } else { // log(" skipping netbus %s.\n", netbus->Name()); } } FOREACH_INSTANCE_OF_NETLIST(nl, mi, inst) { log(" importing cell %s (%s).\n", inst->Name(), inst->View()->Owner()->Name()); if (inst->Type() == PRIM_PWR) { module->connections.push_back(RTLIL::SigSig(net_map.at(inst->GetOutput()), RTLIL::State::S1)); continue; } if (inst->Type() == PRIM_GND) { module->connections.push_back(RTLIL::SigSig(net_map.at(inst->GetOutput()), RTLIL::State::S0)); continue; } if (inst->Type() == PRIM_X) { module->connections.push_back(RTLIL::SigSig(net_map.at(inst->GetOutput()), RTLIL::State::Sx)); continue; } if (inst->Type() == PRIM_Z) { module->connections.push_back(RTLIL::SigSig(net_map.at(inst->GetOutput()), RTLIL::State::Sz)); continue; } if (inst->Type() == PRIM_AND || inst->Type() == PRIM_OR || inst->Type() == PRIM_XOR || inst->Type() == PRIM_XNOR) { RTLIL::Cell *cell = new RTLIL::Cell; cell->name = RTLIL::escape_id(inst->Name()); cell->type = inst->Type() == PRIM_AND ? "$and" : inst->Type() == PRIM_OR ? "$or" : inst->Type() == PRIM_XOR ? "$xor" : "$xnor"; cell->parameters["\\A_SIGNED"] = 0; cell->parameters["\\B_SIGNED"] = 0; cell->parameters["\\A_WIDTH"] = 1; cell->parameters["\\B_WIDTH"] = 1; cell->parameters["\\Y_WIDTH"] = 1; cell->connections["\\A"] = net_map.at(inst->GetInput1()); cell->connections["\\B"] = net_map.at(inst->GetInput2()); cell->connections["\\Y"] = net_map.at(inst->GetOutput()); module->add(cell); continue; } if (inst->Type() == PRIM_INV) { RTLIL::Cell *cell = new RTLIL::Cell; cell->name = RTLIL::escape_id(inst->Name()); cell->type = "$not"; cell->parameters["\\A_SIGNED"] = 0; cell->parameters["\\A_WIDTH"] = 1; cell->parameters["\\Y_WIDTH"] = 1; cell->connections["\\A"] = net_map.at(inst->GetInput()); cell->connections["\\Y"] = net_map.at(inst->GetOutput()); module->add(cell); continue; } if (inst->Type() == PRIM_MUX) { RTLIL::Cell *cell = new RTLIL::Cell; cell->name = RTLIL::escape_id(inst->Name()); cell->type = "$mux"; cell->parameters["\\WIDTH"] = 1; cell->connections["\\A"] = net_map.at(inst->GetInput1()); cell->connections["\\B"] = net_map.at(inst->GetInput2()); cell->connections["\\S"] = net_map.at(inst->GetControl()); cell->connections["\\Y"] = net_map.at(inst->GetOutput()); module->add(cell); continue; } if (inst->Type() == PRIM_FADD) { RTLIL::Cell *cell1 = new RTLIL::Cell; cell1->name = RTLIL::escape_id(NEW_ID); cell1->type = "$add"; cell1->parameters["\\A_SIGNED"] = 0; cell1->parameters["\\B_SIGNED"] = 0; cell1->parameters["\\A_WIDTH"] = 1; cell1->parameters["\\B_WIDTH"] = 1; cell1->parameters["\\Y_WIDTH"] = 2; cell1->connections["\\A"] = net_map.at(inst->GetInput1()); cell1->connections["\\B"] = net_map.at(inst->GetInput2()); cell1->connections["\\Y"] = module->new_wire(2, NEW_ID); module->add(cell1); RTLIL::Cell *cell2 = new RTLIL::Cell; cell2->name = RTLIL::escape_id(inst->Name()); cell2->type = "$add"; cell2->parameters["\\A_SIGNED"] = 0; cell2->parameters["\\B_SIGNED"] = 0; cell2->parameters["\\A_WIDTH"] = 2; cell2->parameters["\\B_WIDTH"] = 1; cell2->parameters["\\Y_WIDTH"] = 2; cell2->connections["\\A"] = cell1->connections["\\Y"]; cell2->connections["\\B"] = net_map.at(inst->GetCin()); cell2->connections["\\Y"] = net_map.at(inst->GetOutput()); cell2->connections["\\Y"].append(net_map.at(inst->GetCout())); module->add(cell2); continue; } if (inst->IsPrimitive()) log_error("Unsupported Verific primitive: %s\n", inst->View()->Owner()->Name()); nl_todo.insert(inst->View()); RTLIL::Cell *cell = new RTLIL::Cell; cell->name = RTLIL::escape_id(inst->Name()); cell->type = RTLIL::escape_id(inst->View()->Owner()->Name()); module->add(cell); PortRef *pr ; FOREACH_PORTREF_OF_INST(inst, mi2, pr) { // log(" .%s(%s)\n", pr->GetPort()->Name(), pr->GetNet()->Name()); const char *port_name = pr->GetPort()->Name(); int port_offset = 0; if (pr->GetPort()->Bus()) { port_name = pr->GetPort()->Bus()->Name(); port_offset = pr->GetPort()->Bus()->IndexOf(pr->GetPort()) - std::min(pr->GetPort()->Bus()->LeftIndex(), pr->GetPort()->Bus()->RightIndex()); } RTLIL::SigSpec &conn = cell->connections[RTLIL::escape_id(port_name)]; while (conn.width <= port_offset) conn.append(RTLIL::State::Sz); conn.replace(port_offset, net_map.at(pr->GetNet())); } } } #endif /* VERIFIC_DIR */ struct VerificPass : public Pass { VerificPass() : Pass("verific", "load Verilog and VHDL designs using Verific") { } virtual void help() { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" verific {-vlog95|-vlog2k|-sv2005|-sv2009|-sv} ..\n"); log("\n"); log("Load the specified Verilog/SystemVerilog files into Verific.\n"); log("\n"); log("\n"); log(" verific {-vhdl87|-vhdl93|-vhdl2k|-vhdl2008} ..\n"); log("\n"); log("Load the specified VHDL files into Verific.\n"); log("\n"); log("\n"); log(" verific -import ..\n"); log("\n"); log("Elaborate the design for the sepcified top modules, import to Yosys and\n"); log("reset the internal state of Verific.\n"); log("\n"); log("\n"); log("Visit http://verific.com/ for more information on Verific.\n"); log("\n"); } #ifdef VERIFIC_DIR virtual void execute(std::vector args, RTLIL::Design *design) { log_header("Executing VERIFIC (loading Verilog and VHDL designs using the Verific library).\n"); Message::SetConsoleOutput(0); Message::RegisterCallBackMsg(msg_func); if (args.size() > 1 && args[1] == "-vlog95") { for (size_t argidx = 2; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) if (!veri_file::Analyze(args[argidx].c_str(), veri_file::VERILOG_95)) log_cmd_error("Reading `%s' in VERILOG_95 mode failed.\n", args[argidx].c_str()); return; } if (args.size() > 1 && args[1] == "-vlog2k") { for (size_t argidx = 2; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) if (!veri_file::Analyze(args[argidx].c_str(), veri_file::VERILOG_2K)) log_cmd_error("Reading `%s' in VERILOG_2K mode failed.\n", args[argidx].c_str()); return; } if (args.size() > 1 && args[1] == "-sv2005") { for (size_t argidx = 2; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) if (!veri_file::Analyze(args[argidx].c_str(), veri_file::SYSTEM_VERILOG_2005)) log_cmd_error("Reading `%s' in SYSTEM_VERILOG_2005 mode failed.\n", args[argidx].c_str()); return; } if (args.size() > 1 && args[1] == "-sv2009") { for (size_t argidx = 2; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) if (!veri_file::Analyze(args[argidx].c_str(), veri_file::SYSTEM_VERILOG_2009)) log_cmd_error("Reading `%s' in SYSTEM_VERILOG_2009 mode failed.\n", args[argidx].c_str()); return; } if (args.size() > 1 && args[1] == "-sv") { for (size_t argidx = 2; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) if (!veri_file::Analyze(args[argidx].c_str(), veri_file::SYSTEM_VERILOG)) log_cmd_error("Reading `%s' in SYSTEM_VERILOG mode failed.\n", args[argidx].c_str()); return; } if (args.size() > 1 && args[1] == "-vhdl87") { vhdl_file::SetDefaultLibraryPath(VERIFIC_DIR "/vhdl_packages/vdbs"); for (size_t argidx = 2; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) if (!vhdl_file::Analyze(args[argidx].c_str(), "work", vhdl_file::VHDL_87)) log_cmd_error("Reading `%s' in VHDL_87 mode failed.\n", args[argidx].c_str()); return; } if (args.size() > 1 && args[1] == "-vhdl93") { vhdl_file::SetDefaultLibraryPath(VERIFIC_DIR "/vhdl_packages/vdbs"); for (size_t argidx = 2; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) if (!vhdl_file::Analyze(args[argidx].c_str(), "work", vhdl_file::VHDL_93)) log_cmd_error("Reading `%s' in VHDL_93 mode failed.\n", args[argidx].c_str()); return; } if (args.size() > 1 && args[1] == "-vhdl2k") { vhdl_file::SetDefaultLibraryPath(VERIFIC_DIR "/vhdl_packages/vdbs"); for (size_t argidx = 2; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) if (!vhdl_file::Analyze(args[argidx].c_str(), "work", vhdl_file::VHDL_2K)) log_cmd_error("Reading `%s' in VHDL_2K mode failed.\n", args[argidx].c_str()); return; } if (args.size() > 1 && args[1] == "-vhdl2008") { vhdl_file::SetDefaultLibraryPath(VERIFIC_DIR "/vhdl_packages/vdbs"); for (size_t argidx = 2; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) if (!vhdl_file::Analyze(args[argidx].c_str(), "work", vhdl_file::VHDL_2008)) log_cmd_error("Reading `%s' in VHDL_2008 mode failed.\n", args[argidx].c_str()); return; } if (args.size() > 1 && args[1] == "-import") { std::set nl_todo, nl_done; if (args.size() == 2) log_cmd_error("No top module specified.\n"); for (size_t argidx = 2; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) { if (veri_file::GetModule(args[argidx].c_str())) { if (!veri_file::Elaborate(args[argidx].c_str())) log_cmd_error("Elaboration of top module `%s' failed.\n", args[argidx].c_str()); nl_todo.insert(Netlist::PresentDesign()); } else { if (!vhdl_file::Elaborate(args[argidx].c_str())) log_cmd_error("Elaboration of top module `%s' failed.\n", args[argidx].c_str()); nl_todo.insert(Netlist::PresentDesign()); } } while (!nl_todo.empty()) { Netlist *nl = *nl_todo.begin(); if (nl_done.count(nl) == 0) import_netlist(design, nl, nl_todo); nl_todo.erase(nl); nl_done.insert(nl); } Libset::Reset(); return; } log_cmd_error("Missing or unsupported mode parameter.\n"); } #else /* VERIFIC_DIR */ virtual void execute(std::vector, RTLIL::Design *) { log_cmd_error("This version of Yosys is built without Verific support.\n"); } #endif } VerificPass;