326 lines
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326 lines
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/* Test suite for the library. First, it ``tests'' that all the constructs it
* uses compile successfully. Then, its output to stdout is compared to the
* expected output automatically extracted from slash-slash comments below.
* NOTE: For now, the test suite expects a 32-bit system. On others, some tests
* may fail, and it may be ineffective at catching bugs. TODO: Remedy this. */
#include "BigIntegerLibrary.hh"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Evaluate expr and print the result or "error" as appropriate.
#define TEST(expr) do {\
cout << "Line " << __LINE__ << ": ";\
try {\
cout << (expr);\
} catch (const char *err) {\
cout << "error";\
cout << endl;\
} while (0)
const BigUnsigned &check(const BigUnsigned &x) {
unsigned int l = x.getLength();
if (l != 0 && x.getBlock(l-1) == 0)
cout << "check: Unzapped number!" << endl;
if (l > x.getCapacity())
cout << "check: Capacity inconsistent with length!" << endl;
return x;
const BigInteger &check(const BigInteger &x) {
if (x.getSign() == 0 && !x.getMagnitude().isZero())
cout << "check: Sign should not be zero!" << endl;
if (x.getSign() != 0 && x.getMagnitude().isZero())
cout << "check: Sign should be zero!" << endl;
return x;
short pathologicalShort = ~((unsigned short)(~0) >> 1);
int pathologicalInt = ~((unsigned int)(~0) >> 1);
long pathologicalLong = ~((unsigned long)(~0) >> 1);
int main() {
try {
BigUnsigned z(0), one(1), ten(10);
TEST(z); //0
TEST(1); //1
TEST(10); //10
// TODO: Comprehensively test the general and special cases of each function.
// === Default constructors ===
TEST(check(BigUnsigned())); //0
TEST(check(BigInteger())); //0
// === Block-array constructors ===
BigUnsigned::Blk myBlocks[3];
myBlocks[0] = 3;
myBlocks[1] = 4;
myBlocks[2] = 0;
BigUnsigned bu(myBlocks, 3);
TEST(check(bu)); //17179869187
TEST(check(BigInteger(myBlocks, 3))); //17179869187
TEST(check(BigInteger(bu ))); //17179869187
// For nonzero magnitude, reject zero and invalid signs.
TEST(check(BigInteger(myBlocks, 3, BigInteger::positive))); //17179869187
TEST(check(BigInteger(myBlocks, 3, BigInteger::negative))); //-17179869187
TEST(check(BigInteger(myBlocks, 3, BigInteger::zero ))); //error
TEST(check(BigInteger(bu, BigInteger::positive))); //17179869187
TEST(check(BigInteger(bu, BigInteger::negative))); //-17179869187
TEST(check(BigInteger(bu, BigInteger::zero ))); //error
// For zero magnitude, force the sign to zero without error.
BigUnsigned::Blk myZeroBlocks[1];
myZeroBlocks[0] = 0;
TEST(check(BigInteger(myZeroBlocks, 1, BigInteger::positive))); //0
TEST(check(BigInteger(myZeroBlocks, 1, BigInteger::negative))); //0
TEST(check(BigInteger(myZeroBlocks, 1, BigInteger::zero ))); //0
// === BigUnsigned conversion limits ===
TEST(BigUnsigned(0).toUnsignedLong()); //0
TEST(BigUnsigned(4294967295U).toUnsignedLong()); //4294967295
TEST(stringToBigUnsigned("4294967296").toUnsignedLong()); //error
TEST(BigUnsigned(0).toLong()); //0
TEST(BigUnsigned(2147483647).toLong()); //2147483647
TEST(BigUnsigned(2147483648U).toLong()); //error
// int is the same as long on a 32-bit system
TEST(BigUnsigned(0).toUnsignedInt()); //0
TEST(BigUnsigned(4294967295U).toUnsignedInt()); //4294967295
TEST(stringToBigUnsigned("4294967296").toUnsignedInt()); //error
TEST(BigUnsigned(0).toInt()); //0
TEST(BigUnsigned(2147483647).toInt()); //2147483647
TEST(BigUnsigned(2147483648U).toInt()); //error
TEST(BigUnsigned(0).toUnsignedShort()); //0
TEST(BigUnsigned(65535).toUnsignedShort()); //65535
TEST(BigUnsigned(65536).toUnsignedShort()); //error
TEST(BigUnsigned(0).toShort()); //0
TEST(BigUnsigned(32767).toShort()); //32767
TEST(BigUnsigned(32768).toShort()); //error
// === BigInteger conversion limits ===
TEST(BigInteger(-1).toUnsignedLong()); //error
TEST(BigInteger(0).toUnsignedLong()); //0
TEST(BigInteger(4294967295U).toUnsignedLong()); //4294967295
TEST(stringToBigInteger("4294967296").toUnsignedLong()); //error
TEST(stringToBigInteger("-2147483649").toLong()); //error
TEST(stringToBigInteger("-2147483648").toLong()); //-2147483648
TEST(BigInteger(-2147483647).toLong()); //-2147483647
TEST(BigInteger(0).toLong()); //0
TEST(BigInteger(2147483647).toLong()); //2147483647
TEST(BigInteger(2147483648U).toLong()); //error
// int is the same as long on a 32-bit system
TEST(BigInteger(-1).toUnsignedInt()); //error
TEST(BigInteger(0).toUnsignedInt()); //0
TEST(BigInteger(4294967295U).toUnsignedInt()); //4294967295
TEST(stringToBigInteger("4294967296").toUnsignedInt()); //error
TEST(stringToBigInteger("-2147483649").toInt()); //error
TEST(stringToBigInteger("-2147483648").toInt()); //-2147483648
TEST(BigInteger(-2147483647).toInt()); //-2147483647
TEST(BigInteger(0).toInt()); //0
TEST(BigInteger(2147483647).toInt()); //2147483647
TEST(BigInteger(2147483648U).toInt()); //error
TEST(BigInteger(-1).toUnsignedShort()); //error
TEST(BigInteger(0).toUnsignedShort()); //0
TEST(BigInteger(65535).toUnsignedShort()); //65535
TEST(BigInteger(65536).toUnsignedShort()); //error
TEST(BigInteger(-32769).toShort()); //error
TEST(BigInteger(-32768).toShort()); //-32768
TEST(BigInteger(-32767).toShort()); //-32767
TEST(BigInteger(0).toShort()); //0
TEST(BigInteger(32767).toShort()); //32767
TEST(BigInteger(32768).toShort()); //error
// === Negative BigUnsigneds ===
// ...during construction
TEST(BigUnsigned(short(-1))); //error
TEST(BigUnsigned(pathologicalShort)); //error
TEST(BigUnsigned(-1)); //error
TEST(BigUnsigned(pathologicalInt)); //error
TEST(BigUnsigned(long(-1))); //error
TEST(BigUnsigned(pathologicalLong)); //error
// ...during subtraction
TEST(BigUnsigned(5) - BigUnsigned(6)); //error
TEST(stringToBigUnsigned("314159265358979323") - stringToBigUnsigned("314159265358979324")); //error
TEST(check(BigUnsigned(5) - BigUnsigned(5))); //0
TEST(check(stringToBigUnsigned("314159265358979323") - stringToBigUnsigned("314159265358979323"))); //0
TEST(check(stringToBigUnsigned("4294967296") - BigUnsigned(1))); //4294967295
// === BigUnsigned addition ===
TEST(check(BigUnsigned(0) + 0)); //0
TEST(check(BigUnsigned(0) + 1)); //1
// Ordinary carry
TEST(check(stringToBigUnsigned("8589934591" /* 2^33 - 1*/)
+ stringToBigUnsigned("4294967298" /* 2^32 + 2 */))); //12884901889
// Creation of a new block
TEST(check(BigUnsigned(0xFFFFFFFFU) + 1)); //4294967296
// === BigUnsigned subtraction ===
TEST(check(BigUnsigned(1) - 0)); //1
TEST(check(BigUnsigned(1) - 1)); //0
TEST(check(BigUnsigned(2) - 1)); //1
// Ordinary borrow
- stringToBigUnsigned("4294967298"))); //8589934591
// Borrow that removes a block
TEST(check(stringToBigUnsigned("4294967296") - 1)); //4294967295
// === BigUnsigned multiplication and division ===
BigUnsigned a = check(BigUnsigned(314159265) * 358979323);
TEST(a); //112776680263877595
TEST(a / 123); //916883579381118
TEST(a % 123); //81
TEST(BigUnsigned(5) / 0); //error
// === Block accessors ===
BigUnsigned b;
TEST(b); //0
TEST(b.getBlock(0)); //0
b.setBlock(1, 314);
// Did b grow properly? And did we zero intermediate blocks?
TEST(check(b)); //1348619730944
TEST(b.getLength()); //2
TEST(b.getBlock(0)); //0
TEST(b.getBlock(1)); //314
// Did b shrink properly?
b.setBlock(1, 0);
TEST(check(b)); //0
BigUnsigned bb(314);
bb.setBlock(1, 159);
// Make sure we used allocateAndCopy, not allocate
TEST(bb.getBlock(0)); //314
TEST(bb.getBlock(1)); //159
// Blocks beyond the number should be zero regardless of whether they are
// within the capacity.
bb.add(1, 2);
TEST(bb.getBlock(0)); //3
TEST(bb.getBlock(1)); //0
TEST(bb.getBlock(2)); //0
TEST(bb.getBlock(314159)); //0
// === Bit accessors ===
TEST(BigUnsigned(0).bitLength()); //0
TEST(BigUnsigned(1).bitLength()); //1
TEST(BigUnsigned(4095).bitLength()); //12
TEST(BigUnsigned(4096).bitLength()); //13
// 5 billion is between 2^32 (about 4 billion) and 2^33 (about 8 billion).
TEST(stringToBigUnsigned("5000000000").bitLength()); //33
// 25 is binary 11001.
BigUnsigned bbb(25);
TEST(bbb.getBit(4)); //1
TEST(bbb.getBit(3)); //1
TEST(bbb.getBit(2)); //0
TEST(bbb.getBit(1)); //0
TEST(bbb.getBit(0)); //1
TEST(bbb.bitLength()); //5
// Effectively add 2^32.
bbb.setBit(32, true);
TEST(bbb); //4294967321
bbb.setBit(31, true);
bbb.setBit(32, false);
TEST(check(bbb)); //2147483673
// === Combining BigUnsigned, BigInteger, and primitive integers ===
BigUnsigned p1 = BigUnsigned(3) * 5;
TEST(p1); //15
/* In this case, we would like g++ to implicitly promote the BigUnsigned to a
* BigInteger, but it seems to prefer converting the -5 to a BigUnsigned, which
* causes an error. If I take out constructors for BigUnsigned from signed
* primitive integers, the BigUnsigned(3) becomes ambiguous, and if I take out
* all the constructors but BigUnsigned(unsigned long), g++ uses that
* constructor and gets a wrong (positive) answer. Thus, I think we'll just
* have to live with this cast. */
BigInteger p2 = BigInteger(BigUnsigned(3)) * -5;
TEST(p2); //-15
// === Test some previous bugs ===
/* Test that BigInteger division sets the sign to zero.
* Bug reported by David Allen. */
BigInteger num(3), denom(5), quotient;
num.divideWithRemainder(denom, quotient);
num = 5;
num.divideWithRemainder(denom, quotient);
/* Test that BigInteger subtraction sets the sign properly.
* Bug reported by Samuel Larkin. */
BigInteger zero(0), three(3), ans;
ans = zero - three;
TEST(check(ans).getSign()); //-1
/* Test that BigInteger multiplication shifts bits properly on systems
* where long is bigger than int. (Obviously, this would only catch the
* bug when run on such a system.)
* Bug reported by Mohand Mezmaz. */
BigInteger f=4; f*=3;
TEST(check(f)); //12
/* Test that bitwise XOR allocates the larger length.
* Bug reported by Sriram Sankararaman. */
BigUnsigned a(0), b(3), ans;
ans = a ^ b;
TEST(ans); //3
/* Test that an aliased multiplication works.
* Bug reported by Boris Dessy. */
BigInteger num(5);
num *= num;
TEST(check(num)); //25
/* Test that BigUnsignedInABase(std::string) constructor rejects digits
* too big for the specified base.
* Bug reported by Niakam Kazemi. */
TEST(BigUnsignedInABase("f", 10)); //error
} catch (const char *err) {
cout << "UNCAUGHT ERROR: " << err << endl;
return 0;