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\bf\Huge Yosys Manual
\large Clifford Wolf
Most of today's digital design is done in HDL code (mostly Verilog or VHDL) and
with the help of HDL synthesis tools.
In special cases such as synthesis for coarse-grain cell libraries or when
testing new synthesis algorithms it might be neccessary to write a custom HDL
synthesis tool or add new features to an existing one. It this cases the
availability of a Free and Open Source (FOSS) synthesis tool that can be used
as basis for custom tools would be helpful.
In the absence of such a tool, the Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite (Yosys) was
developped. This document covers the design and implementation of this tool.
At the moment the main focus of Yosys lies on the high-level aspects of
digital synthesis. The pre-existing FOSS logic-synthesis tool ABC is used
by Yosys to perform advanced gate-level optimizations.
An evaluation of Yosys based on real-world designs is included. It is shown
that Yosys can be used as-is to synthesize such designs. The results produced
by Yosys in this tests where successflly verified using formal verification
and are comparable in quality to the results produced by a commercial
synthesis tool.
This document was originally published as bachelor thesis at the Vienna
University of Technology \cite{BACC}.
AIG & And-Inverter-Graph \\
ASIC & Application-Specific Integrated Circuit \\
AST & Abstract Syntax Tree \\
BDD & Binary Decicion Diagram \\
BLIF & Berkeley Logic Interchange Format \\
EDA & Electronic Design Automation \\
EDIF & Electronic Design Interchange Format \\
ER Diagram & Entity-Relationship Diagram \\
FOSS & Free and Open-Source Software \\
FPGA & Field-Programmable Gate Array \\
FSM & Finite-state machine \\
HDL & Hardware Description Language \\
LPM & Library of Parameterized Modules \\
RTLIL & RTL Intermediate Language \\
RTL & Register Transfer Level \\
SAT & Satisfiability Problem \\
% SSA & Static Single Assignment Form \\
VHDL & VHSIC Hardware Description Language \\
VHSIC & Very-High-Speed Integrated Circuit \\
YOSYS & Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite \\
\chapter{Command Reference Manual}