Steffen Vogel stv0g
Configure Linux' network emulation queuing discipline
Updated 2025-02-21 14:40:19 +01:00
Sourcecode und Layout unseres Projekts für die Mikrocontroller AG des MMI's im 2. Semester
Updated 2025-02-21 14:40:19 +01:00
calcelestial calculates positions, rise & set times of celestial bodies
Updated 2025-02-21 14:40:19 +01:00
BSD-licensed 9P2000.u server library
Updated 2025-02-21 14:40:19 +01:00
Updated 2025-02-21 14:40:19 +01:00
A single producer single - single consumer queue implemented by a ring buffer with C11's 'stdatomic.h'
Updated 2025-02-21 14:40:19 +01:00
canonical websocket library
Updated 2025-02-21 14:40:19 +01:00
Updated 2025-02-21 14:40:19 +01:00
Official repository for libIEC61850, the open-source library for the IEC 61850 protocols
Updated 2025-02-21 14:40:19 +01:00
Lösungen zu den Aufgaben der KGÜ Informatik 1 im WS 2010/11 an der RWTH Aachen
Updated 2025-02-21 14:40:19 +01:00