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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 OPAL-RT Germany GmbH
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
description = "a tool for connecting real-time power grid simulation equipment";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/release-23.05";
common = {
url = "github:VILLASframework/common";
flake = false;
fpga = {
type = "git";
url = "https://github.com/VILLASframework/fpga.git";
submodules = true;
flake = false;
ethercat = {
url = "gitlab:etherlab.org/ethercat/stable-1.5";
flake = false;
lib60870 = {
url = "github:mz-automation/lib60870/v2.3.2";
flake = false;
libdatachannel = {
type = "git";
url = "https://github.com/paullouisageneau/libdatachannel.git";
ref = "refs/tags/v0.18.4";
submodules = true;
flake = false;
libiec61850 = {
url = "github:mz-automation/libiec61850/v1.5.1";
flake = false;
outputs = {
} @ inputs: let
inherit (nixpkgs) lib;
# Add separateDebugInfo to a derivation
addSeparateDebugInfo = d:
d.overrideAttrs {
separateDebugInfo = true;
# supported systems for native compilation
supportedSystems = ["x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux"];
# supported systems to cross compile to
supportedCrossSystems = ["aarch64-multiplatform"];
# generate attributes corresponding to all the supported systems
forSupportedSystems = lib.genAttrs supportedSystems;
# generate attributes corresponding to all supported combinations of system and crossSystem
forSupportedCrossSystems = f: forSupportedSystems (system: lib.genAttrs supportedCrossSystems (f system));
# initialize nixpkgs for the specified `system`
pkgsFor = system:
import nixpkgs {
inherit system;
overlays = with self.overlays; [default];
# Initialize nixpkgs for cross-compiling from `system` to `crossSystem`
crossPkgsFor = system: crossSystem:
(import nixpkgs {
inherit system;
overlays = with self.overlays; [
# Initialize development nixpkgs for the specified `system`
devPkgsFor = system:
import nixpkgs {
inherit system;
overlays = with self.overlays; [default debug];
# Build villas and its dependencies for the specified `pkgs`
packagesWith = pkgs: rec {
default = villas;
villas-minimal = pkgs.callPackage ./villas.nix {
src = ../..;
version = "minimal";
inherit (inputs) fpga common;
villas = villas-minimal.override {
version = "full";
withAllExtras = true;
withAllFormats = true;
withAllHooks = true;
withAllNodes = true;
ethercat = pkgs.callPackage ./ethercat.nix {
src = inputs.ethercat;
lib60870 = pkgs.callPackage ./lib60870.nix {
src = inputs.lib60870;
libdatachannel = pkgs.callPackage ./libdatachannel.nix {
src = inputs.libdatachannel;
libiec61850 = pkgs.callPackage ./libiec61850.nix {
src = inputs.libiec61850;
in {
# standard flake attribute for normal packages (not cross-compiled)
packages = forSupportedSystems (
packagesWith (pkgsFor system)
# non-standard attribute for cross-compilated packages
crossPackages = forSupportedCrossSystems (
system: crossSystem:
packagesWith (crossPkgsFor system crossSystem)
# standard flake attribute allowing you to add the villas packages to your nixpkgs
overlays = {
default = final: prev: packagesWith final;
debug = final: prev: {
jansson = addSeparateDebugInfo prev.jansson;
libmodbus = addSeparateDebugInfo prev.libmodbus;
minimal = final: prev: {
mosquitto = prev.mosquitto.override {systemd = final.systemdMinimal;};
rdma-core = prev.rdma-core.override {udev = final.systemdMinimal;};
# standard flake attribute for defining developer environments
devShells = forSupportedSystems (
system: let
pkgs = devPkgsFor system;
shellHook = ''[ -z "$PS1" ] || exec "$SHELL"'';
hardeningDisable = ["all"];
packages = with pkgs; [bashInteractive bc boxfort criterion jq libffi libgit2 pcre];
in rec {
default = full;
minimal = pkgs.mkShell {
inherit shellHook hardeningDisable packages;
name = "minimal";
inputsFrom = with pkgs; [villas-minimal];
full = pkgs.mkShell {
inherit shellHook hardeningDisable packages;
name = "full";
inputsFrom = with pkgs; [villas];
# standard flake attribute to add additional checks to `nix flake check`
checks = forSupportedSystems (
system: let
pkgs = pkgsFor system;
in {
fmt = pkgs.runCommand "check-fmt" {} ''
cd ${self}
${pkgs.alejandra}/bin/alejandra --check . 2> $out
# standard flake attribute specifying the formatter invoked on `nix fmt`
formatter = forSupportedSystems (system: (pkgsFor system).alejandra);