- The configuration of many node-types is now splitted into seperate `in` and `out` sections. Please update your configuration files accordingly.
## [0.6.4] - 2018-07-18
### Added
- New client User Code Model (UCM) for OPAL-RT HYPERSIM digital real-time simulator
- New node-types:
-`infiniband` is using the Infiniband IBverbs and RDMA CM APIs for a low latency interface between simualation nodes.
-`comedi` adds support for ADC and DAC cards supported by the [Comedi Linux control and measurment device interface](http://comedi.org).
- All header files can now be imported into C++ code. Missing `extern "C"` declarations have been added.
### Changed
- The VILLASnode project is now built with [CMake](http://cmake.org). The old Makefile have been removed.
- The VILLASnode project will be gradually ported to C++. The tools (`/tools/`), executables (`/src/`) and plugins (`/plugins/`) have already been convert to C++ code.
## [0.6.3] - 2018-06-04
### Added
- The `csv` IO format has been splitted into a similar `tsv` IO format which uses tabulators instead of commas.
- The `struct queue_signalled` supports now synchronization under Mac OS X.
- A new `poll` setting allows the user to enable/disable the usage of `poll(2)` when reading from multiple source nodes.
### Changed
- Started splitting the node configuration into a send and receive side. This changes will be soon also reflected in a changed configuration file syntax.
- Docker images are now based on Fedora 28.
### Fixed
- We now correctly determine with terminal size when executed in GDB or by the CI runner.
## [0.6.2] - 2018-05-14
### Added
- A Docker application image can now be build in a single step using `make docker`.
### Changed
- The IO format names have changed. They now use dots (`raw.flt32`) instead of hyphens (`raw-flt32`) in their name. Please update your configuration files accordingly.