This setting allows to send multiple samples in a single message to the destination nodes. Currently this is only supported by the `file` and `socket` node-types.
The value of this setting determines how many samples will be combined into one packet.
**Important:** Please make sure that the value of this setting is smaller or equal to the `poolsize` setting of this path.
##### `rate` *(float)*
A non-zero value for this setting will change this path to an asynchronous mode.
In this mode S2SS will send with a fixed rate to all destination nodes.
It will always send the latest value it received, possible skipping values which have been received in between.
If `combine` is larger than 1, it will send the last `combine` samples at once.
**Important:** Please note that there is no correlation between the time of arrival and time of departure in this mode. It might increase the latency of this path by up to `1 / rate` seconds!
##### `poolsize` *(integer)*
Every path manages a circular buffer to keep a history of past samples. This setting specifies the size of this circular buffer.
**Important:** There are some hook functions (or the `combine` setting) which require a minimum poolsize (for example the finite-impulse-response `fir` hook).
##### `hook` *(list of strings)*
A list of hook functions which will be executed for this path.
Please consult the hook chapter of this documentation for more details.