//Macros for easier bit manipulation when reading out the sample array
#define GET_NEXT_24_BIT(ARRAY,INDEX) ((ARRAY[(INDEX)]) | ((ARRAY[(INDEX)+1]) << 8) | ((ARRAY[(INDEX)+2]) << 16)) //This macro reads out 3 bytes of data in ARRAY and puts it in the 24 lower byts of a 32 bit int in this order |EMPTY|+2|+1|+0
#define UPPER_SMP(DATA) (((DATA) & 0xFFF000) >> 12); //This macro gets the upper 12 bit of the data produced by the macro above
#define LOWER_SMP(DATA) ((DATA) & 0xFFF); //This macro gets the lower 12 bits of the data produced by GET_NETXT_24_bit
staticFT_DEVICE_LIST_INFO_NODEft4222_devices[4];//There can be at most 4 FT devices at a time