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2017-10-18 12:49:10 +02:00
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/)
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
2019-01-23 15:09:50 +01:00
## [0.7.1] - 2019-01-23
2019-01-23 13:38:26 +01:00
### Fixed
- Removed most of the static storage variables from libvillas and libvillas-common
which caused crashes with DPsim.
- Fixed compilation with Ubuntu 16.04 and GCC 7.2.
- Fixed broken `shmem` node-type since addition of signal defintions.
### Changed
- Node-types can now handle more than a single file-descriptor for poll() multiplexing.
- Enable network emulation sub-system also for other node-types than `socket`.
The `rtp` node-type will support it now as well.
- Improve readabilty of log output
2019-01-23 13:38:26 +01:00
### Added
- Initial rate-limiting support for `rtp` node-type based on
Additive Increase / Multiplicative Decrease (AIMD) and RTCP.
2019-01-13 00:28:30 +01:00
## [0.7.0] - 2019-01-13
2018-06-05 09:16:09 +02:00
### Added
2018-06-05 09:16:09 +02:00
- A new sub-command `villas-relay` implements a client-to-client WebSocket relay.
It can be used as a proxy for nodes which sit behind a NAT firewall.
2019-01-23 13:38:26 +01:00
- New node-types: `infiniband`, `rtp`, `uldaq`
2019-01-13 00:28:30 +01:00
- VILLASnode got a similarily named Python package: `villas.node`.
It can be used to interact or start an VILLASnode instance.
### Changed
- The syntax of the configuration file has changed in several places.
Most node configs are now separated into `in` and `out` sections.
- We ported major parts of the VILLASnode code base to C++.
- Some of the common utilities have been moved to a new repo.
VILLAScommon is used also by other related VILLAS components.
Please make sure to checkout / update the `common/` Git sub-module.
- We build and test VILLASnode now with Fedora 29.
### Fixed
- All unit tests are running again. Most of the integration tests run again as well.
- We added support for the ARM architecture.
2018-07-17 08:46:26 +02:00
## [0.6.4] - 2018-07-18
### Added
- New client User Code Model (UCM) for OPAL-RT HYPERSIM digital real-time simulator
- New node-types:
- `infiniband` is using the Infiniband IBverbs and RDMA CM APIs for a low latency interface between simualation nodes.
- `comedi` adds support for ADC and DAC cards supported by the [Comedi Linux control and measurment device interface](http://comedi.org).
- All header files can now be imported into C++ code. Missing `extern "C"` declarations have been added.
### Changed
- The VILLASnode project is now built with [CMake](http://cmake.org). The old Makefile have been removed.
- The VILLASnode project will be gradually ported to C++. The tools (`/tools/`), executables (`/src/`) and plugins (`/plugins/`) have already been convert to C++ code.
## [0.6.3] - 2018-06-04
### Added
- The `csv` IO format has been splitted into a similar `tsv` IO format which uses tabulators instead of commas.
- The `struct queue_signalled` supports now synchronization under Mac OS X.
- A new `poll` setting allows the user to enable/disable the usage of `poll(2)` when reading from multiple source nodes.
### Changed
- Started splitting the node configuration into a send and receive side. This changes will be soon also reflected in a changed configuration file syntax.
- Docker images are now based on Fedora 28.
### Fixed
- We now correctly determine with terminal size when executed in GDB or by the CI runner.
## [0.6.2] - 2018-05-14
### Added
- A Docker application image can now be build in a single step using `make docker`.
### Changed
- The IO format names have changed. They now use dots (`raw.flt32`) instead of hyphens (`raw-flt32`) in their name. Please update your configuration files accordingly.
2018-06-05 09:16:09 +02:00
- The configuration of many node-types is now splitted into seperate `in` and `out` sections. Please update your configuration files accordingly.
2018-02-17 11:26:31 +01:00
## [0.6.1] - 2018-02-17
2018-07-17 08:46:26 +02:00
### Changed
- Rewrite of IO formatting subsystem/
2018-02-17 11:26:31 +01:00
### Added
- New node-types:
- `mqtt` for MQTT / Mosquitto
2018-07-17 08:46:26 +02:00
- A new `make help` target shows the current build configuration and available targets.
2018-02-17 11:26:31 +01:00
### Fixed
- Websocket node can now receive data from a "catch-all" connection and associate to the correct simulator
## [0.6.0] - 2017-12-20
2017-11-01 10:07:22 +01:00
### Added
2017-12-14 14:21:49 +01:00
- New node-types:
- `iec61850-9-2` for IEC 61850 Sampled Values
2018-01-17 01:25:03 +01:00
- `amqp` for AMQP / RabbitMQ
2017-12-14 14:21:49 +01:00
- New IO formats:
- Google `protobuf`
- Added support for Unix Domain Sockets to `socket` node-type
2017-11-01 10:07:22 +01:00
- Python example client using new Protobuf and UDP/Unix sockets
2018-02-17 11:26:31 +01:00
- Built-in hooks can be disabled now
- Network emulation has been improved
- can now load a delay distribution from the config instead from a separate file
- can emulate delay correlation
2017-12-19 11:50:52 +01:00
### Removed
- Moved VILLASfpga related code into external library
- `libxil` dependency is dropped
2017-11-01 10:07:22 +01:00
### Changed
2018-02-17 11:26:31 +01:00
- Packaging of Docker and RPM has been improved
2017-11-01 10:07:22 +01:00
- Upgraded Docker build containers to Fedora 27
- Updated submodules for most dependencies
- Use "LABEL" instead of "MAINTAINER" keyword in Dockerfiles
### Fixed
- Socket node-type supports now arbirarily sized packets
2017-12-19 11:50:52 +01:00
- Sample data format conversion for RAW IO formats
2018-02-17 11:26:31 +01:00
- Network emulation support is working again
2017-11-01 10:07:22 +01:00
2017-10-23 09:41:34 +02:00
## [0.5.1] - 2017-10-23
### Changed
- OPAL-RT AsyncIP client is only build if libopal submodule is present
### Fixed
- Build warnings and errors on Ubuntu 16.04
2017-10-18 13:16:21 +02:00
## [0.5.0] - 2017-10-18
2017-10-18 12:49:10 +02:00
### Added
- Changelog
- InfluxDB node-type
- Support for "add" / "any" path register modes
### Fixed
- Netem support is working again
### Changed
- `villas-pipe` now automatically generates correct seqeunce numbers
## [0.4.5] - 2017-09-24
### Fixed
- RPM packaging to include debug symbols in `-debuginfo` package
## [0.4.4] - 2017-09-24
### Fixed
- Invalid sequence numbers due to broken workaround
## [0.4.3] - 2017-09-24
### Changed
- Do not abort execution of socket node fails with `sendto: invalid argument`
### Fixed
- Several fixes for the mux / demux re-mapping feature
## [0.4.2] - 2017-09-19
### Fixed
- Improved stability of HTTP API
## [0.4.1] - 2017-09-16
## [0.4.0] - 2017-09-16
### Added
- API action to request status of node
- Javascript configuration example
- Pluggable IO format subsystem with plugins for:
- `csv`: Comma-separated values
- `json`: Javascript Object Notation
- `raw`: 8/16/32/64 but binary floating point and integer data
- `villas-human`: VILLAS human-readable format
- `villas-binary`: VILLAS binary wire protocol
## [0.3.5] - 2017-08-10
### Added
- API action to restart node with new configuration
- API action to terminate node
### Fixed
- VILLASnode compiles now on Ubuntu 16.04
## [0.3.4] - 2017-07-28
### Fixed
- Several compiler warnings on CLang
## [0.3.3] - 2017-07-14
### Changed
- Paths do not require output nodes anymore
### Added
- Loopback node-type
### Fixed
- OPAL-RT AsyncIP model for RT-LAB 11.1.x
## [0.3.2] - 2017-07-07
### Added
- Signal generator node-type
- Valgrind test cases
## [0.3.1] - 2017-06-29
### Added
- ZeroMQ node-type
- nanomsg node-type
- Multicast support for socket node-type
- RTDS GTNET-SKT examples
## [0.3.0] - 2017-05-08
Major changes in all parts of the software
### Added
- Pluggable node-types with plugins for:
- `file`: File / Log recording & replay
- `fpga`: VILLASfpga interface to Xilinx VC707 FPGA board via PCIexpress
- `ngsi`: FI-WARE NGSI-10 Open RESTful API for Orion Context Broker
- `websocket`: WebSocket support for VILLASweb
- `socket`: BSD network sockets
- `shmem`: POSIX shared memory
- Web-mockup for demonstration of the `websocket` node-type
### Removed
2020-02-02 13:10:15 +01:00
- User documentation has been moved to separate repository: http://git.rwth-aachen.de/acs/public/villas/documentation
2017-10-18 12:49:10 +02:00
## [0.2.0] - 2015-09-22
### Added
- OPAL-RT RT-LAB example demonstrating usage of AsyncIP
- Scripts and configuration files for creating LiveUSB Fedora images
- Travis-CI configuration
- More user documentation
## [0.1.0] - 2014-06-10
### Added
- Doxygen is now used to build documentation