mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 00:00:00 +01:00
Merge branch 'feature-fpga-tests' into feature-curlio
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 103 additions and 107 deletions
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ src: $(TARGETS)
$(TARGETS): $(BUILDDIR)/villas-%: $(BUILDDIR)/src/%.o
# Some additional prereqs for individual binaries
$(BUILDDIR)/villas-fpga: $(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/src/,fpga-tests.o fpga-bench.o $(BENCH_OBJS))
$(BUILDDIR)/villas-fpga: $(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/src/,fpga-bench.o $(BENCH_OBJS))
# Compile executable objects
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
/* Declarations */
int fpga_benchmarks(int argc, char *argv[], struct fpga_card *c);
int fpga_tests(int argc, char *argv[], struct fpga_card *c);
struct cfg cfg;
@ -32,7 +31,6 @@ void usage(char *name)
printf("Usage: %s CONFIGFILE CARD CMD [OPTIONS]\n", name);
printf(" Commands:\n");
printf(" tests Test functionality of VILLASfpga card\n");
printf(" benchmarks Do benchmarks\n\n");
printf(" Options:\n");
printf(" -d Set log level\n\n");
@ -48,15 +46,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
struct fpga_card *card;
enum {
} subcommand;
if (argc < 4)
if (strcmp(argv[3], "tests") == 0)
subcommand = FPGA_TESTS;
else if (strcmp(argv[3], "benchmarks") == 0)
if (strcmp(argv[2], "benchmarks") == 0)
subcommand = FPGA_BENCH;
@ -94,7 +89,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Start subcommand */
switch (subcommand) {
case FPGA_TESTS: fpga_tests(argc-optind-1, argv+optind+1, card); break;
case FPGA_BENCH: fpga_benchmarks(argc-optind-1, argv+optind+1, card); break;
@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <criterion/criterion.h>
#include <criterion/options.h>
#include <xilinx/xtmrctr.h>
#include <villas/cfg.h>
#include <villas/utils.h>
#include <villas/nodes/fpga.h>
@ -18,75 +24,82 @@
#include "config.h"
#define TEST_CONFIG "/villas/etc/fpga.conf"
#define TEST_LEN 0x1000
#define CPU_HZ 3392389000
/* Forward Declarations */
int fpga_test_intc(struct fpga_card *c);
int fpga_test_timer(struct fpga_card *c);
int fpga_test_fifo(struct fpga_card *c);
int fpga_test_dma(struct fpga_card *c);
int fpga_test_xsg(struct fpga_card *c);
int fpga_test_hls_dft(struct fpga_card *c);
int fpga_test_rtds_rtt(struct fpga_card *c);
static struct fpga *fpga;
int fpga_tests(int argc, char *argv[], struct fpga_card *c)
static config_t config;
static struct settings settings;
static void init()
int ret;
int argc = 1;
char *argv[] = { "tests" };
config_setting_t *cfg_root;
struct {
const char *name;
int (*func)(struct fpga_card *c);
} tests[] = {
{ "Interrupt Controller", fpga_test_intc },
{ "Timer Counter", fpga_test_timer },
{ "FIFO", fpga_test_fifo },
{ "DMA", fpga_test_dma },
{ "XSG: multiply_add", fpga_test_xsg },
{ "HLS: hls_dft", fpga_test_hls_dft },
{ "RTDS: tight rtt", fpga_test_rtds_rtt }
cfg_parse(TEST_CONFIG, &config, &settings, NULL, NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(tests); i++) {
ret = tests[i].func(c);
cfg_root = config_root_setting(&config);
info("%s: %s", tests[i].name, (ret == 0) ? GRN("passed") : RED("failed"));
ret = fpga_init(argc, argv, cfg_root);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to initilize FPGA");
return 0;
fpga = fpga_get();
if (criterion_options.logging_threshold < CRITERION_IMPORTANT)
int fpga_test_intc(struct fpga_card *c)
static void fini()
int ret;
ret = fpga_deinit(&fpga);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to de-initilize FPGA");
.init = init,
.fini = fini,
.description = "VILLASfpga");
Test(fpga, intc, .description = "Interrupt Controller")
int ret;
uint32_t isr;
if (!c->intc)
return -1;
ret = intc_enable(c->intc, 0xFF00, 0);
ret = intc_enable(fpga->intc, 0xFF00, 0);
if (ret)
error("Failed to enable interrupt");
/* Fake IRQs in software by writing to ISR */
XIntc_Out32((uintptr_t) c->map + c->intc->baseaddr + XIN_ISR_OFFSET, 0xFF00);
XIntc_Out32((uintptr_t) fpga->map + fpga->intc->baseaddr + XIN_ISR_OFFSET, 0xFF00);
/* Wait for 8 SW triggered IRQs */
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
intc_wait(c->intc, i+8);
intc_wait(fpga->intc, i+8);
/* Check ISR if all SW IRQs have been deliverd */
isr = XIntc_In32((uintptr_t) c->map + c->intc->baseaddr + XIN_ISR_OFFSET);
isr = XIntc_In32((uintptr_t) fpga->map + fpga->intc->baseaddr + XIN_ISR_OFFSET);
ret = intc_disable(c->intc, 0xFF00);
ret = intc_disable(fpga->intc, 0xFF00);
if (ret)
error("Failed to disable interrupt");
return (isr & 0xFF00) ? -1 : 0; /* ISR should get cleared by MSI_Grant_signal */
cr_assert_eq(isr & 0xFF00, 0); /* ISR should get cleared by MSI_Grant_signal */
int fpga_test_xsg(struct fpga_card *c)
Test(fpga, xsg, .description = "XSG: multiply_add")
int ret;
double factor, err = 0;
@ -95,12 +108,11 @@ int fpga_test_xsg(struct fpga_card *c)
struct model_param *p;
struct dma_mem mem;
xsg = fpga_vlnv_lookup(&c->ips, &(struct fpga_vlnv) { NULL, "sysgen", "xsg_multiply", NULL });
dma = fpga_vlnv_lookup(&c->ips, &(struct fpga_vlnv) { "xilinx.com", "ip", "axi_dma", NULL });
xsg = ip_vlnv_lookup(&fpga->ips, NULL, "sysgen", "xsg_multiply", NULL);
dma = ip_vlnv_lookup(&fpga->ips, "xilinx.com", "ip", "axi_dma", NULL);
/* Check if required IP is available on FPGA */
if (!dma || !xsg || !dma)
return -1;
cr_assert_neq(!dma || !xsg || !dma, 0);
p = list_lookup(&xsg->model.parameters, "factor");
if (!p)
@ -112,10 +124,10 @@ int fpga_test_xsg(struct fpga_card *c)
info("Model param: factor = %f", factor);
ret = switch_connect(c->sw, dma, xsg);
ret = switch_connect(fpga->sw, dma, xsg);
if (ret)
error("Failed to configure switch");
ret = switch_connect(c->sw, xsg, dma);
ret = switch_connect(fpga->sw, xsg, dma);
if (ret)
error("Failed to configure switch");
@ -138,10 +150,10 @@ int fpga_test_xsg(struct fpga_card *c)
info("Error after FPGA operation: err = %f", err);
ret = switch_disconnect(c->sw, dma, xsg);
ret = switch_disconnect(fpga->sw, dma, xsg);
if (ret)
error("Failed to configure switch");
ret = switch_disconnect(c->sw, xsg, dma);
ret = switch_disconnect(fpga->sw, xsg, dma);
if (ret)
error("Failed to configure switch");
@ -149,29 +161,28 @@ int fpga_test_xsg(struct fpga_card *c)
if (ret)
error("Failed to release DMA memory");
return err > 1e-3;
cr_assert(err < 1e-3);
int fpga_test_hls_dft(struct fpga_card *c)
Test(fpga, hls_dft, .description = "HLS: hls_dft")
int ret;
struct fpga_ip *hls, *rtds;
rtds = fpga_vlnv_lookup(&c->ips, &(struct fpga_vlnv) { "acs.eonerc.rwth-aachen.de", "user", "rtds_axis", NULL });
hls = fpga_vlnv_lookup(&c->ips, &(struct fpga_vlnv) { NULL, "hls", "hls_dft", NULL });
rtds = ip_vlnv_lookup(&fpga->ips, "acs.eonerc.rwth-aachen.de", "user", "rtds_axis", NULL);
hls = ip_vlnv_lookup(&fpga->ips, NULL, "hls", "hls_dft", NULL);
/* Check if required IP is available on FPGA */
if (!hls || !rtds)
return -1;
cr_assert(hls && rtds);
ret = intc_enable(c->intc, (1 << rtds->irq), 0);
ret = intc_enable(fpga->intc, (1 << rtds->irq), 0);
if (ret)
error("Failed to enable interrupt");
ret = switch_connect(c->sw, rtds, hls);
ret = switch_connect(fpga->sw, rtds, hls);
if (ret)
error("Failed to configure switch");
ret = switch_connect(c->sw, hls, rtds);
ret = switch_connect(fpga->sw, hls, rtds);
if (ret)
error("Failed to configure switch");
@ -196,32 +207,29 @@ int fpga_test_hls_dft(struct fpga_card *c)
ret = switch_disconnect(c->sw, rtds, hls);
ret = switch_disconnect(fpga->sw, rtds, hls);
if (ret)
error("Failed to configure switch");
ret = switch_disconnect(c->sw, hls, rtds);
ret = switch_disconnect(fpga->sw, hls, rtds);
if (ret)
error("Failed to configure switch");
return 0;
int fpga_test_fifo(struct fpga_card *c)
Test(fpga, fifo, .description = "FIFO")
int ret;
ssize_t len;
char src[255], dst[255];
struct fpga_ip *fifo;
fifo = fpga_vlnv_lookup(&c->ips, &(struct fpga_vlnv) { "xilinx.com", "ip", "axi_fifo_mm_s", NULL });
if (!fifo)
return -1;
fifo = ip_vlnv_lookup(&fpga->ips, "xilinx.com", "ip", "axi_fifo_mm_s", NULL);
ret = intc_enable(c->intc, (1 << fifo->irq), 0);
ret = intc_enable(fpga->intc, (1 << fifo->irq), 0);
if (ret)
error("Failed to enable interrupt");
ret = switch_connect(c->sw, fifo, fifo);
ret = switch_connect(fpga->sw, fifo, fifo);
if (ret)
error("Failed to configure switch");
@ -239,25 +247,25 @@ int fpga_test_fifo(struct fpga_card *c)
if (len != sizeof(dst))
error("Failed to read from FIFO");
ret = intc_disable(c->intc, (1 << fifo->irq));
ret = intc_disable(fpga->intc, (1 << fifo->irq));
if (ret)
error("Failed to disable interrupt");
ret = switch_disconnect(c->sw, fifo, fifo);
ret = switch_disconnect(fpga->sw, fifo, fifo);
if (ret)
error("Failed to configure switch");
/* Compare data */
return memcmp(src, dst, sizeof(src));
cr_assert_eq(memcmp(src, dst, sizeof(src)), 0);
int fpga_test_dma(struct fpga_card *c)
Test(fpga, dma, .description = "DMA")
int ret = -1;
struct dma_mem mem, src, dst;
list_foreach(struct fpga_ip *dma, &c->ips) { INDENT
if (!fpga_vlnv_cmp(&dma->vlnv, &(struct fpga_vlnv) { "xilinx.com", "ip", "axi_dma", NULL }))
list_foreach(struct ip *dma, &fpga->ips) { INDENT
if (!ip_vlnv_match(dma, "xilinx.com", "ip", "axi_dma", NULL))
continue; /* skip non DMA IP cores */
/* Simple DMA can only transfer up to 4 kb due to
@ -265,12 +273,10 @@ int fpga_test_dma(struct fpga_card *c)
ssize_t len2, len = dma->dma.inst.HasSg ? 64 << 20 : 1 << 2;
ret = dma_alloc(dma, &mem, 2 * len, 0);
if (ret)
return -1;
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0);
ret = dma_mem_split(&mem, &src, &dst);
if (ret)
return -1;
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0);
/* Get new random data */
len2 = read_random(src.base_virt, len);
@ -279,12 +285,12 @@ int fpga_test_dma(struct fpga_card *c)
int irq_mm2s = dma->irq;
int irq_s2mm = dma->irq + 1;
ret = intc_enable(c->intc, (1 << irq_mm2s) | (1 << irq_s2mm), 0);
ret = intc_enable(fpga->intc, (1 << irq_mm2s) | (1 << irq_s2mm), 0);
if (ret)
error("Failed to enable interrupt");
ret = switch_connect(c->sw, dma, dma);
ret = switch_connect(fpga->sw, dma, dma);
if (ret)
error("Failed to configure switch");
@ -297,11 +303,11 @@ int fpga_test_dma(struct fpga_card *c)
info("DMA %s (%s): %s", dma->name, dma->dma.inst.HasSg ? "scatter-gather" : "simple", ret ? RED("failed") : GRN("passed"));
ret = switch_disconnect(c->sw, dma, dma);
ret = switch_disconnect(fpga->sw, dma, dma);
if (ret)
error("Failed to configure switch");
ret = intc_disable(c->intc, (1 << irq_mm2s) | (1 << irq_s2mm));
ret = intc_disable(fpga->intc, (1 << irq_mm2s) | (1 << irq_s2mm));
if (ret)
error("Failed to disable interrupt");
@ -310,21 +316,20 @@ int fpga_test_dma(struct fpga_card *c)
error("Failed to release DMA memory");
return ret;
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0);
int fpga_test_timer(struct fpga_card *c)
Test(fpga, timer, .description = "Timer Counter")
int ret;
struct fpga_ip *tmr;
tmr = fpga_vlnv_lookup(&c->ips, &(struct fpga_vlnv) { "xilinx.com", "ip", "axi_timer", NULL });
if (!tmr)
return -1;
tmr = ip_vlnv_lookup(&fpga->ips, "xilinx.com", "ip", "axi_timer", NULL);
XTmrCtr *xtmr = &tmr->timer.inst;
ret = intc_enable(c->intc, (1 << tmr->irq), 0);
ret = intc_enable(fpga->intc, (1 << tmr->irq), 0);
if (ret)
error("Failed to enable interrupt");
@ -332,22 +337,22 @@ int fpga_test_timer(struct fpga_card *c)
XTmrCtr_SetResetValue(xtmr, 0, FPGA_AXI_HZ / 125);
XTmrCtr_Start(xtmr, 0);
uint64_t counter = intc_wait(c->intc, tmr->irq);
uint64_t counter = intc_wait(fpga->intc, tmr->irq);
info("Got IRQ: counter = %ju", counter);
if (counter == 1)
return 0;
warn("Counter was not 1");
intc_disable(c->intc, (1 << tmr->irq));
intc_disable(fpga->intc, (1 << tmr->irq));
if (ret)
error("Failed to disable interrupt");
return -1;
int fpga_test_rtds_rtt(struct fpga_card *c)
Test(fpga, rtds_rtt, .description = "RTDS: tight rtt")
int ret;
struct fpga_ip *dma, *rtds;
@ -355,17 +360,16 @@ int fpga_test_rtds_rtt(struct fpga_card *c)
size_t recvlen;
/* Get IP cores */
rtds = fpga_vlnv_lookup(&c->ips, &(struct fpga_vlnv) { "acs.eonerc.rwth-aachen.de", "user", "rtds_axis", NULL });
dma = list_lookup(&c->ips, "dma_1");
rtds = ip_vlnv_lookup(&fpga->ips, "acs.eonerc.rwth-aachen.de", "user", "rtds_axis", NULL);
dma = list_lookup(&fpga->ips, "dma_1");
/* Check if required IP is available on FPGA */
if (!dma || !rtds)
return -1;
cr_assert (dma && rtds);
ret = switch_connect(c->sw, rtds, dma);
ret = switch_connect(fpga->sw, rtds, dma);
if (ret)
error("Failed to configure switch");
ret = switch_connect(c->sw, dma, rtds);
ret = switch_connect(fpga->sw, dma, rtds);
if (ret)
error("Failed to configure switch");
@ -392,16 +396,14 @@ int fpga_test_rtds_rtt(struct fpga_card *c)
error("Failed to complete DMA write: %d", ret);
ret = switch_disconnect(c->sw, rtds, dma);
ret = switch_disconnect(fpga->sw, rtds, dma);
if (ret)
error("Failed to configure switch");
ret = switch_disconnect(c->sw, dma, rtds);
ret = switch_disconnect(fpga->sw, dma, rtds);
if (ret)
error("Failed to configure switch");
ret = dma_free(dma, &buf);
if (ret)
error("Failed to release DMA memory");
return 0;
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