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mirror of https://git.rwth-aachen.de/acs/public/villas/node/ synced 2025-03-09 00:00:00 +01:00

lib/memory: rework allocators to make them extensible and more abstract

This is change renders memory allocators only dependend on an address
space id that they are managing, allowing easy implementation of other
algorithms and instantiation in memory IP blocks.
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Krebs 2018-04-13 15:31:18 +02:00
parent ae2bd2a41d
commit 5242b87e4c
4 changed files with 325 additions and 99 deletions

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@ -8,115 +8,221 @@
namespace villas {
* @brief Basic memory block backed by an address space in the memory graph
* This is a generic representation of a chunk of memory in the system. It can
* reside anywhere and represent different types of memory.
class MemoryBlock {
MemoryBlock(MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId addrSpaceId, size_t size) :
addrSpaceId(addrSpaceId), size(size) {}
using deallocator_fn = std::function<void(MemoryBlock*)>;
MemoryBlock(size_t offset, size_t size, MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId addrSpaceId) :
offset(offset), size(size), addrSpaceId(addrSpaceId) {}
MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId getAddrSpaceId() const
{ return addrSpaceId; }
size_t getSize() const
{ return size; }
MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId addrSpaceId;
size_t size;
size_t getOffset() const
{ return offset; }
size_t offset; ///< Offset (or address) inside address space
size_t size; ///< Size in bytes of this block
MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId addrSpaceId; ///< Identifier in memory graph
class MemoryAllocator {
class HostRam : public MemoryAllocator {
* @brief Wrapper for a MemoryBlock to access the underlying memory directly
* The underlying memory block has to be accessible for the current process,
* that means it has to be mapped accordingly and registered to the global
* memory graph.
* Furthermore, this wrapper can be owning the memory block when initialized
* with a moved unique pointer. Otherwise, it just stores a reference to the
* memory block and it's the users responsibility to take care that the memory
* block is valid.
template<typename T>
class MemoryAccessor {
using Type = T;
// take ownership of the MemoryBlock
MemoryAccessor(std::unique_ptr<MemoryBlock, MemoryBlock::deallocator_fn> mem) :
memoryBlock(std::move(mem)) {}
// just act as an accessor, do not take ownership of MemoryBlock
MemoryAccessor(const MemoryBlock& mem) :
translation(MemoryManager::get().getTranslationFromProcess(mem.getAddrSpaceId())) {}
T& operator*() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(translation.getLocalAddr(0));
T& operator[](size_t idx) const {
const size_t offset = sizeof(T) * idx;
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(translation.getLocalAddr(offset));
T* operator&() const {
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(translation.getLocalAddr(0));
T* operator->() const {
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(translation.getLocalAddr(0));
const MemoryBlock&
getMemoryBlock() const
{ if(not memoryBlock) throw std::bad_alloc(); else return *memoryBlock; }
/// cached memory translation for fast access
MemoryTranslation translation;
/// take the unique pointer in case user wants this class to have ownership
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBlock, MemoryBlock::deallocator_fn> memoryBlock;
* @brief Base memory allocator
* Note the usage of CRTP idiom here to access methods of derived allocators.
* The concept is explained here at [1].
* [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curiously_recurring_template_pattern
template<typename DerivedAllocator>
class BaseAllocator {
/// memoryAddrSpaceId: memory that is managed by this allocator
BaseAllocator(MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId memoryAddrSpaceId) :
derivedAlloc = static_cast<DerivedAllocator*>(this);
logger = loggerGetOrCreate(derivedAlloc->getName());
// default deallocation callback
free = [&](MemoryBlock* mem) {
logger->warn("no free callback defined for addr space {}, not freeing",
virtual std::unique_ptr<MemoryBlock, MemoryBlock::deallocator_fn>
allocateBlock(size_t size) = 0;
template<typename T>
class MemoryBlockHostRam : public MemoryBlock {
friend class HostRam;
MemoryBlockHostRam(void* addr, size_t size, MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId foreignAddrSpaceId) :
MemoryBlock(foreignAddrSpaceId, size),
using Type = T;
MemoryBlockHostRam() = delete;
T& operator*() {
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(translation.getLocalAddr(0));
T& operator [](int idx) {
const size_t offset = sizeof(T) * idx;
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(translation.getLocalAddr(offset));
T* operator &() const {
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(translation.getLocalAddr(0));
// addr needed for freeing later
void* addr;
// cached memory translation for fast access
MemoryTranslation translation;
template<typename T>
static MemoryBlockHostRam<T>
allocate(size_t num)
/* Align to next bigger page size chunk */
size_t length = num * sizeof(T);
if (length & size_t(0xFFF)) {
length += size_t(0x1000);
length &= size_t(~0xFFF);
void* const addr = HostRam::allocate(length);
if(addr == nullptr) {
throw std::bad_alloc();
auto& mm = MemoryManager::get();
// assemble name for this block
std::stringstream name;
name << std::showbase << std::hex << reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr);
auto blockAddrSpaceId = mm.getProcessAddressSpaceMemoryBlock(name.str());
// create mapping from VA space of process to this new block
mm.createMapping(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr), 0, length,
// create object and corresponding address space in memory manager
return MemoryBlockHostRam<T>(addr, length, blockAddrSpaceId);
const size_t size = num * sizeof(T);
auto mem = allocateBlock(size);
return MemoryAccessor<T>(std::move(mem));
template<typename T>
static inline bool
free(const MemoryBlockHostRam<T>& block)
void insertMemoryBlock(const MemoryBlock& mem)
// TODO: remove address space from memory manager
// TODO: how to prevent use after free?
return HostRam::free(block.addr, block.size);
auto& mm = MemoryManager::get();
mm.createMapping(mem.getOffset(), 0, mem.getSize(),
void removeMemoryBlock(const MemoryBlock& mem)
// this will also remove any mapping to and from the memory block
auto& mm = MemoryManager::get();
MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId getAddrSpaceId() const
{ return memoryAddrSpaceId; }
MemoryBlock::deallocator_fn free;
SpdLogger logger;
static void*
allocate(size_t length, int flags = 0);
MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId memoryAddrSpaceId;
DerivedAllocator* derivedAlloc;
static bool
free(void*, size_t length);
* @brief Linear memory allocator
* This is the simplest kind of allocator. The idea is to keep a pointer at the
* first memory address of your memory chunk and move it every time an
* allocation is done. Due to its simplicity, this allocator doesn't allow
* specific positions of memory to be freed. Usually, all memory is freed
* together.
class LinearAllocator : public BaseAllocator<LinearAllocator> {
LinearAllocator(MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId memoryAddrSpaceId,
size_t memorySize,
size_t internalOffset = 0);
size_t getAvailableMemory() const
{ return memorySize - nextFreeAddress; }
std::string getName() const;
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBlock, MemoryBlock::deallocator_fn>
allocateBlock(size_t size);
static constexpr size_t alignBytes = sizeof(uintptr_t);
static constexpr size_t alignMask = alignBytes - 1;
size_t getAlignmentPadding(uintptr_t addr) const
{ return (alignBytes - (addr & alignMask)) & alignMask; }
size_t nextFreeAddress; ///< next chunk will be allocated here
size_t memorySize; ///< total size of managed memory
size_t internalOffset; ///< offset in address space (usually 0)
* @brief Wrapper around mmap() to create villas memory blocks
* This class simply wraps around mmap() and munmap() to allocate memory in the
* host memory via the OS.
class HostRam {
class HostRamAllocator : public BaseAllocator<HostRamAllocator> {
std::string getName() const
{ return "HostRamAlloc"; }
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBlock, MemoryBlock::deallocator_fn>
allocateBlock(size_t size);
static HostRamAllocator&
{ return allocator; }
static HostRamAllocator allocator;
} // namespace villas

View file

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ private:
// ... and no copying or assigning
MemoryManager(const MemoryManager&) = delete;
MemoryManager& operator=(const MemoryManager&) = delete ;
MemoryManager& operator=(const MemoryManager&) = delete;
* @brief Custom edge in memory graph representing a memory mapping
@ -153,13 +153,17 @@ public:
{ return getOrCreateAddressSpace("villas-fpga"); }
getProcessAddressSpaceMemoryBlock(const std::string& memoryBlock)
getProcessAddressSpaceMemoryBlock(const std::string& memoryBlock)
{ return getOrCreateAddressSpace(getSlaveAddrSpaceName("villas-fpga", memoryBlock)); }
getOrCreateAddressSpace(std::string name);
removeAddressSpace(AddressSpaceId addrSpaceId)
{ memoryGraph.removeVertex(addrSpaceId); }
/// Create a default mapping
createMapping(uintptr_t src, uintptr_t dest, size_t size,

View file

@ -5,20 +5,135 @@
namespace villas {
HostRam::free(void* addr, size_t length)
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBlock, MemoryBlock::deallocator_fn>
HostRam::HostRamAllocator::allocateBlock(size_t size)
return munmap(addr, length) == 0;
/* Align to next bigger page size chunk */
if (size & size_t(0xFFF)) {
size += size_t(0x1000);
size &= size_t(~0xFFF);
const int mmap_flags = MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_32BIT;
const int mmap_protection = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE;
const void* addr = mmap(nullptr, size, mmap_protection, mmap_flags, 0, 0);
if(addr == nullptr) {
throw std::bad_alloc();
auto& mm = MemoryManager::get();
// assemble name for this block
std::stringstream name;
name << std::showbase << std::hex << reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr);
auto blockAddrSpaceId = mm.getProcessAddressSpaceMemoryBlock(name.str());
const auto localAddr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr);
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBlock, MemoryBlock::deallocator_fn>
mem(new MemoryBlock(localAddr, size, blockAddrSpaceId), this->free);
return mem;
HostRam::allocate(size_t length, int flags)
LinearAllocator::LinearAllocator(MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId memoryAddrSpaceId,
size_t memorySize,
size_t internalOffset) :
const int mmap_flags = flags | MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_32BIT;
const int mmap_protection = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE;
// make sure to start at aligned offset, reduce size in case we need padding
if(const size_t paddingBytes = getAlignmentPadding(internalOffset)) {
assert(paddingBytes < memorySize);
return mmap(nullptr, length, mmap_protection, mmap_flags, 0, 0);
internalOffset += paddingBytes;
memorySize -= paddingBytes;
// deallocation callback
free = [&](MemoryBlock* mem) {
logger->debug("freeing {:#x} bytes at local addr {:#x} (addr space {})",
mem->getSize(), mem->getOffset(), mem->getAddrSpaceId());
logger->warn("free() not implemented");
logger->debug("available memory: {:#x} bytes", getAvailableMemory());
LinearAllocator::getName() const
std::stringstream name;
name << "LinearAlloc" << getAddrSpaceId()
<< "@0x" << std::hex << internalOffset;
return name.str();
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBlock, MemoryBlock::deallocator_fn>
LinearAllocator::allocateBlock(size_t size)
if(size > getAvailableMemory()) {
throw std::bad_alloc();
// assign address
const uintptr_t localAddr = nextFreeAddress + internalOffset;
// reserve memory
nextFreeAddress += size;
// make sure it is aligned
if(const size_t paddingBytes = getAlignmentPadding(nextFreeAddress)) {
nextFreeAddress += paddingBytes;
// if next free address is outside this block due to padding, cap it
nextFreeAddress = std::min(nextFreeAddress, memorySize);
auto& mm = MemoryManager::get();
// assemble name for this block
std::stringstream blockName;
blockName << std::showbase << std::hex << localAddr;
// create address space
auto addrSpaceName = mm.getSlaveAddrSpaceName(getName(), blockName.str());
auto addrSpaceId = mm.getOrCreateAddressSpace(addrSpaceName);
logger->debug("Allocated {:#x} bytes for {}, {:#x} bytes remaining",
size, addrSpaceId, getAvailableMemory());
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBlock, MemoryBlock::deallocator_fn>
mem(new MemoryBlock(localAddr, size, addrSpaceId), this->free);
// mount block into the memory graph
return mem;
HostRam::HostRamAllocator::HostRamAllocator() :
free = [&](MemoryBlock* mem) {
if(::munmap(reinterpret_cast<void*>(mem->getOffset()), mem->getSize()) != 0) {
logger->warn("munmap() failed for {:#x} of size {:#x}",
mem->getOffset(), mem->getSize());
} // namespace villas

View file

@ -41,15 +41,16 @@ Test(fpga, dma, .description = "DMA")
size_t len = 4 * (1 << 10);
/* Allocate memory to use with DMA */
auto src = villas::HostRam::allocate<char>(len);
auto dst = villas::HostRam::allocate<char>(len);
auto src = villas::HostRam::getAllocator().allocate<char>(len);
auto dst = villas::HostRam::getAllocator().allocate<char>(len);
/* Get new random data */
const size_t lenRandom = read_random(&src, len);
cr_assert(len == lenRandom, "Failed to get random data");
/* Start transfer */
cr_assert(dma.pingPong(src, dst, len), "DMA ping pong failed");
cr_assert(dma.pingPong(src.getMemoryBlock(), dst.getMemoryBlock(), len),
"DMA ping pong failed");
/* Compare data */
cr_assert(memcmp(&src, &dst, len) == 0, "Data not equal");