mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 00:00:00 +01:00
update other Dockerfile to use new deps script
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 36 additions and 251 deletions
@ -22,15 +22,17 @@ mkdir -p thirdparty
pushd thirdparty
# Build & Install Criterion
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Snaipe/Criterion
mkdir -p Criterion/build
pushd Criterion/build
git checkout v2.3.3
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=/usr/local/lib64 ..
if [ -z "${PACKAGE}" ]; then
make -j$(nproc) install
if [ $(uname -m) != "armv6l" ]; then
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Snaipe/Criterion
mkdir -p Criterion/build
pushd Criterion/build
git checkout v2.3.3
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=/usr/local/lib64 ..
if [ -z "${PACKAGE}" ]; then
make -j$(nproc) install
# Build & Install EtherLab
hg clone --branch stable-1.5 http://hg.code.sf.net/p/etherlabmaster/code etherlab
@ -129,4 +131,4 @@ if [ -n "${PACKAGE}" ]; then
cp ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/*.rpm rpms
@ -82,17 +82,6 @@ RUN dnf -y install \
librdmacm-devel \
# Some of the dependencies are only available in our own repo
# ADD https://packages.fein-aachen.org/fedora/fein.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
# RUN dnf -y install \
# re-devel \
# libiec61850-devel \
# etherlab-devel \
# fmt-devel \
# spdlog-devel \
# uldaq-devel \
# comedilib-devel
# or install unpackaged dependencies from source
ADD packaging/deps.sh /
RUN bash deps.sh
@ -28,51 +28,34 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This is a Centos 7 image including the devtoolset-7 for a more up-to-date toolchain
# See: https://www.softwarecollections.org/en/scls/rhscl/devtoolset-7/
FROM registry.centos.org/centos/devtoolset-7-toolchain-centos7
FROM centos:8
ARG GIT_REV=unknown
# Some of the dependencies are only available in our own repo
ADD https://packages.fein-aachen.org/redhat/fein.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
USER root
# Enable Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repo
RUN yum -y install epel-release
# Enable Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repo and PowerTools
RUN dnf -y install epel-release dnf-plugins-core
RUN dnf config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools
# Toolchain
RUN yum -y install \
devtoolset-7-toolchain \
pkgconfig make cmake3 \
RUN dnf -y install \
pkgconfig make cmake \
autoconf automake autogen libtool \
flex bison \
texinfo git mercurial curl tar \
protobuf-compiler protobuf-c-compiler
# Several tools only needed for developement and testing
RUN yum -y install \
doxygen dia graphviz \
openssh-clients \
rpmdevtools rpm-build \
jq netcat \
iproute \
python-pip \
valgrind gdb gdb-gdbserver \
xmlto rubygem-asciidoctor \
rabbitmq-server mosquitto
# Tools for debugging, coverage, profiling
RUN pip install \
gcovr \
# Dependencies
RUN yum -y install \
RUN dnf -y install \
openssl-devel \
protobuf-devel \
protobuf-c-devel \
@ -81,69 +64,17 @@ RUN yum -y install \
libnl3-devel \
libcurl-devel \
jansson-devel \
libwebsockets-devel \
zeromq-devel \
nanomsg \
librabbitmq-devel \
mosquitto-devel \
libibverbs-devel \
librdmacm-devel \
re-devel \
# Build & Install fmtlib
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone --recursive https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt.git && \
mkdir -p fmt/build && cd fmt/build && \
git checkout 5.2.0 && \
cmake3 -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=1 .. && make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/fmt
# Build & Install spdlog
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone --recursive https://github.com/gabime/spdlog.git && \
mkdir -p spdlog/build && cd spdlog/build && \
git checkout v1.3.1 && \
cmake3 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSPDLOG_FMT_EXTERNAL=1 -DSPDLOG_BUILD_BENCH=OFF .. && make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/spdlog
# Build & Install Criterion
#RUN cd /tmp && \
# git clone --recursive https://github.com/Snaipe/Criterion && \
# mkdir -p Criterion/build && cd Criterion/build && \
# git checkout v2.3.3 && \
# cmake3 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=/usr/local/lib64 .. && make install && \
# rm -rf /tmp/*
# Build & Install libwebsockets
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone -b v3.1-stable https://github.com/warmcat/libwebsockets && \
mkdir -p libwebsockets/build && cd libwebsockets/build && \
cmake3 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=/usr/local/lib64 -DLWS_WITHOUT_TESTAPPS=ON .. && make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/libwebsockets
# Build & Install libiec61850
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone -b v1.3.1 https://github.com/mz-automation/libiec61850 && \
mkdir -p libiec61850/build && cd libiec61850/build && \
cmake3 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=/usr/local/lib64 .. && make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/libiec61850
# Build & Install uldaq
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone -b rpm https://github.com/stv0g/uldaq && \
cd uldaq && \
autoreconf -i && ./configure --enable-examples=no && \
make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/uldaq
# Build & Install EtherLab
RUN cd /tmp && \
hg clone --branch stable-1.5 http://hg.code.sf.net/p/etherlabmaster/code etherlab && \
cd etherlab && \
./bootstrap && ./configure --enable-userlib=yes --enable-kernel=no --enable-tool=no && \
make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/etherlab
# or install unpackaged dependencies from source
ADD packaging/deps.sh /
RUN bash deps.sh
# Workaround for libnl3's search path for netem distributions
RUN ln -s /usr/lib64/tc /usr/lib/tc
@ -47,8 +47,9 @@ RUN dpkg --add-architecture ${ARCH}
# Toolchain
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
crossbuild-essential-${ARCH} \
pkg-config make ninja-build \
texinfo git mercurial curl tar wget\
autoconf automake autogen libtool \
pkg-config make \
texinfo git mercurial curl tar wget \
protobuf-compiler protobuf-c-compiler
# Dependencies
@ -65,7 +66,6 @@ RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
libnanomsg-dev:${ARCH} \
librabbitmq-dev:${ARCH} \
libmosquitto-dev:${ARCH} \
libcomedi-dev:${ARCH} \
libibverbs-dev:${ARCH} \
librdmacm-dev:${ARCH} \
libre-dev:${ARCH} \
@ -84,54 +84,11 @@ ENV PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/${TRIPLET}/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/
ENV PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=/usr/lib/${TRIPLET}/pkgconfig:/usr/share/pkgconfig
# Build & Install fmtlib
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone --recursive https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt.git && \
mkdir -p fmt/build && cd fmt/build && \
git checkout 5.2.0 && \
cmake ${CMAKE_OPTS} -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=1 .. && make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/fmt
# Build & Install spdlog
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone --recursive https://github.com/gabime/spdlog.git && \
mkdir -p spdlog/build && cd spdlog/build && \
git checkout v1.3.1 && \
cmake ${CMAKE_OPTS} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSPDLOG_FMT_EXTERNAL=1 -DSPDLOG_BUILD_BENCH=OFF .. && make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/spdlog
# Build & Install libwebsockets
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone -b v3.1-stable https://github.com/warmcat/libwebsockets && \
mkdir -p libwebsockets/build && cd libwebsockets/build && \
cmake ${CMAKE_OPTS} -DLWS_INSTALL_LIB_DIR=/usr/lib/${TRIPLET} -DLWS_WITHOUT_TESTAPPS=ON .. && make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/libwebsockets
# Build & Install libiec61850
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone -b v1.3.1 https://github.com/mz-automation/libiec61850 && \
mkdir -p libiec61850/build && cd libiec61850/build && \
cmake ${CMAKE_OPTS} .. && make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/libiec61850
# Build & Install uldaq
RUN apt-get -y install automake autoconf libtool
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone -b rpm https://github.com/stv0g/uldaq && \
mkdir -p uldaq/build && cd uldaq && \
autoreconf -i && cd build && \
../configure --host=${TRIPLET} && make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/uldaq
# Build & Install EtherLab
RUN cd /tmp && \
hg clone --branch stable-1.5 http://hg.code.sf.net/p/etherlabmaster/code etherlab && \
cd etherlab && \
./bootstrap && ./configure --host=${TRIPLET} --enable-userlib=yes --enable-kernel=no --enable-tool=no && \
make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/etherlab
# Install unpackaged dependencies from source
ADD packaging/deps.sh /
RUN bash deps.sh
WORKDIR /villas
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ ARG VARIANT=unknown
# Toolchain
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y \
autoconf automake libtool cmake \
autoconf automake autogen libtool cmake \
pkg-config make gcc g++\
git mercurial curl wget tar bzip2 \
protobuf-compiler protobuf-c-compiler
@ -50,9 +50,7 @@ RUN apt-get update && \
libnanomsg-dev \
librabbitmq-dev \
libmosquitto-dev \
libcomedi-dev \
librdmacm-dev \
libre-dev \
ENV CC=gcc
@ -61,51 +59,9 @@ ENV CXX=g++
# Add CMake install dir to PATH
ENV PATH="usr/local/bin:${PATH}"
# Build & Install fmtlib
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone --recursive https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt.git && \
mkdir -p fmt/build && cd fmt/build && \
git checkout 5.2.0 && \
cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=1 .. && make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/fmt
# Build & Install spdlog
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone --recursive https://github.com/gabime/spdlog.git && \
mkdir -p spdlog/build && cd spdlog/build && \
git checkout v1.3.1 && \
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSPDLOG_FMT_EXTERNAL=1 -DSPDLOG_BUILD_BENCH=OFF .. && make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/spdlog
# Build & Install libwebsockets
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone -b v3.1-stable https://github.com/warmcat/libwebsockets && \
mkdir -p libwebsockets/build && cd libwebsockets/build && \
cmake -DLWS_WITHOUT_TESTAPPS=ON .. && make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/libwebsockets
# Build & Install libiec61850
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone -b v1.3.1 https://github.com/mz-automation/libiec61850 && \
mkdir -p libiec61850/build && cd libiec61850/build && \
cmake .. && make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/libiec61850
# Build & Install uldaq
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone -b rpm https://github.com/stv0g/uldaq && \
cd uldaq && \
autoreconf -i && ./configure --enable-examples=no && \
make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/uldaq
# Build & Install EtherLab
RUN cd /tmp && \
hg clone --branch stable-1.5 http://hg.code.sf.net/p/etherlabmaster/code etherlab && \
cd etherlab && \
./bootstrap && ./configure --enable-userlib=yes --enable-kernel=no --enable-tool=no && \
make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/etherlab
# Install unpackaged dependencies from source
ADD packaging/deps.sh /
RUN bash deps.sh
# Expose ports for HTTP and WebSocket frontend
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
autoconf automake libtool cmake \
pkg-config make gcc g++ ninja-build \
texinfo git mercurial curl tar \
flex bison \
protobuf-compiler protobuf-c-compiler
# Several tools only needed for developement and testing
@ -78,62 +79,11 @@ RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
libcomedi-dev \
libibverbs-dev \
librdmacm-dev \
libre-dev \
# Build & Install fmtlib
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone --recursive https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt.git && \
mkdir -p fmt/build && cd fmt/build && \
git checkout 5.2.0 && \
cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=1 .. && make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/fmt
# Build & Install spdlog
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone --recursive https://github.com/gabime/spdlog.git && \
mkdir -p spdlog/build && cd spdlog/build && \
git checkout v1.3.1 && \
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSPDLOG_FMT_EXTERNAL=1 -DSPDLOG_BUILD_BENCH=OFF .. && make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/spdlog
# Build & Install Criterion
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Snaipe/Criterion && \
mkdir -p Criterion/build && cd Criterion/build && \
git checkout v2.3.3 && \
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=/usr/local/lib64 .. && make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/Criterion
# Build & Install libwebsockets
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone -b v3.1-stable https://github.com/warmcat/libwebsockets && \
mkdir -p libwebsockets/build && cd libwebsockets/build && \
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=/usr/local/lib64 -DLWS_WITHOUT_TESTAPPS=ON .. && make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/libwebsockets
# Build & Install libiec61850
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone -b v1.3.1 https://github.com/mz-automation/libiec61850 && \
mkdir -p libiec61850/build && cd libiec61850/build && \
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=/usr/local/lib64 .. && make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/libiec61850
# Build & Install uldaq
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone -b rpm https://github.com/stv0g/uldaq && \
cd uldaq && \
autoreconf -i && ./configure --enable-examples=no && \
make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/uldaq
# Build & Install EtherLab
RUN cd /tmp && \
hg clone --branch stable-1.5 http://hg.code.sf.net/p/etherlabmaster/code etherlab && \
cd etherlab && \
./bootstrap && ./configure --enable-userlib=yes --enable-kernel=no --enable-tool=no && \
make -j$(nproc) install && \
rm -rf /tmp/etherlab
# or install unpackaged dependencies from source
ADD packaging/deps.sh /
RUN bash deps.sh
# Expose ports for HTTP and WebSocket frontend
Add table
Reference in a new issue