Fork 0
mirror of https://git.rwth-aachen.de/acs/public/villas/node/ synced 2025-03-09 00:00:00 +01:00

change from _ to camelCabs

This commit is contained in:
Manuel Pitz 2021-02-16 11:43:53 +01:00
parent a27c84e366
commit e0647e4696
3 changed files with 162 additions and 162 deletions

View file

@ -52,12 +52,12 @@ int Dumper::openSocket(std::string socketNameIn)
return -1;
sockaddr_un socketaddr_un;
socketaddr_un.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
strcpy(socketaddr_un.sun_path, socketName.c_str());
sockaddr_un socketaddrUn;
socketaddrUn.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
strcpy(socketaddrUn.sun_path, socketName.c_str());
socketName = socketNameIn;
connect(socketFd, (struct sockaddr *) &socketaddr_un, sizeof(socketaddr_un));
connect(socketFd, (struct sockaddr *) &socketaddrUn, sizeof(socketaddrUn));
return 1;

View file

@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ namespace node {
class DftHook : public Hook {
enum paddingType {
enum paddingTypeEnum {
enum windowType {
enum windowTypeEnum {
@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ protected:
Dumper* phasorAmplitude;
Dumper* phasorFreq;
windowType window_type;
paddingType padding_type;
windowTypeEnum windowType;
paddingTypeEnum paddingType;
struct format_type *format;
double** smp_memory;
double** smpMemory;
std::complex<double>** dftMatrix;
std::complex<double>* dftResults;
double* filterWindowCoefficents;
@ -71,48 +71,48 @@ protected:
double* absDftFreqs;
uint64_t dftCalcCnt;
uint sample_rate;
double start_freqency;
double end_freqency;
double frequency_resolution;
uint dft_rate;
uint window_size;
uint window_multiplier;//multiplyer for the window to achieve frequency resolution
uint freq_count;//number of requency bins that are calculated
bool sync_dft;
uint sampleRate;
double startFreqency;
double endFreqency;
double frequencyResolution;
uint dftRate;
uint windowSize;
uint windowMultiplier;//multiplyer for the window to achieve frequency resolution
uint freqCount;//number of requency bins that are calculated
bool syncDft;
uint64_t smp_mem_pos;
uint64_t last_sequence;
uint64_t smpMemPos;
uint64_t lastSequence;
std::complex<double> omega;
std::complex<double> M_I;
double window_corretion_factor;
timespec last_dft_cal;
double windowCorretionFactor;
timespec lastDftCal;
int* signal_index;//a list of signal_index to do dft on
uint signalCnt;//number of signal_index given by config file
int* signalIndex;//a list of signalIndex to do dft on
uint signalCnt;//number of signalIndex given by config file
DftHook(struct vpath *p, struct vnode *n, int fl, int prio, bool en = true) :
Hook(p, n, fl, prio, en),
format = format_type_lookup("villas.human");
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ public:
virtual ~DftHook()
delete smp_memory;
delete smpMemory;
delete origSigSync;
delete ppsSigSync;
delete windowdSigSync;
@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ public:
/* init sample memory */
smp_memory = new double*[signalCnt];
if (!smp_memory)
smpMemory = new double*[signalCnt];
if (!smpMemory)
throw MemoryAllocationError();
for (uint i = 0; i < signalCnt; i++) {
@ -165,61 +165,61 @@ public:
vlist_push(&signals, phaseSig);
vlist_push(&signals, rocofSig);
smp_memory[i] = new double[window_size];
if (!smp_memory[i])
smpMemory[i] = new double[windowSize];
if (!smpMemory[i])
throw MemoryAllocationError();
for (uint j = 0; j < window_size; j++)
smp_memory[i][j] = 0;
for (uint j = 0; j < windowSize; j++)
smpMemory[i][j] = 0;
window_multiplier = ceil(((double)sample_rate / window_size) / frequency_resolution); //calculate how much zero padding ist needed for a needed resolution
windowMultiplier = ceil(((double)sampleRate / windowSize) / frequencyResolution); //calculate how much zero padding ist needed for a needed resolution
freq_count = ceil((end_freqency - start_freqency) / frequency_resolution) + 1;
freqCount = ceil((endFreqency - startFreqency) / frequencyResolution) + 1;
/* init matrix of dft coeffients */
dftMatrix = new std::complex<double>*[freq_count];
dftMatrix = new std::complex<double>*[freqCount];
if (!dftMatrix)
throw MemoryAllocationError();
for (uint i = 0; i < freq_count; i++) {
dftMatrix[i] = new std::complex<double>[window_size * window_multiplier]();
for (uint i = 0; i < freqCount; i++) {
dftMatrix[i] = new std::complex<double>[windowSize * windowMultiplier]();
if (!dftMatrix[i])
throw MemoryAllocationError();
dftResults = new std::complex<double>[freq_count]();
dftResults = new std::complex<double>[freqCount]();
if (!dftResults)
throw MemoryAllocationError();
filterWindowCoefficents = new double[window_size];
filterWindowCoefficents = new double[windowSize];
if (!filterWindowCoefficents)
throw MemoryAllocationError();
absDftResults = new double[freq_count];
absDftResults = new double[freqCount];
if (!absDftResults)
throw MemoryAllocationError();
absDftFreqs = new double[freq_count];
absDftFreqs = new double[freqCount];
if (!absDftFreqs)
throw MemoryAllocationError();
for (uint i = 0; i < freq_count; i++)
absDftFreqs[i] = start_freqency + i * frequency_resolution;
for (uint i = 0; i < freqCount; i++)
absDftFreqs[i] = startFreqency + i * frequencyResolution;
state = State::PREPARED;
virtual void parse(json_t *cfg)
const char *padding_type_c = nullptr, *window_type_c = nullptr;
const char *paddingTypeC = nullptr, *windowTypeC= nullptr;
int ret;
json_error_t err;
json_t *json_channel_list = nullptr;
json_t *jsonChannelList = nullptr;
assert(state != State::STARTED);
@ -228,81 +228,81 @@ public:
state = State::PARSED;
ret = json_unpack_ex(cfg, &err, 0, "{ s?: i, s?: F, s?: F, s?: F, s?: i , s?: i, s?: s, s?: s, s?: b, s?: o}",
"sample_rate", &sample_rate,
"start_freqency", &start_freqency,
"end_freqency", &end_freqency,
"frequency_resolution", &frequency_resolution,
"dft_rate", &dft_rate,
"window_size", &window_size,
"window_type", &window_type_c,
"padding_type", &padding_type_c,
"sync", &sync_dft,
"signal_index", &json_channel_list
"sampleRate", &sampleRate,
"startFreqency", &startFreqency,
"endFreqency", &endFreqency,
"frequencyResolution", &frequencyResolution,
"dftRate", &dftRate,
"windowSize", &windowSize,
"windowType", &windowTypeC,
"paddingType", &paddingTypeC,
"sync", &syncDft,
"signalIndex", &jsonChannelList
if (json_channel_list != nullptr) {
if (json_channel_list->type == JSON_ARRAY) {
signalCnt = json_array_size(json_channel_list);
signal_index = new int[signalCnt];
if (!signal_index)
if (jsonChannelList != nullptr) {
if (jsonChannelList->type == JSON_ARRAY) {
signalCnt = json_array_size(jsonChannelList);
signalIndex = new int[signalCnt];
if (!signalIndex)
throw MemoryAllocationError();
size_t i;
json_t *json_value;
json_array_foreach(json_channel_list, i, json_value) {
if (!json_is_number(json_value))
throw ConfigError(json_value, "node-config-hook-dft-channel", "Values must be given as array of integer values!");
signal_index[i] = json_number_value(json_value);
json_t *jsonValue;
json_array_foreach(jsonChannelList, i, jsonValue) {
if (!json_is_number(jsonValue))
throw ConfigError(jsonValue, "node-config-hook-dft-channel", "Values must be given as array of integer values!");
signalIndex[i] = json_number_value(jsonValue);
else if (json_channel_list->type == JSON_INTEGER) {
else if (jsonChannelList->type == JSON_INTEGER) {
signalCnt = 1;
signal_index = new int[signalCnt];
if (!signal_index)
signalIndex = new int[signalCnt];
if (!signalIndex)
throw MemoryAllocationError();
if (!json_is_number(json_channel_list))
throw ConfigError(json_channel_list, "node-config-hook-dft-channel", "Value must be given as integer value!");
signal_index[0] = json_number_value(json_channel_list);
if (!json_is_number(jsonChannelList))
throw ConfigError(jsonChannelList, "node-config-hook-dft-channel", "Value must be given as integer value!");
signalIndex[0] = json_number_value(jsonChannelList);
warning("Could not parse channel list. Please check documentation for syntax");
throw ConfigError(json_channel_list, "node-config-node-signal", "No parameter channel given.");
throw ConfigError(jsonChannelList, "node-config-node-signal", "No parameter channel given.");
if (!window_type_c) {
if (!windowTypeC) {
info("No Window type given, assume no windowing");
window_type = windowType::NONE;
windowType = windowTypeEnum::NONE;
else if (strcmp(window_type_c, "flattop") == 0)
window_type = windowType::FLATTOP;
else if (strcmp(window_type_c, "hamming") == 0)
window_type = windowType::HAMMING;
else if (strcmp(window_type_c, "hann") == 0)
window_type = windowType::HANN;
else if (strcmp(windowTypeC, "flattop") == 0)
windowType = windowTypeEnum::FLATTOP;
else if (strcmp(windowTypeC, "hamming") == 0)
windowType = windowTypeEnum::HAMMING;
else if (strcmp(windowTypeC, "hann") == 0)
windowType = windowTypeEnum::HANN;
else {
info("Window type %s not recognized, assume no windowing",window_type_c);
window_type = windowType::NONE;
info("Window type %s not recognized, assume no windowing",windowTypeC);
windowType = windowTypeEnum::NONE;
if (!padding_type_c) {
if (!paddingTypeC) {
info("No Padding type given, assume no zeropadding");
padding_type = paddingType::ZERO;
paddingType = paddingTypeEnum::ZERO;
else if (strcmp(padding_type_c, "signal_repeat") == 0)
padding_type = paddingType::SIG_REPEAT;
else if (strcmp(paddingTypeC, "signal_repeat") == 0)
paddingType = paddingTypeEnum::SIG_REPEAT;
else {
info("Padding type %s not recognized, assume zero padding",padding_type_c);
padding_type = paddingType::ZERO;
info("Padding type %s not recognized, assume zero padding",paddingTypeC);
paddingType = paddingTypeEnum::ZERO;
if (end_freqency < 0 || end_freqency > sample_rate) {
error("End frequency must be smaller than sample_rate (%i)",sample_rate);
if (endFreqency < 0 || endFreqency > sampleRate) {
error("End frequency must be smaller than sampleRate (%i)",sampleRate);
ret = 1;
if (frequency_resolution > ((double)sample_rate/window_size)) {
error("The maximum frequency resolution with smaple_rate:%i and window_site:%i is %f",sample_rate, window_size, ((double)sample_rate/window_size));
if (frequencyResolution > ((double)sampleRate/windowSize)) {
error("The maximum frequency resolution with smaple_rate:%i and window_site:%i is %f",sampleRate, windowSize, ((double)sampleRate/windowSize));
ret = 1;
@ -314,26 +314,26 @@ public:
assert(state == State::STARTED);
for (uint i = 0; i< signalCnt; i++)
smp_memory[i][smp_mem_pos % window_size] = smp->data[signal_index[i]].f;
smpMemory[i][smpMemPos % windowSize] = smp->data[signalIndex[i]].f;
bool runDft = false;
if (sync_dft) {
if (last_dft_cal.tv_sec != smp->ts.origin.tv_sec)
if (syncDft) {
if (lastDftCal.tv_sec != smp->ts.origin.tv_sec)
runDft = true;
last_dft_cal = smp->ts.origin;
lastDftCal = smp->ts.origin;
if (runDft) {
for (uint i = 0; i < signalCnt; i++) {
calcDft(paddingType::ZERO, smp_memory[i], smp_mem_pos);
calcDft(paddingTypeEnum::ZERO, smpMemory[i], smpMemPos);
double maxF = 0;
double maxA = 0;
int maxPos = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i<freq_count; i++) {
absDftResults[i] = abs(dftResults[i]) * 2 / (window_size * window_corretion_factor * ((padding_type == paddingType::ZERO)?1:window_multiplier));
for (uint i = 0; i<freqCount; i++) {
absDftResults[i] = abs(dftResults[i]) * 2 / (windowSize * windowCorretionFactor * ((paddingType == paddingTypeEnum::ZERO)?1:windowMultiplier));
if (maxA < absDftResults[i]) {
maxF = absDftFreqs[i];
maxA = absDftResults[i];
@ -356,10 +356,10 @@ public:
smp->length = signalCnt * 4;
if ((smp->sequence - last_sequence) > 1)
warning("Calculation is not Realtime. %li sampled missed",smp->sequence - last_sequence);
if ((smp->sequence - lastSequence) > 1)
warning("Calculation is not Realtime. %li sampled missed",smp->sequence - lastSequence);
last_sequence = smp->sequence;
lastSequence = smp->sequence;
if (runDft)
return Reason::OK;
@ -370,80 +370,80 @@ public:
void generateDftMatrix() {
using namespace std::complex_literals;
omega = exp((-2 * M_PI * M_I) / (double)(window_size * window_multiplier));
uint startBin = floor(start_freqency / frequency_resolution);
omega = exp((-2 * M_PI * M_I) / (double)(windowSize * windowMultiplier));
uint startBin = floor(startFreqency / frequencyResolution);
for (uint i = 0; i < freq_count ; i++) {
for (uint j=0 ; j < window_size * window_multiplier ; j++) {
for (uint i = 0; i < freqCount ; i++) {
for (uint j=0 ; j < windowSize * windowMultiplier ; j++) {
dftMatrix[i][j] = pow(omega, (i + startBin) * j);
/* mem size needs to be equal to window size */
void calcDft(paddingType padding, double *ringBuffer, uint ringBufferPos) {
void calcDft(paddingTypeEnum padding, double *ringBuffer, uint ringBufferPos) {
/* ringBuffer size needs to be equal to windowSize */
/* prepare sample window The following parts can be combined */
double tmp_smp_window[window_size];
double tmpSmpWindow[windowSize];
for (uint i = 0; i< window_size; i++)
tmp_smp_window[i] = ringBuffer[(i + ringBufferPos) % window_size];
for (uint i = 0; i< windowSize; i++)
tmpSmpWindow[i] = ringBuffer[(i + ringBufferPos) % windowSize];
if (dftCalcCnt > 1)
phasorAmplitude->writeData(1,&tmp_smp_window[window_size - 1]);
phasorAmplitude->writeData(1,&tmpSmpWindow[windowSize - 1]);
for (uint i = 0; i< window_size; i++)
tmp_smp_window[i] *= filterWindowCoefficents[i];
for (uint i = 0; i< windowSize; i++)
tmpSmpWindow[i] *= filterWindowCoefficents[i];
for (uint i = 0; i < freq_count; i++) {
for (uint i = 0; i < freqCount; i++) {
dftResults[i] = 0;
for (uint j=0; j < window_size * window_multiplier; j++) {
if (padding == paddingType::ZERO) {
if (j < (window_size))
dftResults[i] += tmp_smp_window[j] * dftMatrix[i][j];
for (uint j=0; j < windowSize * windowMultiplier; j++) {
if (padding == paddingTypeEnum::ZERO) {
if (j < (windowSize))
dftResults[i] += tmpSmpWindow[j] * dftMatrix[i][j];
dftResults[i] += 0;
else if (padding == paddingType::SIG_REPEAT) //repeat samples
dftResults[i] += tmp_smp_window[j % window_size] * dftMatrix[i][j];
else if (padding == paddingTypeEnum::SIG_REPEAT) //repeat samples
dftResults[i] += tmpSmpWindow[j % windowSize] * dftMatrix[i][j];
void calcWindow(windowType window_type_in) {
void calcWindow(windowTypeEnum windowTypeIn) {
if (window_type_in == windowType::FLATTOP) {
for (uint i = 0; i < window_size; i++) {
if (windowTypeIn == windowTypeEnum::FLATTOP) {
for (uint i = 0; i < windowSize; i++) {
filterWindowCoefficents[i] = 0.21557895
- 0.41663158 * cos(2 * M_PI * i / (window_size))
+ 0.277263158 * cos(4 * M_PI * i / (window_size))
- 0.083578947 * cos(6 * M_PI * i / (window_size))
+ 0.006947368 * cos(8 * M_PI * i / (window_size));
window_corretion_factor += filterWindowCoefficents[i];
- 0.41663158 * cos(2 * M_PI * i / (windowSize))
+ 0.277263158 * cos(4 * M_PI * i / (windowSize))
- 0.083578947 * cos(6 * M_PI * i / (windowSize))
+ 0.006947368 * cos(8 * M_PI * i / (windowSize));
windowCorretionFactor += filterWindowCoefficents[i];
else if (window_type_in == windowType::HAMMING || window_type_in == windowType::HANN) {
double a_0 = 0.5; //this is the hann window
if (window_type_in == windowType::HAMMING)
a_0 = 25./46;
else if (windowTypeIn == windowTypeEnum::HAMMING || windowTypeIn == windowTypeEnum::HANN) {
double a0 = 0.5; //this is the hann window
if (windowTypeIn == windowTypeEnum::HAMMING)
a0 = 25./46;
for (uint i = 0; i < window_size; i++) {
filterWindowCoefficents[i] = a_0 - (1 - a_0) * cos(2 * M_PI * i / (window_size));
window_corretion_factor += filterWindowCoefficents[i];
for (uint i = 0; i < windowSize; i++) {
filterWindowCoefficents[i] = a0 - (1 - a0) * cos(2 * M_PI * i / (windowSize));
windowCorretionFactor += filterWindowCoefficents[i];
else {
for (uint i = 0; i < window_size; i++) {
for (uint i = 0; i < windowSize; i++) {
filterWindowCoefficents[i] = 1;
window_corretion_factor += filterWindowCoefficents[i];
windowCorretionFactor += filterWindowCoefficents[i];
window_corretion_factor /= window_size;
windowCorretionFactor /= windowSize;

View file

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ protected:
double lastValue;
double thresh;
unsigned idx;
uint64_t last_sequence;
uint64_t lastSequence;
bool isSynced;
bool isLocked;
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public:
@ -162,10 +162,10 @@ public:
tsVirt = time_add(&tsVirt, &tsPeriod);
if ((smp->sequence - last_sequence) > 1)
warning("Samples missed: %" PRIu64 " sampled missed", smp->sequence - last_sequence);
if ((smp->sequence - lastSequence) > 1)
warning("Samples missed: %" PRIu64 " sampled missed", smp->sequence - lastSequence);
last_sequence = smp->sequence;
lastSequence = smp->sequence;
return Hook::Reason::OK;