Marvin Klimke
[WIP] Use thread save queue instead of mutexes for data exchange
worker thread pushes received data in queue, main thread pulls data on request from queue.
2018-12-13 18:50:18 +01:00
Marvin Klimke
[WIP] add pthread syncronization to re_main thread
rtp receive handler writes data to mutex protected memory and indicates the amount of data written.
main thread polls on the thread and gets the data respecting the mutex.
2018-12-07 15:15:24 +01:00
Marvin Klimke
add re_main in pthread
thread is started in rtp_type_start and joined in rtp_type_stop
2018-12-07 06:37:48 +01:00
Marvin Klimke
[WIP] further work on write function of RTP node
add proper warning and error outputs
fix rtp_write to write data to interface (not verified)
cleanup of rtp socket outstanding
2018-12-01 12:31:12 +01:00
Marvin Klimke
[WIP] first approach to rtp_write function.
2018-11-28 18:12:06 +01:00
Marvin Klimke
add placeholder rtp receive handler
2018-11-28 06:11:13 +01:00
Marvin Klimke
implement rtp_print and rtp_reverse
also begin of rtp_start
add libre rtp socket and flag for rtcp in struct rtp
2018-11-22 17:53:07 +01:00
Marvin Klimke
first version of rtp node parse method
use individual libre includes to avoid naming conflicts.
use libre's struct sa to store socket addresses.
2018-11-22 07:18:27 +01:00
Marvin Klimke
prevent "unused" warnings
2018-11-21 18:21:29 +01:00
Marvin Klimke
add plugin frame for rtp node
using nanomsg as a template
2018-11-16 16:07:47 +01:00