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309 lines
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Executable file
/** Level 2 Simulink S-function for UDP communication with VILLASnode
* @author Steffen Vogel <stvogel@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de>
* @copyright 2017, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC
* @license GNU General Public License (version 3)
* VILLASnode
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#define S_FUNCTION_NAME udp_client
#define MAXLEN 65536
#include <math.h>
#include "simstruc.h"
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <winsock2.h>
#elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__MACH__)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
typedef struct SInfoTag {
#if defined(_WIN32)
SOCKET socket;
#elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__MACH__)
int socket;
struct sockaddr_in remote;
struct sockaddr_in local
} SInfo;
/* Create Structure Info */
void CreateStructure(SimStruct *S)
SInfo *info;
void **PWork = ssGetPWork(S);
info = (SInfo *) malloc(sizeof(SInfo));
PWork[0] = (void *) info;
/* Get Structure Info */
SInfo *GetStructure(SimStruct *S)
void **PWork = ssGetPWork(S);
return (SInfo *) PWork[0];
/* Get Structure Info */
void DeleteStructure(SimStruct *S)
SInfo *info = GetStructure(S);
/* mdlCheckParameters, check parameters, this routine is called later from mdlInitializeSizes */
static void mdlCheckParameters(SimStruct *S)
/* Basic check : All parameters must be real positive vectors */
double *dPort, *dNumOfInputs;
char hostname[256];
int iPort, iNumOfInputs;
mxGetString(ssGetSFcnParam(S,0), hostname, 200);
/* Check number of elements in second parameter: */
if ( mxGetNumberOfElements(ssGetSFcnParam(S,1)) != 1 ) {
ssSetErrorStatus(S,"The parameter must be a 1 elements vector");
/* Check port number */
iPort = (int)floor((*dPort)+0.5);
if ( (iPort < 1025) || (iPort > 65535) ) {
ssSetErrorStatus(S,"Port # must be from 1025 to 65535");
/* Check number of inputs*/
dNumOfInputs = mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,2));
iNumOfInputs = (int)floor((*dNumOfInputs)+0.5);
if ( (iNumOfInputs < 1) || (iNumOfInputs > MAXLEN) ) {
ssSetErrorStatus(S, "Buffer Size Limit MAXLEN exceeded");
/* mdlInitializeSizes - initialize the sizes array */
static void mdlInitializeSizes(SimStruct *S)
int iBufSize;
ssSetNumSFcnParams(S,4); /* number of expected parameters */
/* Check the number of parameters and then calls mdlCheckParameters to see if they are ok */
if (ssGetNumSFcnParams(S) == ssGetSFcnParamsCount(S)) {
if (ssGetErrorStatus(S) != NULL)
iBufSize = (int) floor ((*mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,2)))+0.5);
ssSetNumContStates(S, 0); /* number of continuous states */
ssSetNumDiscStates(S, 0); /* number of discrete states */
if (!ssSetNumInputPorts(S, 2)) /* number of input ports */
ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 0, iBufSize); /* first input port width */
ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 0, 1); /* first port direct feedthrough flag */
ssSetInputPortDataType(S, 0, SS_UINT8); /* first input port data type */
ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 1, 1); /* second input port width */
ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 1, 1); /* second port direct feedthrough flag */
ssSetInputPortDataType(S, 1, SS_UINT32); /* second input port data type */
if (!ssSetNumOutputPorts(S, 0)) /* number of output ports */
ssSetNumSampleTimes(S,0); /* number of sample times */
ssSetNumRWork(S,0); /* number real work vector elements */
ssSetNumIWork(S,0); /* number int_T work vector elements */
ssSetNumPWork(S,2); /* number ptr work vector elements */
ssSetNumModes(S,0); /* number mode work vector elements */
ssSetNumNonsampledZCs(S,0); /* number of nonsampled zero crossing */
/* mdlInitializeSampleTimes - initialize the sample times array */
static void mdlInitializeSampleTimes(SimStruct *S)
double *dSampleTime = mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S, 3));
/* Set things up to run with inherited sample time */
ssSetSampleTime(S, 0, dSampleTime[0]);
ssSetOffsetTime(S, 0, 0);
/* start the client - called inside mdlStart */
void StartUDPClient(SimStruct *S, SInfo *info)
struct {
char host[256];
int iport;
double *dport;
} local, remote;
mxGetString(ssGetSFcnParam(S,0), local.host, 255);
mxGetString(ssGetSFcnParam(S,1), remote.host, 255);
local.dport = mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,1));
remote.dport = mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,1));
local.iport = (int) floor((*lcaol.dport) + 0.5);
remote.iport = (int) floor((*remote.dport) + 0.5);
struct hostent *hent;
unsigned long srv_addr;
/* Clear the structure so that we don't have garbage around */
memset((void *) &(info->local), 0, sizeof(info->local));
memset((void *) &(info->remote), 0, sizeof(info->remote));
/* Try to find the IP address for the hostname */
if ((hent = gethostbyname(hostname)) != NULL) {
memcpy((char *) &srv_addr, (char *) hent->h_addr_list[0], hent->h_length);
/* Fill in IP address */
info->remote.sin_addr.s_addr = srv_addr;
} /* If hostname does not exist try as IP address */
else if ((info->cli_sin.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(hostname)) == INADDR_NONE) {
/* If cannot convert IP address than it is an error */
printf("Bad hostname.\n");
goto err;
/* AF means Address Family - same as Protocol Family for now */
info->cli_sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
/* Fill in port number in address (careful of byte-ordering) */
info->cli_sin.sin_port = htons(serv_port);
cli_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if (cli_sock == INVALID_SOCKET) {
printf("Cannot create socket.\n");
goto err;
return cli_sock;
info->connState = csError;
if(info->connState == csConnected) {
unsigned long ctl = 1;
ioctlsocket(info->socket, FIONBIO, &ctl );
/* mdlStart - initialize work vectors */
#define MDL_START
static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S)
WSADATA wsa_data;
int status;
SInfo *info;
/* get buffer size */
int iBufSize = (int)floor((*mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,2)))+0.5);
/* retrieve pointer to pointers work vector */
void **PWork = ssGetPWork(S);
/* allocate buffer */
unsigned char *buffer;
buffer = malloc(iBufSize*sizeof(unsigned char));
/* check if memory allocation was ok */
if (buffer==NULL) {
ssSetErrorStatus(S,"Error in mdlStart : could not allocate memory");
/* store pointers in PWork so they can be accessed later */
PWork[1] = (void*) buffer;
/* Activate the Winsock DLL */
if ((status = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&wsa_data)) != 0) {
printf("%d is the WSA startup error\n",status);
info = GetStructure(S);
StartUDPClient(S, info);
/* mdlOutputs - compute the outputs */
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
/* input ports */
uint8_T **u = (uint8_T**) ssGetInputPortSignalPtrs(S,0);
uint32_T **dataLen = (uint8_T**) ssGetInputPortSignalPtrs(S,1);
int iBufSize = (int)floor((*mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,2)))+0.5);
int i, ret;
SInfo *info = GetStructure(S);
int length = (int) floor(*dataLen[0]+0.5);
int sock_error;
/* retrieve pointer to pointers work vector */
void **PWork = ssGetPWork(S);
/* assign buffer pointer */
unsigned char *buffer;
buffer = PWork[1];
ret = sendto(info->socket, buffer, length, 0, &(info->remote), sizeof(info->remote));
if (ret < 0)
/* mdlTerminate - called when the simulation is terminated */
static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S)
void **P = ssGetPWork(S);
SInfo *info = GetStructure(S);
/* Deallocate Buffer */
/* Deallocate Socket */
/* Trailer information to set everything up for simulink usage */
#ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE /* Is this file being compiled as a MEX-file? */
#include "simulink.c" /* MEX-file interface mechanism */
#include "cg_sfun.h" /* Code generation registration function */