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mirror of https://git.rwth-aachen.de/acs/public/villas/node/ synced 2025-03-09 00:00:00 +01:00
2017-06-28 15:05:31 +02:00

81 lines
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Name: villas-node
Version: §VERSION§
Vendor: Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems
Packager: Steffen Vogel <stvogel@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de>
Release: §RELEASE§%{?dist}
Summary: This is VILLASnode, a gateway for processing and forwardning simulation data between real-time simulators.
License: LGPLv2
URL: https://git.rwth-aachen.de/VILLASframework/VILLASnode
Source0: villas-node-§VERSION§-§RELEASE§.tar.gz
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
BuildRequires: gcc pkgconfig make
Requires: iproute kernel-modules-extra
BuildRequires: openssl-devel libconfig-devel libnl3-devel libcurl-devel jansson-devel libxil-devel libwebsockets-devel zeromq-devel nanomsg-devel
Requires: openssl libconfig libnl3 libcurl jansson libxil libwebsockets zeromq nanomsg
%package doc
Summary: HTML documentation for users and developers.
Group: Documentation
%package devel
Summary: Headers and libraries for building apps that use libvillas.
Group: Development/Libraries
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
%description devel
The development headers for libvillas.
%description doc
%setup -q
make PREFIX=/usr
rm -rf %{?buildroot}
make PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR=%{?buildroot} install
make PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR=%{?buildroot} install-doc
%post -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
rm -rf %{?buildroot}
%config /etc/villas/node/*.conf
%license COPYING.md
%files doc
%docdir /usr/share/villas/node/doc/
%files devel
* Fri Mar 17 2017 Steffen Vogel <stvogel@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de
- Initial RPM release