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Daniel Krebs 13fd3f3c2a gpu: implement basic GPU plugin that can do DMA to and from its memory
Using CUDA, memory can be allocated on the GPU and shared to peers on
the PCIe bus such as the FPGA. Furthermore, the DMA on the GPU can also
be used to read and write to/from other memory on the PCIe bus, such as
BRAM on the FPGA.
2018-05-15 18:15:17 +02:00

474 lines
13 KiB

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdint>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include <villas/gpu.hpp>
#include <villas/log.hpp>
#include <villas/kernel/pci.h>
#include <memory_manager.hpp>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <gdrapi.h>
#include "kernels.hpp"
namespace villas {
namespace gpu {
static GpuFactory gpuFactory;
GpuAllocator::GpuAllocator(Gpu& gpu) :
free = [&](MemoryBlock* mem) {
if(cudaFree(reinterpret_cast<void*>(mem->getOffset())) != cudaSuccess) {
logger->warn("cudaFree() failed for {:#x} of size {:#x}",
mem->getOffset(), mem->getSize());
villas::gpu::GpuAllocator::getName() const
std::stringstream name;
name << "GpuAlloc" << getAddrSpaceId();
return name.str();
GpuFactory::GpuFactory() :
Plugin(Plugin::Type::Gpu, "GPU")
logger = loggerGetOrCreate("GpuFactory");
// required to be defined here for PIMPL to compile
auto& mm = MemoryManager::get();
// we use PIMPL in order to hide gdrcopy types from the public header
class Gpu::impl {
gdr_t gdr;
struct pci_device pdev;
std::string Gpu::getName() const
cudaDeviceProp deviceProp;
if(cudaGetDeviceProperties(&deviceProp, gpuId) != cudaSuccess) {
// logger not yet availabe
loggerGetOrCreate("Gpu")->error("Cannot retrieve properties for GPU {}", gpuId);
throw std::exception();
std::stringstream name;
name << "gpu" << gpuId << "(" << deviceProp.name << ")";
return name.str();
bool Gpu::registerIoMemory(const MemoryBlock& mem)
auto& mm = MemoryManager::get();
const auto pciAddrSpaceId = mm.getPciAddressSpace();
// Check if we need to map anything at all, maybe it's already reachable
try {
// TODO: there might already be a path through the graph, but there's no
// overlapping window, so this will fail badly!
auto translation = mm.getTranslation(masterPciEAddrSpaceId,
if(translation.getSize() >= mem.getSize()) {
// there is already a sufficient path
logger->debug("Already mapped through another mapping");
return true;
} else {
logger->warn("There's already a mapping, but too small");
} catch(const std::out_of_range&) {
// not yet reachable, that's okay, proceed
// In order to register IO memory with CUDA, it has to be mapped to the VA
// space of the current process (requirement of CUDA API). Check this now.
MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId mappedBaseAddrSpaceId;
try {
auto path = mm.findPath(mm.getProcessAddressSpace(), mem.getAddrSpaceId());
// first node in path is the mapped memory space whose virtual address
// we need to hand to CUDA
mappedBaseAddrSpaceId = path.front();
} catch (const std::out_of_range&) {
logger->error("Memory not reachable from process, but required by CUDA");
return false;
// determine the base address of the mapped memory region needed by CUDA
const auto translationProcess = mm.getTranslationFromProcess(mappedBaseAddrSpaceId);
const uintptr_t baseAddrForProcess = translationProcess.getLocalAddr(0);
// Now check that the memory is also reachable via PCIe bus, otherwise GPU
// has no means to access it.
uintptr_t baseAddrOnPci;
size_t sizeOnPci;
try {
auto translationPci = mm.getTranslation(pciAddrSpaceId,
baseAddrOnPci = translationPci.getLocalAddr(0);
sizeOnPci = translationPci.getSize();
} catch(const std::out_of_range&) {
logger->error("Memory is not reachable via PCIe bus");
return false;
if(sizeOnPci < mem.getSize()) {
logger->warn("VA mapping of IO memory is too small: {:#x} instead of {:#x} bytes",
sizeOnPci, mem.getSize());
logger->warn("If something later on fails or behaves strangely, this might be the cause!");
auto baseAddrVA = reinterpret_cast<void*>(baseAddrForProcess);
if(cudaHostRegister(baseAddrVA, sizeOnPci, cudaHostRegisterIoMemory) != cudaSuccess) {
logger->error("Cannot register IO memory for block {}", mem.getAddrSpaceId());
return false;
void* devicePointer = nullptr;
if(cudaHostGetDevicePointer(&devicePointer, baseAddrVA, 0) != cudaSuccess) {
logger->error("Cannot retrieve device pointer for IO memory");
return false;
mm.createMapping(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(devicePointer), baseAddrOnPci,
sizeOnPci, "CudaIoMem", masterPciEAddrSpaceId, pciAddrSpaceId);
return true;
Gpu::registerHostMemory(const MemoryBlock& mem)
auto& mm = MemoryManager::get();
auto translation = mm.getTranslationFromProcess(mem.getAddrSpaceId());
auto localBase = reinterpret_cast<void*>(translation.getLocalAddr(0));
int ret = cudaHostRegister(localBase, mem.getSize(), 0);
if(ret != cudaSuccess) {
logger->error("Cannot register memory block {} addr={:p} size={:#x} to CUDA: ret={}",
mem.getAddrSpaceId(), localBase, mem.getSize(), ret);
return false;
void* devicePointer = nullptr;
ret = cudaHostGetDevicePointer(&devicePointer, localBase, 0);
if(ret != cudaSuccess) {
logger->error("Cannot retrieve device pointer for IO memory: ret={}", ret);
return false;
mm.createMapping(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(devicePointer), 0, mem.getSize(),
"CudaHostMem", masterPciEAddrSpaceId, mem.getAddrSpaceId());
return true;
bool Gpu::makeAccessibleToPCIeAndVA(const MemoryBlock& mem)
if(pImpl->gdr == nullptr) {
logger->warn("GDRcopy not available");
return false;
auto& mm = MemoryManager::get();
try {
auto path = mm.findPath(masterPciEAddrSpaceId, mem.getAddrSpaceId());
// if first hop is the PCIe bus, we know that memory is off-GPU
if(path.front() == mm.getPciAddressSpace()) {
throw std::out_of_range("Memory block is outside of this GPU");
} catch (const std::out_of_range&) {
logger->error("Trying to map non-GPU memory block");
return false;
logger->debug("retrieve complete device pointer from point of view of GPU");
// retrieve complete device pointer from point of view of GPU
auto translation = mm.getTranslation(masterPciEAddrSpaceId,
CUdeviceptr devptr = translation.getLocalAddr(0);
int ret;
// required to set this flag before mapping
unsigned int enable = 1;
ret = cuPointerSetAttribute(&enable, CU_POINTER_ATTRIBUTE_SYNC_MEMOPS, devptr);
if(ret != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
logger->error("Cannot set pointer attributes on memory block {}: {}",
mem.getAddrSpaceId(), ret);
return false;
gdr_mh_t mh;
ret = gdr_pin_buffer(pImpl->gdr, devptr, mem.getSize(), 0, 0, &mh);
if(ret != 0) {
logger->error("Cannot pin memory block {} via gdrcopy: {}",
mem.getAddrSpaceId(), ret);
return false;
void* bar = nullptr;
ret = gdr_map(pImpl->gdr, mh, &bar, mem.getSize());
if(ret != 0) {
logger->error("Cannot map memory block {} via gdrcopy: {}",
mem.getAddrSpaceId(), ret);
return false;
gdr_info_t info;
ret = gdr_get_info(pImpl->gdr, mh, &info);
if(ret != 0) {
logger->error("Cannot get info for mapping of memory block {}: {}",
mem.getAddrSpaceId(), ret);
return false;
const uintptr_t offset = info.va - devptr;
const uintptr_t userPtr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(bar) + offset;
logger->debug("BAR ptr: {:p}", bar);
logger->debug("info.va: {:#x}", info.va);
logger->debug("info.mapped_size: {:#x}", info.mapped_size);
logger->debug("info.page_size: {:#x}", info.page_size);
logger->debug("offset: {:#x}", offset);
logger->debug("user pointer: {:#x}", userPtr);
// mapping to acceses memory block from process
mm.createMapping(userPtr, 0, info.mapped_size, "GDRcopy",
mm.getProcessAddressSpace(), mem.getAddrSpaceId());
// retrieve bus address
uint64_t addr[8];
ret = gdr_map_dma(pImpl->gdr, mh, 3, 0, 0, addr, 8);
for(int i = 0; i < ret; i++) {
logger->debug("DMA addr[{}]: {:#x}", i, addr[i]);
if(ret != 1) {
logger->error("Only one DMA address per block supported at the moment");
return false;
// mapping to access memory block from peer devices via PCIe
mm.createMapping(addr[0], 0, mem.getSize(), "GDRcopyDMA",
mm.getPciAddressSpace(), mem.getAddrSpaceId());
return true;
Gpu::makeAccessibleFromPCIeOrHostRam(const MemoryBlock& mem)
// Check which kind of memory this is and where it resides
// There are two possibilities:
// - Host memory not managed by CUDA
// - IO memory somewhere on the PCIe bus
auto& mm = MemoryManager::get();
bool isIoMemory = false;
try {
auto path = mm.findPath(mm.getPciAddressSpace(), mem.getAddrSpaceId());
isIoMemory = true;
} catch(const std::out_of_range&) {
// not reachable via PCI -> not IO memory
if(isIoMemory) {
logger->debug("Memory block {} is assumed to be IO memory",
return registerIoMemory(mem);
} else {
logger->debug("Memory block {} is assumed to be non-CUDA host memory",
return registerHostMemory(mem);
void Gpu::memcpySync(const MemoryBlock& src, const MemoryBlock& dst, size_t size)
auto& mm = MemoryManager::get();
auto src_translation = mm.getTranslation(masterPciEAddrSpaceId,
const void* src_buf = reinterpret_cast<void*>(src_translation.getLocalAddr(0));
auto dst_translation = mm.getTranslation(masterPciEAddrSpaceId,
void* dst_buf = reinterpret_cast<void*>(dst_translation.getLocalAddr(0));
cudaMemcpy(dst_buf, src_buf, size, cudaMemcpyDefault);
void Gpu::memcpyKernel(const MemoryBlock& src, const MemoryBlock& dst, size_t size)
auto& mm = MemoryManager::get();
auto src_translation = mm.getTranslation(masterPciEAddrSpaceId,
auto src_buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(src_translation.getLocalAddr(0));
auto dst_translation = mm.getTranslation(masterPciEAddrSpaceId,
auto dst_buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(dst_translation.getLocalAddr(0));
kernel_memcpy<<<1, 1>>>(dst_buf, src_buf, size);
std::unique_ptr<villas::MemoryBlock, villas::MemoryBlock::deallocator_fn>
GpuAllocator::allocateBlock(size_t size)
void* addr;
if(cudaSuccess != cudaMalloc(&addr, size)) {
logger->error("cudaMalloc(..., size={}) failed", size);
throw std::bad_alloc();
auto& mm = MemoryManager::get();
// assemble name for this block
std::stringstream name;
name << std::showbase << std::hex << reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr);
auto blockName = mm.getSlaveAddrSpaceName(getName(), name.str());
auto blockAddrSpaceId = mm.getOrCreateAddressSpace(blockName);
const auto localAddr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr);
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBlock, MemoryBlock::deallocator_fn>
mem(new MemoryBlock(localAddr, size, blockAddrSpaceId), this->free);
return mem;
Gpu::Gpu(int gpuId) :
logger = loggerGetOrCreate(getName());
pImpl->gdr = gdr_open();
if(pImpl->gdr == nullptr) {
logger->warn("No GDRcopy support enabled, cannot open /dev/gdrdrv");
bool Gpu::init()
auto& mm = MemoryManager::get();
const auto gpuPciEAddrSpaceName = mm.getMasterAddrSpaceName(getName(), "PCIe");
masterPciEAddrSpaceId = mm.getOrCreateAddressSpace(gpuPciEAddrSpaceName);
allocator = std::make_unique<GpuAllocator>(*this);
cudaDeviceProp deviceProp;
cudaGetDeviceProperties(&deviceProp, gpuId);
pImpl->pdev.slot = {
struct pci_region* pci_regions = nullptr;
const size_t pci_num_regions = pci_get_regions(&pImpl->pdev, &pci_regions);
for(size_t i = 0; i < pci_num_regions; i++) {
const size_t region_size = pci_regions[i].end - pci_regions[i].start + 1;
logger->info("BAR{}: bus addr={:#x} size={:#x}",
pci_regions[i].num, pci_regions[i].start, region_size);
char name[] = "BARx";
name[3] = '0' + pci_regions[i].num;
auto gpuBarXAddrSpaceName = mm.getSlaveAddrSpaceName(getName(), name);
auto gpuBarXAddrSpaceId = mm.getOrCreateAddressSpace(gpuBarXAddrSpaceName);
mm.createMapping(pci_regions[i].start, 0, region_size,
std::string("PCI-") + name,
mm.getPciAddressSpace(), gpuBarXAddrSpaceId);
return true;
int deviceCount = 0;
std::list<std::unique_ptr<Gpu>> gpuList;
for(int gpuId = 0; gpuId < deviceCount; gpuId++) {
if(cudaSetDevice(gpuId) != cudaSuccess) {
logger->warn("Cannot activate GPU {}", gpuId);
auto gpu = std::make_unique<Gpu>(gpuId);
if(not gpu->init()) {
logger->warn("Cannot initialize GPU {}", gpuId);
logger->info("Initialized {} GPUs", gpuList.size());
for(auto& gpu : gpuList) {
logger->debug(" - {}", gpu->getName());
return gpuList;
} // namespace villas
} // namespace gpu