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/** Memory management.
* @file
* @author Daniel Krebs <github@daniel-krebs.net>
* @copyright 2014-2022, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC
* @license Apache License 2.0
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <villas/log.hpp>
#include <villas/memory_manager.hpp>
namespace villas {
* @brief Basic memory block backed by an address space in the memory graph
* This is a generic representation of a chunk of memory in the system. It can
* reside anywhere and represent different types of memory.
class MemoryBlock {
using deallocator_fn = std::function<void(MemoryBlock*)>;
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<MemoryBlock>;
using UniquePtr = std::unique_ptr<MemoryBlock, deallocator_fn>;
// cppcheck-suppress passedByValue
MemoryBlock(size_t offset, size_t size, MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId addrSpaceId) :
offset(offset), size(size), addrSpaceId(addrSpaceId) {}
MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId getAddrSpaceId() const
return addrSpaceId;
size_t getSize() const
return size;
size_t getOffset() const
return offset;
size_t offset; ///< Offset (or address) inside address space
size_t size; ///< Size in bytes of this block
MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId addrSpaceId; ///< Identifier in memory graph
* @brief Wrapper for a MemoryBlock to access the underlying memory directly
* The underlying memory block has to be accessible for the current process,
* that means it has to be mapped accordingly and registered to the global
* memory graph.
* Furthermore, this wrapper can be owning the memory block when initialized
* with a moved unique pointer. Otherwise, it just stores a reference to the
* memory block and it's the users responsibility to take care that the memory
* block is valid.
template<typename T>
class MemoryAccessor {
using Type = T;
// take ownership of the MemoryBlock
MemoryAccessor(std::unique_ptr<MemoryBlock, MemoryBlock::deallocator_fn> mem) :
{ }
// just act as an accessor, do not take ownership of MemoryBlock
MemoryAccessor(const MemoryBlock &mem) :
{ }
MemoryAccessor(const MemoryTranslation &translation) :
{ }
T & operator*() const
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(translation.getLocalAddr(0));
T & operator[](size_t idx) const
const size_t offset = sizeof(T) * idx;
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(translation.getLocalAddr(offset));
T* operator&() const
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(translation.getLocalAddr(0));
T* operator->() const
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(translation.getLocalAddr(0));
const MemoryBlock&
getMemoryBlock() const
if (not memoryBlock) throw std::bad_alloc(); else return *memoryBlock;
/// cached memory translation for fast access
MemoryTranslation translation;
/// take the unique pointer in case user wants this class to have ownership
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBlock, MemoryBlock::deallocator_fn> memoryBlock;
* @brief Base memory allocator
* Note the usage of CRTP idiom here to access methods of derived allocators.
* The concept is explained here at [1].
* [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curiously_recurring_template_pattern
template<typename DerivedAllocator>
class BaseAllocator {
/// memoryAddrSpaceId: memory that is managed by this allocator
BaseAllocator(MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId memoryAddrSpaceId) :
derivedAlloc = static_cast<DerivedAllocator*>(this);
std::string loggerName = fmt::format("memory:", derivedAlloc->getName());
logger = logging.get(loggerName);
// default deallocation callback
free = [&](MemoryBlock* mem) {
logger->warn("no free callback defined for addr space {}, not freeing",
BaseAllocator(std::unique_ptr<MemoryBlock, MemoryBlock::deallocator_fn> mem) :
// cppcheck-suppress useInitializationList
memoryBlock = std::move(mem);
derivedAlloc = nullptr;
virtual std::unique_ptr<MemoryBlock, MemoryBlock::deallocator_fn>
allocateBlock(size_t size) = 0;
template<typename T>
allocate(size_t num)
if (num == 0) {
// doesn't make sense to allocate an empty block
logger->error("Trying to allocate empty memory");
throw std::bad_alloc();
const size_t size = num * sizeof(T);
auto mem = allocateBlock(size);
// Check if the allocated memory is really accessible by writing to the
// allocated memory and reading back. Exponentially increase offset to
// speed up testing.
MemoryAccessor<volatile uint8_t> byteAccessor(*mem);
size_t idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; idx < mem->getSize(); i++, idx = (1 << i)) {
auto val = static_cast<uint8_t>(i);
byteAccessor[idx] = val;
if (byteAccessor[idx] != val) {
logger->error("Cannot access allocated memory");
throw std::bad_alloc();
return MemoryAccessor<T>(std::move(mem));
void insertMemoryBlock(const MemoryBlock &mem)
auto & mm = MemoryManager::get();
mm.createMapping(mem.getOffset(), 0, mem.getSize(),
void removeMemoryBlock(const MemoryBlock &mem)
// this will also remove any mapping to and from the memory block
auto & mm = MemoryManager::get();
MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId getAddrSpaceId() const
return memoryAddrSpaceId;
MemoryBlock::deallocator_fn free;
Logger logger;
// optional, if allocator should own the memory block
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBlock, MemoryBlock::deallocator_fn> memoryBlock;
MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId memoryAddrSpaceId;
DerivedAllocator* derivedAlloc;
* @brief Linear memory allocator
* This is the simplest kind of allocator. The idea is to keep a pointer at the
* first memory address of your memory chunk and move it every time an
* allocation is done. Due to its simplicity, this allocator doesn't allow
* specific positions of memory to be freed. Usually, all memory is freed
* together.
class LinearAllocator : public BaseAllocator<LinearAllocator> {
LinearAllocator(MemoryManager::AddressSpaceId memoryAddrSpaceId,
size_t memorySize,
size_t internalOffset = 0);
LinearAllocator(std::unique_ptr<MemoryBlock, MemoryBlock::deallocator_fn> mem) :
LinearAllocator(mem->getAddrSpaceId(), mem->getSize())
memoryBlock = std::move(mem);
size_t getAvailableMemory() const
return memorySize - nextFreeAddress;
size_t getSize() const
return memorySize;
std::string getName() const;
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBlock, MemoryBlock::deallocator_fn>
allocateBlock(size_t size);
static constexpr size_t alignBytes = sizeof(uintptr_t);
static constexpr size_t alignMask = alignBytes - 1;
size_t getAlignmentPadding(uintptr_t addr) const
return (alignBytes - (addr & alignMask)) & alignMask;
size_t nextFreeAddress; ///< next chunk will be allocated here
size_t memorySize; ///< total size of managed memory
size_t internalOffset; ///< offset in address space (usually 0)
size_t allocationCount; ///< Number of individual allocations present
* @brief Wrapper around mmap() to create villas memory blocks
* This class simply wraps around mmap() and munmap() to allocate memory in the
* host memory via the OS.
class HostRam {
class HostRamAllocator : public BaseAllocator<HostRamAllocator> {
std::string getName() const
return "HostRamAlloc";
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBlock, MemoryBlock::deallocator_fn>
allocateBlock(size_t size);
static HostRamAllocator&
return allocator;
static HostRamAllocator allocator;
class HostDmaRam {
class HostDmaRamAllocator : public LinearAllocator {
HostDmaRamAllocator(int num);
virtual ~HostDmaRamAllocator();
std::string getName() const
return getUdmaBufName(num);
int num;
static HostDmaRamAllocator&
getAllocator(int num = 0);
std::map<int, std::unique_ptr<HostDmaRamAllocator>> allocators;
static std::string
getUdmaBufName(int num);
static std::string
getUdmaBufBasePath(int num);
static size_t
getUdmaBufBufSize(int num);
static uintptr_t
getUdmaBufPhysAddr(int num);
} /* namespace villas */