mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 00:00:02 +01:00

GT-NET-Socket uses a tag in the config file to distinguish from default socket node type application layer header (struct msg). For now all the values are encoded in the struct sample without any header (no timestamp or sequence number). Minor improvement in pipe.c: replace 'goto' with do while
614 lines
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/** Various socket related functions
* @author Steffen Vogel <stvogel@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de>
* @copyright 2014-2016, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC
* This file is part of VILLASnode. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary and confidential.
* Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited.
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <netinet/ether.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <linux/if_packet.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include "socket.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "if.h"
#include "nl.h"
#include "tc.h"
#include "msg.h"
#include "sample.h"
#include "queue.h"
/* Forward declartions */
static struct node_type vt;
/* Private static storage */
struct list interfaces;
uint8_t vector_length = 0; //TODO intialize vectorize option in socket with constant value
int socket_init(int argc, char * argv[], config_setting_t *cfg)
if (getuid() != 0)
error("The 'socket' node-type requires superuser privileges!");
nl_init(); /* Fill link cache */
/* Gather list of used network interfaces */
list_foreach(struct node *n, &vt.instances) {
struct socket *s = n->_vd;
struct rtnl_link *link;
/* Determine outgoing interface */
if (if_get_egress((struct sockaddr *) &s->remote, &link)) {
char *buf = socket_print_addr((struct sockaddr *) &s->remote);
error("Failed to get interface for socket address '%s'", buf);
/* Search of existing interface with correct ifindex */
struct interface *i;
list_foreach(i, &interfaces) {
if (rtnl_link_get_ifindex(i->nl_link) == rtnl_link_get_ifindex(link))
goto found;
/* If not found, create a new interface */
i = if_create(link);
list_push(&interfaces, i);
found: list_push(&i->sockets, s);
/** @todo Improve mapping of NIC IRQs per path */
int affinity;
if (!config_setting_lookup_int(cfg, "affinity", &affinity))
affinity = -1;
list_foreach(struct interface *i, &interfaces)
if_start(i, affinity);
return 0;
int socket_deinit()
list_foreach(struct interface *i, &interfaces)
list_destroy(&interfaces, (dtor_cb_t) if_destroy, false);
return 0;
//TODO: Add app_header printing
char * socket_print(struct node *n)
struct socket *s = n->_vd;
char *layer = NULL, *buf;
switch (s->layer) {
case LAYER_UDP: layer = "udp"; break;
case LAYER_IP: layer = "ip"; break;
case LAYER_ETH: layer = "eth"; break;
char *local = socket_print_addr((struct sockaddr *) &s->local);
char *remote = socket_print_addr((struct sockaddr *) &s->remote);
buf = strf("layer=%s, local=%s, remote=%s", layer, local, remote);
return buf;
int socket_open(struct node *n)
struct socket *s = n->_vd;
struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *) &s->local;
struct sockaddr_ll *sll = (struct sockaddr_ll *) &s->local;
int ret;
/* Create socket */
switch (s->layer) {
case LAYER_UDP: s->sd = socket(sin->sin_family, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); break;
case LAYER_IP: s->sd = socket(sin->sin_family, SOCK_RAW, ntohs(sin->sin_port)); break;
case LAYER_ETH: s->sd = socket(sll->sll_family, SOCK_DGRAM, sll->sll_protocol); break;
error("Invalid socket type!");
if (s->sd < 0)
serror("Failed to create socket");
/* Bind socket for receiving */
ret = bind(s->sd, (struct sockaddr *) &s->local, sizeof(s->local));
if (ret < 0)
serror("Failed to bind socket");
/* Set fwmark for outgoing packets if netem is enabled for this node */
if (s->mark) {
ret = setsockopt(s->sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_MARK, &s->mark, sizeof(s->mark));
if (ret)
serror("Failed to set FW mark for outgoing packets");
debug(DBG_SOCKET | 4, "Set FW mark for socket (sd=%u) to %u", s->sd, s->mark);
/* Set socket priority, QoS or TOS IP options */
int prio;
switch (s->layer) {
case LAYER_IP:
if (setsockopt(s->sd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, &prio, sizeof(prio)))
serror("Failed to set type of service (QoS)");
debug(DBG_SOCKET | 4, "Set QoS/TOS IP option for node %s to %#x", node_name(n), prio);
if (setsockopt(s->sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PRIORITY, &prio, sizeof(prio)))
serror("Failed to set socket priority");
debug(DBG_SOCKET | 4, "Set socket priority for node %s to %d", node_name(n), prio);
return 0;
int socket_reverse(struct node *n)
struct socket *s = n->_vd;
union sockaddr_union tmp;
tmp = s->local;
s->local = s->remote;
s->remote = tmp;
return 0;
int socket_close(struct node *n)
struct socket *s = n->_vd;
if (s->sd >= 0)
return 0;
int socket_destroy(struct node *n)
struct socket *s = n->_vd;
return 0;
int socket_read(struct node *n, struct sample *smps[], unsigned cnt)
//TODO Vectorize setting...for gtskt set to 0--?
struct socket *s = n->_vd;
int samples, ret, received, smp_count, values_per_sample = 1;
ssize_t bytes;
if(s->app_hdr == APP_HDR_NONE || s->app_hdr == APP_HDR_GTSKT)
smp_count = cnt;
else /** Default case if(s->app_hdr == HDR_DEFAULT)*/
smp_count = 2*cnt;
float sample_value;
struct iovec iov[smp_count];
struct msghdr mhdr = {
.msg_iov = iov
if(s->app_hdr == APP_HDR_NONE || s->app_hdr == APP_HDR_GTSKT) {
bytes = recv(s->sd, &sample_value, SAMPLE_DATA_LEN(1), MSG_PEEK | MSG_TRUNC);
if (bytes < sizeof(float) || bytes % 4 != 0) {
warn("Packet size is invalid");
return -1;
samples = bytes / sizeof(sample_value);
if (samples > cnt) {
warn("Received more samples than supported. Dropping %u samples", samples - cnt);
samples = cnt;
/* We add one value per sample */
for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
iov[i].iov_base = SAMPLE_DATA_OFFSET(smps[i]);
iov[i].iov_len = SAMPLE_DATA_LEN(values_per_sample); //TODO add logic for number of values per sample
mhdr.msg_iovlen += 1;
/* Receive message from socket */
bytes = recvmsg(s->sd, &mhdr, 0);
if (bytes == 0)
error("Remote node %s closed the connection", node_name(n));
else if (bytes < 0)
serror("Failed recv from node %s", node_name(n));
for (received = 0; received < samples; received++) {
struct sample *smp = smps[received];
smp->length = values_per_sample;
//TODO see if s->sequence value is needed
//TODO see if s->ts.origin and smp->ts.received value is needed, essentially requiring a header
else { //if(s->app_hdr == APP_HDR_DEFAULT)
struct msg msgs[cnt];
struct msg hdr;
/* Peak into message header of the first sample and to get total packet size. */
bytes = recv(s->sd, &hdr, sizeof(struct msg), MSG_PEEK | MSG_TRUNC);
if (bytes < sizeof(struct msg) || bytes % 4 != 0) {
warn("Packet size is invalid");
return -1;
ret = msg_verify(&hdr);
if (ret) {
warn("Invalid message received: reason=%d, bytes=%zd", ret, bytes);
return -1;
/* Convert message to host endianess */
if (hdr.endian != MSG_ENDIAN_HOST)
samples = bytes / MSG_LEN(hdr.values);
if (samples > cnt) {
warn("Received more samples than supported. Dropping %u samples", samples - cnt);
samples = cnt;
/* We expect that all received samples have the same amount of values! */
for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
iov[2*i+0].iov_base = &msgs[i];
iov[2*i+0].iov_len = MSG_LEN(0);
iov[2*i+1].iov_base = SAMPLE_DATA_OFFSET(smps[i]);
iov[2*i+1].iov_len = SAMPLE_DATA_LEN(hdr.values);
mhdr.msg_iovlen += 2;
/* Receive message from socket */
bytes = recvmsg(s->sd, &mhdr, 0); //--? samples - cnt samples dropped
if (bytes == 0)
error("Remote node %s closed the connection", node_name(n));
else if (bytes < 0)
serror("Failed recv from node %s", node_name(n));
for (received = 0; received < samples; received++) {
struct msg *m = &msgs[received];
struct sample *smp = smps[received];
ret = msg_verify(m);
if (ret)
if (m->values != hdr.values)
/* Convert message to host endianess */
if (m->endian != MSG_ENDIAN_HOST)
smp->length = m->values;
smp->sequence = m->sequence;
smp->ts.origin = MSG_TS(m);
debug(DBG_SOCKET | 17, "Received message of %zd bytes: %u samples", bytes, received);
return received;
int socket_write(struct node *n, struct sample *smps[], unsigned cnt)
struct socket *s = n->_vd;
ssize_t bytes;
int smp_count, values_per_sample = 1;
if(s->app_hdr == APP_HDR_NONE || s->app_hdr == APP_HDR_GTSKT)
smp_count = cnt;
else /** Default case if(s->app_hdr == APP_HDR_DEFAULT)*/
smp_count = 2*cnt;
struct iovec iov[smp_count];
struct msghdr mhdr = {
.msg_iov = iov,
.msg_iovlen = ARRAY_LEN(iov)
/* Construct iovecs */
if(s->app_hdr == APP_HDR_NONE || s->app_hdr == APP_HDR_GTSKT) {
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
iov[i].iov_base = SAMPLE_DATA_OFFSET(smps[i]);
iov[i].iov_len = SAMPLE_DATA_LEN(values_per_sample);
else { //if(s->app_hdr == APP_HDR_DEFAULT
struct msg msgs[cnt];
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
msgs[i] = MSG_INIT(smps[i]->length, smps[i]->sequence);
msgs[i].ts.sec = smps[i]->ts.origin.tv_sec;
msgs[i].ts.nsec = smps[i]->ts.origin.tv_nsec;
iov[i*2+0].iov_base = &msgs[i];
iov[i*2+0].iov_len = MSG_LEN(0);
iov[i*2+1].iov_base = SAMPLE_DATA_OFFSET(smps[i]);
iov[i*2+1].iov_len = SAMPLE_DATA_LEN(smps[i]->length);
/* Specify destination address for connection-less procotols */
switch (s->layer) {
case LAYER_IP:
mhdr.msg_name = (struct sockaddr *) &s->remote;
mhdr.msg_namelen = sizeof(s->remote);
/* Send message */
bytes = sendmsg(s->sd, &mhdr, 0);
if (bytes < 0)
serror("Failed send to node %s", node_name(n));
debug(DBG_SOCKET | 17, "Sent packet of %zd bytes with %u samples", bytes, cnt);
return cnt;
int socket_parse(struct node *n, config_setting_t *cfg)
const char *local, *remote, *layer, *app_hdr, *vectorize;
int ret;
struct socket *s = n->_vd;
if (!config_setting_lookup_string(cfg, "layer", &layer))
cerror(cfg, "Missing layer for node %s", node_name(n));
if (!strcmp(layer, "eth"))
s->layer = LAYER_ETH;
else if (!strcmp(layer, "ip"))
s->layer = LAYER_IP;
else if (!strcmp(layer, "udp"))
s->layer = LAYER_UDP;
cerror(cfg, "Invalid layer '%s' for node %s", layer, node_name(n));
if (!config_setting_lookup_string(cfg, "remote", &remote))
cerror(cfg, "Missing remote address for node %s", node_name(n));
if (!config_setting_lookup_string(cfg, "local", &local))
cerror(cfg, "Missing local address for node %s", node_name(n));
if (!config_setting_lookup_string(cfg, "app_hdr", &app_hdr))
cerror(cfg, "Missing application header config for node %s", node_name(n));
if(!strcmp(app_hdr, "gtskt"))
s->app_hdr = APP_HDR_GTSKT;
else if(!strcmp(app_hdr, "none"))
s->app_hdr = APP_HDR_NONE;
else if(!strcmp(app_hdr, "default"))
s->app_hdr = APP_HDR_DEFAULT;
cerror(cfg, "Invalid application header type '%s' for node %s", app_hdr, node_name(n));
if (!config_setting_lookup_string(cfg, "vectorize", &vectorize)) {
info("Setting vectorize value to %d", vector_length);
vector_length = 0;
vector_length = strtol(vectorize, NULL, 0);
ret = socket_parse_addr(local, (struct sockaddr *) &s->local, s->layer, AI_PASSIVE);
if (ret) {
cerror(cfg, "Failed to resolve local address '%s' of node %s: %s",
local, node_name(n), gai_strerror(ret));
ret = socket_parse_addr(remote, (struct sockaddr *) &s->remote, s->layer, 0);
if (ret) {
cerror(cfg, "Failed to resolve remote address '%s' of node %s: %s",
remote, node_name(n), gai_strerror(ret));
config_setting_t *cfg_netem = config_setting_get_member(cfg, "netem");
if (cfg_netem) {
int enabled = 1;
if (!config_setting_lookup_bool(cfg_netem, "enabled", &enabled) || enabled)
tc_parse(cfg_netem, &s->tc_qdisc);
return 0;
char * socket_print_addr(struct sockaddr *saddr)
union sockaddr_union *sa = (union sockaddr_union *) saddr;
char *buf = alloc(64);
/* Address */
switch (sa->sa.sa_family) {
case AF_INET6:
inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &sa->sin6.sin6_addr, buf, 64);
case AF_INET:
inet_ntop(AF_INET, &sa->sin.sin_addr, buf, 64);
strcatf(&buf, "%02x", sa->sll.sll_addr[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < sa->sll.sll_halen; i++)
strcatf(&buf, ":%02x", sa->sll.sll_addr[i]);
error("Unknown address family: '%u'", sa->sa.sa_family);
/* Port / Interface */
switch (sa->sa.sa_family) {
case AF_INET6:
case AF_INET:
strcatf(&buf, ":%hu", ntohs(sa->sin.sin_port));
case AF_PACKET: {
struct nl_cache *cache = nl_cache_mngt_require("route/link");
struct rtnl_link *link = rtnl_link_get(cache, sa->sll.sll_ifindex);
if (!link)
error("Failed to get interface for index: %u", sa->sll.sll_ifindex);
strcatf(&buf, "%%%s", rtnl_link_get_name(link));
strcatf(&buf, ":%hu", ntohs(sa->sll.sll_protocol));
return buf;
int socket_parse_addr(const char *addr, struct sockaddr *saddr, enum socket_layer layer, int flags)
/** @todo: Add support for IPv6 */
union sockaddr_union *sa = (union sockaddr_union *) saddr;
char *copy = strdup(addr);
int ret;
if (layer == LAYER_ETH) { /* Format: "ab:cd:ef:12:34:56%ifname:protocol" */
/* Split string */
char *node = strtok(copy, "%");
char *ifname = strtok(NULL, ":");
char *proto = strtok(NULL, "\0");
/* Parse link layer (MAC) address */
struct ether_addr *mac = ether_aton(node);
if (!mac)
error("Failed to parse MAC address: %s", node);
memcpy(&sa->sll.sll_addr, &mac->ether_addr_octet, 6);
/* Get interface index from name */
struct nl_cache *cache = nl_cache_mngt_require("route/link");
struct rtnl_link *link = rtnl_link_get_by_name(cache, ifname);
if (!link)
error("Failed to get network interface: '%s'", ifname);
sa->sll.sll_protocol = htons((proto) ? strtol(proto, NULL, 0) : ETH_P_VILLAS);
sa->sll.sll_halen = 6;
sa->sll.sll_family = AF_PACKET;
sa->sll.sll_ifindex = rtnl_link_get_ifindex(link);
ret = 0;
else { /* Format: "" */
struct addrinfo hint = {
.ai_flags = flags,
.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC
/* Split string */
char *node = strtok(copy, ":");
char *service = strtok(NULL, "\0");
if (node && !strcmp(node, "*"))
node = NULL;
if (service && !strcmp(service, "*"))
service = NULL;
switch (layer) {
case LAYER_IP:
hint.ai_socktype = SOCK_RAW;
hint.ai_protocol = (service) ? strtol(service, NULL, 0) : IPPROTO_VILLAS;
hint.ai_flags |= AI_NUMERICSERV;
hint.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
hint.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_UDP;
error("Invalid address type");
/* Lookup address */
struct addrinfo *result;
ret = getaddrinfo(node, (layer == LAYER_IP) ? NULL : service, &hint, &result);
if (!ret) {
if (layer == LAYER_IP) {
/* We mis-use the sin_port field to store the IP protocol number on RAW sockets */
struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *) result->ai_addr;
sin->sin_port = htons(result->ai_protocol);
memcpy(sa, result->ai_addr, result->ai_addrlen);
return ret;
static struct node_type vt = {
.name = "socket",
.description = "BSD network sockets",
//.vectorize = vector_length, ////TODO intialize vectorize option in socket with constant value
.vectorize = 0,
.size = sizeof(struct socket),
.destroy = socket_destroy,
.reverse = socket_reverse,
.parse = socket_parse,
.print = socket_print,
.open = socket_open,
.close = socket_close,
.read = socket_read,
.write = socket_write,
.init = socket_init,
.deinit = socket_deinit