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/** Test procedures for VILLASfpga
* @author Steffen Vogel <stvogel@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de>
* @copyright 2017, Steffen Vogel
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <criterion/criterion.h>
#include <criterion/options.h>
#include <xilinx/xtmrctr.h>
#include <villas/super_node.h>
#include <villas/utils.h>
#include <villas/nodes/fpga.h>
#include <villas/fpga/ip.h>
#include <villas/fpga/card.h>
#include <villas/fpga/vlnv.h>
#include <villas/fpga/ips/intc.h>
#include <villas/fpga/ips/timer.h>
#define TEST_CONFIG "/villas/etc/fpga.conf"
#define TEST_LEN 0x1000
#define CPU_HZ 3392389000
#define FPGA_AXI_HZ 125000000
static struct list cards;
static struct fpga_card *card;
static struct super_node sn = { .state = STATE_DESTROYED };
static struct pci pci;
static struct vfio_container vc;
static void init()
int ret;
config_setting_t *cfg_root;
ret = super_node_init(&sn);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to initialize Supernode");
ret = super_node_parse_uri(&sn, TEST_CONFIG);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to parse configuration");
ret = super_node_check(&sn);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to check configuration");
cfg_root = config_root_setting(&sn.cfg);
cr_assert_neq(cfg_root, NULL);
ret = pci_init(&pci);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to initialize PCI sub-system");
ret = vfio_init(&vc);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to initiliaze VFIO sub-system");
/* Parse FPGA configuration */
ret = fpga_card_parse_list(&cards, cfg_root);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to parse FPGA config");
card = list_lookup(&cards, "vc707");
cr_assert(card, "FPGA card not found");
if (criterion_options.logging_threshold < CRITERION_IMPORTANT)
static void fini()
int ret;
ret = fpga_card_destroy(card);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to de-initilize FPGA");
.init = init,
.fini = fini,
.description = "VILLASfpga",
.disabled = true);
Test(fpga, intc, .description = "Interrupt Controller")
int ret;
uint32_t isr;
ret = intc_enable(card->intc, 0xFF00, 0);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to enable interrupt");
/* Fake IRQs in software by writing to ISR */
XIntc_Out32((uintptr_t) card->map + card->intc->baseaddr + XIN_ISR_OFFSET, 0xFF00);
/* Wait for 8 SW triggered IRQs */
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
intc_wait(card->intc, i+8);
/* Check ISR if all SW IRQs have been deliverd */
isr = XIntc_In32((uintptr_t) card->map + card->intc->baseaddr + XIN_ISR_OFFSET);
ret = intc_disable(card->intc, 0xFF00);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to disable interrupt");
cr_assert_eq(isr & 0xFF00, 0); /* ISR should get cleared by MSI_Grant_signal */
Test(fpga, xsg, .description = "XSG: multiply_add")
int ret;
double factor, err = 0;
struct fpga_ip *ip, *dma;
struct model_param *p;
struct dma_mem mem;
ip = fpga_vlnv_lookup(&card->ips, &(struct fpga_vlnv) { NULL, "sysgen", "xsg_multiply", NULL });
dma = fpga_vlnv_lookup(&card->ips, &(struct fpga_vlnv) { "xilinx.com", "ip", "axi_dma", NULL });
struct model *model = ip->_vd;
p = list_lookup(&model->parameters, "factor");
if (!p)
error("Missing parameter 'factor' for model '%s'", ip->name);
ret = model_param_read(p, &factor);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to read parameter 'factor' from model '%s'", ip->name);
info("Model param: factor = %f", factor);
ret = switch_connect(card->sw, dma, ip);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to configure switch");
ret = switch_connect(card->sw, ip, dma);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to configure switch");
ret = dma_alloc(dma, &mem, 0x1000, 0);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to allocate DMA memory");
float *src = (float *) mem.base_virt;
float *dst = (float *) mem.base_virt + 0x800;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
src[i] = 1.1 * (i+1);
ret = dma_ping_pong(dma, (char *) src, (char *) dst, 6 * sizeof(float));
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to to ping pong DMA transfer: %d", ret);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
err += abs(factor * src[i] - dst[i]);
info("Error after FPGA operation: err = %f", err);
ret = switch_disconnect(card->sw, dma, ip);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to configure switch");
ret = switch_disconnect(card->sw, ip, dma);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to configure switch");
ret = dma_free(dma, &mem);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to release DMA memory");
cr_assert(err < 1e-3);
Test(fpga, hls_dft, .description = "HLS: hls_dft")
int ret;
struct fpga_ip *hls, *rtds;
rtds = fpga_vlnv_lookup(&card->ips, &(struct fpga_vlnv) { "acs.eonerc.rwth-aachen.de", "user", "rtds_axis", NULL });
hls = fpga_vlnv_lookup(&card->ips, &(struct fpga_vlnv) { NULL, "hls", "hls_dft", NULL });
/* Check if required IP is available on FPGA */
cr_assert(hls && rtds);
ret = intc_enable(card->intc, (1 << rtds->irq), 0);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to enable interrupt");
ret = switch_connect(card->sw, rtds, hls);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to configure switch");
ret = switch_connect(card->sw, hls, rtds);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to configure switch");
while(1) {
/* Dump RTDS AXI Stream state */
#if 0
int len = 2000;
int NSAMPLES = 400;
float src[len], dst[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
src[i] = 4 + 5.0 * sin(2.0 * M_PI * 1 * i / NSAMPLES) +
2.0 * sin(2.0 * M_PI * 2 * i / NSAMPLES) +
1.0 * sin(2.0 * M_PI * 5 * i / NSAMPLES) +
0.5 * sin(2.0 * M_PI * 9 * i / NSAMPLES) +
0.2 * sin(2.0 * M_PI * 15 * i / NSAMPLES);
ret = switch_disconnect(card->sw, rtds, hls);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to configure switch");
ret = switch_disconnect(card->sw, hls, rtds);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to configure switch");
Test(fpga, fifo, .description = "FIFO")
int ret;
ssize_t len;
char src[255], dst[255];
struct fpga_ip *fifo;
fifo = fpga_vlnv_lookup(&card->ips, &(struct fpga_vlnv) { "xilinx.com", "ip", "axi_fifo_mm_s", NULL });
ret = intc_enable(card->intc, (1 << fifo->irq), 0);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to enable interrupt");
ret = switch_connect(card->sw, fifo, fifo);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to configure switch");
/* Get some random data to compare */
memset(dst, 0, sizeof(dst));
len = read_random((char *) src, sizeof(src));
if (len != sizeof(src))
error("Failed to get random data");
len = fifo_write(fifo, (char *) src, sizeof(src));
if (len != sizeof(src))
error("Failed to send to FIFO");
len = fifo_read(fifo, (char *) dst, sizeof(dst));
if (len != sizeof(dst))
error("Failed to read from FIFO");
ret = intc_disable(card->intc, (1 << fifo->irq));
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to disable interrupt");
ret = switch_disconnect(card->sw, fifo, fifo);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to configure switch");
/* Compare data */
cr_assert_eq(memcmp(src, dst, sizeof(src)), 0);
Test(fpga, dma, .description = "DMA")
int ret = -1;
struct dma_mem mem, src, dst;
for (size_t i = 0; i < list_length(&card->ips); i++) { INDENT
struct fpga_ip *dm = list_at(&card->ips, i);
if (fpga_vlnv_cmp(&dm->vlnv, &(struct fpga_vlnv) { "xilinx.com", "ip", "axi_dma", NULL }))
continue; /* skip non DMA IP cores */
struct dma *dma = dm->_vd;
/* Simple DMA can only transfer up to 4 kb due to
* PCIe page size burst limitation */
ssize_t len2, len = dma->inst.HasSg ? 64 << 20 : 1 << 2;
ret = dma_alloc(dm, &mem, 2 * len, 0);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0);
ret = dma_mem_split(&mem, &src, &dst);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0);
/* Get new random data */
len2 = read_random(src.base_virt, len);
if (len2 != len)
serror("Failed to get random data");
int irq_mm2s = dm->irq;
int irq_s2mm = dm->irq + 1;
ret = intc_enable(card->intc, (1 << irq_mm2s) | (1 << irq_s2mm), 0);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to enable interrupt");
ret = switch_connect(card->sw, dm, dm);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to configure switch");
/* Start transfer */
ret = dma_ping_pong(dm, src.base_phys, dst.base_phys, dst.len);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "DMA ping pong failed");
ret = memcmp(src.base_virt, dst.base_virt, src.len);
info("DMA %s (%s): %s", dm->name, dma->inst.HasSg ? "scatter-gather" : "simple", ret ? CLR_RED("failed") : CLR_GRN("passed"));
ret = switch_disconnect(card->sw, dm, dm);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to configure switch");
ret = intc_disable(card->intc, (1 << irq_mm2s) | (1 << irq_s2mm));
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to disable interrupt");
ret = dma_free(dm, &mem);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to release DMA memory");
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0);
Test(fpga, timer, .description = "Timer Counter")
int ret;
struct fpga_ip *ip;
struct timer *tmr;
ip = fpga_vlnv_lookup(&card->ips, &(struct fpga_vlnv) { "xilinx.com", "ip", "axi_timer", NULL });
tmr = ip->_vd;
XTmrCtr *xtmr = &tmr->inst;
ret = intc_enable(card->intc, (1 << ip->irq), 0);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to enable interrupt");
XTmrCtr_SetResetValue(xtmr, 0, FPGA_AXI_HZ / 125);
XTmrCtr_Start(xtmr, 0);
uint64_t counter = intc_wait(card->intc, ip->irq);
info("Got IRQ: counter = %ju", counter);
if (counter == 1)
warn("Counter was not 1");
intc_disable(card->intc, (1 << ip->irq));
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to disable interrupt");
Test(fpga, rtds_rtt, .description = "RTDS: tight rtt")
int ret;
struct fpga_ip *ip, *rtds;
struct dma_mem buf;
size_t recvlen;
/* Get IP cores */
rtds = fpga_vlnv_lookup(&card->ips, &(struct fpga_vlnv) { "acs.eonerc.rwth-aachen.de", "user", "rtds_axis", NULL });
ip = fpga_vlnv_lookup(&card->ips, &(struct fpga_vlnv) { "xilinx.com", "ip", "axi_dma", NULL });
ret = switch_connect(card->sw, rtds, ip);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to configure switch");
ret = switch_connect(card->sw, ip, rtds);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to configure switch");
ret = dma_alloc(ip, &buf, 0x100, 0);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to allocate DMA memory");
while (1) {
ret = dma_read(ip, buf.base_phys, buf.len);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to start DMA read: %d", ret);
ret = dma_read_complete(ip, NULL, &recvlen);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to complete DMA read: %d", ret);
ret = dma_write(ip, buf.base_phys, recvlen);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to start DMA write: %d", ret);
ret = dma_write_complete(ip, NULL, NULL);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to complete DMA write: %d", ret);
ret = switch_disconnect(card->sw, rtds, ip);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to configure switch");
ret = switch_disconnect(card->sw, ip, rtds);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to configure switch");
ret = dma_free(ip, &buf);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to release DMA memory");
} |