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synced 2025-03-23 00:00:01 +01:00
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339 lines
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/* RMS hook.
* Author: Manuel Pitz <manuel.pitz@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de>
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2023 Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, RWTH Aachen University
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <villas/hook.hpp>
#include <villas/sample.hpp>
namespace villas {
namespace node {
/* Concept: Based on RMS Hook
* For each window, calculate integrals for U, I, U*I
* Formulas from: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scheinleistung
* Calculate S and P from these
class PowerHook : public MultiSignalHook {
enum class TimeAlign {
struct PowerPairing {
int voltageIndex;
int currentIndex;
struct PairingsStr {
std::string voltage;
std::string current;
std::vector<PairingsStr> pairingsStr;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> smpMemory;
std::vector<PowerPairing> pairings;
std::vector<timespec> smpMemoryTs;
std::vector<double> accumulator_u; // Integral over u
std::vector<double> accumulator_i; // Integral over I
std::vector<double> accumulator_ui; // Integral over U*I
unsigned windowSize;
uint64_t smpMemoryPosition;
bool calcActivePower;
bool calcReactivePower;
bool caclApparentPower;
bool calcCosPhi;
channelNameEnable; // Rename the output values with channel name or only descriptive name
double angleUnitFactor;
enum TimeAlign timeAlignType;
PowerHook(Path *p, Node *n, int fl, int prio, bool en = true)
: MultiSignalHook(p, n, fl, prio, en), smpMemory(), pairings(),
smpMemoryTs(), windowSize(0), smpMemoryPosition(0),
calcActivePower(true), calcReactivePower(true), caclApparentPower(true),
calcCosPhi(true), channelNameEnable(false), angleUnitFactor(1),
timeAlignType(TimeAlign::CENTER) {}
virtual void prepare() {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < pairingsStr.size(); i++) {
PowerPairing p = {
.voltageIndex = signals->getIndexByName(pairingsStr[i].voltage),
.currentIndex = signals->getIndexByName(pairingsStr[i].current)};
if (p.currentIndex == -1)
throw RuntimeError("Pairings signal name not recognized {}",
if (p.voltageIndex == -1)
throw RuntimeError("Pairings signal name not recognized {}",
if ((pairingsStr.size() * 2) != signalIndices.size())
throw RuntimeError("Number of signals and parings don not match!");
// Check Signal Data Type
for (auto index : signalIndices) {
auto origSig = signals->getByIndex(index);
// Check that signal has float type
if (origSig->type != SignalType::FLOAT)
throw RuntimeError(
"The power hook can only operate on signals of type float!");
for (unsigned i = 0; i < signalIndices.size(); i++) {
std::string suffix = "";
if (channelNameEnable)
suffix = fmt::format("_{}", signalNames[i]);
// Add signals
if (calcActivePower) {
auto activeSig =
std::make_shared<Signal>("active", "W", SignalType::FLOAT);
activeSig->name += suffix;
if (!activeSig)
throw RuntimeError("Failed to create new signals");
if (calcReactivePower) {
auto reactiveSig =
std::make_shared<Signal>("reactive", "Var", SignalType::FLOAT);
reactiveSig->name += suffix;
if (!reactiveSig)
throw RuntimeError("Failed to create new signals");
if (caclApparentPower) {
auto apparentSig =
std::make_shared<Signal>("apparent", "VA", SignalType::FLOAT);
apparentSig->name += suffix;
if (!apparentSig)
throw RuntimeError("Failed to create new signals");
if (calcCosPhi) {
auto cosPhiSig =
std::make_shared<Signal>("cos_phi", "deg", SignalType::FLOAT);
cosPhiSig->name += suffix;
if (!cosPhiSig)
throw RuntimeError("Failed to create new signals");
// Initialize sampMemory to 0
for (unsigned i = 0; i < signalIndices.size(); i++)
smpMemory.emplace_back(windowSize, 0.0);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < windowSize; i++)
// Init empty accumulators for each pairing
for (size_t i = 0; i < pairings.size(); i++) {
// Signal state prepared
state = State::PREPARED;
// Read configuration JSON and configure hook accordingly
virtual void parse(json_t *json) {
// Ensure hook is not yet running
assert(state != State::STARTED);
int result = 0;
const char *timeAlignC = nullptr;
const char *angleUnitC = nullptr;
json_error_t json_error;
int windowSizeIn = 0; // Size of window in samples
json_t *json_pairings = nullptr;
result = json_unpack_ex(
json, &json_error, 0,
"{ s: i , s: o, s?: b, s?: b, s?: b, s?: b, s?: b, s? : s, s? : s }",
"window_size", &windowSizeIn, "pairings", &json_pairings,
"add_channel_name", &channelNameEnable, "active_power",
&calcActivePower, "reactive_power", &calcReactivePower,
"apparent_power", &caclApparentPower, "cos_phi", &calcCosPhi,
"timestamp_align", &timeAlignC, "angle_unit", &angleUnitC);
if (result)
throw ConfigError(json, json_error, "node-config-hook-power");
if (windowSizeIn < 1)
throw ConfigError(json, "node-config-hook-power",
"Window size must be greater 0 but is set to {}",
windowSize = (unsigned)windowSizeIn;
if (!timeAlignC)
logger->info("No timestamp alignment defined. Assume alignment center");
else if (strcmp(timeAlignC, "left") == 0)
timeAlignType = TimeAlign::LEFT;
else if (strcmp(timeAlignC, "center") == 0)
timeAlignType = TimeAlign::CENTER;
else if (strcmp(timeAlignC, "right") == 0)
timeAlignType = TimeAlign::RIGHT;
throw ConfigError(json, "node-config-hook-dft-timestamp-alignment",
"Timestamp alignment {} not recognized", timeAlignC);
if (!angleUnitC)
logger->info("No angle type given, assume rad");
else if (strcmp(angleUnitC, "rad") == 0)
angleUnitFactor = 1;
else if (strcmp(angleUnitC, "degree") == 0)
angleUnitFactor = 180 / M_PI;
throw ConfigError(json, "node-config-hook-dft-angle-unit",
"Angle unit {} not recognized", angleUnitC);
// Pairings
if (!json_is_array(json_pairings))
throw ConfigError(json_pairings, "node-config-hook-power",
"Pairings are expected as json array");
size_t i = 0;
json_t *json_pairings_value;
json_array_foreach(json_pairings, i, json_pairings_value) {
const char *voltageNameC = nullptr;
const char *currentNameC = nullptr;
json_unpack_ex(json_pairings_value, &json_error, 0, "{ s: s, s: s}",
"voltage", &voltageNameC, "current", ¤tNameC);
(PairingsStr){.voltage = voltageNameC, .current = currentNameC});
state = State::PARSED;
// This function does the actual processing of the hook when a new sample is passed through.
virtual Hook::Reason process(struct Sample *smp) {
assert(state == State::STARTED);
uint sigIndex = 0; //used to set the pos of value in output sampel array
smpMemoryTs[smpMemoryPosition % windowSize] = smp->ts.origin;
// Loop over all pairings
for (size_t i = 0; i < pairings.size(); i++) {
auto pair = pairings[i];
// Update U integral
double oldValueU =
smpMemory[pair.voltageIndex][smpMemoryPosition % windowSize];
double newValueU = smp->data[pair.voltageIndex].f;
smpMemory[pair.voltageIndex][smpMemoryPosition % windowSize] =
newValueU; // Save for later
accumulator_u[i] -= oldValueU * oldValueU;
accumulator_u[i] += newValueU * newValueU;
// Update I integral
double newValueI = smp->data[pair.currentIndex].f;
double oldValueI =
smpMemory[pair.currentIndex][smpMemoryPosition % windowSize];
smpMemory[pair.currentIndex][smpMemoryPosition % windowSize] =
newValueI; // Save for later
accumulator_i[i] -= oldValueI * oldValueI;
accumulator_i[i] += newValueI * newValueI;
// Update UI Integral
accumulator_ui[i] -= oldValueI * oldValueU;
accumulator_ui[i] += newValueI * newValueU;
// Calc active power power
double P = (1.0 / windowSize) * accumulator_ui[i];
// Calc apparent power
double S =
(1.0 / windowSize) * pow(accumulator_i[i] * accumulator_u[i], 0.5);
// Calc reactive power
double Q = pow(S * S - P * P, 0.5);
// Calc cos phi
double PHI = atan2(Q, P) * angleUnitFactor;
if (smpMemoryPosition >= windowSize) {
// Write to samples
if (calcActivePower)
smp->data[sigIndex++].f = P;
if (calcReactivePower)
smp->data[sigIndex++].f = Q;
if (caclApparentPower)
smp->data[sigIndex++].f = S;
if (calcCosPhi)
smp->data[sigIndex++].f = PHI;
smp->length = sigIndex;
if (smpMemoryPosition >= windowSize) {
unsigned tsPos = 0;
if (timeAlignType == TimeAlign::RIGHT)
tsPos = smpMemoryPosition;
else if (timeAlignType == TimeAlign::LEFT)
tsPos = smpMemoryPosition - windowSize;
else if (timeAlignType == TimeAlign::CENTER)
tsPos = smpMemoryPosition - (windowSize / 2);
smp->ts.origin = smpMemoryTs[tsPos % windowSize];
if (smpMemoryPosition >=
2 * windowSize) //reset smpMemPos if greater than twice the window. Important to handle init
smpMemoryPosition = windowSize;
smpMemoryPosition++; // Move write head for sample history foreward by one
if (windowSize < smpMemoryPosition)
return Reason::OK;
return Reason::SKIP_SAMPLE;
// Register hook
static char n[] = "power";
static char d[] =
"This hook calculates the Active and Reactive Power for a given signal ";
static HookPlugin<PowerHook, n, d,
(int)Hook::Flags::NODE_READ | (int)Hook::Flags::NODE_WRITE |
} // namespace node
} // namespace villas