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synced 2025-03-16 00:00:02 +01:00
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180 lines
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// This is c-code for CBuilder component for Subsystem 2
// Solver used as in RTDS: Resistive companion (Dommel's algo)
// Subsystem 1 is modelled in RSCAD
//% Circuit topology
// %
//% *** Subsystem 1 (SS1) *** % *** Subsystem 2 (SS2) ***
//% %
//% |---------| |---------| %
//% |---------| R1 |-------| L1 |----%-------|---------|
//% | |---------| |---------| % | |
//% | % | |
//% ----- % ----- -----
//% | + | % | | | |
//% | E | % |C2 | | R2|
//% | - | % | | | |
//% ----- % ----- -----
//% | % | |
//% |------------------------------------------%------------------
// %
// %
// -----------------------------------------------
// Variables declared here may be used as parameters
// inputs or outputs
// The have to match with whats in Subsystem.h
// -----------------------------------------------
#if defined(VILLAS) || SECTION == INPUTS
double IntfIn;
#if defined(VILLAS) || SECTION == OUTPUTS
double IntfOut;
#if defined(VILLAS) || SECTION == PARAMS
double R2; // Resistor [Ohm] in SS2
double C2; // Capacitance [F] in SS2
// -----------------------------------------------
// Variables declared here may be used in both the
// RAM: and CODE: sections below.
// -----------------------------------------------
#if defined(VILLAS) || SECTION == STATIC
double dt;
double GR2, GC2; //Inductances of components
double GnInv; //Inversion of conductance matrix (here only scalar)
double vC2Hist, iC2Hist, AC2; // history meas. and current of dynamic elements
double Jn; //source vector in equation Gn*e=Jn
double eSS2; //node voltage solution
// -----------------------------------------------
// This section should contain any 'c' functions
// to be called from the RAM section (either
// RAM_PASS1 or RAM_PASS2). Example:
// static double myFunction(double v1, double v2)
// {
// return(v1*v2);
// }
// -----------------------------------------------
/* Nothing here */
// -----------------------------------------------
// Place C code here which computes constants
// required for the CODE: section below. The C
// code here is executed once, prior to the start
// of the simulation case.
// -----------------------------------------------
#if defined(VILLAS) || SECTION == RAM
void simple_circuit_ram() {
GR2 = 1/R2;
GC2 = 2*C2/dt; //trapezoidal rule
GnInv = 1/(GR2+GC2); //eq. conductance (inverted)
vC2Hist = 0.0; //Voltage over C2 in previous time step
iC2Hist = 0.0; //Current through C2 in previous time step
// -----------------------------------------------
// Place C code here which runs on the RTDS. The
// code below is entered once each simulation
// step.
// -----------------------------------------------
#if defined(VILLAS) || SECTION == CODE
void simple_circuit_code() {
//Update source vector
AC2 = iC2Hist+vC2Hist*GC2;
Jn = IntfIn+AC2;
//Solution of the equation Gn*e=Jn;
eSS2 = GnInv*Jn;
//Post step -> calculate the voltage and current for C2 for next step and set interface output
vC2Hist= eSS2;
iC2Hist = vC2Hist*GC2-AC2;
IntfOut = eSS2;
// -----------------------------------------------
// Interface to VILLASnode
// -----------------------------------------------
#if defined(VILLAS)
#include <villas/nodes/cbuilder.h>
#include <villas/plugin.h>
double getTimeStep()
return dt;
// -----------------------------------------------
// Place C code here which intializes parameters
// -----------------------------------------------
int simple_circuit_init(struct cbuilder *cb)
if (cb->paramlen < 2)
return -1; /* not enough parameters given */
R2 = cb->params[0];
C2 = cb->params[1];
/* 'dt' is a special parameter */
dt = cb->timestep;
return 0; /* success */
// -----------------------------------------------
// Place C code here reads model outputs
// -----------------------------------------------
int simple_circuit_read(float outputs[], int len)
if (len < 1)
return -1; /* not enough space */
outputs[0] = IntfOut;
return 1; /* 1 value per sample */
// -----------------------------------------------
// Place C code here which updates model inputs
// -----------------------------------------------
int simple_circuit_write(float inputs[], int len)
if (len < 1)
return -1; /* not enough values */
IntfIn = inputs[0];
return 0;
static struct plugin p = {
.name = "simple_circuit",
.description = "A simple CBuilder model",
.cb = {
.code = simple_circuit_code,
.init = simple_circuit_init,
.read = simple_circuit_read,
.write = simple_circuit_write,
.ram = simple_circuit_ram
#endif |