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/** Unit tests for advio
* @author Steffen Vogel <stvogel@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de>
* @copyright 2017, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC
* @license GNU General Public License (version 3)
* VILLASnode
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <criterion/criterion.h>
#include <criterion/logging.h>
#include <villas/utils.h>
#include <villas/advio.h>
/** This URI points to a Sciebo share which contains some test files.
* The Sciebo share is read/write accessible via WebDAV. */
#define BASE_URI "https://1Nrd46fZX8HbggT:badpass@rwth-aachen.sciebo.de/public.php/webdav/node/tests"
Test(advio, local)
AFILE *af;
int ret;
char buf[32];
af = afopen("/proc/version", "r");
cr_assert(af, "Failed to open local file");
ret = fscanf(af->file, "%32s", buf);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 1);
cr_assert_str_eq(buf, "Linux");
Test(advio, download)
AFILE *af;
int ret;
size_t len;
char buffer[64];
char expect[64] = "ook4iekohC2Teegoghu6ayoo1OThooregheebaet8Zod1angah0che7quai4ID7A";
af = afopen(BASE_URI "/download" , "r");
cr_assert(af, "Failed to download file");
len = afread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), af);
cr_assert_gt(len, 0, "len=%zu, feof=%u", len, afeof(af));
cr_assert_arr_eq(buffer, expect, sizeof(expect));
ret = afclose(af);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to close file");
Test(advio, upload)
AFILE *af;
int ret;
size_t len;
char upload[64];
char buffer[64];
/* Get some random data to upload */
len = read_random(upload, sizeof(upload));
cr_assert_eq(len, sizeof(upload));
/* Open file for writing */
af = afopen(BASE_URI "/upload", "w+");
cr_assert(af, "Failed to download file");
len = afwrite(upload, 1, sizeof(upload), af);
cr_assert_eq(len, sizeof(upload));
ret = afclose(af);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to close/upload file");
/* Open for reading and comparison */
af = afopen(BASE_URI "/upload", "r");
cr_assert(af, "Failed to download file");
len = afread(buffer, 1, sizeof(upload), af);
cr_assert_eq(len, sizeof(upload));
cr_assert_arr_eq(buffer, upload, len);
ret = afclose(af);
cr_assert(ret == 0, "Failed to close file");
Test(advio, append)
AFILE *af;
int ret;
size_t len;
char append1[64] = "xa5gieTohlei9iu1uVaePae6Iboh3eeheeme5iejue5sheshae4uzisha9Faesei";
char append2[64] = "bitheeRae7igee2miepahJaefoGad1Ooxeif0Mooch4eojoumueYahn4ohc9poo2";
char expect[128] = "xa5gieTohlei9iu1uVaePae6Iboh3eeheeme5iejue5sheshae4uzisha9FaeseibitheeRae7igee2miepahJaefoGad1Ooxeif0Mooch4eojoumueYahn4ohc9poo2";
char buffer[128];
/* Open file for writing first chunk */
af = afopen(BASE_URI "/append", "w+");
cr_assert(af, "Failed to download file");
/* The append file might already exist and be not empty from a previous run. */
ret = ftruncate(afileno(af), 0);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0);
char c;
fseek(af->file, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (af->file) {
while ((c = getc(af->file)) != EOF)
len = afwrite(append1, 1, sizeof(append1), af);
cr_assert_eq(len, sizeof(append1));
ret = afclose(af);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to close/upload file");
/* Open file for writing second chunk */
af = afopen(BASE_URI "/append", "a");
cr_assert(af, "Failed to download file");
len = afwrite(append2, 1, sizeof(append2), af);
cr_assert_eq(len, sizeof(append2));
ret = afclose(af);
cr_assert_eq(ret, 0, "Failed to close/upload file");
/* Open for reading and comparison */
af = afopen(BASE_URI "/append", "r");
cr_assert(af, "Failed to download file");
len = afread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), af);
cr_assert_eq(len, sizeof(buffer));
ret = afclose(af);
cr_assert(ret == 0, "Failed to close file");
cr_assert_arr_eq(buffer, expect, sizeof(expect));