Lightweight C library for HTML5 websockets
lws_session_info Struct Reference

#include <libwebsockets.h>

Data Fields

char username [32]
char email [100]
char ip [72]
unsigned int mask
char session [42]

Detailed Description

struct lws_session_info - information about user session status

Field Documentation

char lws_session_info::email[100]

email address associated with login, or empty string

char lws_session_info::ip[72]

ip address session was started from

unsigned int lws_session_info::mask

access rights mask associated with session see enum lwsgs_auth_bits

char lws_session_info::session[42]

session id string, usable as opaque uid when not logged in

char lws_session_info::username[32]

username logged in as, or empty string

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: