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lws logging

lwsl_ logging apis

LWS has traditionally provided logging arrangements that are not indirected through the lws context, because logging may be needed before and after the context existence. For that reason the original logging arrangements are processwide.

By default the logs are emitted on stdout, but this can be overridden using lws_set_log_level() and either syslog (provided by lwsl_emit_syslog()) or custom log emission is possible if you point it to your own.

Currently the following log levels are defined

name function release meaning
LLL_ERR lwsl_err() y Serious operation errors anyone needs to know
LLL_WARN lwsl_warn() y Operation errors you may need to know
LLL_USER lws_user() y Information user code wants you to know
LLL_NOTICE lwsl_notice() y Information about what lws is doing useful for logging
LLL_INFO lwsl_info() n Detailed information about what lws is doing
LLL_DEBUG lwsl_debug() n Very detailed information about what lws is doing
LLL_PARSER lwsl_parser() n Very detailed information about parsing
LLL_HEADER lwsl_header() n Very detailed information about header processing
LLL_EXT lwsl_ext() n Very detailed information about ws extensions
LLL_CLIENT lwsl_client() n Very detailed information about client connections
LLL_LATENCY lwsl_latency() n detailed latency stats
LLL_THREAD lwsl_thread() n detailed threadpool information

The first four log levels are built into lws even on Release builds, the others are only built in Debug builds.

You can select between Debug and Release builds using cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE= DEBUG or Release

lws_set_log_level() is used to OR together the logging bitfields you want to see emitted, only log levels that were built in can be enabled since the code for them is just not there otherwise.

Finegrained control of log level build

You can deviate from the default log inclusion for release / debug by overriding it at cmake, using LWS_LOGGING_BITFIELD_SET and LWS_LOGGING_BITFIELD_CLEAR.

For example you can set -DLWS_LOGGING_BITFIELD_SET="LLL_INFO|LLL_DEBUG", which will cause those log level traces to be built in even in Release mode. Clear works similarly to defeat build of specific log levels.

Object tags in lws

Commonly logging wants to refer to an object in a repeatable way, the usual way to do this is with %p to print the object pointer. But this has a couple of drawbacks, first the same memory may be freed and reallocated for a different instance of the same or another object, causing confusion, and second when multiple processes are allocating objects and logging, the same address may be allocated in different process also causing confusion.

Lws has introduced unique tag strings to refer to object identity in logging instead, these contain various information such as a 64-bit ordinal for the group the object belongs to that won't repeat even if reallocated to the same address (until 2^64 allocations, anyway).

Tags are fixed at object creation time for the whole object lifetime, although in some cases the tag may be appended to... accepted server wsis for example don't have much information available to form the tag until they start to indicate what they want to do.

At their simplest the tags look like this (in a log indicating creation)

[2020/12/27 08:49:19:2956] N:  ++ (4) [wsi|5|h2]

It means a wsi has been created with the tag [wsi|5|h2], and after that, there are 4 active objects in the wsi group.

The corresponding object destruction log with the tag is

[2020/12/27 08:49:24:4226] N:  -- (3)   5.126s [wsi|5|h2]

it indicates the object's tag, that it lived for 5.126s and after its destruction, there are 3 objects in its group left.

Compound tags

If the object has bindings, the tag can reflect that, eg

[2020/12/27 08:49:19:4787] N:  ++ (2) [wsiSScli|6|d_h1]
[2020/12/27 08:49:19:4793] N:  ++ (2) [wsicli|6|GET/h1/httpbin.org/([wsiSScli|6|d_h1])]

the first log is describing a proxied SS client connection at the proxy, and the second is a wsi bound to the SS object from the first log to do the outgoing client action.

Tags in user code

When user code wants to refer to a tagged object like a wsi or vhost, there are helpers that return a const char * containing the tag

tag accessors

New logging context apis

From v4.3 on lws additionally provides wrappers that issue logs into a "log context" object, one of these is embedded in the lws_context, lws_vhost, wsi, ss and sspc handles. These follow the same general approach as before, but allow logs to be issued in "the context" of any of those objects, and to fall back sanely if the object pointer is NULL.

The traditional process scope logs and emit management remain available as before, and if you do not set custom log contexts, the new log apis use the processwide log context emit and mask as before too.

Here's a summary of the differences:

Traditional process scope logs New log context apis
Single processwide log context Defaults to processwide, but object can use custom log contexts
Single processwide emit function Emit function per log context
Single processwide log mask log mask is in log context, objects can be bound to custom log contexts at creation time
Require trailing \n in format Trailing \n added if not present
Manual __func__ __func__ added in wrapper macros automatically
Manual tag addition Object tag prepended automatically
No hierarchy Log contexts may refer to parent log contexts, which may prepend to child logs
Macros per level (eg, lwsl_err(...)) Macros per object type / level (eg, lwsl_wsi_err(wsi, ...))

In addition to being able to control the emit function and log level for individual log contexts, eg, for a particular wsi, the log functions understand how to prepend object-specific information such as tags and __func__ automatically. They also do not need a trailing \n in the format string. So the new context aware logs remove boilerplate from the logging calls while making the log information more consistent.

So comparing this kind of logging the processwide and log context aware ways:

[2021/06/25 09:39:34:7050] N: [669282|wsicli|4|GET/h1/libwebsockets.org|default]: _lws_generic_transaction_completed_active_conn:  ...
Type Example code
Process scope apis lwsl_notice("%s: %s: mylog %d\n", __func__, lws_wsi_tag(wsi), n);
New log context apis lwsl_wsi_notice(wsi, "mylog %d", n);

The log context / object-aware apis do not replace the processwide logging but augment it, and the new apis default to use the original processwide emit function and log mask, so the behaviours are the same. The original processwide log apis themselves are unchanged.

At lws_context creation time, you can set the context info .log_cx to a user defined log context which is inherited by objects created in that lws_context by default. Vhost creation, wsi creation and ss / sspc creation all allow passing a user log_cx to customize how logs for that object are handled.

Using the new logging apis

This table describes the different ways to issue an ERROR verbosity log, it works the same for info, notice, warn, etc.

Scope Api example Functionality
Old, Processwide lwsl_err(...) Traditional processwide error log
lws_context lwsl_cx_err(context, ...) error log bound to lws_context
lws_vhost lwsl_vhost_err(vh, ...) error log bound to lws_vhost
lws_wsi lwsl_wsi_err(wsi, ...) error log bound to wsi
lws_ss lwsl_ss_err(handle, ...) error log bound to secure stream

Similarly hexdumps can be bound to different log contexts

Scope Api example Functionality
Old, Processwide lwsl_hexdump_err(...) Traditional processwide error hexdump
lws_context lwsl_hexdump_cx_err(context, ...) error hexdump bound to lws_context
lws_vhost lwsl_hexdump_vhost_err(vh, ...) error hexdump bound to lws_vhost
lws_wsi lwsl_hexdump_wsi_err(wsi, ...) error hexdump bound to wsi
lws_ss lwsl_hexdump_ss_err(handle, ...) error hexdump bound to secure stream

Creating and using custom log contexts

The log context object is public, in libwebsockets/lws-logs.h, currently it is like this

typedef void (*lws_log_emit_t)(int level, const char *line);
typedef void (*lws_log_emit_cx_t)(struct lws_log_cx *cx, int level,
				  const char *line, size_t len);
typedef void (*lws_log_prepend_cx_t)(struct lws_log_cx *cx, void *obj,
				     char **p, char *e);
typedef void (*lws_log_use_cx_t)(struct lws_log_cx *cx, int _new);
typedef struct lws_log_cx {
	union {
		lws_log_emit_t		emit; /* legacy emit function */
		lws_log_emit_cx_t	emit_cx; /* LLLF_LOG_CONTEXT_AWARE */
	} u;
	lws_log_use_cx_t		refcount_cb;
	/**< NULL, or a function called after each change to .refcount below,
	 * this enables implementing side-effects like opening and closing
	 * log files when the first and last object binds / unbinds */
	lws_log_prepend_cx_t		prepend;
	/**< NULL, or a cb to optionally prepend a string to logs we are a
	 * parent of */
	struct lws_log_cx		*parent;
	/**< NULL, or points to log ctx we are a child of */
	void				*opaque;
	/**< ignored by lws, used to pass config to emit_cx, eg, filepath */
	void				*stg;
	/**< ignored by lws, may be used a storage by refcount_cb / emit_cx */
	uint32_t			lll_flags;
	/**< mask of log levels we want to emit in this context */
	int32_t				refcount;
	/**< refcount of objects bound to this log context */
} lws_log_cx_t;

The emit function is a union because the traditional logs and the old emit functions are also implemented using the new log contexts internally. For new log context-aware code, you would use .u.emit_cx and set the flag LLLF_LOG_CONTEXT_AWARE on .lll_flags.

Lws also exports some common emit and refcount functions so you don't have to reinvent the wheel

Dest emit member .lll_flags emit .refcount_cb .opaque
stderr .u.emit - lwsl_emit_stderr NULL NULL
file .u.emit_cx LLLF_LOG_CONTEXT_AWARE lws_log_emit_cx_file lws_log_use_cx_file (const char *)filepath

For example, a custom log context that emits to a configurable file can be declared like this (lws exports the needed helpers already)

static lws_log_cx_t my_log_cx = {
        .lll_flags      = LLLF_LOG_CONTEXT_AWARE |
                          LLL_ERR | LLL_WARN | LLL_NOTICE | LLL_USER,
        .refcount_cb    = lws_log_use_cx_file,
        .u.emit_cx      = lws_log_emit_cx_file,
        .opaque	        = "/tmp/mylogpath.log" /* also settable at runtime */

To bind the lws_context to this log context, set log_cx in the context creation info struct

	info.log_cx = &my_log_cx;

Log context hierarchy

Log contexts may also point to a parent log context... the top level log context defines the emit function to be used, but parent log contexts are consulted by calling their prepend function if any, to annotate logs with information from parent levels.

Log context prepend function

Logs contexts may define a "prepend" function callback, that knows how to represent the object in a brief string to be prepended to other logs. For example the wsi-aware log context layer knows how to provide the wsi tag when called.

Prepend functions should add :<space> after their output, if any, since these will appear before the start of other logs.

Log context opaque member

The .opaque member is available for passing in configuration to the emit and refcount_cb members. Lws does not use this itself at all.

Log context refcounting

An expected use for custom log contexts is emitting to a specific file, and then binding one or more objects to that log context. Since it's too expensive to keep opening and closing the output file per log, it means we need to know when we bind to the first object and unbind from the last, so we can keep the file handle open.

For this reason the log contexts have a refcount, and an opaque void *stg availble for the emit and refounct_cb to use how they see fit, eg, for storing the output log file descriptor.