Firmware now only measures as many channels as are in the channel list. If
there's only one channel in the list we can manage to measure within one
microframe. This makes it possible to measure with 8kHz max.
Added a counter. The counter is called every 2ms from an FX2 timer inerrupt. Low
priority so that measurements are not disturbed.
The bulk transfers are now two times faster (insn). Reading an A/D value or an
DIO takes now only 2ms or less. The trick is that the in endpoint is already
filled when the request is issued.
Fixed a bug in the FIFO resets.
Second counter did not count properly. That's fixed. Also
found two missing syncdelays.
This latest patch changes the interface to three functions:
With these three functions one can properly interface to all SCXI devices. If
you like the latest patch (3/23/04 07:14), please apply and close this bug.
Next up will be adding some generic analog and digital IO functions.
The new hotplug script uses comedi/usbdux.c for firmware upload and not fxload
any more. fxload is too unreliable and seems to be missing or different among
different distros. All users of usbdux boards report problems which are fxload
related. The new hotplug script simply uses comedi_config -i firmware.hex. This
fix also removes problems with the usbdevfs (race in 2.6, sleep, ...). The
usbdevfs is no longer needed.
The attached patch updates files in comedilib/swig/ruby. lib/comedi.rb is
updated to raise Ruby exceptions as indicated by the comedilib API
documentation. README and demo/cmd are updated accordingly.