2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set use_axieth_on_zynq 0
set use_emaclite_on_zynq 0
# emaclite hw requirements - interrupt needs to be connected
proc lwip_elite_hw_drc {libhandle emac} {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set emacname [common::get_property NAME $emac]
set intr_port [hsi::get_pins -of_objects [hsi::get_cells $emac] IP2INTC_Irpt]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {[string compare -nocase $intr_port ""] == 0} {
error "ERROR: xps_ethernetlite core $emacname does not have its interrupt connected to interrupt controller. \
lwIP operates only in interrupt mode, so please connect the interrupt port to \
the interrupt controller.\n" "" "MDT_ERROR"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set tx_csum [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_tx_checksum_offload $libhandle]
set rx_csum [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_rx_checksum_offload $libhandle]
set tx_full_csum [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_ip_tx_checksum_offload $libhandle]
set rx_full_csum [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_ip_rx_checksum_offload $libhandle]
set igmp_val [common::get_property CONFIG.igmp_options $libhandle]
if {$tx_full_csum} {
error "ERROR: Full TCP/IP checksum offload on Tx path is not supported for emaclite" "" "MDT_ERROR"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$rx_full_csum} {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
error "ERROR: Full TCP/IP checksum offload on Rx path is not supported for emaclite" "" "MDT_ERROR"
if {$tx_csum} {
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
error "ERROR: Partial TCP checksum offload on Tx path is not supported for emaclite" "" "MDT_ERROR"
if {$rx_csum} {
error "ERROR: Partial TCP checksum offload on Rx path is not supported for emaclite" "" "MDT_ERROR"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
if {$igmp_val == true} {
error "ERROR: IGMP is not supported for emaclite" "" "MDT_ERROR"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
# temac support requires the following interrupts to be connected
# - temac intr
# - if sdma, sdma tx&rx intr (not verified)
# - if fifo, fifo intr (not verified)
proc lwip_temac_channel_hw_drc {libhandle emac irpt_name llink_name tx_csum_name rx_csum_name} {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set emacname [common::get_property NAME $emac]
set mhs_handle [hsi::get_cells $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set intr_port [hsi::get_pins -of_objects [hsi::get_cells $emac] irpt_name]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {[string compare -nocase $intr_port ""] == 0} {
error "ERROR: xps_ll_temac core $emacname does not have its interrupt connected to interrupt controller. \
lwIP requires that this interrupt line be connected to \
the interrupt controller.\n" "" "MDT_ERROR"
# find out what is connected to llink0
set connected_bus [xget_hw_busif_handle $emac $llink_name]
if {[string compare -nocase $intr_port ""] == 0} {
error "ERROR: xps_ll_temac core $emacname does not have its local link port (LLINK0) connected" \
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set connected_bus_name [common::get_property NAME $connected_bus]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set target_handle [xget_hw_connected_busifs_handle $mhs_handle $connected_bus_name "TARGET"]
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set parent_handle [hsi::get_cells -of_objects $target_handle]
set parent_name [common::get_property NAME $parent_handle]
set tx_csum [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_tx_checksum_offload $libhandle]
set rx_csum [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_rx_checksum_offload $libhandle]
set tx_full_csum [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_ip_tx_checksum_offload $libhandle]
set rx_full_csum [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_ip_rx_checksum_offload $libhandle]
if {$tx_full_csum} {
error "ERROR: Full TCP/IP checksum offload on Tx path is not supported for xps-ll-temac" "" "MDT_ERROR"
if {$rx_full_csum} {
error "ERROR: Full TCP/IP checksum offload on Rx path is not supported for xps-ll-temac" "" "MDT_ERROR"
# check checksum parameters
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$tx_csum} {
if {$parent_name == "xps_ll_fifo"} {
error "ERROR: Checksum offload is possible only with a DMA engine" "" "MDT_ERROR"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set hw_tx_csum [common::get_property CONFIG.$tx_csum_name $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {!$hw_tx_csum} {
error "ERROR: lwIP cannot offload TX checksum calculation since hardware \
does not support TX checksum offload" "" "MDT_ERROR"
if {$rx_csum} {
if {$parent_name == "xps_ll_fifo"} {
error "ERROR: Checksum offload is possible only with a DMA engine" "" "MDT_ERROR"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set hw_rx_csum [common::get_property CONFIG.$rx_csum_name $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {!$hw_rx_csum} {
error "ERROR: lwIP cannot offload RX checksum calculation since hardware \
does not support RX checksum offload" "" "MDT_ERROR"
proc lwip_temac_hw_drc {libhandle emac} {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set emac_intr_port [hsi::get_pins -of_objects [hsi::get_cells $emac] TemacIntc0_Irpt]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set emac0_enabled "0"
if {$emac_intr_port != ""} { set emac0_enabled "1" }
if {$emac0_enabled == "1"} {
lwip_temac_channel_hw_drc $libhandle $emac "TemacIntc0_Irpt" "LLINK0" "C_TEMAC0_TXCSUM" "C_TEMAC0_RXCSUM"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set emac1_enabled [common::get_property CONFIG.C_TEMAC1_ENABLED $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$emac1_enabled == "1"} {
lwip_temac_channel_hw_drc $libhandle $emac "TemacIntc1_Irpt" "LLINK1" "C_TEMAC1_TXCSUM" "C_TEMAC1_RXCSUM"
# AXI temac support requires the following interrupts to be connected
# - temac intr
# - if AXI DMA, dma tx&rx intr (not verified)
# - if fifo, fifo intr (not verified)
proc lwip_axi_ethernet_hw_drc {libhandle emac} {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set emacname [common::get_property NAME $emac]
set mhs_handle [hsi::get_cells $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set intr_port [hsi::get_pins -of_objects [hsi::get_cells $emac] INTERRUPT]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {[string compare -nocase $intr_port ""] == 0} {
error "ERROR: axi_ethernet core $emacname does not have its interrupt connected to interrupt controller. \
lwIP requires that this interrupt line be connected to \
the interrupt controller.\n" "" "MDT_ERROR"
# find out what is connected to AXI
set connected_bus [xget_hw_busif_handle $emac "S_AXI"]
if {[string compare -nocase $connected_bus ""] == 0} {
error "ERROR: axi_ethernet core $emacname does not have its AXI port (S_AXI) connected" \
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set tx_csum [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_tx_checksum_offload $libhandle]
set rx_csum [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_rx_checksum_offload $libhandle]
set tx_full_csum [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_ip_tx_checksum_offload $libhandle]
set rx_full_csum [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_ip_rx_checksum_offload $libhandle]
if {$tx_csum && $tx_full_csum} {
error "ERROR: Both partial and full checksums on Tx path can not be enabled at the same time" "" "MDT_ERROR"
if {$rx_csum && $rx_full_csum} {
error "ERROR: Both partial and full checksums on Rx path can not be enabled at the same time" "" "MDT_ERROR"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
# Find the AXI FIFO or AXI DMA that this emac is connected to.
set connected_bus [xget_hw_busif_handle $emac "AXI_STR_RXD"]
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set connected_bus_name [common::get_property NAME $connected_bus]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set target_handle [xget_hw_connected_busifs_handle $mhs_handle $connected_bus_name "TARGET"]
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set parent_handle [hsi::get_cells -of_objects $port $target_handle]
set parent_name [common::get_property NAME $parent_handle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
# check checksum parameters
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$tx_csum || $tx_full_csum} {
if {$parent_name == "axi_fifo_mm_s"} {
error "ERROR: Checksum offload is possible only with a DMA engine" "" "MDT_ERROR"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set hw_tx_csum [common::get_property CONFIG.C_TXCSUM $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$hw_tx_csum == "1" && $tx_full_csum } {
error "ERROR: lwIP cannot offload full TX checksum calculation since hardware \
supports partial TX checksum offload" "" "MDT_ERROR"
if {!$hw_tx_csum && $tx_full_csum } {
error "ERROR: lwIP cannot offload full TX checksum calculation since hardware \
does not support TX checksum offload" "" "MDT_ERROR"
if {$hw_tx_csum == "2" && $tx_csum } {
error "ERROR: lwIP cannot offload partial TX checksum calculation since hardware \
supports full TX checksum offload" "" "MDT_ERROR"
if {!$hw_tx_csum && $tx_csum } {
error "ERROR: lwIP cannot offload partial TX checksum calculation since hardware \
does not support partial TX checksum offload" "" "MDT_ERROR"
if {$rx_csum || $rx_full_csum} {
if {$parent_name == "axi_fifo_mm_s"} {
error "ERROR: Checksum offload is possible only with a DMA engine" "" "MDT_ERROR"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set hw_rx_csum [common::get_property CONFIG.C_RXCSUM $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$hw_rx_csum == "1" && $rx_full_csum } {
error "ERROR: lwIP cannot offload full RX checksum calculation since hardware \
supports partial RX checksum offload" "" "MDT_ERROR"
if {!$hw_rx_csum && $rx_full_csum } {
error "ERROR: lwIP cannot offload full RX checksum calculation since hardware \
does not support RX checksum offload" "" "MDT_ERROR"
if {$hw_rx_csum == "2" && $rx_csum } {
error "ERROR: lwIP cannot offload partial RX checksum calculation since hardware \
supports full RX checksum offload" "" "MDT_ERROR"
if {!$hw_rx_csum && $rx_csum } {
error "ERROR: lwIP cannot offload partial RX checksum calculation since hardware \
does not support partial RX checksum offload" "" "MDT_ERROR"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
# perform basic sanity checks:
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
# - interrupts are connected
# - for csum offload, sdma should be present
proc lwip_hw_drc {libhandle emacs_list} {
foreach ip $emacs_list {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set iptype [common::get_property NAME $ip]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$iptype == "xps_ethernetlite" || $iptype == "axi_ethernetlite"} {
lwip_elite_hw_drc $libhandle $ip
} elseif {$iptype == "xps_ll_temac"} {
lwip_temac_hw_drc $libhandle $ip
} elseif {$iptype == "axi_ethernet" || $iptype == "axi_ethernet_buffer"} {
lwip_axi_ethernet_hw_drc $libhandle $ip
# Check the following s/w requirements for lwIP:
# 1. in SOCKET API is used, then xilkernel is required
proc lwip_sw_drc {libhandle emacs_list} {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set api_mode [common::get_property CONFIG.api_mode $libhandle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set api_mode [string toupper $api_mode]
if { [string compare -nocase "SOCKET_API" $api_mode] == 0} {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set sw_proc_handle [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set os_handle [hsi::get_os]
set os_name [common::get_property NAME $os_handle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if { [string compare -nocase "xilkernel" $os_name] != 0} {
if { [string compare -nocase "freertos_zynq" $os_name] != 0} {
error "ERROR: lwIP with Sockets requires \"xilkernel or freertos\" OS" "" "mdt_error"
proc get_emac_periphs {processor} {
2014-06-03 15:21:32 +05:30
set periphs_list [::hsm::utils::get_proc_slave_periphs $processor]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set emac_periphs_list {}
foreach periph $periphs_list {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set periphname [common::get_property IP_NAME $periph]
if {$periphname == "xps_ethernetlite"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
|| $periphname == "opb_ethernetlite"
|| $periphname == "axi_ethernet"
|| $periphname == "axi_ethernet_buffer"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
|| $periphname == "axi_ethernetlite"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
|| $periphname == "ps7_ethernet"} {
lappend emac_periphs_list $periph
} elseif {$periphname == "xps_ll_temac"} {
set emac0_enabled "0"
set emac1_enabled "0"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set emac_name [common::get_property NAME $periph]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
# emac 0 is always enabled. just check for its interrupt port
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set emac_intr_port [hsi::get_pins -of_objects [hsi::get_cells $periph] TemacIntc0_Irpt]
if {$emac_intr_port != ""} {
set emac0_enabled "1"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
} else {
puts "Channel 0 of $emac_name cannot be used with lwIP \
since it does not have its interrupt pin connected."
# for emac 1, check C_TEMAC1_ENABLED and then its interrupt port
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set emac1_on [common::get_property CONFIG.C_TEMAC1_ENABLED $periph "PARAMETER"]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$emac1_on == "1"} {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set emac_intr_port2 [hsi::get_pins -of_objects [hsi::get_cells $periph] TemacIntc1_Irpt]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$emac_intr_port2 != ""} {
set emac1_enabled "1"
} else {
puts "Channel 1 of $emac_name cannot be used with lwIP \
since it does not have its interrupt pin connected."
# we can use this emac if either of its channels are usable
if {$emac0_enabled == "1" || $emac1_enabled == "1"} {
lappend emac_periphs_list $periph
return $emac_periphs_list
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
# lwip_drc - check system configuration and make sure
# all components to run lwIP are available.
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
proc lwip_drc {libhandle} {
#puts "Runnning DRC for lwIP library... \n"
# find the list of xps_ethernetlite, xps_ll_temac, or axi_ethernet cores
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set sw_processor [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set processor [hsi::get_cells [common::get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_processor]]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set emac_periphs_list [get_emac_periphs $processor]
if { [llength $emac_periphs_list] == 0 } {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set cpuname [common::get_property NAME $processor]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
error "ERROR: No Ethernet MAC cores are addressable from processor $cpuname. \
lwIP requires atleast one EMAC (xps_ethernetlite | xps_ll_temac | axi_ethernet | axi_ethernet_buffer | axi_ethernetlite | ps7_ethernet) core \
with its interrupt pin connected to the interrupt controller.\n" "" "MDT_ERROR"
} else {
set emac_names_list {}
foreach emac $emac_periphs_list {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
lappend emac_names_list [common::get_property NAME $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
#puts "lwIP can be used with the following EMAC peripherals found in your system: $emac_names_list"
# check each MAC for correctness conditions
lwip_hw_drc $libhandle $emac_periphs_list
lwip_sw_drc $libhandle $emac_periphs_list
proc generate_lwip_opts {libhandle} {
global use_axieth_on_zynq
global use_emaclite_on_zynq
set lwipopts_file "src/contrib/ports/xilinx/include/lwipopts.h"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set sw_processor [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set processor [hsi::get_cells [common::get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_processor]]
set processor_type [common::get_property IP_NAME $processor]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set emac_periphs_list [get_emac_periphs $processor]
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set have_emaclite 0
foreach emac $emac_periphs_list {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set iptype [common::get_property IP_NAME $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$iptype == "xps_ethernetlite" || $iptype == "opb_ethernetlite" || $iptype == "axi_ethernetlite"} {
set have_emaclite 1
file delete $lwipopts_file
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set lwipopts_fd [open $lwipopts_file w]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#ifndef __LWIPOPTS_H_"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define __LWIPOPTS_H_"
puts $lwipopts_fd ""
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set proctype [common::get_property IP_NAME $processor]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
switch -regexp $proctype {
"microblaze" {
# AXI systems are Little Endian
# 0 = BE, 1 = LE
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set endian [common::get_property CONFIG.C_ENDIANNESS $processor]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$endian != 0} {
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#ifndef PROCESSOR_LITTLE_ENDIAN"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define PROCESSOR_LITTLE_ENDIAN"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#endif\n"
} else {
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#ifndef PROCESSOR_BIG_ENDIAN"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define PROCESSOR_BIG_ENDIAN"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#endif\n"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
"ps7_cortexa9" {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#ifndef PROCESSOR_LITTLE_ENDIAN"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define PROCESSOR_LITTLE_ENDIAN"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#endif\n"
default {
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#ifndef PROCESSOR_BIG_ENDIAN"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define PROCESSOR_BIG_ENDIAN"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#endif\n"
# always use lightweight prot mechanism for critical regions
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define SYS_LIGHTWEIGHT_PROT 1"
puts $lwipopts_fd ""
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set api_mode [common::get_property CONFIG.api_mode $libhandle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$api_mode == "RAW_API"} {
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define NO_SYS 1"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define LWIP_SOCKET 0"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define LWIP_COMPAT_SOCKETS 0"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define LWIP_NETCONN 0"
puts $lwipopts_fd ""
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set thread_prio [common::get_property CONFIG.socket_mode_thread_prio $libhandle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$api_mode == "SOCKET_API"} {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set sw_proc_handle [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set os_handle [hsi::get_os]
set os_name [common::get_property NAME $os_handle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if { [string compare -nocase "xilkernel" $os_name] == 0} {
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define OS_IS_XILKERNEL"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define TCPIP_THREAD_PRIO $thread_prio"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIO $thread_prio"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define TCPIP_THREAD_STACKSIZE 32768"
puts $lwipopts_fd ""
if { [string compare -nocase "freertos_zynq" $os_name] == 0} {
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define OS_IS_FREERTOS"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIO $thread_prio"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define TCPIP_THREAD_PRIO (DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIO+1)"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define TCPIP_THREAD_STACKSIZE 32768"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define DEFAULT_TCP_RECVMBOX_SIZE 300"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define DEFAULT_ACCEPTMBOX_SIZE 5"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define TCPIP_MBOX_SIZE 30"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define DEFAULT_UDP_RECVMBOX_SIZE 100"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define DEFAULT_RAW_RECVMBOX_SIZE 100"
puts $lwipopts_fd ""
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set use_axieth_on_zynq [common::get_property CONFIG.use_axieth_on_zynq $libhandle]
set use_emaclite_on_zynq [common::get_property CONFIG.use_emaclite_on_zynq $libhandle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
# memory options
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set mem_size [common::get_property CONFIG.mem_size $libhandle]
set memp_n_pbuf [common::get_property CONFIG.memp_n_pbuf $libhandle]
set memp_n_udp_pcb [common::get_property CONFIG.memp_n_udp_pcb $libhandle]
set memp_n_tcp_pcb [common::get_property CONFIG.memp_n_tcp_pcb $libhandle]
set memp_n_tcp_pcb_listen [common::get_property CONFIG.memp_n_tcp_pcb_listen $libhandle]
set memp_n_tcp_seg [common::get_property CONFIG.memp_n_tcp_seg $libhandle]
set memp_n_sys_timeout [common::get_property CONFIG.memp_n_sys_timeout $libhandle]
set memp_num_netbuf [common::get_property CONFIG.memp_num_netbuf $libhandle]
set memp_num_netconn [common::get_property CONFIG.memp_num_netconn $libhandle]
set memp_num_api_msg [common::get_property CONFIG.memp_num_api_msg $libhandle]
set memp_num_tcpip_msg [common::get_property CONFIG.memp_num_tcpip_msg $libhandle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define MEM_ALIGNMENT 64"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define MEM_SIZE $mem_size"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define MEMP_NUM_PBUF $memp_n_pbuf"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define MEMP_NUM_UDP_PCB $memp_n_udp_pcb"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB $memp_n_tcp_pcb"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB_LISTEN $memp_n_tcp_pcb_listen"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define MEMP_NUM_TCP_SEG $memp_n_tcp_seg"
2014-06-13 11:09:23 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define MEMP_NUM_SYS_TIMEOUT $memp_n_sys_timeout"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define MEMP_NUM_NETBUF $memp_num_netbuf"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define MEMP_NUM_NETCONN $memp_num_netconn"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define MEMP_NUM_TCPIP_MSG_API $memp_num_api_msg"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define MEMP_NUM_TCPIP_MSG_INPKT $memp_num_tcpip_msg"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
# workaround for lwip mem_malloc bug
# puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define MEM_LIBC_MALLOC 1"
puts $lwipopts_fd ""
# seq api
if {$api_mode == "SOCKET_API"} {
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define MEMP_NUM_NETBUF $memp_num_netbuf"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define MEMP_NUM_NETCONN $memp_num_netconn"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define LWIP_PROVIDE_ERRNO 1"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define MEMP_NUM_SYS_TIMEOUT $memp_n_sys_timeout"
# pbuf options
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set pbuf_pool_size [common::get_property CONFIG.pbuf_pool_size $libhandle]
set pbuf_pool_bufsize [common::get_property CONFIG.pbuf_pool_bufsize $libhandle]
set pbuf_link_hlen [common::get_property CONFIG.pbuf_link_hlen $libhandle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define PBUF_POOL_SIZE $pbuf_pool_size"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define PBUF_POOL_BUFSIZE $pbuf_pool_bufsize"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define PBUF_LINK_HLEN $pbuf_link_hlen"
puts $lwipopts_fd ""
# ARP options
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set arp_table_size [common::get_property CONFIG.arp_table_size $libhandle]
set arp_queueing [common::get_property CONFIG.arp_queueing $libhandle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define ARP_TABLE_SIZE $arp_table_size"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define ARP_QUEUEING $arp_queueing"
puts $lwipopts_fd ""
# ICMP options
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set icmp_ttl [common::get_property CONFIG.icmp_ttl $libhandle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define ICMP_TTL $icmp_ttl"
puts $lwipopts_fd ""
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
# IGMP options
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set igmp_val [common::get_property CONFIG.igmp_options $libhandle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$igmp_val == true} {
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define LWIP_IGMP 1"
puts $lwipopts_fd ""
# IP options
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set ip_forward [common::get_property CONFIG.ip_forward $libhandle]
set ip_options [common::get_property CONFIG.ip_options $libhandle]
set ip_reassembly [common::get_property CONFIG.ip_reassembly $libhandle]
set ip_frag [common::get_property CONFIG.ip_frag $libhandle]
set ip_reass_max_pbufs [common::get_property CONFIG.ip_reass_max_pbufs $libhandle]
set ip_frag_max_mtu [common::get_property CONFIG.ip_frag_max_mtu $libhandle]
set ip_default_ttl [common::get_property CONFIG.ip_default_ttl $libhandle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define IP_OPTIONS $ip_options"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define IP_FORWARD $ip_forward"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define IP_REASSEMBLY $ip_reassembly"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define IP_FRAG $ip_frag"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define IP_REASS_MAX_PBUFS $ip_reass_max_pbufs"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define IP_FRAG_MAX_MTU $ip_frag_max_mtu"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define IP_DEFAULT_TTL $ip_default_ttl"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define LWIP_CHKSUM_ALGORITHM 3"
puts $lwipopts_fd ""
# UDP options
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set lwip_udp [expr [common::get_property CONFIG.lwip_udp $libhandle] == true]
set udp_ttl [common::get_property CONFIG.udp_ttl $libhandle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define LWIP_UDP $lwip_udp"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define UDP_TTL $udp_ttl"
puts $lwipopts_fd ""
# TCP options
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set lwip_tcp [expr [common::get_property CONFIG.lwip_tcp $libhandle] == true]
set tcp_mss [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_mss $libhandle]
set tcp_snd_buf [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_snd_buf $libhandle]
set tcp_wnd [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_wnd $libhandle]
set tcp_ttl [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_ttl $libhandle]
set tcp_maxrtx [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_maxrtx $libhandle]
set tcp_synmaxrtx [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_synmaxrtx $libhandle]
set tcp_queue_ooseq [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_queue_ooseq $libhandle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define LWIP_TCP $lwip_tcp"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define TCP_MSS $tcp_mss"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define TCP_SND_BUF $tcp_snd_buf"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define TCP_WND $tcp_wnd"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define TCP_TTL $tcp_ttl"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define TCP_MAXRTX $tcp_maxrtx"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define TCP_SYNMAXRTX $tcp_synmaxrtx"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define TCP_QUEUE_OOSEQ $tcp_queue_ooseq"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define TCP_SND_QUEUELEN 16 * TCP_SND_BUF/TCP_MSS"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
2014-10-29 15:58:18 +05:30
set have_ethonzynq 0
foreach emac $emac_periphs_list {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set iptype [common::get_property IP_NAME $emac]
2014-10-29 15:58:18 +05:30
if {$iptype == "axi_ethernet" || $iptype == "axi_ethernet_buffer" } {
set have_ethonzynq 1
if { $have_ethonzynq != 1} {
set use_axieth_on_zynq 0
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$proctype != "ps7_cortexa9" || $use_axieth_on_zynq == 1} {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set tx_full_csum_temp [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_ip_tx_checksum_offload $libhandle]
set rx_full_csum_temp [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_ip_rx_checksum_offload $libhandle]
set tx_csum_temp [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_tx_checksum_offload $libhandle]
set rx_csum_temp [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_rx_checksum_offload $libhandle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$tx_csum_temp || $rx_csum_temp} {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set tx_csum [expr ![common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_tx_checksum_offload $libhandle]]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define CHECKSUM_GEN_TCP $tx_csum"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set rx_csum [expr ![common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_rx_checksum_offload $libhandle]]
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define CHECKSUM_CHECK_TCP $rx_csum"
if {$tx_full_csum_temp || $rx_full_csum_temp} {
set tx_full_csum [expr ![common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_ip_tx_checksum_offload $libhandle]]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define CHECKSUM_GEN_TCP $tx_full_csum"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define CHECKSUM_GEN_UDP $tx_full_csum"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define CHECKSUM_GEN_IP $tx_full_csum"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set rx_full_csum [expr ![common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_ip_rx_checksum_offload $libhandle]]
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define CHECKSUM_CHECK_TCP $rx_full_csum"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define CHECKSUM_CHECK_UDP $rx_full_csum"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define CHECKSUM_CHECK_IP $rx_full_csum"
} else {
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$have_emaclite == 1} {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define CHECKSUM_GEN_TCP 1"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define CHECKSUM_GEN_UDP 1"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define CHECKSUM_GEN_IP 1"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define CHECKSUM_CHECK_TCP 1"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define CHECKSUM_CHECK_UDP 1"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define CHECKSUM_CHECK_IP 1"
} else {
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define CHECKSUM_GEN_TCP 0"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define CHECKSUM_GEN_UDP 0"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define CHECKSUM_GEN_IP 0"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define CHECKSUM_CHECK_TCP 0"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define CHECKSUM_CHECK_UDP 0"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define CHECKSUM_CHECK_IP 0"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd ""
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define NO_SYS_NO_TIMERS 1"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define MEMP_SEPARATE_POOLS 1"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define MEMP_NUM_FRAG_PBUF 256"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define IP_OPTIONS_ALLOWED 0"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$proctype != "ps7_cortexa9"} {
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define TCP_OVERSIZE 0"
} else {
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define TCP_OVERSIZE TCP_MSS"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
if {$proctype != "ps7_cortexa9"} {
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define LWIP_COMPAT_MUTEX 1"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define LWIP_ALLOW_MEM_FREE_FROM_OTHER_CONTEXT 0"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
} else {
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define LWIP_COMPAT_MUTEX 0"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define LWIP_ALLOW_MEM_FREE_FROM_OTHER_CONTEXT 1"
puts $lwipopts_fd ""
set jumbo_frames [common::get_property CONFIG.temac_use_jumbo_frames $libhandle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$jumbo_frames} {
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define USE_JUMBO_FRAMES 1"
puts $lwipopts_fd ""
# DHCP options
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set lwip_dhcp [expr [common::get_property CONFIG.lwip_dhcp $libhandle] == true]
set dhcp_does_arp_check [expr [common::get_property CONFIG.dhcp_does_arp_check $libhandle] == true]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define LWIP_DHCP $lwip_dhcp"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define DHCP_DOES_ARP_CHECK $dhcp_does_arp_check"
puts $lwipopts_fd ""
# temac adapter options
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set linkspeed [common::get_property CONFIG.phy_link_speed $libhandle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define $linkspeed 1"
puts $lwipopts_fd ""
# lwIP stats
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set lwip_stats [common::get_property CONFIG.lwip_stats $libhandle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$lwip_stats} {
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define LWIP_STATS 1"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define LWIP_STATS_DISPLAY 1"
puts $lwipopts_fd ""
# lwIP debug
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set lwip_debug [expr [common::get_property CONFIG.lwip_debug $libhandle] == true]
set ip_debug [expr [common::get_property CONFIG.ip_debug $libhandle] == true]
set tcp_debug [expr [common::get_property CONFIG.tcp_debug $libhandle] == true]
set udp_debug [expr [common::get_property CONFIG.udp_debug $libhandle] == true]
set icmp_debug [expr [common::get_property CONFIG.icmp_debug $libhandle] == true]
set igmp_debug [expr [common::get_property CONFIG.igmp_debug $libhandle] == true]
set netif_debug [expr [common::get_property CONFIG.netif_debug $libhandle] == true]
set sys_debug [expr [common::get_property CONFIG.sys_debug $libhandle] == true]
set pbuf_debug [expr [common::get_property CONFIG.pbuf_debug $libhandle] == true]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$lwip_debug == 1} {
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define LWIP_DEBUG 1"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define DBG_TYPES_ON DBG_LEVEL_WARNING"
if {$ip_debug} { puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define IP_DEBUG (LWIP_DBG_LEVEL_SEVERE | LWIP_DBG_ON)" }
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
if {$tcp_debug} {
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define TCP_DEBUG (LWIP_DBG_LEVEL_SEVERE | LWIP_DBG_ON)"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define TCP_DEBUG (LWIP_DBG_LEVEL_SEVERE | LWIP_DBG_ON)"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define TCP_INPUT_DEBUG (LWIP_DBG_LEVEL_SEVERE | LWIP_DBG_ON)"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define TCP_OUTPUT_DEBUG (LWIP_DBG_LEVEL_SEVERE | LWIP_DBG_ON)"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define TCPIP_DEBUG (LWIP_DBG_LEVEL_SEVERE | LWIP_DBG_ON)"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$udp_debug} { puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define UDP_DEBUG (LWIP_DBG_LEVEL_SEVERE | LWIP_DBG_ON)" }
if {$icmp_debug} { puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define ICMP_DEBUG (LWIP_DBG_LEVEL_SEVERE | LWIP_DBG_ON)" }
if {$igmp_debug} { puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define IGMP_DEBUG (LWIP_DBG_LEVEL_SEVERE | LWIP_DBG_ON)" }
if {$netif_debug} { puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define NETIF_DEBUG (LWIP_DBG_LEVEL_SEVERE | LWIP_DBG_ON)" }
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
if {$sys_debug} {
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define SYS_DEBUG (LWIP_DBG_LEVEL_SEVERE | LWIP_DBG_ON)"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define API_MSG_DEBUG (LWIP_DBG_LEVEL_SEVERE | LWIP_DBG_ON)"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$pbuf_debug} {
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define PBUF_DEBUG (LWIP_DBG_LEVEL_SEVERE | LWIP_DBG_ON)"
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#define MEMP_DEBUG (LWIP_DBG_LEVEL_SEVERE | LWIP_DBG_ON)"
puts $lwipopts_fd ""
puts $lwipopts_fd "\#endif"
close $lwipopts_fd
proc update_temac_topology {emac processor topologyvar} {
upvar $topologyvar topology
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set topology(emac_baseaddr) [common::get_property CONFIG.C_BASEADDR $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set topology(emac_type) "xemac_type_xps_ll_temac"
# find intc to which the interrupt line is connected
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set emac_intr_port [hsi::get_pins -of_objects [hsi::get_cells $emac] TemacIntc0_Irpt]
set intr_ports [::hsm::utils::get_sink_pins [hsi::get_pins -of_objects [hsi::get_cells $emac] TemacIntc0_Irpt]]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set l [llength $intr_ports]
if { [llength $intr_ports] != 1 } {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set emac_name [common::get_property NAME $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
error "ERROR: xps_ll_temac ($emac_name) interrupt port connected to more than one IP.\
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
lwIP requires that the interrupt line be connected only to the interrupt controller"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
"" "mdt_error"
set intr_port [lindex $intr_ports 0]
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set intc_handle [hsi::get_cells -of_objects $intr_port]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
# can we address this intc from the processor?
2014-06-03 15:21:32 +05:30
set proc_connected_periphs [::hsm::utils::get_proc_slave_periphs $processor]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if { [lsearch -exact $proc_connected_periphs $intc_handle] == -1 } {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set intc_name [common::get_property NAME $intc_handle]
set proc_name [common::get_property NAME $processor]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
error "ERROR: $intc_name to which xps_ll_temac interrupt is connected is not addressable \
from processor $proc_name" "" "mdt_error"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set topology(intc_baseaddr) [common::get_property CONFIG.C_BASEADDR $intc_handle]
2014-06-03 15:21:32 +05:30
set topology(intc_baseaddr) [::hsm::utils::format_addr_string $topology(intc_baseaddr) "C_BASEADDR"]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set topology(scugic_baseaddr) "0x0"
set topology(scugic_emac_intr) "0x0"
# redundant code
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
# repeat the same steps as update_temac_topology, but for temac1
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
proc update_temac1_topology {emac processor topologyvar} {
upvar $topologyvar topology
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set topology(emac_baseaddr) [format 0x%x [expr [common::get_property CONFIG.C_BASEADDR $emac] + 0x40]]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set topology(emac_type) "xemac_type_xps_ll_temac"
# find intc to which the interrupt line is connected
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set emac_intr_port [hsi::get_pins -of_objects [hsi::get_cells $emac] TemacIntc1_Irpt]
set mhs_handle [hsi::get_cells $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set intr_ports [xget_connected_ports_handle $mhs_handle $emac_intr_port "sink"]
if { [llength $intr_ports] != 1 } {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set emac_name [common::get_property NAME $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
error "ERROR: xps_ll_temac ($emac_name) interrupt port connected to more than one IP.\
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
lwIP requires that the interrupt line be connected only to the interrupt controller"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
"" "mdt_error"
set intr_port [lindex $intr_ports 0]
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set intc_handle [hsi::get_cells -of_objects $intr_port]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
# can we address this intc from the processor?
2014-06-03 15:21:32 +05:30
set proc_connected_periphs [::hsm::utils::get_proc_slave_periphs $processor]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if { [lsearch -exact $proc_connected_periphs $intc_handle] == -1 } {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set intc_name [common::get_property NAME $intc_handle]
set proc_name [common::get_property NAME $processor]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
error "ERROR: $intc_name to which xps_ll_temac interrupt is connected is not addressable \
from processor $proc_name" "" "mdt_error"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set topology(intc_baseaddr) [common::get_property CONFIG.C_BASEADDR $intc_handle]
2014-06-03 15:21:32 +05:30
set topology(intc_baseaddr) [::hsm::utils::format_addr_string $topology(intc_baseaddr) "C_BASEADDR"]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set topology(scugic_baseaddr) "0x0"
set topology(scugic_emac_intr) "0x0"
proc update_emaclite_topology {emac processor topologyvar} {
global use_emaclite_on_zynq
upvar $topologyvar topology
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set sw_processor [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set processor [hsi::get_cells [common::get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_processor]]
set processor_type [common::get_property IP_NAME $processor]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set force_emaclite_on_zynq 0
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$processor_type == "ps7_cortexa9" && $use_emaclite_on_zynq == 1} {
set force_emaclite_on_zynq 1
# get emac baseaddr
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set topology(emac_baseaddr) [common::get_property CONFIG.C_BASEADDR $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set topology(emac_type) "xemac_type_xps_emaclite"
if {$force_emaclite_on_zynq == 1} {
set topology(intc_baseaddr) "0x0"
set topology(scugic_baseaddr) "0xF8F00100"
set topology(scugic_emac_intr) "0x0"
} else {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
# find intc to which the interrupt line is connected
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set emac_intr_port [hsi::get_pins -of_objects [hsi::get_cells $emac] IP2INTC_Irpt]
set mhs_handle [hsi::get_cells $emac]
set intr_ports [::hsm::utils::get_sink_pins [hsi::get_pins -of_objects [hsi::get_cells $emac] IP2INTC_Irpt]]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if { [llength $intr_ports] != 1 } {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set emac_name [common::get_property NAME $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
error "ERROR: emaclite ($emac_name) interrupt port connected to more than one IP.\
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
lwIP requires that the interrupt line be connected only to the interrupt controller"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
"" "mdt_error"
set intr_port [lindex $intr_ports 0]
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set intc_handle [hsi::get_cells -of_objects $intr_port]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
# can we address this intc from the processor?
2014-06-03 15:21:32 +05:30
set proc_connected_periphs [::hsm::utils::get_proc_slave_periphs $processor]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if { [lsearch -exact $proc_connected_periphs $intc_handle] == -1 } {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set intc_name [common::get_property NAME $intc_handle]
set proc_name [common::get_property NAME $processor]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
error "ERROR: $intc_name to which ethernetlite interrupt is connected is not addressable \
from processor $proc_name" "" "mdt_error"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set topology(intc_baseaddr) [common::get_property CONFIG.C_BASEADDR $intc_handle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
# find interrupt pin number
2014-06-27 21:59:02 +05:30
set topology(emac_intr_id) [xget_port_interrupt_id $emac $emac_intr_port]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set topology(scugic_baseaddr) "0x0"
set topology(scugic_emac_intr) "0x0"
proc update_axi_ethernet_topology {emac processor topologyvar} {
upvar $topologyvar topology
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set topology(emac_baseaddr) [common::get_property CONFIG.C_BASEADDR $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set topology(emac_type) "xemac_type_axi_ethernet"
# find intc to which the interrupt line is connected
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set emac_intr_port [hsi::get_pins -of_objects [hsi::get_cells $emac] INTERRUPT]
set intr_ports [::hsm::utils::get_sink_pins [hsi::get_pins -of_objects [hsi::get_cells $emac] INTERRUPT]]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set intr_cnt 0
foreach intr_sink $intr_ports {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set phandle [hsi::get_cells -of_objects $intr_sink]
set pname_type [common::get_property NAME $phandle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$pname_type != "chipscope_ila"} {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
incr intr_cnt
set intc_handle [hsi::get_cells -of_objects $intr_sink]
set intc_periph_type [common::get_property IP_NAME $intc_handle]
set intc_name [common::get_property NAME $intc_handle]
# can we address this intc from the processor?
2014-06-03 15:21:32 +05:30
set proc_connected_periphs [::hsm::utils::get_proc_slave_periphs $processor]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if { [lsearch -exact $proc_connected_periphs $intc_handle] == -1 } {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set proc_name [common::get_property NAME $processor]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
error "ERROR: $intc_name to which axi_ethernet interrupt is connected is not addressable \
from processor $proc_name" "" "mdt_error"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if { $intr_cnt != 1 } {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set emac_name [common::get_property NAME $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
error "ERROR: axi_ethernet ($emac_name) interrupt port connected to more than one IP.\
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
lwIP requires that the interrupt line be connected only to the interrupt controller"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
"" "mdt_error"
if { $intc_periph_type != [format "ps7_scugic"] } {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set topology(intc_baseaddr) [common::get_property CONFIG.C_BASEADDR $intc_handle]
2014-06-03 15:21:32 +05:30
set topology(intc_baseaddr) [::hsm::utils::format_addr_string $topology(intc_baseaddr) "C_BASEADDR"]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set topology(scugic_baseaddr) "0x0"
set topology(scugic_emac_intr) "0x0"
} else {
set topology(intc_baseaddr) "0x0"
set topology(scugic_baseaddr) "0xF8F00100"
set topology(scugic_emac_intr) "0x0"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
proc update_ps7_ethernet_topology {emac processor topologyvar} {
upvar $topologyvar topology
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set topology(emac_baseaddr) [common::get_property CONFIG.C_S_AXI_BASEADDR $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set topology(emac_type) "xemac_type_emacps"
set topology(intc_baseaddr) "0x0"
set topology(emac_intr_id) "0x0"
set topology(scugic_baseaddr) "0xF8F00100"
set topology(scugic_emac_intr) "0x0"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set ethernet_instance [common::get_property NAME $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$ethernet_instance == "ps7_ethernet_0" || $ethernet_instance == "ps7_enet0"} {
set topology(scugic_emac_intr) "0x36"
} elseif {$ethernet_instance == "ps7_ethernet_1" || $ethernet_instance == "ps7_enet1"} {
set topology(scugic_emac_intr) "0x4D"
proc generate_topology_per_emac {fd topologyvar} {
upvar $topologyvar topology
puts $fd " {"
puts $fd " $topology(emac_baseaddr),"
puts $fd " $topology(emac_type),"
puts $fd " $topology(intc_baseaddr),"
puts $fd " $topology(emac_intr_id),"
puts $fd " $topology(scugic_baseaddr),"
puts $fd " $topology(scugic_emac_intr),"
puts $fd " },"
proc generate_topology {libhandle} {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set sw_processor [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set processor [hsi::get_cells [common::get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_processor]]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set emac_periphs_list [get_emac_periphs $processor]
set tempcntr 0
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set topology_file "src/contrib/ports/xilinx/netif/xtopology_g.c"
set topology_size 0
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
file delete $topology_file
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set tfd [open $topology_file w]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $tfd "#include \"netif/xtopology.h\""
puts $tfd "#include \"xparameters.h\""
puts $tfd ""
puts $tfd "struct xtopology_t xtopology\[\] = {"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
foreach emac $emac_periphs_list {
# initialize topology variables
set topology(emac_baseaddr) -1
set topology(emac_type) "xemac_type_unknown"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set topology(intc_baseaddr) -1
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set topology(emac_intr_id) -1
# get topology for the emac
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set iptype [common::get_property IP_NAME $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$iptype == "xps_ethernetlite" || $iptype == "opb_ethernetlite" || $iptype == "axi_ethernetlite"} {
update_emaclite_topology $emac $processor topology
generate_topology_per_emac $tfd topology
incr topology_size 1
} elseif {$iptype == "xps_ll_temac"} {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set emac_intr_port [hsi::get_pins -of_objects [hsi::get_cells $emac] TemacIntc0_Irpt]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set temac0 "0"
if {$emac_intr_port != ""} { set temac0 "1" }
if {$temac0 == "1"} {
update_temac_topology $emac $processor topology
generate_topology_per_emac $tfd topology
incr topology_size 1
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set temac1 [common::get_property CONFIG.C_TEMAC1_ENABLED $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$temac1 == "1"} {
update_temac1_topology $emac $processor topology
generate_topology_per_emac $tfd topology
incr topology_size 1
} elseif {$iptype == "axi_ethernet" || $iptype == "axi_ethernet_buffer"} {
update_axi_ethernet_topology $emac $processor topology
generate_topology_per_emac $tfd topology
incr topology_size 1
} elseif {$iptype == "ps7_ethernet"} {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
update_ps7_ethernet_topology $emac $processor topology
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
generate_topology_per_emac $tfd topology
incr topology_size 1
puts $tfd "};"
puts $tfd ""
puts $tfd "int xtopology_n_emacs = $topology_size;"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
close $tfd
proc generate_adapterconfig_makefile {libhandle} {
global use_axieth_on_zynq
global use_emaclite_on_zynq
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set sw_processor [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set processor [hsi::get_cells [common::get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_processor]]
set processor_type [common::get_property IP_NAME $processor]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set emac_periphs_list [get_emac_periphs $processor]
set have_emaclite 0
set have_temac 0
set have_axi_ethernet 0
set have_axi_ethernet_fifo 0
set have_axi_ethernet_dma 0
set have_ps7_ethernet 0
set force_axieth_on_zynq 0
set force_emaclite_on_zynq 0
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$processor_type == "ps7_cortexa9" && $use_axieth_on_zynq == 1} {
set force_axieth_on_zynq 1
if {$processor_type == "ps7_cortexa9" && $use_emaclite_on_zynq == 1} {
set force_emaclite_on_zynq 1
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
foreach emac $emac_periphs_list {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set iptype [common::get_property IP_NAME $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$iptype == "xps_ethernetlite" || $iptype == "opb_ethernetlite" || $iptype == "axi_ethernetlite"} {
set have_emaclite 1
} elseif {$iptype == "xps_ll_temac"} {
set have_temac 1
} elseif {$iptype == "axi_ethernet" || $iptype == "axi_ethernet_buffer"} {
set have_axi_ethernet 1
# Find the AXI FIFO or AXI DMA that this emac is connected to.
2014-06-03 15:21:32 +05:30
set connected_bus_name [::hsm::utils::get_connected_intf $emac AXI_STR_RXD]
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set parent_handle [hsi::get_cells -of_objects $connected_bus_name]
set parent_name [common::get_property IP_NAME $parent_handle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$parent_name == "axi_fifo_mm_s"} {
set have_axi_ethernet_fifo 1
} else {
set have_axi_ethernet_dma 1
} elseif {$iptype == "ps7_ethernet"} {
set have_ps7_ethernet 1
if {$force_axieth_on_zynq == 1 && $have_axi_ethernet == 1} {
set have_ps7_ethernet 0
set have_axi_ethernet 1
if {$force_emaclite_on_zynq == 1 && $have_emaclite == 1} {
set have_ps7_ethernet 0
set have_axi_ethernet 0
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set makeconfig "src/Makefile.config"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
file delete $makeconfig
set fd [open $makeconfig w]
# determine the processor type so that we know the compiler to use
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set proctype [common::get_property IP_NAME $processor]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
switch -regexp $proctype {
"microblaze" {
puts $fd "GCC_COMPILER=mb-gcc"
# AXI systems are Little Endian
# 0 = BE, 1 = LE
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set endian [common::get_property CONFIG.C_ENDIANNESS $processor]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$endian != 0} {
#puts "Little Endian system"
} else {
#puts "Big Endian system"
ppc* {
puts $fd "GCC_COMPILER=powerpc-eabi-gcc"
"ps7_cortexa9" {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
puts $fd "GCC_COMPILER=arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc"
#puts "Little Endian system"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
default {
puts "unknown processor type $proctype\n"
if {$have_emaclite == 1} {
if {$have_temac == 1} {
puts $fd "CONFIG_XLLTEMAC=y"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
if {$force_axieth_on_zynq == 1 || $have_ps7_ethernet == 0 } {
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$have_axi_ethernet == 1} {
if {$have_axi_ethernet_dma == 1} {
if {$have_axi_ethernet_fifo == 1} {
} elseif {$have_ps7_ethernet == 1} {
puts $fd "CONFIG_PS7_ETHERNET=y"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set api_mode [common::get_property CONFIG.api_mode $libhandle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$api_mode == "SOCKET_API"} {
puts $fd "CONFIG_SOCKETS=y"
close $fd
proc generate_adapterconfig_include {libhandle} {
global use_axieth_on_zynq
global use_emaclite_on_zynq
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set sw_processor [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set processor [hsi::get_cells [common::get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_processor]]
set processor_type [common::get_property IP_NAME $processor]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
set emac_periphs_list [get_emac_periphs $processor]
set have_emaclite 0
set have_temac 0
set have_axi_ethernet 0
set have_axi_ethernet_fifo 0
set have_axi_ethernet_dma 0
set have_ps7_ethernet 0
set force_axieth_on_zynq 0
set force_emaclite_on_zynq 0
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$processor_type == "ps7_cortexa9" && $use_axieth_on_zynq == 1} {
set force_axieth_on_zynq 1
if {$processor_type == "ps7_cortexa9" && $use_emaclite_on_zynq == 1} {
set force_emaclite_on_zynq 1
foreach emac $emac_periphs_list {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set iptype [common::get_property IP_NAME $emac]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$iptype == "xps_ethernetlite" || $iptype == "opb_ethernetlite" || $iptype == "axi_ethernetlite"} {
set have_emaclite 1
} elseif {$iptype == "xps_ll_temac"} {
set have_temac 1
} elseif {$iptype == "axi_ethernet" || $iptype == "axi_ethernet_buffer"} {
# Find the AXI FIFO or AXI DMA that this emac is connected to.
2014-06-03 15:21:32 +05:30
set connected_bus_name [::hsm::utils::get_connected_intf $emac AXI_STR_RXD]
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set parent_handle [hsi::get_cells -of_objects $connected_bus_name]
set parent_name [common::get_property IP_NAME $parent_handle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$parent_name == "axi_fifo_mm_s"} {
set have_axi_ethernet_fifo 1
} else {
set have_axi_ethernet_dma 1
set have_axi_ethernet 1
} elseif {$iptype == "ps7_ethernet"} {
set have_ps7_ethernet 1
if {$force_emaclite_on_zynq == 1 && $have_emaclite == 1} {
set have_ps7_ethernet 0
set have_axi_ethernet 0
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$force_axieth_on_zynq == 1 && $have_axi_ethernet == 1} {
set have_ps7_ethernet 0
set have_emaclite 0
set have_axi_ethernet 1
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set adapterconfig "src/contrib/ports/xilinx/include/xlwipconfig.h"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
file delete $adapterconfig
set fd [open $adapterconfig w]
puts $fd "\#ifndef __XLWIPCONFIG_H_"
puts $fd "\#define __XLWIPCONFIG_H_\n\n"
puts $fd "/* This is a generated file - do not edit */"
puts $fd ""
if {$force_axieth_on_zynq == 1 && $have_axi_ethernet == 1} {
if {$force_emaclite_on_zynq == 1 && $have_emaclite == 1} {
if {$have_emaclite == 1} {
if {$have_temac == 1} {
puts $fd "\#define XLWIP_CONFIG_INCLUDE_TEMAC 1"
if {$force_axieth_on_zynq == 1 || $have_ps7_ethernet == 0 } {
if {$have_axi_ethernet == 1} {
if {$have_axi_ethernet_dma == 1} {
if {$have_axi_ethernet_fifo == 1} {
} elseif {$have_ps7_ethernet == 1} {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
puts $fd "\#define XLWIP_CONFIG_INCLUDE_GEM 1"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
if {$have_temac == 1 || $have_axi_ethernet == 1} {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set ndesc [common::get_property CONFIG.n_tx_descriptors $libhandle]
puts $fd "\#define XLWIP_CONFIG_N_TX_DESC $ndesc"
set ndesc [common::get_property CONFIG.n_rx_descriptors $libhandle]
puts $fd "\#define XLWIP_CONFIG_N_RX_DESC $ndesc"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $fd ""
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set ncoalesce [common::get_property CONFIG.n_tx_coalesce $libhandle]
puts $fd "\#define XLWIP_CONFIG_N_TX_COALESCE $ncoalesce"
set ncoalesce [common::get_property CONFIG.n_rx_coalesce $libhandle]
puts $fd "\#define XLWIP_CONFIG_N_RX_COALESCE $ncoalesce"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $fd ""
if {$have_ps7_ethernet == 1} {
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set emacnum [common::get_property CONFIG.emac_number $libhandle]
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $fd "\#define XLWIP_CONFIG_EMAC_NUMBER $emacnum"
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
set ndesc [common::get_property CONFIG.n_tx_descriptors $libhandle]
puts $fd "\#define XLWIP_CONFIG_N_TX_DESC $ndesc"
set ndesc [common::get_property CONFIG.n_rx_descriptors $libhandle]
puts $fd "\#define XLWIP_CONFIG_N_RX_DESC $ndesc"
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
puts $fd ""
puts $fd "\#endif"
close $fd
# generate: called after OS and library files are copied into project dir
# we need to generate the following:
# 1. Makefile options
# 2. System Arch settings for lwIP to use
proc generate {libhandle} {
generate_lwip_opts $libhandle
2015-04-09 16:31:35 +05:30
generate_topology $libhandle
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
generate_adapterconfig_makefile $libhandle
generate_adapterconfig_include $libhandle
# post_generate: called after generate called on all libraries
proc post_generate {libhandle} {
# execs_generate: called after BSP's, libraries and drivers have been compiled
# This procedure builds the liblwip4.a library
proc execs_generate {libhandle} {