2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
embeddedsw.git - repo for standalone software
All software is version less and divided into three directories
- lib
contains bsp, zynq fsbl and software services like xilisf
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- license.txt
contains information about the various licenses and copyrights
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
- XilinxProcessorIPLib
2014-10-16 12:44:02 +05:30
contains all drivers
- ThirdParty
software from third party like light weight IP stack
- mcap
software for using MCAP interface on Ultra Scale boards to
program 2nd level bitstream
Every driver/lib/apps/services has these sub-directories
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
1. data - contains tcl, mdd, testapp tcl or header files used in SDK
2. doc - documentation of source code in form of pdf or html
3. examples - illustrating different use cases of driver
4. src - driver interface code implementing functionality of IP
| |- drivers
| |- uartps
| |- data
| |- src
| |- doc
| |- examples
| |- bsp
| |- standalone
| |- data
| |- src
| |- cortexa9
| |- microblaze
| |- common
| |- profile
| |- doc
| |- xilkernel
| |- data
| |- doc
| |- src
| |- sw_apps
| |- zynq_fsbl [described below]
| |- sw_services
| |- xilffs
| |- xilskey
| |- xilmfs
| |- xilrsa
| |- xilflash
| |- xilisf
| Note - All these are libraries and utilize drivers
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| |- sw_services
| |- lwip140
| |-linux
Building FSBL from git:
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30
FSBL has 3 directories.
1. data - It contains files for SDK
2. src - It contains the FSBK source files
3. misc - It contains miscelanious files required to
compile FSBL for zc702, zc706, zed and
microzed boards.
It also contains the ps7_init_gpl.[c/h] with gpl
header in respective board directories.
How to compile FSBL:
1.Go to the Fsbl src directory "lib/sw_apps/zynq_fsbl/src/"
2. make "BOARD=<>" "CC=<>"
a. Values for BOARD are zc702, zc706, zed, microzed
b. Value for CC is arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc. Default value is also same.
3.Give "make" to compile the fsbl with BSP. By default it is
built for zc702 board with arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc compiler
4.Below are the examples for compiling for different options
a. To generate Fsbl for zc706 board
i.make "BOARD=zc706"
b.To generate Fsbl for zc702 board with debug enable
and RSA support
c.To generate Fsbl for zc706 board and compile with arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc
with MMC support
i.make "BOARD=zc706" "CC=arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc" "CFLAGS=-DMMC_SUPPORT"