sysmon : added common namespace to all common tcl commands.
Signed-off-by: Nava kishore Manne <>
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 31 additions and 31 deletions
@ -44,31 +44,31 @@ proc generate {drv_handle} {
proc xdefine_include_file {drv_handle file_name drv_string args} {
set args [::hsm::utils::get_exact_arg_list $args]
set args [::hsi::utils::get_exact_arg_list $args]
# Open include file
set file_handle [::hsm::utils::open_include_file $file_name]
set file_handle [::hsi::utils::open_include_file $file_name]
# Get all peripherals connected to this driver
set periphs [::hsm::utils::get_common_driver_ips $drv_handle]
set periphs [::hsi::utils::get_common_driver_ips $drv_handle]
# Handle special cases
set posn [lsearch -exact $args $arg]
if {$posn > -1} {
puts $file_handle "/* Definitions for driver [string toupper [get_property name $drv_handle]] */"
puts $file_handle "/* Definitions for driver [string toupper [common::get_property name $drv_handle]] */"
puts $file_handle "#define [::hsm::utils::get_driver_param_name $drv_string $arg] [llength $periphs]"
puts $file_handle "#define [::hsi::utils::get_driver_param_name $drv_string $arg] [llength $periphs]"
set args [lreplace $args $posn $posn]
# Check if it is a driver parameter
lappend newargs
foreach arg $args {
set value [get_property CONFIG.$arg $drv_handle]
set value [common::get_property CONFIG.$arg $drv_handle]
if {[llength $value] == 0} {
lappend newargs $arg
} else {
puts $file_handle "#define [::hsm::utils::get_driver_param_name $drv_string $arg] [get_property $arg $drv_handle]"
puts $file_handle "#define [::hsi::utils::get_driver_param_name $drv_string $arg] [common::get_property $arg $drv_handle]"
set args $newargs
@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ proc xdefine_include_file {drv_handle file_name drv_string args} {
set device_id 0
foreach periph $periphs {
puts $file_handle ""
puts $file_handle "/* Definitions for peripheral [string toupper [get_property NAME $periph]] */"
puts $file_handle "/* Definitions for peripheral [string toupper [common::get_property NAME $periph]] */"
set ipname [string tolower [get_property IP_NAME $periph]]
set ipname [string tolower [common::get_property IP_NAME $periph]]
if {[string compare -nocase "system_management_wiz" $ipname] == 0} {
puts $file_handle "#define [::hsm::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph "IP_TYPE"] 1"
puts $file_handle "#define [::hsi::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph "IP_TYPE"] 1"
} else {
puts $file_handle "#define [::hsm::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph "IP_TYPE"] 0"
puts $file_handle "#define [::hsi::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph "IP_TYPE"] 0"
foreach arg $args {
@ -91,16 +91,16 @@ proc xdefine_include_file {drv_handle file_name drv_string args} {
set value $device_id
incr device_id
} else {
set value [get_property CONFIG.$arg $periph]
set value [common::get_property CONFIG.$arg $periph]
if {[llength $value] == 0} {
set value 0
set value [::hsm::utils::format_addr_string $value $arg]
set value [::hsi::utils::format_addr_string $value $arg]
if {[string compare -nocase "HW_VER" $arg] == 0} {
puts $file_handle "#define [::hsm::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph $arg] \"$value\""
puts $file_handle "#define [::hsi::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph $arg] \"$value\""
} else {
puts $file_handle "#define [::hsm::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph $arg] $value"
puts $file_handle "#define [::hsi::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph $arg] $value"
puts $file_handle ""
@ -110,16 +110,16 @@ proc xdefine_include_file {drv_handle file_name drv_string args} {
proc xdefine_canonical_xpars {drv_handle file_name drv_string args} {
set args [::hsm::utils::get_exact_arg_list $args]
set args [::hsi::utils::get_exact_arg_list $args]
# Open include file
set file_handle [::hsm::utils::open_include_file $file_name]
set file_handle [::hsi::utils::open_include_file $file_name]
# Get all the peripherals connected to this driver
set periphs [::hsm::utils::get_common_driver_ips $drv_handle]
set periphs [::hsi::utils::get_common_driver_ips $drv_handle]
# Get the names of all the peripherals connected to this driver
foreach periph $periphs {
set peripheral_name [string toupper [get_property NAME $periph]]
set peripheral_name [string toupper [common::get_property NAME $periph]]
lappend peripherals $peripheral_name
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ proc xdefine_canonical_xpars {drv_handle file_name drv_string args} {
set i 0
foreach periph $periphs {
set periph_name [string toupper [get_property NAME $periph]]
set periph_name [string toupper [common::get_property NAME $periph]]
# Generate canonical definitions only for the peripherals whose
# canonical name is not the same as hardware instance name
@ -149,24 +149,24 @@ proc xdefine_canonical_xpars {drv_handle file_name drv_string args} {
puts $file_handle "/* Canonical definitions for peripheral $periph_name */"
set canonical_name [format "%s_%s" $drv_string [lindex $indices $i]]
set ipname [string tolower [get_property IP_NAME $periph]]
set ipname [string tolower [common::get_property IP_NAME $periph]]
if {[string compare -nocase "system_management_wiz" $ipname] == 0} {
puts $file_handle "#define [::hsm::utils::get_driver_param_name $canonical_name "IP_TYPE"] 1"
puts $file_handle "#define [::hsi::utils::get_driver_param_name $canonical_name "IP_TYPE"] 1"
} else {
puts $file_handle "#define [::hsm::utils::get_driver_param_name $canonical_name "IP_TYPE"] 0"
puts $file_handle "#define [::hsi::utils::get_driver_param_name $canonical_name "IP_TYPE"] 0"
foreach arg $args {
set lvalue [::hsm::utils::get_driver_param_name $canonical_name $arg]
set lvalue [::hsi::utils::get_driver_param_name $canonical_name $arg]
# The commented out rvalue is the name of the instance-specific constant
# set rvalue [::hsm::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph $arg]
# set rvalue [::hsi::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph $arg]
# The rvalue set below is the actual value of the parameter
set rvalue [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph $arg]
set rvalue [::hsi::utils::get_param_value $periph $arg]
if {[llength $rvalue] == 0} {
set rvalue 0
set rvalue [::hsm::utils::format_addr_string $rvalue $arg]
set rvalue [::hsi::utils::format_addr_string $rvalue $arg]
puts $file_handle "#define $lvalue $rvalue"
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ proc gen_init_code {swproj mhsinst} {
if {$swproj == 1} {
set ipname [get_property NAME $mhsinst]
set ipname [common::get_property NAME $mhsinst]
set ifsysmonintr [::hsi::utils::is_ip_interrupting_current_proc $mhsinst]
if {$ifsysmonintr == 1} {
set decl " static XSysMon ${ipname}_SysMon_ADC;"
@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ proc gen_testfunc_call {swproj mhsinst} {
set ifsysmonintr [::hsi::utils::is_ip_interrupting_current_proc $mhsinst]
set ipname [get_property NAME $mhsinst]
set ipname [common::get_property NAME $mhsinst]
set deviceid [::hsi::utils::get_ip_param_name $mhsinst "DEVICE_ID"]
set stdout [get_property CONFIG.STDOUT [hsi::get_os]]
set stdout [common::get_property CONFIG.STDOUT [hsi::get_os]]
if { $stdout == "" || $stdout == "none" } {
set hasStdout 0
} else {
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ proc gen_testfunc_call {swproj mhsinst} {
set intr_pin_name [hsi::get_pins -of_objects [hsi::get_cells $ipname] -filter "TYPE==INTERRUPT"]
set intcname [::hsi::utils::get_connected_intr_cntrl $ipname $intr_pin_name]
set intcvar intc
set proc [get_property IP_NAME [hsi::get_cells [hsi::get_sw_processor]]]
set proc [common::get_property IP_NAME [hsi::get_cells [hsi::get_sw_processor]]]
set testfunc_call ""
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