standalone : Modified namespace from HSM to HSI.

Signed-off-by: Nava kishore Manne <>
This commit is contained in:
Nava kishore Manne 2015-04-09 10:40:29 +05:30
parent 93ece4087a
commit 16ff3b4e03

View file

@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ proc generate {os_handle} {
file delete -force "./src/gcc"
set file_handle [::hsm::utils::open_include_file "xparameters.h"]
set file_handle [::hsi::utils::open_include_file "xparameters.h"]
puts $file_handle "#include \"xparameters_ps.h\""
puts $file_handle ""
close $file_handle
@ -125,42 +125,42 @@ proc generate {os_handle} {
file delete -force "./src/gcc"
set file_handle [::hsm::utils::open_include_file "xparameters.h"]
set file_handle [::hsi::utils::open_include_file "xparameters.h"]
puts $file_handle "#include \"xparameters_ps.h\""
puts $file_handle ""
close $file_handle
"ps7_cortexa9" {
set procdrv [get_sw_processor]
set compiler [get_property CONFIG.compiler $procdrv]
if {[string compare -nocase $compiler "armcc"] == 0} {
set ccdir "./src/cortexa9/armcc"
"ps7_cortexa9" {
set procdrv [get_sw_processor]
set compiler [get_property CONFIG.compiler $procdrv]
if {[string compare -nocase $compiler "armcc"] == 0} {
set ccdir "./src/cortexa9/armcc"
} elseif {[string compare -nocase $compiler "iccarm"] == 0} {
set ccdir "./src/cortexa9/iccarm"
} else {
set ccdir "./src/cortexa9/gcc"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $cortexa9srcdir *]] {
file copy -force $entry "./src/"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $ccdir *]] {
file copy -force $entry "./src/"
file delete -force "./src/armcc"
file delete -force "./src/gcc"
} else {
set ccdir "./src/cortexa9/gcc"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $cortexa9srcdir *]] {
file copy -force $entry "./src/"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $ccdir *]] {
file copy -force $entry "./src/"
file delete -force "./src/armcc"
file delete -force "./src/gcc"
file delete -force "./src/iccarm"
if {[string compare -nocase $compiler "armcc"] == 0} {
file delete -force "./src/profile"
set enable_sw_profile "false"
if {[string compare -nocase $compiler "armcc"] == 0} {
file delete -force "./src/profile"
set enable_sw_profile "false"
if {[string compare -nocase $compiler "iccarm"] == 0} {
file delete -force "./src/profile"
set enable_sw_profile "false"
set file_handle [::hsm::utils::open_include_file "xparameters.h"]
puts $file_handle "#include \"xparameters_ps.h\""
puts $file_handle ""
close $file_handle
file delete -force "./src/profile"
set enable_sw_profile "false"
set file_handle [::hsi::utils::open_include_file "xparameters.h"]
puts $file_handle "#include \"xparameters_ps.h\""
puts $file_handle ""
close $file_handle
"default" {puts "unknown processor type $proctype\n"}
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ proc generate {os_handle} {
puts $makeconfig "LIBS = standalone_libs"
close $makeconfig
# Remove microblaze, cortexr5, cortexa53 and common directories...
file delete -force $mbsrcdir
file delete -force $cortexr5srcdir
@ -202,15 +202,15 @@ proc generate {os_handle} {
file delete -force $commonsrcdir
# Handle stdin and stdout
::hsm::utils::handle_stdin $os_handle
::hsm::utils::handle_stdout $os_handle
::hsi::utils::handle_stdin $os_handle
::hsi::utils::handle_stdout $os_handle
#Handle Profile configuration
if { $enable_sw_profile == "true" } {
handle_profile $os_handle $proctype
handle_profile $os_handle $proctype
set file_handle [::hsm::utils::open_include_file "xparameters.h"]
set file_handle [::hsi::utils::open_include_file "xparameters.h"]
puts $file_handle "\n/******************************************************************/\n"
close $file_handle
@ -222,18 +222,18 @@ proc generate {os_handle} {
# Create config files for Microblaze exception handling
if { $proctype == "microblaze" && [mb_has_exceptions $hw_proc_handle] } {
xcreate_mb_exc_config_file $os_handle
# Create bspconfig file
set bspcfg_fn [file join "src" "bspconfig.h"]
set bspcfg_fn [file join "src" "bspconfig.h"]
file delete $bspcfg_fn
set bspcfg_fh [open $bspcfg_fn w]
::hsm::utils::write_c_header $bspcfg_fh "Configurations for Standalone BSP"
::hsi::utils::write_c_header $bspcfg_fh "Configurations for Standalone BSP"
if { $proctype == "microblaze" && [mb_has_pvr $hw_proc_handle] } {
set pvr [get_property CONFIG.C_PVR $hw_proc_handle]
switch $pvr {
"0" {
puts $bspcfg_fh "#define MICROBLAZE_PVR_NONE"
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ proc generate {os_handle} {
"default" {
puts $bspcfg_fh "#define MICROBLAZE_PVR_NONE"
} else {
puts $bspcfg_fh "#define MICROBLAZE_PVR_NONE"
@ -265,15 +265,15 @@ proc xhandle_mb_interrupts {} {
set source_interrupt_handler $default_interrupt_handler
set source_handler_arg $default_arg
# Handle the interrupt pin
set sw_proc_handle [get_sw_processor]
set sw_proc_handle [get_sw_processor]
set periph [get_cells [get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle] ]
set source_ports [::hsm::utils::get_interrupt_sources $periph]
set source_ports [::hsi::utils::get_interrupt_sources $periph]
if {[llength $source_ports] > 1} {
error "ERROR: Too many interrupting ports on the MicroBlaze. Should only find 1" "" "hsm_error"
error "ERROR: Too many interrupting ports on the MicroBlaze. Should only find 1" "" "hsi_error"
if { [llength $source_ports] != 0 } {
set source_periph [get_cells -of_objects $source_ports]
if { [llength $source_periph] != 0 } {
@ -289,9 +289,9 @@ proc xhandle_mb_interrupts {} {
set source_interrupt_handler [lindex [get_property PARAM.int_handler $intr_array] $i]
set source_handler_arg [lindex [get_property PARAM.int_handler_arg $intr_array] $i]
if { [string compare -nocase $source_handler_arg DEVICE_ID] == 0 } {
set source_handler_arg [::hsm::utils::get_ip_param_name $source_periph "DEVICE_ID"]
set source_handler_arg [::hsi::utils::get_ip_param_name $source_periph "DEVICE_ID"]
} else {
set source_handler_arg [::hsm::utils::get_ip_param_name $source_periph "C_BASEADDR"]
set source_handler_arg [::hsi::utils::get_ip_param_name $source_periph "C_BASEADDR"]
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ proc xhandle_mb_interrupts {} {
# Generate microblaze_interrupts_g.c file...
xcreate_mb_intr_config_file $source_interrupt_handler $source_handler_arg
@ -308,15 +308,15 @@ proc xhandle_mb_interrupts {} {
# Tcl procedure xcreate_mb_intr_config file
# -------------------------------------------
proc xcreate_mb_intr_config_file {handler arg} {
set mb_table "MB_InterruptVectorTable"
set filename [file join "src" "microblaze_interrupts_g.c"]
set filename [file join "src" "microblaze_interrupts_g.c"]
file delete $filename
set config_file [open $filename w]
::hsm::utils::write_c_header $config_file "Interrupt Handler Table for MicroBlaze Processor"
::hsi::utils::write_c_header $config_file "Interrupt Handler Table for MicroBlaze Processor"
puts $config_file "#include \"microblaze_interrupts_i.h\""
puts $config_file "#include \"xparameters.h\""
puts $config_file "\n"
@ -337,11 +337,11 @@ proc xcreate_mb_intr_config_file {handler arg} {
# Tcl procedure xcreate_mb_exc_config file
# -------------------------------------------
proc xcreate_mb_exc_config_file {os_handle} {
set hfilename [file join "src" "microblaze_exceptions_g.h"]
set hfilename [file join "src" "microblaze_exceptions_g.h"]
file delete $hfilename
set hconfig_file [open $hfilename w]
::hsm::utils::write_c_header $hconfig_file "Exception Handling Header for MicroBlaze Processor"
::hsi::utils::write_c_header $hconfig_file "Exception Handling Header for MicroBlaze Processor"
set sw_proc_handle [get_sw_processor]
set hw_proc_handle [get_cells [get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle] ]
set procvlnv [get_property VLNV $hw_proc_handle]
@ -374,14 +374,14 @@ proc xcreate_mb_exc_config_file {os_handle} {
set ft_ee 0
if { $ibus_ee == 0 && $dbus_ee == 0 && $ill_ee == 0 && $unalign_ee == 0
&& $div0_ee == 0 && $fpu_ee == 0 && $mmu_ee == 0 && $fsl_ee == 0
if { $ibus_ee == 0 && $dbus_ee == 0 && $ill_ee == 0 && $unalign_ee == 0
&& $div0_ee == 0 && $fpu_ee == 0 && $mmu_ee == 0 && $fsl_ee == 0
&& $sp_ee == 0 && $ft_ee == 0} {
;# NO exceptions are enabled
;# Do not generate any info in either the header or the C file
close $hconfig_file
puts $hconfig_file "\#define MICROBLAZE_EXCEPTIONS_ENABLED 1"
if { [mb_can_handle_exceptions_in_delay_slots $procver] } {
@ -390,18 +390,18 @@ proc xcreate_mb_exc_config_file {os_handle} {
if { $unalign_ee == 0 } {
puts $hconfig_file "\#define NO_UNALIGNED_EXCEPTIONS 1"
if { $ibus_ee == 0 && $dbus_ee == 0 && $ill_ee == 0 && $div0_ee == 0
&& $fpu_ee == 0 && $mmu_ee == 0 && $fsl_ee == 0 } {
if { $ibus_ee == 0 && $dbus_ee == 0 && $ill_ee == 0 && $div0_ee == 0
&& $fpu_ee == 0 && $mmu_ee == 0 && $fsl_ee == 0 } {
;# NO other exceptions are enabled
puts $hconfig_file "\#define NO_OTHER_EXCEPTIONS 1"
if { $fpu_ee != 0 } {
puts $hconfig_file "\#define MICROBLAZE_FP_EXCEPTION_ENABLED 1"
puts $hconfig_file "\#define MICROBLAZE_FP_EXCEPTION_ENABLED 1"
set predecode_fpu_exceptions [get_property CONFIG.predecode_fpu_exceptions $os_handle]
if {$predecode_fpu_exceptions != false } {
puts $hconfig_file "\#define MICROBLAZE_FP_EXCEPTION_DECODE 1"
puts $hconfig_file "\#define MICROBLAZE_FP_EXCEPTION_DECODE 1"
puts $hconfig_file "\n"
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ proc xcreate_mb_exc_config_file {os_handle} {
# from libxil.a
# --------------------------------------
proc post_generate {os_handle} {
set sw_proc_handle [get_sw_processor]
set hw_proc_handle [get_cells [get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle] ]
@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ proc post_generate {os_handle} {
set archiver [get_property CONFIG.archiver $procdrv]
set libgloss_a [file join .. .. lib libgloss.a]
if { ![file exists $libgloss_a] } {
set libgloss_a [file join .. .. lib libxil.a]
set libgloss_a [file join .. .. lib libxil.a]
exec $archiver -d $libgloss_a _interrupt_handler.o
@ -442,11 +442,11 @@ proc post_generate {os_handle} {
# --------------------------------------
# Return true if this MB has
# Return true if this MB has
# exception handling support
# --------------------------------------
proc mb_has_exceptions { hw_proc_handle } {
# Check if the following parameters exist on this MicroBlaze's MPD
set ee [get_property CONFIG.C_UNALIGNED_EXCEPTIONS $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
@ -491,27 +491,27 @@ proc mb_has_exceptions { hw_proc_handle } {
set ee [get_property CONFIG.C_DIV_BY_ZERO_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [get_property CONFIG.C_DIV_ZERO_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [get_property CONFIG.C_FPU_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [get_property CONFIG.C_FSL_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [get_property CONFIG.C_USE_MMU $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != ""} {
return true
set ee [get_property CONFIG.C_USE_STACK_PROTECTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != ""} {
@ -526,16 +526,16 @@ proc mb_has_exceptions { hw_proc_handle } {
return false
# --------------------------------------
# Return true if this MB has
# Return true if this MB has
# FPU exception handling support
# --------------------------------------
proc mb_has_fpu_exceptions { hw_proc_handle } {
# Check if the following parameters exist on this MicroBlaze's MPD
set ee [get_property CONFIG.C_FPU_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
return false
@ -544,23 +544,23 @@ proc mb_has_fpu_exceptions { hw_proc_handle } {
# Return true if this MB has PVR support
# --------------------------------------
proc mb_has_pvr { hw_proc_handle } {
# Check if the following parameters exist on this MicroBlaze's MPD
set pvr [get_property CONFIG.C_PVR $hw_proc_handle]
if { $pvr != "" } {
return true
return false
# --------------------------------------
# Return true if MB ver 'procver' has
# support for handling exceptions in
# Return true if MB ver 'procver' has
# support for handling exceptions in
# delay slots
# --------------------------------------
proc mb_can_handle_exceptions_in_delay_slots { procver } {
if { [string compare -nocase $procver "5.00.a"] >= 0 } {
return true
} else {
@ -599,19 +599,19 @@ proc handle_profile { os_handle proctype } {
file delete -force $filename
set config_file [open $filename w]
::hsm::utils::write_c_header $config_file "Profiling Configuration parameters. These parameters
::hsi::utils::write_c_header $config_file "Profiling Configuration parameters. These parameters
* can be overwritten thru run configuration in SDK"
puts $config_file "#ifndef _PROFILE_CONFIG_H"
puts $config_file "#define _PROFILE_CONFIG_H\n"
puts $config_file "#define BINSIZE 4"
puts $config_file "#define CPU_FREQ_HZ $cpu_freq"
puts $config_file "#define SAMPLE_FREQ_HZ 100000"
puts $config_file "#define TIMER_CLK_TICKS [expr $cpu_freq / 100000]"
# proctype should be "microblaze" or "pss_cortexa53"
switch $proctype {
"microblaze" {
"microblaze" {
# Microblaze Processor.
puts $config_file "#define PROC_MICROBLAZE 1"
set timer_inst [get_property CONFIG.profile_timer $os_handle]
@ -654,20 +654,20 @@ proc handle_profile { os_handle proctype } {
"ps7_cortexa9" {
# Cortex A9 Processor.
"ps7_cortexa9" {
# Cortex A9 Processor.
puts $config_file "#define PROC_CORTEXA9 1"
set timer_inst [get_property CONFIG.profile_timer $os_handle]
if { [string compare -nocase $timer_inst "none"] == 0 } {
# SCU Timer
puts $config_file "#define ENABLE_SCU_TIMER 1"
puts $config_file "#define ENABLE_SYS_INTR 1"
puts $config_file "#define PROFILE_TIMER_BASEADDR $scutimer_baseaddr"
puts $config_file "#define PROFILE_TIMER_INTR_ID $scutimer_intr"
puts $config_file "#define SCUGIC_CPU_BASEADDR $scugic_cpu_base"
puts $config_file "#define SCUGIC_DIST_BASEADDR $scugic_dist_base"
puts $config_file "#define PROC_CORTEXA9 1"
set timer_inst [get_property CONFIG.profile_timer $os_handle]
if { [string compare -nocase $timer_inst "none"] == 0 } {
# SCU Timer
puts $config_file "#define ENABLE_SCU_TIMER 1"
puts $config_file "#define ENABLE_SYS_INTR 1"
puts $config_file "#define PROFILE_TIMER_BASEADDR $scutimer_baseaddr"
puts $config_file "#define PROFILE_TIMER_INTR_ID $scutimer_intr"
puts $config_file "#define SCUGIC_CPU_BASEADDR $scugic_cpu_base"
puts $config_file "#define SCUGIC_DIST_BASEADDR $scugic_dist_base"
"default" {error "ERROR: unknown processor type\n"}
@ -717,23 +717,23 @@ proc execpipe {COMMAND} {
proc handle_profile_opbtimer { config_file timer_inst } {
set timer_handle [get_cells $timer_inst]
set timer_baseaddr [get_property CONFIG.C_BASEADDR $timer_handle]
puts $config_file "#define PROFILE_TIMER_BASEADDR [::hsm::utils::format_addr_string $timer_baseaddr "C_BASEADDR"]"
puts $config_file "#define PROFILE_TIMER_BASEADDR [::hsi::utils::format_addr_string $timer_baseaddr "C_BASEADDR"]"
# Figure out how Timer is connected.
set timer_intr [get_pins -of_objects [get_cells $timer_handle] Interrupt]
if { [string compare -nocase $timer_intr ""] == 0 } {
error "ERROR <profile> :: Timer Interrupt PORT is not specified" "" "mdt_error"
#set mhs_handle [xget_handle $timer_handle "parent"]
# CR 302300 - There can be multiple "sink" for the interrupt. So need to iterate through the list
set intr_port_list [::hsm::utils::get_sink_pins [get_pins -of_objects [get_cells $timer_intr] INTERRUPT]]
set intr_port_list [::hsi::utils::get_sink_pins [get_pins -of_objects [get_cells $timer_intr] INTERRUPT]]
set timer_connection 0
foreach intr_port $intr_port_list {
set intc_handle [get_cells -of_object $intr_port]
# Check if the Sink is a Global Port. If so, Skip the Port Connection
if { [::hsm::utils::is_external_pin $intr_port] } {
if { [::hsi::utils::is_external_pin $intr_port] } {
set iptype [get_property CONFIG.EDK_IPTYPE $intc_handle]
if { [string compare -nocase $iptype "PROCESSOR"] == 0 } {
@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ proc handle_profile_opbtimer { config_file timer_inst } {
# }
#set signals [split [xget_value $intr_port "VALUE"] "&"]
set signals [::hsm::utils::get_source_pins $intr_port]
set signals [::hsi::utils::get_source_pins $intr_port]
set i 1
foreach signal $signals {
set signal [string trim $signal]
@ -770,10 +770,10 @@ proc handle_profile_opbtimer { config_file timer_inst } {
set timer_connection 1
if { $timer_connection == 0 } {
error "ERROR <profile> :: Profile Timer Interrupt Signal Not Connected Properly"
error "ERROR <profile> :: Profile Timer Interrupt Signal Not Connected Properly"