standalone : added namespace for all HSI TCL commands.
Signed-off-by: Kishore Kumar Korathaluri <>
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 24 additions and 24 deletions
@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ proc generate {os_handle} {
set need_config_file "false"
# Copy over the right set of files as src based on processor type
set sw_proc_handle [get_sw_processor]
set hw_proc_handle [get_cells [get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle] ]
set sw_proc_handle [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set hw_proc_handle [hsi::get_cells [get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle] ]
set proctype [get_property IP_NAME $hw_proc_handle]
set procname [get_property NAME $hw_proc_handle]
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ proc generate {os_handle} {
set cortexa53srcdir "./src/cortexa53"
set cortexr5srcdir "./src/cortexr5"
set cortexa9srcdir "./src/cortexa9"
set procdrv [get_sw_processor]
set procdrv [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set commonsrcdir "./src/common"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $commonsrcdir *]] {
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ proc generate {os_handle} {
set mb_exceptions [mb_has_exceptions $hw_proc_handle]
"pss_cortexa53" {
set procdrv [get_sw_processor]
set procdrv [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set ccdir "./src/cortexa53/gcc"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $cortexa53srcdir *]] {
file copy -force $entry "./src/"
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ proc generate {os_handle} {
close $file_handle
"pss_cortexr5" {
set procdrv [get_sw_processor]
set procdrv [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set ccdir "./src/cortexr5/gcc"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $cortexr5srcdir *]] {
file copy -force $entry "./src/"
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ proc generate {os_handle} {
close $file_handle
"ps7_cortexa9" {
set procdrv [get_sw_processor]
set procdrv [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set compiler [get_property CONFIG.compiler $procdrv]
if {[string compare -nocase $compiler "armcc"] == 0} {
set ccdir "./src/cortexa9/armcc"
@ -256,19 +256,19 @@ proc xhandle_mb_interrupts {} {
set source_handler_arg $default_arg
# Handle the interrupt pin
set sw_proc_handle [get_sw_processor]
set periph [get_cells [get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle] ]
set sw_proc_handle [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set periph [hsi::get_cells [get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle] ]
set source_ports [::hsi::utils::get_interrupt_sources $periph]
if {[llength $source_ports] > 1} {
error "ERROR: Too many interrupting ports on the MicroBlaze. Should only find 1" "" "hsi_error"
if { [llength $source_ports] != 0 } {
set source_periph [get_cells -of_objects $source_ports]
set source_periph [hsi::get_cells -of_objects $source_ports]
if { [llength $source_periph] != 0 } {
set source_driver [get_drivers -filter "HW_INSTANCE==$source_periph"]
set source_driver [hsi::get_drivers -filter "HW_INSTANCE==$source_periph"]
if { [llength $source_driver] != 0 } {
set intr_array [get_arrays -of_objects $source_driver -filter "NAME==interrupt_handler"]
set intr_array [hsi::get_arrays -of_objects $source_driver -filter "NAME==interrupt_handler"]
if { [llength $intr_array] != 0 } {
set array_size [get_property PROPERTY.size $intr_array]
for { set i 0 } { $i < $array_size } { incr i } {
@ -331,8 +331,8 @@ proc xcreate_mb_exc_config_file {os_handle} {
file delete $hfilename
set hconfig_file [open $hfilename w]
::hsi::utils::write_c_header $hconfig_file "Exception Handling Header for MicroBlaze Processor"
set sw_proc_handle [get_sw_processor]
set hw_proc_handle [get_cells [get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle] ]
set sw_proc_handle [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set hw_proc_handle [hsi::get_cells [get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle] ]
set procvlnv [get_property VLNV $hw_proc_handle]
set procvlnv [split $procvlnv :]
set procver [lindex $procvlnv 3]
@ -406,15 +406,15 @@ proc xcreate_mb_exc_config_file {os_handle} {
# --------------------------------------
proc post_generate {os_handle} {
set sw_proc_handle [get_sw_processor]
set hw_proc_handle [get_cells [get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle] ]
set sw_proc_handle [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set hw_proc_handle [hsi::get_cells [get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle] ]
set procname [get_property NAME $hw_proc_handle]
set proctype [get_property IP_NAME $hw_proc_handle]
if {[string compare -nocase $proctype "microblaze"] == 0} {
set procdrv [get_sw_processor]
set procdrv [hsi::get_sw_processor]
# Remove _interrupt_handler.o from libxil.a for mb-gcc
set archiver [get_property CONFIG.archiver $procdrv]
set libgloss_a [file join .. .. lib libgloss.a]
@ -567,18 +567,18 @@ proc handle_profile { os_handle proctype } {
variable scugic_cpu_base
variable scugic_dist_base
set proc [get_sw_processor]
set proc [hsi::get_sw_processor]
if {{$proctype == "pss_cortexa53"} | {$proctype == "pss_cortexr5"} | {$proctype == "ps7_cortexa9"}} {
set sw_proc_handle [get_sw_processor]
set hw_proc_handle [get_cells [get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle]]
set sw_proc_handle [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set hw_proc_handle [hsi::get_cells [get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle]]
set cpu_freq [get_property CONFIG.C_CPU_CLK_FREQ_HZ $hw_proc_handle]
if { [string compare -nocase $cpu_freq ""] == 0 } {
puts "WARNING<profile> :: CPU Clk Frequency not specified, Assuming 666Mhz"
set cpu_freq 666000000
} else {
set cpu_freq [get_property CONFIG.C_FREQ [get_cells $proc]]
set cpu_freq [get_property CONFIG.C_FREQ [hsi::get_cells $proc]]
if { [string compare -nocase $cpu_freq ""] == 0 } {
puts "WARNING<profile> :: CPU Clk Frequency not specified, Assuming 100Mhz"
set cpu_freq 100000000
@ -704,21 +704,21 @@ proc execpipe {COMMAND} {
# - The xps/opb_timer can be connected directly to Microblaze External Intr Pin.
# - (OR) xps/opb_timer can be connected to xps/opb_intc
proc handle_profile_opbtimer { config_file timer_inst } {
set timer_handle [get_cells $timer_inst]
set timer_handle [hsi::get_cells $timer_inst]
set timer_baseaddr [get_property CONFIG.C_BASEADDR $timer_handle]
puts $config_file "#define PROFILE_TIMER_BASEADDR [::hsi::utils::format_addr_string $timer_baseaddr "C_BASEADDR"]"
# Figure out how Timer is connected.
set timer_intr [get_pins -of_objects [get_cells $timer_handle] Interrupt]
set timer_intr [hsi::get_pins -of_objects [hsi::get_cells $timer_handle] Interrupt]
if { [string compare -nocase $timer_intr ""] == 0 } {
error "ERROR <profile> :: Timer Interrupt PORT is not specified" "" "mdt_error"
#set mhs_handle [xget_handle $timer_handle "parent"]
# CR 302300 - There can be multiple "sink" for the interrupt. So need to iterate through the list
set intr_port_list [::hsi::utils::get_sink_pins [get_pins -of_objects [get_cells $timer_intr] INTERRUPT]]
set intr_port_list [::hsi::utils::get_sink_pins [hsi::get_pins -of_objects [hsi::get_cells $timer_intr] INTERRUPT]]
set timer_connection 0
foreach intr_port $intr_port_list {
set intc_handle [get_cells -of_object $intr_port]
set intc_handle [hsi::get_cells -of_object $intr_port]
# Check if the Sink is a Global Port. If so, Skip the Port Connection
if { [::hsi::utils::is_external_pin $intr_port] } {
Add table
Reference in a new issue