bsp: Fix for the issues in the xilkernel tcl file
This patch fixes the issues in the xilkernel tcl file Using MB & Xilkernal with config_bufmalloc with config_msgq fails with unclear error Signed-off-by: Kedareswara rao Appana <> Acked-by: Anirudha Sarangi <>
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 79 additions and 53 deletions
@ -98,17 +98,17 @@ proc kernel_drc {os_handle} {
if { $config_bufmalloc == "true" } {
set memtable_handle [get_arrays mem_table -of_objects $os_handle]
#set memtable_elements [xget_handle $memtable_handle "ELEMENTS" "*"]
set memtable_elements [get_arrays -of_objects $oshandle $memtable_handle]
foreach ele $memtable_elements {
set bsiz [get_property CONFIG.mem_bsize $ele]
set nblks [get_property CONFIG.mem_bsize $ele]
if { $bsiz < 4 } {
error "ERROR: mem_table mem_bsize specification of $bsiz is incorrect. Block size should be >= 4." "" "mdt_error"
if { $nblks <= 0 } {
error "ERROR: mem_table mem_nblks specification of $nblks is incorrect. Block count should be positive." "" "mdt_error"
set memtable_elements [llength [get_property PARAM.mem_nblks $memtable_handle]]
foreach ele $memtable_elements {
set bsiz [get_property PARAM.mem_bsize $memtable_handle]
set nblks [get_property PARAM.mem_nblks $memtable_handle]
if { $bsiz < 4 } {
error "ERROR: mem_table mem_bsize specification of $bsiz is incorrect. Block size should be >= 4." "" "mdt_error"
if { $nblks <= 0 } {
error "ERROR: mem_table mem_nblks specification of $nblks is incorrect. Block count should be positive." "" "mdt_error"
set config_msgq [get_property CONFIG.config_msgq $os_handle]
@ -350,9 +350,11 @@ proc generate {os_handle} {
xadd_define $config_file $os_handle "max_pthreads"
xadd_define $config_file $os_handle "pthread_stack_size"
set static_pthread_table_handle [get_arrays -of_objects $os_handle "static_pthread_table"]
set static_pthread_table_handle [get_arrays static_pthread_table -of_objects $os_handle]
if { $static_pthread_table_handle != "" } {
set n_init_self_pthreads [get_property SIZE $static_pthread_table_handle]
#set n_init_self_pthreads [llength $static_pthread_table_handle]
set n_init_self_pthreads [llength [get_arrays $static_pthread_table_handle -of_objects $os_handle]]
#set n_init_self_pthreads [get_property CONFIG.static_pthread_table $os_handle]
if {$n_init_self_pthreads != "" } {
xput_define $config_file "config_static_pthread_support" "true"
xput_define $config_file "n_init_self_pthreads" $n_init_self_pthreads
@ -489,7 +491,7 @@ proc generate {os_handle} {
if { $shm_handle == "" } {
error "ERROR: SHM configuration needs shm_table specification." "" "mdt_error"
set n_shm [llength [xget_handle $shm_handle "ELEMENTS" "*"]]
set n_shm [llength [get_arrays $shm_handle -of_objects $os_handle]]
xput_define $config_file "n_shm" $n_shm
set shm_msize [get_field_sum $os_handle "shm_table" "shm_size"]
xput_define $config_file "shm_msize" $shm_msize
@ -549,11 +551,14 @@ proc generate {os_handle} {
#set addrlist [xget_hw_bus_slave_addrpairs $dbus_handle]
set addrlists [get_mem_ranges -of_objects [get_cells $sw_proc_handle]]
foreach addrlist $addrlists {
set mc_base [get_property BASE_VALUE [get_cells $addrlist]]
set mc_high [get_property HIGH_VALUE [get_cells $addrlist]]
set addrlist [list]
foreach addrist $addrlists {
set mem [xget_ip_mem_ranges $addrist]
set mc_base [get_property BASE_VALUE $mem]
set mc_high [get_property HIGH_VALUE $mem]
lappend addrlist $mc_base $mc_high
set addrlist [concat $mc_base $mc_high]
if { $dcachelink_handle != "" } {
#set xcl_addrlist [xget_hw_bus_slave_addrpairs $dcachelink_handle]
set xcl_addrlist [get_mem_ranges -of_objects [get_cells $sw_proc_handle]]
@ -648,47 +653,56 @@ proc xput_define { config_file parameter param_value } {
# args field of the array
proc xadd_extern_fname {initfile oshandle arrayname arg} {
#set arrhandle [get_arrays -of_objects $oshandle $arrayname]
set elements [get_arrays -of_objects $oshandle $arrayname]
#set elements [xget_handle $arrhandle "ELEMENTS" "*"]
set count 0
set max_count [llength $elements]
foreach ele $elements {
incr count
set arg_value [get_property CONFIG.$arg $ele]
puts $initfile "extern void $arg_value\(void\)\;"
set arrahandle [get_arrays $arrayname -of_objects $oshandle]
set elements [llength [get_property PARAM.$arg $arrahandle]]
foreach ele $elements {
set thread_names [get_property PARAM.$arg $arrahandle]
foreach thread_name $thread_names {
puts $initfile "extern void $thread_name\(void\)\;"
puts $initfile ""
puts $initfile ""
# args is variable no - fields of the array
proc xadd_struct {initfile oshandle structtype structname arrayname args} {
#set arrhandle [get_arrays -of_objects $oshandle $arrayname]
set elements [get_arrays -of_objects $oshandle $arrayname]
#set arrhandle [get_arrays $arrayname -of_objects $oshandle]
set arrhandle [get_arrays $arrayname -of_objects $oshandle]
foreach arg $args {
set max_count [llength [get_property PARAM.$arg $arrhandle]]
#set elements [xget_handle $arrhandle "ELEMENTS" "*"]
set count 0
set max_count [llength $elements]
#set max_count [llength $elements]
set num_list ""
set name_list ""
set index 0
puts $initfile "struct $structtype $structname\[$max_count\] = \{"
foreach ele $elements {
incr count
puts -nonewline $initfile "\t\{"
foreach field $args {
set field_value [get_property CONFIG.$field $ele]
# puts "$arrayname ( $count )->$field is $field_value"
puts -nonewline $initfile "$field_value"
if { $field != [lindex $args end] } {
puts -nonewline $initfile ","
if {$count < $max_count} {
puts $initfile "\},"
foreach arg $args {
set field_values [get_property PARAM.$arg $arrhandle]
set field_value [list]
if {$index == 0} {
set name_list $field_values
} else {
puts $initfile "\}"
set num_list $field_values
incr index
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $name_list]} {incr i} {
incr count
puts -nonewline $initfile "\t\{"
puts -nonewline $initfile "[lindex $name_list $i]"
if {$num_list != ""} {
puts -nonewline $initfile ","
puts -nonewline $initfile "[lindex $num_list $i]"
if {$count < $max_count} {
puts $initfile "\},"
} else {
puts $initfile "\}"
puts $initfile "\}\;"
@ -718,12 +732,21 @@ proc get_field_product_sum {oshandle arrayname field1 field2} {
#set elements [xget_handle $arrhandle "ELEMENTS" "*"]
set count 0
set max_count [llength $elements]
set field1_list ""
set field2_list ""
foreach ele $elements {
set field_value [get_property CONFIG.$field $ele]
set field1_value [get_property CONFIG.$field1 $ele]
set field2_value [get_property CONFIG.$field2 $ele]
set incr_value [expr $field1_value*$field2_value]
#set field_value [get_property PARAM.$field $ele]
set field1_value [get_property PARAM.$field1 $ele]
set field1_list $field1_value
set field2_value [get_property PARAM.$field2 $ele]
set field2_list $field2_value
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $field1_value]} {incr i} {
set field1_valuee [lindex $field1_list $i]
set field2_valuee [lindex $field2_list $i]
set incr_value [expr $field1_valuee*$field2_valuee]
set count [expr $count+$incr_value]
return $count
@ -171,4 +171,7 @@ Change Log for Xilkernel
* modified driver tcl to use libxil.a if libgloss.a does not exist
* Fixed the CR:802962 and the CR:803104 changes are made in the tcl file
Add table
Reference in a new issue