trafgen : Modified namespace from HSM to HSI.

Signed-off-by: Kishore Kumar Korathaluri <>
This commit is contained in:
Kishore Kumar Korathaluri 2014-12-23 11:47:35 +05:30 committed by Suneel Garapati
parent 0e43d545e9
commit 3e4d9918d2

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@ -78,10 +78,10 @@ proc xdefine_trafgen_include_file {drv_handle file_name drv_string} {
global periph_ninstances
# Open include file
set file_handle [::hsm::utils::open_include_file $file_name]
set file_handle [::hsi::utils::open_include_file $file_name]
# Get all peripherals connected to this driver
set periphs [::hsm::utils::get_common_driver_ips $drv_handle]
set periphs [::hsi::utils::get_common_driver_ips $drv_handle]
set periph_ninstances 0
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ proc xdefine_trafgen_include_file {drv_handle file_name drv_string} {
init_periph_config_struct_atg $periph_ninstances
incr periph_ninstances 1
puts $file_handle "\#define [::hsm::utils::get_driver_param_name $drv_string NUM_INSTANCES] $periph_ninstances"
puts $file_handle "\#define [::hsi::utils::get_driver_param_name $drv_string NUM_INSTANCES] $periph_ninstances"
# Now print all useful parameters for all peripherals
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ proc xdfeine_trafgen_params_constants { periph } {
global baseaddr_value
global highaddr_value
set atg_mode_name [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_ATG_MODE]
set atg_mode_name [::hsi::utils::get_param_value $periph C_ATG_MODE]
set axi4_name [string match -nocase $atg_mode_name "AXI4"]
set axi4_lite_name [string match -nocase $atg_mode_name "AXI4-Lite"]
set axi4_Stream_name [string match -nocase $atg_mode_name "AXI4-Stream"]
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ proc xdfeine_trafgen_params_constants { periph } {
set atg_mode_value 0
set atg_mode_l2_name [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_ATG_MODE_L2]
set atg_mode_l2_name [::hsi::utils::get_param_value $periph C_ATG_MODE_L2]
set adv_mode_name [string match -nocase $atg_mode_l2_name "Advanced"]
set basic_mode_name [string match -nocase $atg_mode_l2_name "Basic"]
set static_mode_name [string match -nocase $atg_mode_l2_name "Static"]
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ proc xdfeine_trafgen_params_constants { periph } {
if {[llength $atg_mode_l2_name] == 0} {
set atg_mode_value_l2 0
set axi_mode_name [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_AXIS_MODE]
set axi_mode_name [::hsi::utils::get_param_value $periph C_AXIS_MODE]
set master_name [string match -nocase $axi_mode_name "Master Only"]
set slave_name [string match -nocase $axi_mode_name "Slave Only"]
set master_loop_name [string match -nocase $axi_mode_name "Master Loop back"]
@ -170,11 +170,11 @@ proc xdfeine_trafgen_params_constants { periph } {
set axi_mode_value 0
set baseaddr_value [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_BASEADDR]
set baseaddr_value [::hsi::utils::get_param_value $periph C_BASEADDR]
if {[llength $baseaddr_value] == 0} {
set baseaddr_value 0
set highaddr_value [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_HIGHADDR]
set highaddr_value [::hsi::utils::get_param_value $periph C_HIGHADDR]
if {[llength $highaddr_value] == 0} {
set highaddr_value 0
@ -187,13 +187,13 @@ proc xdefine_trafgen_params_instance {file_handle periph device_id} {
global axi_mode_value
puts $file_handle "/* Definitions for peripheral [string toupper [get_property NAME $periph]] */"
puts $file_handle "\#define [::hsm::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph "DEVICE_ID"] $device_id"
puts $file_handle "\#define [::hsm::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph "BASEADDR"] [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_BASEADDR]"
puts $file_handle "\#define [::hsm::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph "HIGHADDR"] [::hsm::utils::get_param_value $periph C_HIGHADDR]"
puts $file_handle "\#define [::hsi::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph "DEVICE_ID"] $device_id"
puts $file_handle "\#define [::hsi::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph "BASEADDR"] [::hsi::utils::get_param_value $periph C_BASEADDR]"
puts $file_handle "\#define [::hsi::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph "HIGHADDR"] [::hsi::utils::get_param_value $periph C_HIGHADDR]"
puts $file_handle "\#define [::hsm::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph "C_ATG_MODE"] $atg_mode_value"
puts $file_handle "\#define [::hsm::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph "C_ATG_MODE_L2"] $atg_mode_value_l2"
puts $file_handle "\#define [::hsm::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph "C_AXIS_MODE"] $axi_mode_value"
puts $file_handle "\#define [::hsi::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph "C_ATG_MODE"] $atg_mode_value"
puts $file_handle "\#define [::hsi::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph "C_ATG_MODE_L2"] $atg_mode_value_l2"
puts $file_handle "\#define [::hsi::utils::get_ip_param_name $periph "C_AXIS_MODE"] $axi_mode_value"
proc xdefine_trafgen_params_canonical {file_handle periph device_id} {
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ proc xdefine_trafgen_config_file {file_name drv_string} {
set filename [file join "src" $file_name]
file delete $filename
set config_file [open $filename w]
::hsm::utils::write_c_header $config_file "Driver configuration"
::hsi::utils::write_c_header $config_file "Driver configuration"
puts $config_file "\#include \"xparameters.h\""
puts $config_file "\#include \"[string tolower $drv_string].h\""
puts $config_file "\n/*"