FreeRTOS_App: Update the FreeRTOS hello world application

This patch updates the FreeRTOS Hello World Demo application to
make it more meaningful. Also it updates the tcl to make it work for
R5, A9 and MicroBlaze.

Signed-off-by: Anirudha Sarangi <>
Acked by: Kinjal Pravinbhai Patel <>
This commit is contained in:
Anirudha Sarangi 2015-08-25 18:15:30 +05:30 committed by Nava kishore Manne
parent 661f0db024
commit 77c1e57aee
2 changed files with 57 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ proc swapp_get_name {} {
proc swapp_get_description {} {
return " FreeRTOS R5 Hello World application";
return " FreeRTOS Hello World application";
proc check_freertos_os {} {
@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ proc swapp_is_supported_hw {} {
set proc_type [common::get_property IP_NAME [hsi::get_cells -hier $hw_processor]];
if { $proc_type != "psu_cortexr5" } {
error "This application is supported only for CortexR5 processors.";
if { $proc_type != "psu_cortexr5" && $proc_type != "ps7_cortexa9" && $proc_type != "microblaze" } {
error "This application is supported only for CortexR5/CortexA9/MicroBlaze processors.";
return 1;

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
FreeRTOS V8.2.0rc1 - Copyright (C) 2014 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
FreeRTOS V8.2.1 - Copyright (C) 2015 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
All rights reserved
@ -93,44 +93,53 @@
1 tab == 4 spaces!
/* Kernel includes. */
/* FreeRTOS includes. */
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "queue.h"
#include "timers.h"
/* Xilinx includes. */
#include "xil_printf.h"
#include "xparameters.h"
#include "xscugic.h"
#include "xttcps.h"
/* Priorities at which the tasks are created. */
static void prvHelloWorld( void *pvParameters );
static void prvGoodBye( void *pvParameters );
* This example creates two tasks were each task prints a statement.
* Each task yields after it prints a message which apppears on
* console alternatively. Sometimes, due to scheduler algorithm the
* task might be pre-empted before print could complete.
/* The Tx and Rx tasks as described at the top of this file. */
static void prvTxTask( void *pvParameters );
static void prvRxTask( void *pvParameters );
/* The queue used by the Tx and Rx tasks, as described at the top of this
file. */
static QueueHandle_t xQueue = NULL;
char HWstring[15] = "Hello World";
int main( void )
xil_printf( "Hello from Freertos\r\n" );
xil_printf("Hello Freertos\r\n");
/* Start the two tasks */
/* Create the two tasks. The Tx task is given a lower priority than the
Rx task, so the Rx task will leave the Blocked state and pre-empt the Tx
task as soon as the Tx task places an item in the queue. */
xTaskCreate( prvTxTask, /* The function that implements the task. */
( const char * ) "Tx", /* Text name for the task, provided to assist debugging only. */
configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, /* The stack allocated to the task. */
NULL, /* The task parameter is not used, so set to NULL. */
tskIDLE_PRIORITY, /* The task runs at the idle priority. */
xTaskCreate( prvHelloWorld, ( const char * ) "HW",
xTaskCreate( prvGoodBye, ( const char * ) "GB",
xTaskCreate( prvRxTask, ( const char * ) "GB", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1, NULL );
/* Create the queue used by the tasks. The Rx task has a higher priority
than the Tx task, so will preempt the Tx task and remove values from the
queue as soon as the Tx task writes to the queue - therefore the queue can
never have more than one item in it. */
xQueue = xQueueCreate( 1, /* There is only one space in the queue. */
sizeof( HWstring ) ); /* Each space in the queue is large enough to hold a uint32_t. */
/* Check the queue was created. */
configASSERT( xQueue );
/* Start the tasks and timer running. */
@ -140,60 +149,42 @@ int main( void )
insufficient FreeRTOS heap memory available for the idle and/or timer tasks
to be created. See the memory management section on the FreeRTOS web site
for more details. */
for( ;; );
static void prvHelloWorld( void *pvParameters )
static void prvTxTask( void *pvParameters )
const TickType_t x1second = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 1000UL );
for( ;; )
xil_printf("Hello World\r\n");
/* Delay for 1 second. */
vTaskDelay( x1second );
/* Send the next value on the queue. The queue should always be
empty at this point so a block time of 0 is used. */
xQueueSend( xQueue, /* The queue being written to. */
HWstring, /* The address of the data being sent. */
0UL ); /* The block time. */
static void prvGoodBye( void *pvParameters )
static void prvRxTask( void *pvParameters )
char Recdstring[15] = "";
for( ;; )
xil_printf("Good Bye\r\n");
/* Block to wait for data arriving on the queue. */
xQueueReceive( xQueue, /* The queue being read. */
Recdstring, /* Data is read into this address. */
portMAX_DELAY ); /* Wait without a timeout for data. */
/* Print the received data. */
xil_printf( "Rx task received string from Tx task: %s\r\n", Recdstring );
void vApplicationMallocFailedHook( void )
/* vApplicationMallocFailedHook() will only be called if
configUSE_MALLOC_FAILED_HOOK is set to 1 in FreeRTOSConfig.h. It is a hook
function that will get called if a call to pvPortMalloc() fails.
pvPortMalloc() is called internally by the kernel whenever a task, queue or
semaphore is created. It is also called by various parts of the demo
application. If heap_1.c or heap_2.c are used, then the size of the heap
available to pvPortMalloc() is defined by configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE in
FreeRTOSConfig.h, and the xPortGetFreeHeapSize() API function can be used
to query the size of free heap space that remains (although it does not
provide information on how the remaining heap might be fragmented). */
for( ;; );
void vApplicationStackOverflowHook( xTaskHandle *pxTask, signed char *pcTaskName )
( void ) pcTaskName;
( void ) pxTask;
/* vApplicationStackOverflowHook() will only be called if
configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW is set to either 1 or 2. The handle and name
of the offending task will be passed into the hook function via its
parameters. However, when a stack has overflowed, it is possible that the
parameters will have been corrupted, in which case the pxCurrentTCB variable
can be inspected directly. */
for( ;; );